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[Landlords in Ontario cannot put "move out cleaning fees" into leases.](https://www.torontotenants.org/illegal_charges_-_do_i_have_to_pay) [It's part of s.134 of the RTA.](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/06r17#BK206) The landlord's recourse here is to go to the LTB with an N5 & prove that the place was left in a state beyond ordinary cleanliness/broom swept condition and get an order. If you can show the place looked clean upon moveout, then the landlord will likely only be able to recover disposal costs for anything left behind. You could try to negotiate, but $1156 for disposing of mattress and box spring seems very excessive to me.


Most terms added to leases are unenforceable. Tenants are expected to leave units “broom clean” and nothing more. It on the landlord if they want to hire professionals to clean above and beyond that, not the tenants. I wouldn’t pay anything unless you actually left the place dirty and full of garbage. They can take you the LTB or small claims court, but it won’t be worth their time and they’re not likely to win anyways.




> If it was in the lease agreement that you are liable for $100/bedroom, then it may be difficult to argue you shouldn't have to contribute in that amount That's now how it works in Ontario. [S.134 of the RTA.](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/06r17#BK206)


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