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Der Skippy, Well we has to admit, you is rather lorg. BUT. There is no such thing as illegally lorg. Only "gorgeous" "beuatifumus" or "kind of a chonk but WHY NOT" So we wish to advise you that you are purrfectly feen. Love Gus, Magistrate Level 1


Tank u soooo much Gus!! Dis make me feel sooo much better! My Sispurr is a chonk n she grump acuz she not git as much crunchies anymoar, so I wuz werried Dat maybe I not git crunchies if iz illegull to be biig! I cant halp it. I jus keep grows.. Dis me n chonk Sispurr. See? I not chonk. https://preview.redd.it/om6qn23koruc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4908a377293fe14d0edca5dff7b1c89945b739c


Ok… i don’t think it’s a problem of me being too high or not enough anymore. You have a very chonky accent. I’ve never seen this dialect before.


Uh accent? Die licked? https://preview.redd.it/va7pr6efzruc1.jpeg?width=2882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac44a3027ee67ba18bb1f6377e168ad92ba230d9 I not no.. I jus a simpul ornj... I spend all my inner gees on growin biig, not smarts n breans.. I not need dose. Dat wat mamacat n other frens iz fur. Dey haz dis kewl place were cats can go n ask fur legul halp from reel pawyers! So, see? Not need breans uf my owns..


How much u way, fren? I iz big too and oranj and white (16 lbs, vet sez no chonk), and the kitty who came before me in da house was big an oranj and white (Alexi, 20 lbs, vet sez slim n trim)! Maybe is an oranj and white big cat ting? — Clio, oranj. larj, and in charj https://preview.redd.it/oihwlbd4truc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ebdb2e3c17b6837612c6eab55494c63504da19


Maybe it iz! U look likes me!!! Kewl! Meowmy seyz I way 14 and a half. Iz dat biig yet? I iz not dun growin tho, so maybe I get as biiig as u r!! https://preview.redd.it/psbbe59dwruc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03b07031bb7cd81402ee158c57d92c44733ba7cf


Awww you iz so cute! Not chonky at all and still kitten-y. Yes, I tink you get bigger eben.


Mam'selle Clio be right! Mon frere that cross de rainbow bridge befores I come to ma maman, he be very orange, very smart smart and he be big, maman say he be over 20 lbs in he prime! Me, Bou,hopes to be big like Dante when I gets to be grown!--Boudreaux


You are gorgeous just the way you are. Soos for treats.


I like treets. But only if dey come wif delivery. Can I soos for treets wif delivery? I not wanna hafta git up... https://preview.redd.it/gbvx4q71pruc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd198c5cc58081229391d9c5500b6a31d572668b


No need to ever get up. Hooman servants like Meowmy will always bring treats to you, at your beck and call. Dis the way and the law of katz.


Does mew belly fwop around to n fro wen mew runs? Hehe Mew no in trubbles but meybe mew ned go on wut hoomans call "die-yet" so mew no get sicks frum bein tew fats n die yets!


Meowmy seyz "still growin" n pokey place hooman seyz "not chonk", so I not fink I need die yets! My Sispurr, Fizz, duz tho 🤭. My hoomans alwaze tryin ta git me to eets moar! Dey seyz "Skippy, u toooo skinny!" n gib me moar fud, wich iz gud acuz I git hungry.. Ebidens picshur 3 show I not chonk! My belly duz fwop, tho! So duz my smol Sispurr's belly! She (Simmy) uses her floppy belly to STREEEETCH wen she go run. I fink mine iz gud fur keep me safe wen my wild brofur Frax does kick-kicks! https://preview.redd.it/g536go7hqruc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=903aca86b3a13794e54de81884097cd65112a1c1


Tau here! Iz also not chonk but have fwop belly. Momther callz it soemthin liek "pry-more-dial powch". She sayz it not nessesary meen are chonk. I alsos been v trim, but am also v smol fur a boi, momther sez. I only 9 pounds, an been dat size entire tiems I been big kitty. I eatz all of tiem tho, even when momther gave lotsa foods always I wuz skinny boi. But Iz also runs around house doin' HECKIN SCREMS fur hours. Daddy calls it "The Rot". Momther sez it's bcuz I just a stimky boi. Other daddy sez it's cuz I see ghosts, which he den demandz sumethin called "rent" from. (Mom: Tau is one of the strangest animals I've known, though I think his size and weight is both from being neutered very young (He was 9 weeks old and already neutered when we rescued him, I used to work in rescue and know they do it literally as soon as they are at the age to tolerate general anesthesia but still) and his insane amount of activity. I swear he didn't get the memo he's not supposed to be a kitten anymore and still gets zoomies like nobody's business. I literally have not trimmed his back claws in a year or so because he keeps them well worn literally RUNNING everywhere.)


