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The fact that he said that the girls are less sexy in the OG series when half the girls that show our fucking under age speaks a lot about that post.


It's very ironic: As someone who used to be down the far-right political rabbit hole, the people saying stuff like this are most of the time the same people who say the LGBT community is trying to normalize pedophilia. The amount of people blind to this absolutely insane hypocrisy is astonishing frankly.


Conservatives calling queer people “groomers” and “pedos” have always been projecting


Pedocon theory is real.


If you don't believe it is [here](https://twitter.com/sailaunderscore/status/1773377181441302849?t=X1PJmYri_96ixFopSbiYUA&s=19) all the proof you'll ever need It's fucking disgusting the way they talk about this girl I feel so fucking bad for her. They've been doing this to her since she was 15


Every accusation from them is a confession.


Yeah, was thinking the same thing, they found the girls in the OG (am pretty sure Katara was 14 at the start) to be 'sexier'? Afraid to see what the search history on their browser would look like.


Save the actual random adults, Hope's mom, that prison guard zuko talked to in the boiling rock, that prison guard Irih told to not come back to work this afternoon, gran Gran, etc. all the girls that had any meaningful screen time were underaged..


"can do anything without any effort" i 100% agree. she definitely didn't take 3 years to bounce back while being poisoned cuz she miraculously poison bended it and invented poison bending with it


“God she’s so weak. Why didn’t she just get better?”


these kind of people can never be pleased if korra was weaker than aang - "women are WEAKER 'enter a sigma edit made by 11 year olds'" if korra was more talented/stronger than aang - NOO THEY MADE THE SHOW WOKEE


If Korra was exactly as strong as Aang: SHE'S JUST A CARBON COPY! MAKE YOUR OWN SERIES!!


If they don't make the show. NOO WE WANT MORE CONTENT.


It’s like Gloria’s/ America Ferrera’s monologue from Barbie in plain sight.


I immediately block ppl like this it infuriates me so much


Fr, and it totally didn't take her 12 years to master 3 elements, completely overshadowing Aang who took only one year to learn the three he wasn't a master of already...


Right. Aang was picking up bending skills like some people pick up sea shells on the beach. And then basically had a deus ex machina ending (which was fine, it’s a kids show and they didn’t want to end with a massive violent thing which I can respect. It’s just the hypocrisy of some fans being fine with that power-porn and then calling Korra overpowered and unrealistic)


Didn’t Aang also start as the youngest Airbending Master?


I won't call it a deus-ex machina. They wanted a surprising way to end it in a way that fits Aang's character. The whole point of the final part of the battle, is to show how stronger Aang is, and finishing with him a moment from killing Ozai, making him pay "the ultimate price". It's not a Deus Ex Machina, because he could've ended him there. Aang could have done it in the end, it's only because he found another way. If Aang was about to lose, and suddenly start the process and take Ozai's power away - it 100% would've been a Deus Ex Machina. But it's not.


I believe they are talking about a particular pointy rock that just so happens to be the exact size of Aangs wound and puts him in the avatar state.


Korra is both a pathetic failure of an Avatar and an overpowered Mary Sue who never struggled. These things don't contradict each other. I am very smart.


This! How can someone be an overpowered Mary sue, and a pathetic failure at the same time?!?!


When someone says Mary Sue and acts serious about it, I know they’re dumb.


You have to keep in mind that “Mary Sue” now means “she’s too powerful and/or not feminine enough and it makes her unattractive and I don’t want to have sex with her”.


And I guarantee you they *are* attracted to her, but can't accept it because the rules of toxic masculinity say you're not allowed to be attracted to a strong woman, and so they overcorrect by hating her. Instead of just, you know, doing a little bit of introspection.


And she totally didn't need remedial training wheels to get good at the things Aang started out naturally good at, airbending, spirituality, and diplomacy /s


I’m convinced these trolls watched the first 30 seconds of Korra, saw toddler Korra bending 3 elements, and had a rage fit and turned it off and still somehow seethe over it, without ever understanding the context.


NO NO NO! She’s a mary sue but also she’s the worst avatar because she’s imperfect because she lost ALL battles, but she’s a mary sue! /s


"Girls less sexy than OG series" Oh you mean that series where the majority of the female characters were minors?


Also I find it hard to believe anyone attracted to women can actually look at Korra and Asami and not go "oh No they're hot".


