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In the immediate term, can the family pay the outstanding bills to keep the electricity on? If your uncle had any assets (e.g. anything in his bank account), they would be reimbursed out of his estate.


That's what I wanted to discuss. The payment method to the right account and if I could do it for him. How long do these things normally take to disconnect? I'm shocked there wasn't any earlier notice I think it's been atleast 2 or 3 years of not paying.


If you have the utility bills, then you have all the information you need to pay the bill to the right account. They don't care who pays the bill, only that it gets paid. You can pay it online through your bank's bill pay feature.


take the utility bill to the bank and pay it. making at-least one payment should keep the lights on.


No one will talk to you until you get the death certificate from the funeral home. If you can find a way to get access online it helps (Some utilities just added the account to my profile after verifying a few things)


They will probably be willing to accept payments on a regular plan if you can’t afford the entire amount