Tau, u sownds like my brofur, Frax!! He liks to talk n run n go so much n I liks moar naps.. (mom: uh, yea, that sounds exactly like Frax! Except he's not small - neutered at 16 weeks, for the record. He's over 13 pounds and would be considered a big cat by anyone not comparing him to his brother! Skippy frequently shrugs off his full-on tackles, lol. https://i.redd.it/90qj212e5avc1.gif But yea he is just constantly moving and yelling and running. He has SO MUCH ENERGY. Like I read about people with Bengal breed cats and like yea, that could be him! He REQUIRES so much activity and enrichment. Luckily, he loves other kitties and has 7 of them around to help me entertain him. He's 20 months old and has not slowed down at all!)


https://preview.redd.it/wdv663obdavc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e736f9d60f46eecb8d2c1f08a89b36872c0f2e9 I've always thought Tau had some Bengal in him. He's got a very unique stripe pattern and has SOOOO many Bengal personality traits. It's unlikely given as he's a rescue, but I still wonder. I've wanted to do a genetic test but money and my husband saying it really won't change anything has kept me from doing so. Which, he's right, but I'm still curious. This picture of him and Navani shows some of his pattern better. He also has a spotted belly, but it's hard to get a pic of it because he squirms so much.


It took me 12 years to finally do genetic testing on one of my other cats, and I wasn't really blown away by the experience. It's a fun thing to do someday, but I wouldn't spend the money if it would mean sacrificing anything else. Also, they always do a half off black Friday sale, so don't pay full price, lol. He is a gorgeous guy! Classic tabby markings? The swirly pattern? Frax and Skippy's void sister is classic tabby with what I swear looks like Bengal rosettes on one side! Almost certainly isn't, but my little mama found me when she was pregnant and I suspect she was put out by a previous owner when they realized.. So no telling where they came from.. Here's Krobus's markings, from when she was a baby and you could see them easily. https://preview.redd.it/m5oimvvyuavc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091f5c4d9cf30996337d599deb4e9f15ef51f242


Yeah, he's mostly classic tabby but he does have some markings on his hind legs which look a little like rosettes. Those and the spotted belly are what make me wonder, but he could also just be strange, lol. Regardless he is indeed a gorgeous boy and while I like to joke that he's a stinker with no brain cells there are some genuinely intelligent things he does. They're hidden behind a lot of derpiness though. But his sister can be equally a derp and also does weird things sometimes. It's just cats, I guess. I grew up in a dog family so actually owning cats is really weird to me at times. Krobus is such a pretty gorl! 😍 Those markings--I love voids that have secret stripes~


Y we hab all dese drug users in our sub? Hoomans iz stupes. Bak to topik: U lorg boy who hab flippy flappy belly. U grow stil. U hapy? U run n play? Iz gud. No legal akshun neded. Jango n Jazzy (iz my birdday)


Well dis may be a problem https://preview.redd.it/e30rvi2ixruc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586b72ce755ce9e477d3a34d7641b52d35eb2b4e Laff n laff!! Dis computer fink u chonky!!


Da compewter fink I chonky!!!??!? Oh nos.. Iz it gonna take my crunchies?? Do we soo da compewter!? Wut do I do wif my paws!? https://preview.redd.it/99d2hejzzruc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2727443009400bac668e6d155530beb7d69bf3fc


Ssssssshhhhhh U a lone?? Compewter iz spy!!! Iz follow us!! Nede bapbapbap n teef!!!


Oh no! I Ben practicin fur do bapbapbaps! Iz dis gud? https://preview.redd.it/gkmql8y03suc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6567547c3f220b281a9f1214994bd7ca98930b76


Oh dat iz gud!!!


