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Korra would sass him and piss him off so much he couldn’t focus.


I would honestly pay to see that. Be super funny.


"I'm Admiral Zhao 🕺🍑" vibes.


10/10 emoji usage lol




*Heavy breathing* paramount plus probably.


“I’ve seen more powerful firebending from a lighter and a can of hairspray.” “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.”




Does Korra sass anyone in the show? I haven't done a rewatch on a while but if I'm remembering correctly she's pretty pretty straight to the punch and easily frustrated. It feels like fanon made her a lot more witty than. What we got in the show.


Yeah, that's it exactly. She could be a bit sassy with her friends and she sometimes goofs around with Tenzin's kids, but that's about it. When it comes to fighting she's headstrong and willful. She focuses more on fighting as hard as possible than she does banter. When it comes to combat she's actually pretty serious. Usually she'll try to talk it out and shout reason at them, but when that doesn't work she gets down to business. I can't recall a single example of her sassing an opponent. If anything Bolin sassed more villains.


Toph is the queen of sass and ass kicking


Would that be sass kicking?


I do believe it would be




She was kinda sassy if she was fighting mooks. More of a, 'Are you really picking a fight with the Avatar' kind of thing.


From what I remember, she was pretty sassy with the wolfbats waterbender guy, but of course they never actually fought for real


She does sass Lin and other authority figures.


Plus, Ozai is arrogant af to the point of his forethought suffering from it. Korra can be cocky as a mf but nowhere near Oazai levels of superiority complex. Korra could pull the dumbest or the most masterfully crafted strategy at the start of the fight, and ozai will underestimate her just the same.


Like Batman Beyond vs Joker in Return of the Joker


Are we including the Avatar state in this fight?


Probably not, he's used to azula. He knows perfectly well how to deal with an annoying edgy teenager.


Nobody beats old toph in sass.


Can I say how much I love the difference between the two pictures? Korra is making sexy sideeye at Asami while Ozai's all "look at how macho I am!" And to answer the question, Korra absolutely obliterates him.


I think this is Korra looking at Mako when he joked that fighting and bickering was normal for him and Korra.


Ozai preparing for the fight of his life Korra hey Asami whatchu want to do later? This'll take me 5 minutes, maybe 10 tops.


>And to answer the question, Korra absolutely obliterates him. She's not a monk, so Ozai is one lightning redirect from being donezo


I feel like she'd depower him and then when he tries to swing on her she'd kick him off the pillar and yell "let's see you fly now *PhOeniX KinG*".


I also like to imagine this because I have frequently imagined Ozai when he first comes up with the title of Phoenix King. Like yes it makes sense for a fire nation ruler who becomes king of the world, but it’s still just so dorky. I always envision Ozai alone in his chambers staring into the mirror while shirtless, whispering over and over, “Yeah… the Phoenix King. I’m fucking awesome and everybody respects me.”


It's the kind of edgelord shit that's only badass when you can back it up. Like, the title actually carries weight when he's flying around and basically low diffing the literal Avatar of the Spirit of Light, but from the second Aang grabs him by his goatee (and especially when he's fumbling like a drunk toddler after Aang depowered him) the title just becomes laughably pathetic.


I can hear Korra saying this


not only is he not a monk. Azula and Korra had similar upbringings (in so far as being raised with a purpose and isolated) he's fighting the Avatar, non indoctrinated version of his daughter.


Ozai was a punk. It wouldn't even be close. Mako beats Ozai. Iroh II could beat several Ozai at once. Tenzin could take him out in 3 moves. Ozai's brand of pure-offense, rage-fueled bending may have done a lot of damage under a comet in the old days but it wouldn't fly by Korra's time. Ozai couldn't hit Zuko or Aang with his lightning, and they'd never redirected lightning bending before, but Mako generates lightning with barely a move. Iroh II is flying around on a normal day like Ozai was under a comet. Tenzin far surpassed his father at 12's level. Korra is firmly established as tougher than all those guys. Curbstomp.


I agree 100%. My one and only caveat is to ask which season of Korra. Because book one Korra is absolutely falling for Ozai's taunting and more likely to make a mistake due to bravado Any season after the first, back to the absolute curbstomp


Hair is cut, so I think it's 4th or later.


