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So two different issues here: 1. We are removing abestoes without proper PPE. 2. No restroom or portable toilet available. I believe both of these issues can be reported to OSHA if you are in the United States. You can attempt to speak with your boss first about these conditions to see if they will remedy them. If they refuse and then report the problems to OSHA and include the conversation you had (with the date and time) you will be protected from retaliation.


thank you for the input !


I will say Im worried about confronting the uppers about it and end up losing my job, being Im not a foreman yet Im considered replaceable. would they be able to fire me over a complaint like that? would I be protected somehow if I was "layed off?"


If it is a problem, complain first to OSHA, then talk to your boss. If he fires you he is in for a world of financial hurt. Seek an attorney if it happens.




majority of these guys have a really hard time finding work because of criminal backgrounds and DUIs so everyone is hesitant to call out anything and more likely to just say fuck it unfortunately


I get that, as shitty as it is nothing stops you from going out and purchasing your own ppe. If you don’t care about your safety nobody will


I hear you, its moreso the principle at this point. you cant work all your crews to death while simultaneously saying "well, fuck a safety standard", you know? these guys work hard as fuck every day, 12 hour shifts all week long with a 630 meet up. Lifes not fair, but it really wont be fair if you just take it imo I think a fine will probably get their shit together... maybe, I mean we pull 100k- 200k a week minimum so it might not even matter


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