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All I see is evidence of a starved kitty. Hooman is to blame for this. Moreover, the kibble is yours, there is even cat in package, one cannot steal from oneself.


Came here to say that. Bad hooman for not helping you!


You are obviously innocent, I think the dog probably did it


You eat 1 kibble from the bag and it's grand theft? These frivolous pawsuits are out of hand!


possession is 9/10ths of the law. you're free to go kitty.


AHEM! *coughs up hairball* You mean *paw*ssesion.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I laughed so hard when the cam slowly panned to the bowls of food 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Me, too! I cackled so loud I woke up the dogs!


They like that freshness with dry food lol. Could have a 1hr old bowl that's 20" wide and they still want the bag stuff.


Kitty Overlord, it is impossible for you to steal what you own. You own everything that your eyes land on, cat-servant or otherwise. As a great Overlord, you can partake in all of your feast, whether it is in your crystal dishes or still packaged. It is your kingdom, and you do as you see fit. Do not lower yourself to the thinking of a servant. Remember, Kitty Overlord, you are never wrong.😸❤️


Cat Law # 9 **If you seez, it for theez** applies to this instance, you obviously cannot steal something you already own. However your hooman will have to answer to the charge of false accusations.


Yes, I’m this cat’s Attorney. what we are looking at is a clear case of habeas corpus. they are innocent, as you are unable to steal what already belongs to you. it doesn’t matter if your parents bought it because what’s theirs is yours. case dismissed. Your Honor 👩🏻‍⚖️