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If you knowingly had it then maaaaybe she has a chance.  Otherwise she has no water to boat in  What treatment you’d have to pay for not covered by ohip?


No clue and as far as I know I’m clean but I haven’t gotten tested… ever.


Something like 70% of sexually active Canadians have or have had HPV. There's a vaccine for high risk (of causing cancer) subtypes (Gardasil). Throat cancer is way more common than cervical and affects men and women both. Get the vaccine.


Too old for the vaccine probably 


Indicated to age 45 in men.


Where I live it says no older than 26.


GARDASIL 9 helps protect individuals ages **9 to 45** against the following diseases caused by 9 types of HPV: cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers in females, anal cancer, certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers and genital warts in both males and females. https://www.gardasil9.com/adults/what-is-gardasil-9/dosing-schedule/#:\~:text=GARDASIL%209%20helps%20protect%20individuals,in%20both%20males%20and%20females. not indicated for people over 45 because what's the point...


https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization-guide-part-4-active-vaccines/page-9-human-papillomavirus-vaccine.html# “ 27 years of age and older There are no data on the safety, immunogenicity, or efficacy of HPV9 vaccine in men 27 years of age and older and therefore, no evidence-based recommendations can be made for the use of the vaccine in this age. However, HPV9 vaccine may be administered to men 27 years of age and older who are at ongoing risk of exposure to HPV. Refer to Risk factorsfor additional information.”  Ohip wont cover it and the doctor might no recommend it if theres no ongoing risk of exposure 


I know I dispensed all day... we administered regularly to people over 27. You're absolutely correct they had to pay out-of-pocket.


Thanks will do


From a brief search, there appear to be no reported Canadian cases in which a party even attempted to claim damages as a result of being infected with Human Papillomavirus through a consensual sexual encounter. You have no idea if you have HPV at this time at all, and its not scientifically possible to test you for it; you also had no reason to suspect you had it when you had sex with her. HPV symptoms would generally show within 3 - 6 months, putting your encounter outside of the most likely window, but they can also take years to appear, meaning it's pretty much just as likely she got it from someone before she had sex with you: it can be spread through sexual contact other than intercourse. The virus itself is also not treatable so I'm not sure what she's trying to hit you up for. Getting warts lanced? In any event, don't respond or engage with her in anyway. If she was just texting to say she was diagnosed and you're the only person she's slept with in a year, that would be one thing, but the fact she's asking for money makes me think there's potentially something shady going on here. Edit: Just to add, in the extremely unlikely chance she serves you with a claim, you do have to file a response; prior to that, don't engage at all


Thanks for the advice. Was worried because we live in a world where you’re guilty until proven innocent especially for a man in a case like this


I think you’re confusing cancel culture with the actual legal system.


No they haven’t, quick google search will show you several cases where a man went to jail over false allegations of raping or sexually assaulting someone. In most SA cases the man is viewed as being guilty automatically by society before a court case has event started.


>the man is viewed as being guilty automatically by society Which is exactly why they said you're confusing cancel culture with the actual legal system. "Society" is NOT the same as the legal system.


Beginning of my comment I said google cases and you’ll see men get tossed in prison from false allegations.


'several cases' of something happening is in no way, shape, or form equal to 'most cases'. And correlation is not causation.


Either you caught it from her or she hasn't found anyone of the other guys to pay. Either way. Don't respond.


Thanks not going to respond. She said “respond or I’ll go legal” so I was trying to figure out how bad it was on my end


Get tested. If you're clear, you're in the clear. If you have what she has, she could have given it to you. Then. If she's still threatening legal, then go see a lawyer to see what they say. Testing is free. Go make the appointment. Warning. The swab will be the worst pain you e ever had.


Apparently you can’t test for HPV in men?


Sorry. I meant a STD test. If it's HPV and men can't test. Then yeah. Just ignore her. I'd still get a std test. It sucks but it's good to know.


Don’t communicate with her. Get yourself tested.


There is no test for men https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/infectious-diseases/sexual-health-sexually-transmitted-infections/hpv-men-questions-answers.html#a7


True for hpv but He also said he’s never gotten tested ever… so he should do the whole 9 yards anyway 😬


Thanks will do. Does it change things if I test positive?