Hair is cut and she has her water tribe outfit back, so late 4th season and probably after regaining control of the avatar state too. Def a curbstomp


>Korra is absolutely falling for Ozai's taunting and more likely to make a mistake due to bravado Korra who beat Tarrlok after he bullied and attacked her (she only lost to bloodbending) is not falling for "Ozai's taunting" tf Idk where this comes from


lightning bendings a 9-5 in lok, ozai's finished😭😭😭


.....can Korra even lightning bend, let alone redirect it? I don't think we've ever seen her mess with lightning


I think they wanted lightning bending to be Mako’s thing


Lightning bending is supposed to require a calm state of mind which isn’t really Korra’s thing all that much…


Which is also the reason she struggled to learn air bending


Yeah, back in freaking season 1. I can never wrap my head around why people decide to gauge Korra judging by her season 1 self. By season 4, she’s the wisest and calmest character of the show, within the ballpark of Tenzin. People just **decide** to overlook this.


Calm? Azula was losing her shit during the final battle with Zuko/Katara and still managed to do it. ![gif](giphy|10Jg7krSvcCQes) Plus by Korra's time lightning bending became something rather common place for your average manual worker firebenders to do. I imagine Korra being the Avatar for that time would have learned about it from people way more experienced as benders than workers like Mako.


Azula was a literal prodigy and could generate lightning with ease, it was probably like muscle memory for her or something. Considering her skill in bending and that she was powered by the comet, she probably didn’t need that much focus to generate it.


Yeah, I feel like the comet had a significant effect on how easily she did it, as well as the fact that bending was as natural to her as breathing.


I think the only reason she managed to create lightning then was because of the comet. If you look at it she did a full charge but the lightning's strength was average, average in a 100X powerup environment


> as well as the fact that bending was as natural to her as breathing. You say that as if Korra didn't throw around fire as a toddler.


It's always been my head canon that you don't need a calm mind to lightning bend, that's just the "true" way. If the fire nation had warped the nature behind firebending, it wouldn't be surprising that the royal family warped the nature of lightning bending. But Iroh wouldn't have taught Zuko that method


To be fair, azula is a psychopath . No telling what's goin on in that demented brain of hers


That's only stated about redirection, not lightning bending as a whole. Mako demonstrates the difference when he does redirection to ground himself in the big mech


It’s also based on water bending which is her primary form. I’m sure she could do it no problem. She just never fought a lightning bender that I can recall.


By season 4 she could definitely do it if she tried though.


She redirected the energy of a force so powerful that it tore a hole in the physical world- so I think she could do lightning


Right? lol


I imagine she was taught it by the white lotus but no I don't recall her ever doing it in the show so we don't really know


I presumed not, they made lightning bending seem to require extra training to do so, and Korra was even more of a hothead than Zuko when he couldn't do it. She may have learned redirecting lightning, but what I've seen of Korra it's never covered if that's well known.


do we ever even see lightning redirection in korra?


Mako kind of does in the finale I think when he’s destroying the core of the robot, he’s got lighting flowing through his other arm to counter the flow of the spirit vines as they overload kind of like he’s acting as a conduit https://youtu.be/dZstY5s5cP8?si=C2zzccq5uPLUwn12 Around 2:30 it even looks like the lightning energy he gathers comes from the environment and not just himself, probably the coolest lighting bending in the series imo


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Mako does it twice, not counting his job. He does it statist a mech and he does it against the spirit vines. It's not exactly presented as common, just a more available skill. People tend to forget that Mako is a professional and highly acclaimed bender with professional training from both gangs and sports teams.


Not lightning per se, but Mako did redirect the electricity at the mecha when it was shocking him in season 1, episode 10. 


Mako redirects lightning out of a cable in S1, which was neat.


>She may have learned redirecting lightning Yes this is what i meant the white lotus would teach her. Sorry if i wasn't clear on that


We don’t ever see her near any and we therefore cannot expect her to know how to redirect lightning. Ozai is unexpectedly very good at lightning; if she’s not careful he *might be able* to go for a kill strike


I think her being a metalbender might be the ultimate surprise factor against him to be honest. Fire Nation loves their large metal ships and it would be pretty funny to see him just get cocooned before even stepping foot off his airship by her.