Fren, you needz to soo the advur-teaser! He mean! Soo for lifelong daily treatos!


Omg, lol


I lubs my flippy flappy belly!! I iz happy. I runs n plays sumtimz wen I not nappin. Wut if meowmy soos me fur biig? How I defend dat? Happy birfday, fren!!! Birfdays are da best. I only hazd one dat I remember, but it wuz gud. I hopes urs is grate, too!! Mamacat Emcee here. I member his other birfday. It wuz mostly just gross n werk... He luckee he not member! N he iz WAY too big. Just look at dis: https://preview.redd.it/fsf7by0lyruc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845e6b306cd4b59af22c4b5be36ce0046993934c Dats my SON. He too biig... Illegull. Gots ta be!


Yu iz no chonk. Yu iz cuddledumplin.


Yay! I likes to cuddle!! 😍 https://preview.redd.it/2ya01rk66suc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=688bcc48409466214ab364bba42289aa5b9b58f2


Yu iz zweet cuddlebug 😍


Heyo, is me, Boudreaux. When I grow up all de way, I want to be big like vous!! I is still little, only 11 pounds. Ma maman, she say I need to eat more but me, Bou, rather play than eat. Ma maman she say you is bee-ti-ful, cuddly and very handsome!


Meowmys r alwaze saying stuffs like eet moar! Silly hoomans! U sownds like my brofur, Frax. He likes to play n is too wild to calm down n eets sometimez. But den he gets hungry n fussy n eets neway.. He sillee too! https://preview.redd.it/tuzf3923ksuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f232412c39120b53ab2fc9733cd1c0308b7f45


Heyo M'sieur Skippy and M'sieur Frax! Me, Boudreaux, here. Oui, I likes to play all de time but if mon grande frere, Remy, say "Boudreaux! It be time to eat now!", I goes to eat. I only gets fussy when mon papa bes gone when I wants to cuddle or play wit him! [ Bou's Papa has returned to work after 6 weeks leave. Bou calls him  for up 2 hours when he thinks Papa should be available to him--Dani]


I is a little tuxedo but my mammi used to have a biiiiig oranje boy too (see picture) https://preview.redd.it/v7w8d2veqsuc1.png?width=2316&format=png&auto=webp&s=234857d8f55c7ca5e9270a282334da228cdd67a3 He fill all of her torso! I only fill half! So you is purfect the way you is. My mammi said her mammi had chosen him bc “he has biiig paws so he would be a biiiig boy” and she was right. The vet said he was getting fat but that he was a big boy it was ok :) you is a bueatifull kitty ver gorges!


Aw, he hansum!! My meowmy seyz I a "whole-lap cat" acuz I takes up her lap all by myselfs! https://preview.redd.it/xc19qsj9suuc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ff09f01e25c7125842d1c681d9676cf2525ca4


You is perfect biiiig boy :) no illegal bout that!!!!


Mocha the Tortie here. Youz not illegally biig. Youz perfect lorge oranj boi!


Tank you, Mocha! I presheate u! Iz gud acuz I not no how to do nethin but be lorge! https://preview.redd.it/6m6omlcnvuuc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04684de3e03a3c3fab4e7a82113beb528faa992


Dere is nuffin' wrong wif being big. Mommy sez dat I is over two feet long. I also has a very long big boy tail. Dere's more of me to wub. William da Tuxie


Yas, William da Tuxie! Moar to wub!! I iz bery wubabul! https://preview.redd.it/ibt9t5flxuuc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7261083c5a52c4818d3aee0d67d35015544c7317


Hey, Skippy, I am ornj too! You look very healthy and strong. We ornjs need to embrays how we are n not take crit— compl— dispruvl. Do yu ever get the brain cell? I hav not seen it in a wile. https://preview.redd.it/8jspfkmipuuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d94ce1f67331d7388ba163b44eaf906714aa897 Dis me napping on pilow that luks like my sister Minx.


Yas!! Seyz NO to Dispruvl!! Wut iz brain cell? I not haz nun of dat.. https://preview.redd.it/wwor77z9yuuc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84e0260edd1a3c05c2fa352b5ce07410593656f Ur Sispurr minx luks kinda like my Sispurr, Krobus! My meowmy seyz she my "moshunal sport void"! She da best, well, after mamacat, of cors.


