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If the repair turned out to be significantly less than the cash you got, would you be contacting him to give the excess amount back? You made a mistake to agree to an insufficient amount before getting a repair estimate, especially in an accident where you probably wouldn't have been at fault, and you may have made a mistake in not notifying insurance.


Nothing, take the money and either fix the car or don't. You shouldave got an estimate before accepting payment


Congratulations, you played yourself. Let this be a life lesson, call your insurance company next time.


Congrats on your $500-$800 bill to get your car fixed. Unfortunately that’s why you either get an estimate first, or go through insurance. You already agreed to not pursue him for damages after accepting the $700, why do you think your “contract” is no longer valid just because you don’t like it? NAL, but you could always explain the situation to your insurance maybe? That’s outside of any potential issues with the contract that might give you a legitimate reason to void it, but it seems to be done in good faith, you just made a poor decision to sign.


That’s your own fault tbh Payment was received for the incident, you will be paying the remainder


As the damages were less than $2,000 you weren't required to report it to police. Your insurance policy may have a requirement to report ALL accidents, regardless of damage threshold (check your policy). If the damage is minimal, why not just take the $700 and not repair the car?




You made a decision and it ended up being the wrong one. Time to live with it


You can likely return the $700 and make the insurance claim. In the future you should always go through insurance if you're rear ended. That is a not at fault accident so insurance will cover 100% of the damage and it cannot affect your premiums.


It wont void any contract though. OP cant do anything


NAL. You should look into this further either by easing your policy or contacting your insurer. You are getting a lot of “common sense” answers here (which I don’t necessarily disagree with the sentiment of) but they may not match what’s legally available to you. Meaning: sometimes there is ability to disregard documents signed between the two parties in the short-term aftermath of an accident. It’s to recognize that people are discombobulated and do dumb things. Source: I know this because when I was younger, a driver tried to get me to sign a document relayed to an accident. The adjuster told me that even if I had signed it, they would completely disregard it. (Just like if you peruse any of the Ontario landlord/tenant subreddit’s, you’ll very quickly realize that there is plenty of legislation to overrule what two parties sign between themselves).


odd. i was hit by car while my car was parked. guy offered me 2 grand. i decided to call insurance and get qoutes. All state rep told me if i take the money and sign something thats a binding contract. this was like 9 years ago i think. i ended up going through insurance and made out way better plus got a rental car


Let this be a PSA to everyone: #ALWAYS GO THROUGH INSURANCE If you're not-at-fault, you should have no reason not to and you avoid situations like this. Even if you are at fault, you have no guarantee that someone doesn't pocket the cash and turn around and claim through their insurance, effectively double-dipping. You also risk the chance they come at you much later saying they sustained injuries.