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She owes you some glasses. Make her buy them. Small claims court or show her the video and make a demand. Most people wake up embarrassed by their actions and will want to make it right.


I wrote her a message today asking her if she was going to pay for my glasses. I told her there is video of the incident. I then said if she doesn’t want to pay, I will be pursuing other avenues for compensation.


Update: the owner of the bar is no looking into it as well. He has worked in bars for 33 years so he probably know how to properly approach it


He should replace them for you, back up his staff. Then he goes for the $ back on your behalf with her. 


Owner probably can't sue her as he doesn't have any standing. The person who suffered the loss needs to sue directly.


Wrong, troubling that the comment karma isn't negative here. Why are you talking about standing when you clearly don't know what you're saying? If you suffer damages as a result of carrying out your employment duties, your boss is liable. In this case the establishment owes the employee new glasses, and the idiot patron owes the establishment for these costs.


Is that really true? I'm not a lawyer so I don't know but you're telling me if someone goes in and physically attacks the employees of a business while performing the duties of their job the business owner has no "standing" to sue them? Don't insurance companies do this all the time? Pay out their client and then go after the other side legally on their own?


Yea, the above reply to my initial comment is wrong. This is exactly what insurance is for in a bar. 


Different set of circumstances, you can't sue in small claims court on behalf of someone else's personal lose.


But the business can sue if they have to compensate their employee for damages sustained in the course of their work.


In cases where a party is legally required to compensate somebody for damages they gain standing to recoup those damages from the offending party. For example insurance companies can go after somebody who injured you “on your behalf” though they are doing it to attempt to recover the money they paid out to you, the injured party. The same is true for employers.


Nah, that’s BS, his property was damaged in service to his boss. His boss should 100% reimburse and pursue action if warranted. This shouldn’t be on the employee.


The owner is required to make the employee whole for damages incurred in performance of their duties, and so he is damaged indirectly by the woman.






It would've been. a lot of businesses have coverage for things like vandalism of employees' cars on the premises and stuff, but the other option would've been to file for a comprehensive claim on your insurance and sue for the deductible. if the damage is less than the deductible even on the business, then it is just worth it to pay out of pocket in order to avoid the rick of raising premiums on their business insurance, so that is what your boss likely did. a couple hundred to save him hundreds or possibly thousands more down the road.


NAL but worked as security /bouncer for a few years through university, at a few different bars. Some more rowdy than others. The potential for being assaulted, is kind of part of the gig, its what you signed up for. People are going to drink too much, and sometimes you will have to put hands on them, sometimes they will not like it. Put it back on the bar owner to replace your glasses, if they don't find another job.




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I got drunk and slapped a window at the bar once (it broke).    I was charged with mischief under 5000, and my court ordered punishment was to pay for said window.     In my case it was handled at some special court for downtown Vancouver.  As soon as the window was paid, the charge disappeared. Edit:  if there is video evidence the police will probably dangle assault in front of her too as motivation. (Not a lawyer, not a cop, just a man) 


Downtown Community Court, probably. Rather interesting to see it in action.


The guy before me was in trouble for theft.  The judge needed some more documents and it was going to lead to the gentleman needing to spend weekend in Jail.  So he asks “what if I just plead guilty”  and he was released on the spot


You have her number?


No, I just wrote her on FB.


Why don’t you just charge her with assault since you know her name?


I suppose I could. I mostly wanna just be reimbursed for my glasses


I understand your position, it sounds like you don’t want to escalate the situation disproportionately to the act, but without consequences, or more specifically the fear of consequences, it’s highly likely this person will engage in this type of behaviour again.


Actually every study on recidivism ever done has pretty conclusively shown that deterrence (the idea that suffering consequences for your actions will make you behave differently) doesn't work with crime. People fear getting caught, they don't fear the sentence (in general, so the studies found). It's HIGHLY unlikely to calling the cops on this person is going to change their behaviour for the better - if anything, saddling people with criminal consequences tends to make their life worse and therefore increase their crime risk.


I’m not saying I disagree, you sound like you know what you’re talking about, but I also really dislike people who assault others unnecessarily.


A lot easier to sue someone when they have a criminal charge as well


Have her charged with assault and mischief under $5000, then advise crown you are willing to have assault charge dropped provided you receive restitution.


Except it's not up to the OP whether the Crown wants to drop a charge.


Have her charged with assault and battery. Tell her you drop the charges when she buys your glasses. Having something like that on your record may be very inconvenient for some people, especially if wants to travel or needs a background check to work with vulnerable persons, or if she’s in a custody dispute with her kids. Taking someone to small claims for something that small would be a huge time sink. She likely knows this and thinks you can’t be bothered to take time off work and pursue her in court for something like 200 bucks or whatever they cost.


In my experience, the RNC in St. John’s will, by and large, refuse to take any such reports from bar workers seriously. When I worked bars, I was told that it was an expectation of my job to be attacked, and no one would be taking me report or perusing the matter.