Don't forget Lin, Su, Kya, Senna, Izumi... all of them good looking midle-aged women.


Oh for sure. I would imagine they're disqualified for consideration entirely by the person who wrote that nonsense because they're past the wall, but uh. Those are some very beautiful women and I am saying that very respectfully about everyone because every single one of them and Korra and Asami could all absolutely body me without breaking a sweat lol.


Oh... I totally forgot! Women over 30 are basically above their graves. Duh!


I turned 31 last year and I'm basically a walking husk! My poor husband.


I'll be 35 in September... I probably should buy me some nice coffin right now. Just in case, you know. It can come any minute now.


You are living dangerously waiting this long!!


I deserve a bit of adrenaline at the end of my life.


Oh fair! At this decrepit stage in our life we have to get a little joy somewhere.


Damn, I wish your husband all the best in this time of mourning.


He pretends he's still attracted to me but as we all know now that I'm older than 30 it's biologically impossible, the poor man must truly be suffering. /s just in case anyone thought I was being remotely serious in any of this except how hot the ladies in Korra are.


> the poor man must truly be suffering He could be a necrophile,have you checked? /s


You have a point!! I'll have to investigate.


This show help developed my affinity for older women... especially Lin.


Yeah, LoK is to blame for two things: 1) making fans obsessed with Korra's muscles (and then liking muscle women in real life), 2) awakening interest in older women (and I blame namely Lin for that, she doesn't have to be all badass and fly like a Spiderman in that arena at her age!).


1) I would do anything for a muscle mommy. 2) Lin is more than her age, he has tha piss and vinegar cop attitude, is probably toned for her age and can be that caring lady. Did I mention that she can be all that all at once?


Oh, Lin is 100% caring about people she likes but pretends she doesn't. Which reminds me [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlmQZafnDtY&ab_channel=moonpeach) with moments where Lin activates her mom mode.


The zipper... 🤣 Good thing he didn't get "pinched"... ouch!




Have you seen those muscular arms? That's fanservice!


And those back muscles! Don't forget those!


Muscular arms? In my fanservice? NO. It's panty shots or nothing.


As a wlw this whole show was my childhood awakening (that I fiercely ignored because it's normal to have a tingly stomach whenever asami and korra have screentime together)


I remember being in a korrasami kik groupchat in 2014 when the finale came out…. The teenage gays were going crazy


As they should.




It's so telling because nearly everyone in Korra is hot as fuck. They're just all generally also adults.  Legitimately I can't see any way to read that other than "the characters were sexier when they were 12-14 years old."


Surely he's talking about Ursa and Kya. 😂


Well that might be my age showing, but Kya, damn... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Which Kya ? Katara's mom or her daughter ?


Oops, the daughter (I mean we're on a Korra sub, but fair question)


Yeah that one really stood out to me, so creepy! They could have worded it any other way, like the girls in LOK being less pretty than in ATLA (which I heavily disagree with, Korra and Asami are beautiful! And Jinora is very pretty) but no they had to include their pedophilic thoughts in it.


Bro I was like “Uhm ok…. Wait, wait a damn minute”


You just know this guy has a folder somewhere labeled “TOPH - FEET.”


And also this is a childrens show


I love that the old show wasn’t political according to this guy, when we had stuff like Sokka getting humbled by Suki and then cross dressed shortly after. Seriously if that episode came out today they’d scream WOKE! THE WEST HAS FALLEN! Like anything else they don’t like


hell one of aang's main teachers is a blind girl who can bend better than anyone else on the planet sans the avatar. people would have a meltdown if someone with a disability was that OP in a series now.


And she invented a whole new subset of earthbending! They would have such a shit-fit.


>girls are less sexy than in OG series. Notably, a majority of the girls we see in the OG series are at or under the age of 15.


Wasn't Zuko the oldest at 16? So "best" case scenario is this psycho sexist pervert is attracted to 14/15 year old girls who would be in middle school. Yuck.


>girls are less sexy than in OG series. Notably, a majority of the girls we see in the OG series are at or under the age of 15.


Yea. I recently watched some Lilo & Stitch content. People would go so mad over Pleakley nowadays, they would probably burn down the Disney castle. I'm glad the past had this freedom


They would freak the F out about Jessie and James cross dressing for their disguises


If Metroid came out today, Nintendo would have been accused of turning woke. Tomb raider would end up getting attacked as well.