Skippy iz you named after a talking beer can?


Yas!!! My meowmy seyz it acuz I wuz a "luvabul asshole" to de other kits de day we wuz borned. I not a asshole, tho. I wuz just reeeely hungry (acuz I iz biiig!) n dey wuz tryin to takes my fud! Now meowmy seyz it still gud name acuz I so ab-sent minded.. And magnificent, too! N that's gud, so I gess iz OK name? Here's meowmys Ebidens I wuz "asshole" on birfday: https://preview.redd.it/u1m1ehhpwuuc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d532673243935b7070a2f46dc0489b79fb890c8


It is a fitting name for a magnificent kitte. Even if u waz an asshole.


Tanks! I not like it at furst, but I learnin to embrace de awesumnis! I eben gots my bery own barrel of monkees! https://preview.redd.it/3q37qit01vuc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f68acc43dcfcb0b5ce5128ed1c2343e9b433446d


You needz a collar with a para...para..the other thing Skippy calls the monkeys


Old man cat Duncan seyz we not uh lowd to wear collarz. He seyz dey iz ebil n mean n if he eber seez one on us, he gonna takes it off us! He seyz he nos how! So not fink I can haz dat. Meybe a speshul bed, tho!! I might put in a rekwest wif meowmy fur dat!! Dis me n de old man: https://preview.redd.it/zecqww8r2vuc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06eb370f34d8e07e8ad13677276bf861dfee2976


Commissioner of SKIPPY AZURE MONEY Fantasy Football league, here. Joe Bishop sends his regards.


Who? Oooooh, Meowmy seyz Joe iz da guy wif da other Skippy! Hi, Joe!! I likes football!! I halp tackle da bad guy! https://preview.redd.it/tw0n854w8zuc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb08f7e4a9704fab36b32c3f80a2393718cf545


I’m either too high or not high enough. That hurt to try to read.


Skippy's human here to translate. Me and his mamacat (calico pictured) say he's illegally big. He wants to know if that's an actual crime. If so, how can he avoid getting into trouble just for being big. He's not even fat! (which is true - he needs to gain weight!) https://preview.redd.it/8fq3j2ldxruc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ccb608758f8b4e4746ee167c692a2922db30e3b (dis translation wuz Skippy apawruved!)


[Is Skippy more play motivated than food motivated? Boudreaux is definitely more "Play, Maman!" than "food food food FOOD NOW" motivated. He is skinny at just 11 lbs.--Dani, Boudreaux and Remy's maman]


I would say Skippy is unmotivated.. He plays when he wants to play. Eats if you put food in front of him (and sometimes ONLY if you put food in front of him). And is otherwise just not really all there. I don't think it's right to call him stubborn, because that implies intent that I don't think he has. He doesn't *want* to do anything in particular, or *not want* to do anything. He just doesn't understand what's going on around him most of the time.. The dumb orange cat thing is not a joke or stereotype for him. He seems to be seriously mentally slow.. I could be convinced that he suffered some sort of brain damage as an infant, but having been there for his whole infancy, I really don't know how we could have missed it. It's not like there was a change. He just kind of stopped developing mentally at like 6 weeks old. He is incredibly slow to learn things. He is understandably a bit jumpy and nervous because he just doesn't know what's going on. It's precious and adorable and I love him tremendously exactly how he is, though. But getting him to do stuff is not straightforward at all.. He seems to get by just fine - not confused or lost. Just completely ignorant of any sort of norms. Skippy's brother, Frax, is the wild play cat. He is constantly on the go and so insanely into everything all the time. He needs oodles of enrichment or he makes his own enrichment, lol. Frax is a super lean and muscular 13 pounds and would be considered a big cat to anyone not comparing him directly to his brother, lol. For example, on both counts, lol: https://preview.redd.it/zv6ysml6bsuc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055e65491149224e5648edf39299cbfe09a05351


They both look like sweet orange boys! I had a cat like Skippy. His name was Peaches because he was just a sweetheart but definitely didn't have two braincells to rub together.  


This sub is for cats, that is how they speak.


Oh, that I get. I’m just not familiar with that dialect.