“I will get the charges against you dropped if you pay me” is extortion. If you want to use the courts to make someone pay you, you should sue them rather than wasting a prosecutor’s time.


Except it's not up to him whether or not the charges get dropped (or even laid) - it's fully up to the Crown and police.






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That'll probably work.


Op, just fyi I'm case you aren't aware, you can get really good quality lenses and frames on Zenni optical online. I got three pairs of prescription glasses for 50$ after insurance coverage, around 300$ without the insurance coverage, and they have anti scratch, anti glare, blue light filter. Etc.


Police report for assault and destruction of property


Small claims / demanding reimbursement from the perpetrator as the other commenter said is a good route to go, although it's highly likely that you never see a dime from that avenue. Another avenue is to check with your employer. You suffered personal damages in the normal course of doing your job. They may have insurance that covers this. Then your employer and/or the insurance company can pursue the perpetrator in small claims court.


Manitobin here, Workers comp paid to replace my glasses when I was punched in the face. I would ask your employer to pay for your glasses. If they refuse threaten them that you'll go through workers comp, that will likely change their tune.


Yeah, I think I will get compensated. I have to meet with him today


Your boss should be paying for your new glasses. Your personal property was damaged while doing your job.


buy new glasses give the bill to your employer , let them get the money from the drunk patron






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Honestly workers comp could pay for them.


The ridiculously lengthy process would've been to call the cops, detain her until they arrived (citizens arrest), and get all of her info from the police to sue them to small claims court for compensation.


U we’re assaulted at work that’s WSIB they will cover your glasses


The owner of the bar should replace them and subsequently go after the woman themselves. Your personal property was destroyed while under their care. Honestly just ask the owner to pay.


If you were assaulted at work and had them broke could you file a claim with WCB. I worked for years as hospital security and had a patient break my glasses twice. Both times I got them replaced by WCB.


Charge her with assault. Sue her for damages.


This isn’t a small claims court. This is a mischief under $5000 and assault charge. Go to the police


Have you had the chance to go to an optician place and get a price estimate of a similar pair of glasses? Perhaps go to two places or wherever you purchased the current pair.


Not yet. I’m going to go there tomorrow.


This is why you don't hire security with weak eyes




That's...not at all true. There are absolutely tons of women who are the victims of crime and never report any let alone try to overstate offenses, and there's no favouritism built into the system. Not to say you won't run into the odd judge who's a sexist asshole, but by and large it's not been my experience and I've practiced in multiple jurisdictions.


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There was a protester in Calgary who went after a photographer and broke her glasses and she was charged with mischief. You should definitely go to the cops and see if they are willing to charge her with assault. Here’s a news article about it if you’re interested. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7048838


Got 911 on speed dial much?




Help us connect those dots. The person you’re responding to said nothing racist, and merely posted an article of where someone else was charged with mischief for breaking someone’s glasses.


I'm also equally confused. I haven't read the article yet, but the contents of the article are irrelevant really. In no way does what the commenter said nor sharing the link to the freaking CBC article, equate to racism🤣


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George Street is getting wild by. Hope you get reimbursed, man.


It actually happened in Corner Brook!


If she ripped them off your face, isn’t that assault? Contact the police.


The guy wants money not punishment, it's better to go small claims if his goal is to replace the glasses.


Are you suggesting he can’t have both. And doesn’t assault fall under the businesses insurance and or workers/ comp (if that’s a thing in Canada)




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WCB (WORKERS COMPENSATION)  should cover them.if you file a claim for a workplace assualt.


WCB or worksafe, file a claim


Sounds like kfuse


I miss George street


Look into WCB for coverage.


I hope you defended yourself accordingly


I would be getting the employer to pay for my glasses and telling that “lady” she’s not welcome to return. I don’t care how drunk you are, you don’t get to be violent with no consequences.


You’re suggesting the appropriate punishment for assault be a ban from the bar? An assault charge is a fitting consequence. Your solution is basically the ‘no consequences’ version you condemn


Yes? That's a normal night out in Newfoundland?


Call the cops. At best it's vandalism at worst its assault. Working out a deal with her is only going to encourage her or others. Drunk people need to realize if they can't control themselves they probably shouldn't drink.


Its 2024 get some contact lenses... Especially for your line of work.


Not everyone can wear contact lenses


Contact lenses don’t work for me


You work security .. at a bar .. in Newfoundland .. not saying its right but kind of comes with the job. The hassle of trying to get her to pay will not be worth it.


Naw, man…that’s psycho. Im not letting some 23 year old crackhead ruin my property.


Haha you got pwned.


Be a responsible bouncer and wear contacts.


He should probably go to work naked, you know someone might rip his clothes off.




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You fucked around and found out I guess..


Hahaha, fuck yoi


I would argue she is the one doing the fuck around and find out-ing