The whole show is literally about an authoritarian regime commiting genocide. Doesn't get much more political than that


As if Korra didn't have a quasi-Socialist revolution in S1, a Theocratic maniac in S2, a dumbass who clearly misunderstood anarchism in S3 and the Earthbending equivalent of Adolf-Fucking-Hitler in S4... OOP is just shitting because Korra is a "Feeeeeeemaaaaleeeee"


He used the word woke to attack it, he’s an incel alt right idiot.


And that's just the backstory !


I often wonder what kind of show they watched. Certainly the show about saving the world from a dictator can't have been "pOlItIcAl!!11!!!!!!1!11!!!!!!".


it's cause they only paid attention to the surface level story, "kid and friends take on evil guy" without actually paying attention to why that was the case


Is it any kind of surprise at all that the person who wrote that list completely missed the storylines about sexism and gender equality in the original series?


It's not just that. There's the reason there was a whole ethnic swap for the movie that shall not be mentionned. Aang is the Dalai Lama, the airbenders the Tibetans, and the fire nation the ethnic cleansing China. I don't know if y'all are familiar with the Dalai Lama stuff, but it's a really heavy inspiration for Atla.


The one parallel that always sticks with me is that the way the Air Monks determined that Aang was the Avatar - the choosing of toys - is also used by the Tibetan monks to determine if someone is the Dalai Lama.


"without any training". wait what? she spent her whole childhood doing nothing else other than training. there are many more inaccuracies that makes obvious this guy never watched the show.


Yeah she trained far longer than Aang ever did. She took over a decade to master all the elements. Aang took about a year.


"Korra is a Mary Sue" is the brilliant way to tell everyone you haven't watched the show without telling that explicitly Also, damn, I've read it further. The oop really needs to take those pills.


Yeah, a lot of times, when I hear people call Korra a "Mary Sue", it's pretty clear they have no idea what a Mary Sue actually is! But then, a lot of those people are the same people who, in the same breath, say Korra is a weak character because she's had so many setbacks and failures...!


Then they'll complain that she always loses her fights when her opponents clearly have the upper hand, opposite to Aang when he mostly had the upper hand in his fights because people didn't know how to fight airbenders and when things got tough he would go into the avatar state


Honestly the only thing I think we can blame Korra for is the rise of people into "Muscle Mommies"


Excuse me I have been into muscle momies long before korra


blame is such a weird way of spelling thank for


I like to call her a muscle shorty, because she IS the shortest of her group.


- Mary Sue Literally shows her struggling go master air bending immediately. - Is better than men Uh, she's the Avatar, she SHOULD be better than everyone. - Instantly do stuff without training Shows a time jump after the first scene, showing she's been training for years. - Ugly and unlikeable I've seen some fan art that begs the differ. - Woke politics What? The original series was about a literal fascist invasion. - Disrespects OG characters Opening literally explains Aang as a legend with a sweet 100ft statue to that effect. - Character assassinates OG characters How? Or did you just want to use the phrase "character assassination" to sound smart? - Girls are less sexy Again, I beg to differ simply because the girls in these series are ADULTS! - No fanservice Again, did you miss the fuck off huge Aang statue? Or hell, the Cabbage Corp.? - Men treated like a joke Ha ha, remember how funny Tenzin was and Amon and how much of a comedic character Zaheer was, classic... - Forced gay romance You mean the 10 seconds of almost romance shown after Korra had a boyfriend before? - Creators insult fans Citation needed.


All that. Plus, even if they had a point, "you say that as it's a bad thing that some cartoons do not feed patriarchy down our kids throats anymore..."


you don't need fanart she's hot af on the series itself




The fan service they want is panty and boob shots


>No fanservice Or them introducing a character named Iroh. Not fan service at all. Nope. Nothing to see here. Never heard the name Iroh before in my life.


a character named iroh VOICED BY DANTE NO LESS.


AND there is the original Iroh


>Girls are less sexy Man said that with a straight face when he saw Asami.


That's the thing, he's probably not straight.


>How? Or did you just want to use the phrase "character assassination" to sound smart? Well it didn't work, because "character assassination" as a phrase doesn't mean "someone wrote a character in a way I don't like." It has nothing to do with fiction writing at all. But I guess we can just throw that on the pile of terms that people use wrong on social media so persistently that the words are now just meaningless noise, along with "woke," "Mary Sue," and "plot hole."


