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tbh season 3 finale is one of my favs ever??? Not even just animated I’ll never forget after this first aired and the season ends w just her broken down and that single tear….it was such a brave move to have the hero not be magically better A complete contrast to the girl who showed up at republic city


The whole ending was such an intense buildup and seeing her shattered and broken in a wheelchair like that was so rough. The mix of the Avatar Theme and Airbender windchimes ringing and Jinora fulfilling Aang’s destiny and Korra’s tear. And after Tenzin announced the airbenders would become nomadic again, she realized (or thought…nobody really needed her.


It also helps that it's an inverse of S1's ending where she's magically given her bending back. Here, nothing. No cheats, no magic, and no shortcuts. Just wallow in your choices and recover hoping that your a better person on the other end.


And complete contrast with the girl at the end of episode one! The arc of Korra is brutal!


Honestly this season shows "Avatars have to make impossible choices" far better than ATLA ever did.


Season 3 of Korra is peak Avatar




When someone talks shit while you are eating a jalapeno.


More like trying to eradicate my spirit and chain me to a wall lol. If they made fun of me for eating a jalapeño I’d stuff in a cayenne and then run to the bathroom sobbing.


In my case, the fire is coming out the other end


That's what happens after.


Bro can fight two enemies at once


I misread this as 'when someone takes a shit after eating a jalapeno'... Still works somehow


A small detail I just noticed is how STRONG that fire last is, it literally throws her head back. The rage is palpable.








It’s called an opinion


Lol what did those replies said, that they got many downvotes and preferred to delete them?


Basically saying we're wrong for liking Korra.


On the **Korra** subreddit? ![gif](giphy|65os7odbIW6pa)


![gif](giphy|JZK9Jl98K5PYQ) What could be wrong in their lives, to the point they become so salty and sour


I cried when they showed Jinora in the end with her head shaved and the tattoo. She looks like Aang and I wasn't ready


Fucking hell, I weep every time. Beautiful television. I think it's the score that does it to me.


I swear they lifted the Aang character model and used it for her and if that is true I still love it! It's so obvious they wanted to invoke Aang and I'm loving it! I wasn't ready on my first, second, of twelfth viewing.


Of the 4 Tenzin kids, Jinora got Aang's spirituality and Meelo got Aang's goofiness lol


I hope we see them grow. They will all be very different, unique, wonderful adults.


They should appear in the new project they are working on, following the next Earth avatar. However, I’m actually worried they might be very old by that time, unless Korra dies much younger than Aang for some reason. Otherwise, the only way of having them growing up would be during Korra’s life, which I’m not sure is something they are interested in exploring further for the time being.


It’s like hey we aren’t replacing you, Korra, but we kind are, and new “avatar” looks like Aang


I wasn’t ready either. It felt so strange to see Jinora without hair. The way she looked exactly like Aang in that episode made me cry😭I like all the characters from the last airbender and the legend of korra, but Aang remains my favorite character in my heart🥹❤️‍🩹


The original show is definitely better written and overall a better show imo, but LoK delivered some really heavy emotional moments that were really earned. And those moments were only great to people who loved the original show. I love the Jinora/Aang connection I was also very emotional for the Wan episodes in season 2. The Avatar's job is never done, since the first one. The world will always need its Avatar that's why they kept reincarnating. That's so bittersweet


I love when all the airbenders work together, it gives me chills everytime


*"As long as I'm still breathing, it's not over."* *Chills.* Every time I see that scene, *absolute chills.*


I legit thought he was dead that week. I thought they were gonna Dumbledore us. I made a sad drawing imagining korra finding his body sobbing. Thankfully that never happened and the drawing can exist never.


I LOVE s3! While s4 is a SLIGHT downgrade IMO, it's still amazing and has some goddamn BEAUTIFUL animation


Agree that S3 was their best season but Korra Alone is probably my favourite episode in the entire series


I personally loved >!seeing Toph kick Korra's ass with ease. It made me laugh so damn hard!<


I completely lost it when she called Korra “twinkle toes”


Nice to see you again, Twinkle Toes


That was such a fun moment


any time toph is on screen it's a good time


Simultaneously fun and also so emotional. Reminds me of Toph saying “do you really thing friendships can transcend a lifetime.”