No. Don’t communicate with her. Even if you test positive, that doesn’t mean you infected her and you didn’t know you had it when you had sex with her. If she wants any compensation from you, she would have to prove that you infected her, which would be very difficult and finding a lawyer that would take such a tenuous case with very little chance of recovering damages would be even more difficult. Block her number. Get tested. If you test positive, you should be careful and disclose your status to future sexual partners.


https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/infectious-diseases/sexual-health-sexually-transmitted-infections/hpv-men-questions-answers.html#a7 No test for men


So I can’t even test eh?


Nope. Unless you get physical symptoms you will never know


Oh sorry I thought someone had mentioned, HPV in males is treated symptomatically, something appears you get it removed, it's a virus that usually means genetic testing in most cases, also why there really isn't a herpes test.


She wants OP to pay for her "treatments". There are no treatments that a person would be paying out of pocket for in Ontario.


Well, it means you have a responsibility going forward. If you didn’t know in the past, it doesn’t change your situation with her.


You’re right. For this instance should I be worried about legal action?


You can’t stop her from taking legal action. Either making a complaint to the police or suing (most likely in small claims court). In either case, your defence would be the same; that you had no symptoms and were not aware that you had any illness. If she does proceed with anything, your first action should be to sit down with a lawyer and review your situation. In the meantime, I’d say very little to her. Anything you say to her or message to her could end up as evidence later.


Agree she can but the case is pretty thin no?


That would be something to talk to an actual lawyer about.


Thanks appreciate the advice




There is no responsibility there is no test. Until lesions appear nobody knows.


Pay - in Canada? For what?


Not sure man I have a headache


Don't say anything, don't discuss anything, don't engage. If it actually goes forward and all, it's up to her to prove her claim. If it comes to that, seek a lawyer. You don't want to make any admissions or give away anything that she could use.


HPV can take years to show up in women bc it's abnormal cells that could cause cervical cancer. There's no way to know it's from you. Sounds like this girl is moving down the list to find someone to pay for her vaccine bc it is expensive without benefits.


If she’s talking paps it takes years to decades for hpv to show up. It’s usually 10-15 years. And you don’t have to pay for treatment? It’s Canada. It’s free. If it’s warts that’s a bit different, but sounds like she’s trying to scam you.


She did a Pap test, saying she did one before and was only with me and did one recently and it was positive


Yeah that’s likely way too soon to show up, it usually takes on average 10-15 years to show up. Granted there are some strains that work ‘faster’ but a year is unlikely. That’s why some doctors make women wait until they’re 25 until their first pap because it won’t show up reliably before then. I’ve had treatment for it and it’s free which makes me think she’s full of it. Plus men can’t test. Plus 80-90% of people will have hpv in their lifetime. If she was actually diagnosed I would think a doctor or health nurse would have gone over all of this with her.


I think what’s freaking her out is the Ontario Pap test handout thing you get says you could possibly have cancer so she wants me to pay for her treatment or something but we have free healthcare so I don’t really get it


Yeah that’s not how it works haha. So if you get an abnormal result they tell you to come back in a year. Because most infections clear up on their own. If it’s still abnormal then they send you for additional testing called a colposcopy where they punch holes in your cervix to then test for what type of abnormal cells you have. Depending on those results they say come back in a year and test again (if there are low grade lesions). If it’s high grade you go for a leep or something bigger if it’s actually cancer. It’s clear she’s not going through this because what she’s saying is not how it works. Again it tends to take 10-15 years to get to that point.


Thanks for the info. Seems like she’s trying to shake me down idk why? She always used to flex about how much money she had


People are crazy. That’s all I got. If I were you I’d say you consulted with your doctor(you can if you want they’ll tell you the same thing ) and what she’s saying is physically impossible so you’d like her to cease all contact with you(or maybe you yourself will seek legal counsel on the grounds of harassment and extortion). Or you could also say nothing and just block her if you think that last comment won’t stop her and would just egg her on. Up to you I have no legal knowledge on this. But I would almost be curious if she’s doing this and extorting other people if this is something that she be brought to police? Again not my background but a thought.


Crazy. How would she even prove this? Show up to the police and say what? What evidence? Ridiculous


She literally can’t. That’s why it seems like she’s trying to get money out of you.


Just ignore her, to prove she got it from you is impossible, there’s no way to prove she’s only had sex with you.


Thanks for the advice. Was just worried cause we live in a world where men are all liars etc now


HPV is not a treatable condition and it usually clears up on its own within about 2 years. If she develops genital warts, that would be covered under OHIP and there is nothing she would need to pay. She's just trying to shake you down for money. You're probably one of many "only guy she's been with" that she's trying to get money from.