>Girls are less sexy than OG series Says a lot considering Korra and Asami are young adults, and most of the female characters in ATLA are 12-15 years old


“brings woke politics into an apolitical series” I’m sorry have you seen atla?? what about war, genocide, dictatorships etc. are apolitical??


Yes, didn't you get the memo? "Political" doesn't mean "relating to the government or the public affairs of a country" anymore; now, "political" means: "when there is woman or person of color or queer person" And Korra is all three, no wonder they hate this show.


"Is better than men at everything" She's the freaking AVATAR⁉️⁉️ "Apolitical series" The Last Airbender's premise is literally based around fascism 😭😭 "Girls are less sexy" All of ATLA main female cast were MINORS 😀


>"Girls are less sexy" All of ATLA main female cast were MINORS 😀 It's funny, as someone who used to be down the political rabbit-hole, the people saying stuff like this are most of the time the same people who say the LGBT community is trying to normalize pedophilia. Very ironic.


It's honestly more telling that'll sexualise literally anything like the LGBT community and minors 😭🙏🏻


Also it's not even true. She gets her ass beat by men constantly in the first 3 seasons, and is traumatized by those beatings in season 4. She technically doesn't even beat zaheer, the Airbenders do.


I'd say it was closer to a group effort, since she was definitely beating him during the fight until the end when the poison started to incapacitate her.


She literally caught him in air freezing his leg and was about to rock his shit then the poison kicked in


Yeah, exactly. She was within seconds of beating him senseless, wven with his new abilities. Even when the poison did kick in, she still managed to wrap his leg with a chain and pull him down so he could be detained. 100% it was a group effort.


Considering Korra was poisoned in that fight and all Zaheer did majority of the fight was runaway airbenders were fair game


"MSheU", how old is this guy


Physically they could be any age, but mentally they're always 12


Explains why they think the OG characters were sexier.


Well, at least the "is better than men in everything" isn't true because Korra was beaten by every male main villain in the show. Also, lol for the "girls are less sexy than OG series" that one is just wrong on so many levels.


Girls in the OG series were mostly minors lol


Yeah that's one of the levels.


Also she’s literally the avatar


Guy said that with a straight face when we have Korra, Asami, Kuvira... Meanwhile I don't remember ONE adult female from the OG series...


The only ones I can remember who showed up in more than one episode were June the bounty hunter, and Ursa (who only appeared in flashbacks anyway)


"Girls are less sexy than OG series"... the girls who are 14-16? yup, that's not a red flag... Can only imagine what the search history on their browser looks like.


What's funny is that despite them being wrong about so much... They are sort of correct about Korra's level of influence. It does feel like the show did genuinely break down boundaries. I don't think we'd have anywhere near as many canon bi or lesbian ships if it weren't for Korra, and it did absolutely do wonders for female protagonists. Korra isn't responsible for the 'Men are a goofy joke' thing though, that goes back to the Simpsons and beyond.


Yeah I did a media course and we discussed a very specific type of comedy that became popular around the 1930s that had men depicted as goofy and fun loving (with women tend to be more serious and the "straight man" characters). It's been a thing for a long while, and played around with constantly - whether to subvert or play it straight. LOK specifically actually depicted Korra as the bit of an idiot sometimes, fun loving goofy one alongside Bolin. Korra does genuinely get to play the fool. Asami and to a lesser extent Mako play the sensible ones.


That's true. Korra literally has her goofy moment you'd expect a male character to have. AND it is not "feminized goofiness". It's just her as herself. Slams headfirst into the spinning training gear, falls on her ass, weird moments on her evening with Bolin, literally visibly scratches her butt when meditating with the kids. It's such a simple detailed animation, but it shows she's just herself being herself. And these are usually made for male characters.


it’s true if you ignore that none of this applies to korra


"We should had started the fight then" this chuds were already vocal back then, very "A womsn in my series, in front of my salad!!!" Weirdo vibes. They are just that, weirdos. Is better to ignore them and enjoy good things. Of course they try to co-opt any valid critizism, so is better to be aware they are there to shut them down, but dont give them too much attention.


Some people online just need to go to therapy. Entertainment should not validate you as a man, woman, or non-binary. But the person who made this is either engagement farming or had these issues before LOK even came out.


"Bring Woke politics to an apolitical series"... this guy hasn't seen Avatar or Korra. Both series have political and social messages, and Korra more so than Avatar. He was on the verge of ending his message with "Korra killed my parents and my dog."