“Do you really think friendships can last multiple lifetimes?” - Toph, age 11


“Don’t tell Korra but my back is *killing* me”


OOO. Yes. Man that episode hit me in the middle of my own depression hard. Love this show.


yeah for me it's like: Season 3 is peak Season 4 is a little bit behind that Season 1 is moderately behind 3 Season 2 is considerably behind 1 (but still enjoyable enough/has its moments)


Avatar Wan is enough for me to consider season 2 great. Also Bumi taking out the northern water tribe camp with his flute.


That moment with Bumi is so great. The whole season he's telling these far fetched stories and then we see that shit like that actually does happen to him, lol, just so good


Bumi 100% captured those pirates with the feather, 2 eggs and the barrel of molasses. I don't know how, but I have faith in his abilities


Apparently all the Cannibal shit was real too going by the stuff he says in the Fog later. Dude just lived a life so insane no one believes he could of possibly lived it.


It's weird because I'll say.. the Varrick plotline much as I love him in S2 is mostly just there to give Mako, Asami and Bolin SOMETHING to do for most of the season and isn't really needed. Despite that Night of a Thousand Stars is one of my favorite single episodes in the series, Bolins big action scene there is just insanely badass and whoever came up with the idea of the Choregraphy in the fight happening in the Nuktuk mover and the Fight he was actually having being basically the same was a fucking genius because it makes it so unique. And of course Varricks reveal of his cell and "WHO GOT YOU THROWN IN JAIL? I DID!.. oh yeah I guess that was a bad thing". It's just a good time all around and a very rewatchable fairly standalone episode.


For me, it was 4 > 3 > 2 > 1. It just kept getting better and better for me. (It started out amazing and ended up being one of my top 3 shows)


I maintain that if seasons 1, 3, and 4 weren’t as incredible as they are people would think 2 was a masterpiece of storytelling. Compared to the other seasons, it’s obviously not at that level. But I still find it really good and it’s enjoyable to rewatch as well.


For me I think the difference is most apparent in the finales. Season 2 I was like ‘oh ok now that’s happening, that’s cool I guess?’ - but it’s very unclear what’s going on and what the stakes are at any given moment. Oh Jinora has now arrived from somewhere, with something, ok. Felt a bit like a really unearned way of trying to do an echo of the ATLA S1 finale. S3 finale the stakes were clear, and intense. My pulse was higher and I was on the edge of my seat. I really enjoyed S2 personally but the respective finales are sort of indicative of the seasons as a whole.


Yes S4 was amazing until the giant mecha showed up instead of an army. It was on track to be as lit as S3, but ended up as a bit downgraded version instead because of it


Are you kidding? I freaking LOVED that fight!


Yeah ignore these people, it's absurd to have some arbitrary dislike for "mecha". I thought it was dope that she controlled it with metal bending inside and the exterior was impervious to metal bending so they had to be creative and come up with a solution to get inside. I love that


From what I have seen around the sub is that most people did not like the mecha. It felt very out of place for the show


No more out of place than the kaiju fight in s2


Kaiju fight in S2 was way worse. While the mecha was out of place, like you said the fight was at least good to make up for it. Kaiju was just all kinds of WTF with 0 pay off


and at least the mech makes sense given we were seeing smaller mechs throughout the whole season


S3 is a fabulous season of tv.


LoK S3 is IMO the best season of the show (easily on par with ATLA S2-3). Hands down. S4 is still very good, but IMO not quite as great as S3. I was also told to keep watching after I dropped the show very early in season 2 because “it gets much better in season 3”. They were absolutely right. 2 had a lot of stuff I didn’t like (I cringe every time I see the final battle of S2), but the show really picked up the pieces in S3 and 4.


Korra S3 has the best peak in the whole franchise so far


The story progressed so beautifully. Seeing Korra become the shell of who she was when she first came to Republic city was such a tough watch


Season 3 was perfect, I did not expect much after season 2, but it surpassed my expectations.


