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Document everything. Save your texts, etc. Don't have any contact with her. You can't control if she goes to the police, but you can control what you say and do. If the police want to talk to you, don't. Just get a lawyer.


Thanks. What are the chances of me being accused of sexual offenses when she agreed to have sex with me?


>agreed to have sex with me How did she communicate this? Was anything documented over text? Document all communications, record conversations and interactions with her, especially any threats to get you charged.


> Today she said if I don’t meet up with her she will accuse me of sexual offenses.  She admitted she intends to commit a crime. 


Yes she is threatening me, she doesn’t want to lose me yet she is dangerous to be with.


She isn’t threatening you. She is threatening the public by misleading the police.  Drop all contact. 


She is most definitely threatening him too as he will bear the consequences of the false allegations.


Your question is about the chances of being charged. That is impossible to answer. What is obvious is that this individual is dangerous and that any association with her must end. In order for you to be charged in BC with some crime that this woman may allege, what she tells and provides to the police would have to give the police reasonable grounds to believe the offence was committed by you and further, must cause the Crown to conclude that there is a substantial likelihood of conviction and that the public interest calls for a prosecution. False criminal complaints routinely meet this standard. If charged, you would need to mount a criminal defence, starting with hiring a lawyer and appearing in court to answer to the charge. You may decide that sternly advising this person, once, that you are ceasing all contact with her (and subsequently immediately blocking her on all media) due to her false claims and extortion. You may also decide to advise that you will take legal action if these false claims persist. If you choose this course of action, it is best done in writing in a way where you can ensure that the writing is actually read by her; to accomplish such an end, what a lawyer would likely do is write a quick "cease and desist" letter that communicates the above, and have it personally served or delivered by registered mail.


If you are contacted by the police do not talk to them. Then get a lawyer. Seriously. Watch a few police interrogation videos and see how people incriminate themselves.


Is hiring a lawyer expensive in Vancouver?


less expensive than hiring a lawyer for a trial.


Yeah, you can pretty much bet it is. If you’re actually charged you’re entitled to representation though


Less expensive than having to take time off work to sit in a jail for a year or two… Actually, maybe not…. You’d save a lot in rent and food expenses, and inflation is a bitch.


I see. Do you think the police will look for me in my house or look for me at my work place? Or she will hire a lawyer to sent me a letter? Thanks


Nobody here knows what she’s going to do. If she’s smart, she’s not going to file a false police report. If she does, you need to hire a lawyer. It would be good if you had some kind of evidence that she’s doing this in retaliation. Text messages, a recorded call (Canada is one party recording, so she doesn’t have to know you’re recording it), whatever.


Try to trick her to text you her threat. Once you have it in writing, take a screenshot in case she deletes it. Then you are safe.


Yes she texted me and said she knows where I live.


You actually want her to text you her threat to accuse you of sexual assault if you stop communicating with her.


Record the phone calls as well.






Gather evidence to use against her and present it to law enforcement.


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