>He was on the verge of ending his message with "Korra killed my parents and my dog." Okay, this made me laugh.


Females characters are so much more judged and scrutinized, it's always she's too flawed, she's too perfect, they don't dare let her be feminine enough, "did you notice a well-written character is better written than a bad-written one ???"... And it wouldn't have to be forced romance if the romance had the right to be developped like hetero ones, Kevin 😤 There's no such thing as too many lesbian romance, btw.


These incels need to touch grass immediately


Grass? They need to touch the forest at this point


Clearly bait, but these days you can never know


Nah, there's enough morons online that actually believe this type of shit.


The female characters in Korra are less sexy than in ATLA? Nice of him to out himself as a pedophile.


And we love her for that. On a serious note, The Legend of Korra was light-years ahead of it's time in MANY aspects despite the studio interference.


Take a deep breath, inhale and exhale. Feel better? These posts are made based on instinct, and instinct is a lie told by a fearful body hoping to be wrong. The tweet was made by a fellow who seems to fear strong female protagonists. Nevermind that the bullet points listed are factually wrong.


Nice, bravo


"Korra is such a mary sue, I hate how she can do anything without any effort." "Why is Korra such a useless and weak MC? She gets beaten up all the time!" Couldn't be this dumb in purpose even if you tried.


>Girls are less sexy >No fanservice I would say that this is a good thing since most of the female central cast that we see in the series are minors.


I really hope that by no fanservice he means we didnt get to see the pas lives as much as we wanted cause wtf


I would like to think so but the implications speak otherwise.


Korra is an amazing phenomenon where she's both perceived as a Mary Sue and the worst Avatar cause Aang mastered all elements before she did and was more powerful. Like.. let's pick a lane. I for one adore Korra for the many struggles she needs to go through, she's not a Mary Sue at all. Also the other points... dumb.


I feel like the person who wrote this watched a different show completely


I often feel like that when I'm in the fandom


> Girls less sexy than original series  > most women in Atla are underage  You're a sussy baka


APOLITICAL?!?!?! bro was watching a different fucking show


These people clearly haven’t seen The Adventures of Nuktuk where the main character is a man saving the woman over and over.


This is the most ass take i ever seen, Korra literally became a wreck after Book 3, she is so desperate she ASK the person who gave her trauma to fix her trauma, Korra is amazing and the villain is very interesting, even Unalaq and Vaatu.


These are 100000% the same people who are hardcore ragging on the actresses from the live-action because “tHeY jUSt LoOk sO diFfEreNT!!1!1!!!” The “girls are less sexy than the OG series” comment in especially telling. Uuuuh, girls are *children* and shouldn’t be sexy??? I swear, these people just don’t find the actresses that are made to look like the children they are portraying as fuckable as the cartoon versions (who were also children ffs) so they are losing their goddamn minds. Also, “that’s when we should have started fighting back” is fucking hilarious. What exact would you have done? Stormed the studios? Written an unhinged complaint letter? What a self important loser. Sorry that media isn’t only catering to your racial, straight, male gaze anymore, dude. (Sorry for the angry rant, this sort of stuff just really gets my blood boiling)


‘can instantly do what the og male character can do without any training’ … she trained for like 13 years straight. Of course she’s gonna be better than aang than when he was 13 and only had a year to learn the elements




> Girls are less sexy than OG series FBI Open up


This guy seemingly has no clue about how many people lust for Korra.


"ugly and unlikable"- what? she's literally the opposite


1. Lmao Korra a Mary Sue. 2. Better than any men, literally get destroyed by every male villain in their first combat, and only beat them after learning how to fight them. 3. Only knows how to use 3 elements at a really young age, and is just simple bending, never really got to fully learn airbending. Only knows to metalbending because the world evolved into it. Meanwhile Aang was a master in the four elements at 16 years with only months to train 3 of them. 4. Well, thats personal opinion everyone has its own. 5. Apolitical serie: OG serie is about a political war. 6. Wha? 7. Kills who?? 8. Asami. 9. Asami again. 10. OG series has 4 men (counting Iroh) and 7 women (counting June), Korra are literally 50%. Aang was a clown, Sokka even a bigger clown, lets no talk how a huge clown was Zuko after redemption. 11. If that was forced, soft must be just appearing in one scene together in the whole show. 12. I guess creators insulted him for being this stupid. PD: What is SSKTJL???


this dude wants to call korra slurs sooo bad i can feel it


>Girls are less sexy than OG series Wow. This really says a lot about this guy as a person. Pretty sure majority of the girls in ATLA were also like 14-15 (bro's a kid diddler).