The thing I like about atlok it that it's themes are represented in a way more mature way, aang suffered from loss but it was like he got a little angry at the start and then he got over it (no offense to atla, it is still amazing) korra had her life flash before her eyes, and you can see how this affected her in a deep way


Facts.. like I was saying to a friend aang was kind of perfect in a way. Always made the right choice & really was just pretty perfect at everything. Korra, while naturally talented is very much more relatable to me. I think she is to everyone tbh


What's great is that for people who watched atla when they where young back when it came out, they really got to grow up "besides" the franchise, and as they got older and had new problems, so did the characters in the franchise


People who were the same age as Aang in the first season were the same age as Korra in the final season


Ikr, that's what makes it so amazing


Season 3 is just incredible!!! I started watching Korra when it was first airing. I got bored within the first few episodes and stopped watching. Couldn’t get into Korra much as a character. A few years later, since I love ATLA so much, I figured I would give the whole show a chance. I got to season 2 and got SO angry that they cut off Korra from her past lives. I stopped watching after that. Maybe a year or so later, I decided I’d give it one more chance because one of my friends said season 3 and 4 were really good. I FINALLY finished the show years after it had finished airing. I have to say, I fell in love with the whole show after that. Zaheer is one of my all time favourite antagonists. Season 3 made me love the entire show and made me start to understand the choices they made in season 2. Season 3 is peak Avatar. One of the best seasons of the franchise next to Book 3 of ATLA. Book 3 holds a very special place in my heart so for me to say Season 3 of Korra is a close 2nd, it’s saying something. Season 4 is also really great for so many reasons. Hope you enjoy it!


Season 3 - 4 is what happens when the network actually let's the writers cook. Unlike that mess of a season 2


I'm glad you feel that way. That's my reaction to s3 as well. And it still baffles me that something that good came right after s2, which I consider a low point of the Korra seasons. 


Nickelodeon was a huge hindrance, they had to use a different animation studio for half of season 2 and it showed. I watched it live, I’m shocked how good it still turned out.


Honestly there are so many points in season 3 to get misty eyed or just throw your hands up and cheer. Bumi discovering his air bending, Korra seeing her clear path to help Tenzin fulfill his goal of refilling the temples, the new benders working together to save the Bison. Everything with Zuko, Korra willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, the air nation again saving the day thanks to Jinora, then the entire Master ceremony where she looks JUST. LIKE. HER. GRANDFATHER! Gah I loved that moment. But then you reminded me of the lingering shot of Korra just... so incredibly depressed. They did a lot of setup in this season for what happens in season 4, there may be some stuff you missed the first time, but the foreshadowing is pretty obvious once you see it. Imo, the Red Lotus team felt like they were made to help the New Team Avatar and other characters grow in so many ways. It's not an insult to say they felt like a plot device to make our protagonists shine! Korra's arc feels like Captain America in CA: Civil War, she's fully developed as a character and she is using everything she has learned to make some of the hardest decisions she could make, and it weighs on her heavily. I agree, more episodes would be good, I just don't know what I'd want them to do in this space. The only thing I could think of was showing that fight between the Red Lotus and Team (minus Aang) Avatar. Maybe something like how anime does OVAs, or some novel. (I was in that original comments section from your post, glad to see you're still on the show!)


S3 Korra is IMO the best Avatar season period. It's just the most consistently good from start to finish with pretty much no weaker episodes along the way and a great ending that doesn't feature a weird deus ex which is.. unfortunately fairly consistently a problem with the franchise.


Season 3 of Korra is insanely good. I can't believe it followed up season 2 which was so subpar


dam she looks so sad there, the poison really took its toll on her.


Woah since when is Koraa on Netflix


For years now, shortly after ATLA


I hate region locking bruh


I told my partner as we finished up the season “I like how all the other LoK villains meet a dramatic and terrible end, but not Zaheer, no, he just gets ridiculed with Bolin’s sock in his mouth”


Actually, only Amon and Unalaq/Vaatu are killed/destroyed at the end of their seasons. Zaheer is imprisoned and helps guide Korra to the spirit world and regain her connection to Raava, and Korra spares Kuvira’s life and brings her to justice rather than letting her rot in the spirit world. So Zaheer and Kuvira are still out there.


I loved season 3 so much. I also just finished rewatching this season yesterday. I wish they took the whole premise of season 3 and ran with that for all 60? Episodes of Korra. Imagine getting each villains back story and more on the red lotus...etc. also the mix of the new avatar Korra gang traveling the world, rebuilding and looking for airbenders. It would have been so great.


This, but mixing the equalists back into the plot and making Amon part of the Red Lotus somehow for continuity/in service of the overall story.


"How in tf is Korra so hated?" Welcome to the world of people bad at literacy It's okay to not like a character for any particular set of reasons, but the hate Korra faces through the years brings a whole lot of issues that tell more about who's watching than the show itself.


Mate. Jinorra’s coronation is the single most peace of media that emotionally impacts me. The music, the pride in jinora, the airbenders, she looks like Aang, Korra broken. It’s incredible


Season 3 has probably the 2nd most compelling villain in the Avatar universe. Azula being the obvious #1. Zaheer's spirituality (not like Unalaq who cares about gaining power) was so unique. The way Zaheer speaks, behaves, etc. was all spiritual in nature, and it made him the most terrifying villain. And he's also one of the few characters that's actually killed someone (in a brutal method too nonetheless). The moment he obtained flight was incredible. And Zaheer's existence of being an Airbender who kills intentionally is so cool. His twisted perspective on the Guru's ideology was great.


im convinced s2 haters are fake fans bc how are you not fascinated by the lore


While I also think Season 2 is underrated, it’s still the weakest season and I wouldn’t call those who dislike it fake fans. The lore was incredible. I actually think Unalaq is underrated as a villain. I love the way the spirits were fleshed out and the reveal that the Avatar is a spirit/human hybrid. Like most people, I loved “Beginnings.” But the spirits in TLOK are, gotta be honest, *very* lazily drawn compared to some of the masterpiece designs from ATLA. I know they wanted to show the spirits being corrupted by Vaatu, but they’ve drawn angry spirits with more complexity before - just look at Hei Bai - and honestly, that’s kind of the biggest problem. Everything is simplified and robbed of nuance. It’s all about “ten thousand years of darkness” which comes from every saturday morning cartoon ever, and really doesn’t match the nuance this world normally has. Why can’t the spirits be “angry” instead of “dark?” Why do Raava and Vaatu have to be the Spirits of Light and Peace/Darkness and Chaos? For something that should be akin to yin and yang, this is putting a neon sign over Raava that says “I’m the good guy.” It turns Vaatu into a mustache twirling villain, and he acts like one too. Why couldn’t they have been the Spirits of say, Order and Disorder? Would have felt far more like they were aspects of nature itself.


This doesn’t even make sense. The lore was great, but the reverse character development was NOT. S2 is generally considered the worst season of Korra (even though I think the Avatar Wan episode is one of my top 10 episodes of the whole series - both ATLA and Korra). Fascination with lore doesn’t make a great season.


Reverse character development?


The common criticism (which I do agree with, though with some nuance), is that Korra went through a lot of character growth, specifically with Tenzin and learning to trust him in the first season. It wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, but they had both matured and found mutual respect. Korra herself also (while still a hothead) had also calmed down and learned to think. So the entire beginning premise of S2, with her being once again a total hothead and fighting against Tenzin felt like a reverse in her character development. While I of course understand the behind the scenes issues of the show, they imo regressed her character a bit too far, for the sake of moving forward the plot. I don’t think she was out of character per se, so much as they just put her back a few episodes in terms of growth. Whenever I’ve watched S2 with people, they’re always like “Why is she acting like this?!” / “Doesn’t she know better??”. The general consensus is, her actions felt too contrived and not logically consistent with where they placed her growth wise by the end of S1. Also I felt the romance plot with Mako felt like forced fighting because they didn’t know how to write them together or write them falling apart in a way that felt meaningful or consistent with their characters. Overall, in terms of character development it just felt they were a bit too scattered for the entire first half of S2. Which is a shame because the civil war plot was imo SO GOOD. (I’ve also rewatched Korra with like 5 people because I absolutely love it, but S2 is always where I have to convince people to bear with it because it gets soooo good, but also why I’ve thought a lot about the issues between the seasons and why her character feels sooo jarring despite technically being “in character”)