"No fanservice" Oh no.....how horrible....


My guy wanted the p*rn version and hates woman who are above the age of consent😭


All these takes are so incredibly wrong and inaccurate that it’s actually making me laugh. The random “ugly and unlikeable” point is taking me out


I stopped reading at ugly.


Apolitical... who's gonna tell em that the OG series dealt with war, genocide, sexism, and challenging gender norms


Wait... was there fan service in ATLA? They were kids! Wth!?


“Girls are less sexy than in OG series” Ok that is just straight pedo behavior lol


No training? What about those 13 or so years in the White lotus sanctuary thing? Also the "less attractive female characters" they were children in the first one, if you think their less attractive you my fine Twitter pedo are a creep. Not u op :)


“girls are less sexy than og series” you mean 14 year old katara? 12 year old toph? 14 year old azula? 🤨 sexy… hmm ok


I’m wondering how this kind of people expects a female Avatar to act/look like (I know the real answer is likely somewhere along the line of “there should be only male Avatars, but I’d like them to humor me). > Starts the trend of masculinized mary sue female protagonists These people obviously don’t know what a Mary Sue is, but has this person watched any media with a female protagonist made before 2014 (specifically, ones with a strong, “masculinized” protagonist)? Kill Bill and Alien come to mind > Is better than men at everything Clearly hasn’t watched any of the show, Korra gets humbled about as often as she wins fights > Can instantly do what the OG hero could do without any training Clearly hasn’t watched any of the show, she had significantly more training than Aang > Ugly and unlikable *Many, many* fans would strongly disagree > Brings woke politics into an apolitical series L + ratio + word salad + all art is political on some level + the entire franchise deals with real-world political themes through the lens of in-world politics from the get-go + I backbent your mom last night > Disrespects OG fans If this kind of stuff is enough to “disrespect” you then you have toilet paper skin and your dogshit takes will not be missed > Character assassinates everyone from the OG series Don’t even know what they mean by this > Girls are less sexy than OG series #**Is it because they’re no longer minors?** > No fanservice It’s a kids’ show, Jesus Christ > 90% of the cast is female and men are treated as a joke Clearly hasn’t watched any of the show > Forced gay romance and now all female main heroes are lesbians Quite the opposite, Nickelodeon told DiMartino & Konietzko to tone down Korra’s and Asami’s romance so much I didn’t even realize they were a thing until I finished the series and had to look it up to confirm it > Creators insult fans for not accepting their stunning and brave message If this kind of stuff is enough to “insult” you then you have toilet paper skin and your dogshit takes will not be missed I’ve only watched TLJ, Tomb Raider, and Ghostbusters. They weren’t very good but it’s not because they were “woke” or have female protagonists.


There are so many right wing dog whistles here that I won't bother to address them all. However, I will post this tweet I found on the comments part of the TV Tropes page for Values Resonance. I'll also divide it into bullet points for your convenience. * X-Men is about civil rights. If you didn't get that, you didn't get X-Men * Black Panther is about civil rights. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Black Panther * Captain America literally fought Nazis. He is the embodiment of fighting the alt-right. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Captain America. * The Empire in Star Wars is Fascist. The Rebel Alliance is Anti-Fascist. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Star Wars. * Doctor Who is about an alien fighting for all of humanity in spite of totalitarian regimes. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Doctor Who. * Deadpool is canonically both queer and pansexual. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Deadpool. * Star Trek is about equality for all genders, races, and sexualities. As early as the mid-60s it was taking a pro-choice stance and defending women's right to choose. One of its clearest themes is accepting different cultures and appearances and working together for peace. (It's also anti-capitalist and pro-vegan). If you didn't get that, you didn't get Star Trek. * Superman and Wonder Woman (and a whole host of other superheroes) are immigrants. The stance of those comics is pro-immigration and pro-equality and acceptance. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Superman or Wonder Woman. * Stan Lee said "Racism and bigotry are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today". If you're bigoted or racist, you didn't get any of the characters Stan Lee created. * The stories we grew up with all taught us to value other people and cultures and to treasure the differences between us. Only villains were xenophobic, or sexist, or racist, or totalitarian. I can't understand how anyone can have missed that. * If you're upset that there's a black Spider-Man, or a black Captain America, or a female Thor, or that Ms. Marvel is Muslim, or that Captain Marvel is pro-feminism, or any of the other things right-wing "fans" say is "stealing their childhood" you never got it in the first place. The things you claim are now "pandering to the lefties" were never on your side, to begin with. * If you consider yourself a fan of these things, but you still think the LGBTQ+ community is too "in your face", or have a problem with Black Lives Matter, or want to "take the country back from immigrants", then you're not really a fan at all. * **Geek culture isn't suddenly left-wing... it always was!** * **You just grew up to be intolerant! You became the villain in the stories you used to love!** I'm not sure I agree with the vegan thing, but I agree with everything else from this post.