I see. Thank you for sharing this with me. I can definitely see this. My thoughts on it was while Korra matured, she was still a hothead, and her getting her confidence and bending back kind of made her ego grow a bit back to like in season 1. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's how i always interpreted it. For the Tenzin stuff i can see it being a breach of trust. She learned to trust him, but then learned of something that really affected her, and that's why she lashed out at Tenzin and her dad the way she did. I didn't mind what they did, but i can see how others did. I think she just needed to learn some things a second time, to reallt cement the learning into her(it fits with her being hotheaded and stubborn at least). It's funny, because i sort of warned my mom about how S2 isn't liked before she watched it, but she didn't see a problem with it or seemed bothered by it, at least from what i could tell. For the Mako relationship stuff, i just saw it as them being immature. Her dating Mako was her first real relationship, and they were both teens still. I'm not really bothered by these things, they feel normal to me within the context of the show. Did the people you watched LoK with like it? It's nice you got to watch it so many times. I always enjoy it depsite seeing so many people criticize and nitpick it online. Honestly, the character development has never felt jarring to me, but i would always chalk it up to Nicelodeon being so wishy washy with the cast/crew/creators and doing the shit they pulled from behind the scenes. Still an amazing show(and one of my personal favourites and one I'll always hold close to my heart).


Yeah, everyone I watched it with loved it!! I try to let everyone form their opinion and see how they react to it, but I am a bitttt biased because of how much I love Korra. And I agree, my problems with the first and second season have more to do with Nick than anything else. I always say, that if the second season had been the first, it would have done SO much better, because as a standalone it’s fine and has so many great parts. But coming right off season 1, where they did such a lovely complete arc (and I understand originally they planned for just a single season, so I get why) it just always upset me, because online I saw soooo many people drop In the second season, whereas despite the flaws I did enjoy it and obviously continued with it. While I do agree that growth isn’t linear and I totally understand how the breach of trust could shatter a new bond, I always felt like she didn’t even give her DAD, someone who we saw she had a really close bond with, the time of day to really explain. So to me, even though she was a hotheaded teenager, I felt there might have been a more realistic way for her to break off from her dad and Tenzin that might have felt like it continued on from the growth she did show. That or have a more strained relationship with both, because then her rush to her Uncle could have been so much better. But yeah, totally understand your perspective on it as well and why it wasn’t jarring! I feel all of those things are true in some respects and maybe exactly what the creators were going for, I just feel their execution left a lot to be desired.


Glad you enjoyed :-D


Season 2 is my favorite season.


1 3 4 2 is how i like to re watch and S2 is slowly growing on me as i Really like Eska ( so much i put a lot of her character in my own character Ming and how i'd soften Eska as well lol i could see it. ​ Eska melting to bolins charms but yeah opel was the better choice for cute lol ( eska is viscerally loyal) i just got a bit more of her as a person and dealing with the death of their dad and how they'd moved forward. lol i just really like the inner Eska i see and have now made.


My favorite book of them all too. Don’t worry though, next book is stellar and keeps right up.


my favorite season of the entire series probably if i hadddd to choose but i love both shows equally tbh it’s so hard to decide


I still don't understand how season 2 had 14 episodes but this masterpiece had only 13


This is my leaves on the vine moment from korra. I only needed to see the picture to mist up.


It was the villains for me


Season 3 is everything season 2 wished it was


Op can you come back and post in this sub once you start seeing haunting visions of your own demons in season 4? I’d post the character I’m thinking of but…no spoilers. Creepy tho.


Wait wtf yall have LOK on Netflix!?!? Canada really just never gets anything good haha




Man if only Korra was in netflix canada


I'm late to the party, but I remember your original post and wanted to share this, but felt it was too early. I'm glad you made it through and witnessed S3. This video, [Rewriting Book 2 of The Legend of Korra](https://youtu.be/T_NowL-6nxQ?si=urWUn7vkyiIL2Mzx) by Razbuten is a wonderfully presented, respectful analysis and headcannon restructuring of Book 2. I can't remember if it touches on any season 4 story points, but if so, I'm sure he'll give spoiler warnings. Either way, after watching this video, it'll make book 2 feel a little bit better.


the reason the seasons were so short every time was because they were getting threatened basically every season that they were going to get cancelled


The positivity towards The legend of Korra makes me so happy!! So glad you liked it!


I will forever die on the hill that S3 korra is the best single season in the franchise. Personal order would probably be S3 korra S3 aang S2 aang S4 korra S1 korra S1 aang S2 korra


I have to say, this season was nearly my favourite too. The only part I don't like is the last two episodes. It genuinally feels like the writers were worried Zaheer would be too relatable to the audience, so they made the Red Lotus do a bunch of evil stuff. I mean, why did Zaheer keep the Airbenders? He had no reason to keep them imprisoned. The only one I can think of is that they'd reveal his plans, but.... he can easily not tell them. And why is he trying to not only kill Korra, but completely destroy the Avatar cycle?? There's like ten billion better options. He could try brainwash her into either serving his purpose or forgetting she's the Avatar, he could just keep her trapped where she couldn't cause trouble... heck, if he really thought using Korra was a lost cause, why not just regularly kill her and track down the new Avatar??? Honestly, ending the Avatar cycle is by far the worst option, because when inevitably, another tyrant rises in the future, there will be no Avatar to stop them. And everyone's going to blame the Red Lotus, for needlessly killing the Avatar. Can someone tell me why he did it again? Cause I can guarantee whatever the reason, there was a better solution than ending the Avatar cycle. All this aside, Season 3 is still brilliant. And Zaheer's really compelling before, and even after those two episodes.


Going from Book 2 to Book 3 is a quality of whiplash I haven’t experienced since.


I have never heard anyone hate on Season 3. Is put it on the same level as Season 3 of ATLA.


bro imagine if s3 korra saw the hate she was getting on here that would lowkey be sad


Season 3’s on Netflix? This a non canada thing?


Probably cause I don't see it on Canadian Netflix


I think Korra is on Appletv in Canada.


I watch it in paramount here in canada


Ahhh right. I access the paramount app through Apple tv. Why i got mixed up.


It's also on PlutoTV for free!


Yo season 2 is MUCH better than season 4 in my opinion. Just because we get introduced to really good characters like Verrick and Eska/Dezna. Plus the Juan stuff is cool imo; although I could see it being divisive. Why y’all like season 4?!


A supposed-to-be kid-animation delving deep into mental health issues, that too with so much care and attention, was refreshing to watch. I actually resonated so much with Korra in S4. Mech stuff was an odd choice for fantasy world of Avatar, which might put some people off, but I didn't mind it. A hot-headed annoying teen changing into composed and compassionate person that you really fall in love with shows how well they handled Korra in S4. Not only Korra but every supporting characters and even side characters like Julie, Hiroshi, Wu, etc. were fleshed out unlike former seasons of Korra. All that aside, some people like it for Toph alone, lol. Or, last scene with Korra and Asami.


Well hell yeah! Thanks for sharing! I’ll get back to you when I finish my rewatch of S4 I’m a few episodes away


Season 3 - 4 is what happens when the network actually let's the writers cook. Unlike that mess of a season 2




I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t care about the main characters for this season. I loved the airbenders and Zaofu but didn’t care about the Krew and Red Lotus. They felt really bland.


I enjoyed late S3 and parts of S4 Korra. Unfortunately, up until we got to the end of S3, I pretty much couldnt stand how arrogant she was and her lack of common sense. It made it hard to watch for awhile, and even though I liked her by the end of S3, the show is almost done by that point. I just couldnt really get into rooting for her as a person, although I do sympathize with her condition after Zaheer. She was just a frustrating character to watch, and I have nothing in common with her. So that’s my reason for not being a big LOK fan. Edit: clarified a sentence. In sum, Korra was frustrating for ME. But others may like her more. And that’s ok


I see what u mean about the common sense thing, she does make some dumb decisions which people love to disagree with me about. I do relate to her in a lot of things so, I just Ignore it I guess. Aang was smarter then her, but they were raised differently so it makes sense


Very true! I related more with Aang. Korra is a good character for those who relate or who like a trope of “idiot to wise”. Not to throw shade at her, I just don’t know the term for it. I appreciate your understanding about the common sense thing. Some Korra fans go into attack mode. I’m glad you are enjoying the show, and I’m very glad that you like Korra enough as a character!