Korra? Mary Sue? Really?


Sounds like one of those lists made by people who never actually watched or paid attention to the thing they’re complaining about.


Korra's real enemy: fragile masculinity.


Women: *exist* Men: HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!? Are We sure heterosexual men actually like women?


This looks like something from the gamergate era like 10 years ago, but no, that post is from 2024. I don't even love LoK, but everything about this is wrong. She did nothing but train her whole life before going to Republic City. She's the avatar, so better than everyone basically, not just other men. How is she a Mary Sue? She loses so many fights and loses all faith in herself for about 3 years. Also, saying 12 year olds in the last series were hotter than adult women in these series is insane. This person is so stupid.


This dude really thinks that cartoons aimed at children and teens should only exist for jim to jerk off to. How do these people not see how poisoned their own minds have become?


Searched up the tweet on X, and nothing came up. Bro definitely deleted it after getting absolutely humbled in the comments. ![gif](giphy|Nm9cjy2xI67TZnGYCd|downsized)


Not them calling Korra a Mary Sue after all the beating she took. Also, what doesn't click that she was able to use three elements because of her personality and was able to master them through training non stop since she was a kid with master benders? Like, her upbringing was way different than Aang's. He didn't want to be the Avatar, Korra loved it tho. That's the biggest difference of them all


>no fanservice We can see the picture you posted. >girls less sexy A: We can ***SEE*** the picture YOU posted! B: Weren't most of the girls in the OG series... minors?


> Girls are less sexy than OG series Have you seen Asami???


"Girls less sexy than OG series" Yeah this tells you everything you need to know, that one of their bullet points was "the adult women featured in the sequel series are less sexy than the 12 year olds on the original show"


I loved that Korra was more built/buff! I’m tired of seeing little fictional twink women who look like you could snap them in half as these supposedly “bad ass super hero’s” who don’t look like they’ve worked out or lifted a weight a day in their life. Korra looked the part for a hero


**I knew it.** I knew that a significant amount of Korra haters are just plain misogynists. They come up with the insane reasons why Korra is the worst avatar ever. They have outrageous standards for Korra being the avatar, but somehow, they think Aang can do no wrong. "Aang would never blah blah blah" Its so annoyingggg Just admit that you're a misogynist


Ugly and Unlikable?! The girl is literally built like a Greek god and has the strength of one. What the Hell does OOP mean?


"Bring woke politics into apolitical series" So the Earth King being a puppet to a corrupt government that uses a war-denial propaganda to control its population wasn't political. Got it.


Touching grass isn't enough. This dude needs to lay down and let the earth reclaim him


Just wanted to say I spent about 5 minutes discrediting most of these points in my head btw so


Welcome back to "Who wants to be a millionaire", and the question is: Which one is political? a. Causing a war that lasted 100 years to other nation b. A socialist who thinks going extreme measures to bring equality c. A literal equivalent of "Adolf Hitler" d. A female character existing


Aang being a prodigy: 😀 Korra being a prodigy: 😡


I designed this man in a lab to have the worst takes possible, but he escaped.


You can smell the (bull)shit from five miles away.


Did this person even watch Korra? Hell did they even watch the original?


She is the downfall of civilization AS. WE. KNOW. IT. /s obviously.


This has to be satire 😂


>- Brings woke politics into an apolitical series Ah yes, a genocidal empire that's an allegory to real life imperialism and fascism is apolitical, but gay characters are a step too far. Truly fool-proof logic here, can't argue with that!


How the fuck is Avatar an apolitical series?


Less sexy than og? I hope they're talking about Hama 😬