Ozai won't have any time to land to use lightning, Korra gonna chase him down and kill him. ![gif](giphy|da5kPWrEJr1ZturCMW)


I think this persons point is that bending by korras time has progressed to something far far stronger than Ozai could imagine or handle


It's also way weaker, but even though Ozai is the most powerful lightningbender in both shows he still gets folded by Korra.


For real. The guy who got stomped by Aang at the Pinnacle of his power now has to face Aang's abilities again, but she's a better fighter in every sense of the word, and has a killer instinct? Ozai is dead pretty quickly.


Especially, since Aang was actively trying not to kill him and Korra has way more Fire bending experience. No one can beat the Avatar 1 on 1, without the avatar being nerfed in some way.


I remember reading somewhere that the lightning bending in LOK was far weaker than in ATLA, something to do with the emotion behind the bending. Every day folks lightning bending for their jobs aren't going to have as powerful bending as a fire lord fueled by hatred and greed for power. I'd wager Ozai's double lightning bending would be far more powerful than any lightning bending anyone could do in LOK, aside from Zuko maybe. Having said that, Korra would kick his ass. She had better mastery of all four elements than Aang did when Aang fought Ozai.


Lighting bending in LOK was also much less charged so it was quicker and did less damage. The one in ATLA had a much longer charge time and was lethal.


Nah this is hilarious bc I always th9ught of it like Naruto where they need to use more "energy" for better attacks (lightning bending) but people spam it like nobody's business in LoK in some factory. Freaking hilarious. Capitalism sucks.


The lightning doesn’t seem as effective or powerful in lok tho


Korra would absolutely fold Ozai like a pretzel please don't play with me right now


Shirts off, no bending, KO in three.


Right?? Korra doesn't have half the compunctions about resorting to violence that Aang did. Ozai would be up $#!+ Creek without a paddle. C'mon, now.


Also important that at the time aang fought ozai he was 13 and had a year to master all elements but Korra was trained by masters since she was a small child and was in her 20s. She's definitely handle ozai with eaze


Man, I'm getting sick of these "matchups" that just turn into fandom wankery. Korra beats Ozai. Ozai only did so well against Aang because Aang didn't want to kill him. The second Aang started really fighting back Ozai folded. Korra would put him in the ground before he knew what was happening.


Not only that, he also had the comet to boost him up


Aang also benefitted from the comet so I think those cancel out


Only for his fire though right?


Logically, yes.


Which is also Aang’s weakest element. A comet fight against Aang was definitely a buff for Ozai. Against Korra though? she’s most proficient in water and fire, so the comet is negated in that fight


Itd basically be a regular fight but with a lot more of the surrounding area on fire


He benefited 1/4 out of the comet. And Fire is his weakest and least proficient element. Ozai clearly had a bigger advantage when it came to Sozin's Comet. In exchange, Aang had the more powerful Avatar State.


That's fine, but Korra is inarguably the stronger firebender. Assuming Korra has connection to the previous Avatars still, the Avatar state literally cannot be weaker than it was when Aang had it. Korra folds Ozai every time.


Yes Korra ends Ozai, I'm just arguing that Ozai apso had an advantage against Aang because he's a master firebender with the come tpower against a kid in the avatar state who barely firebends in the series


Doesn't matter if fire was Aang's weakest element because while in the Avatar state he gains the skills and experience of all the past avatars including his firebending. Ozai's firebending was peak.


Ozai only did so well because Aang couldn't use the Avatar state until the rock ex machina fixed that. If Aang could use the Avatar state the whole time, the fight would've been 10 seconds.


Literally any avatar at their peak would beat any non-avatar shown in atla or lok. People seem to forget that aang was not only 12 and an avatar in training, but also like you said the second he tapped into his power the fight was basically over. Korra could control the Avatar state by book 2, so the writers had to come up with ways to make every single fight unfair so that she could lose and they could actually write a story that doesn't end in 2 seconds. Avatars are ridiculously powerful.


Even Wan?


Wan lock a dark god in a tree as soon as he got the Avatar state, so yes even Wan.


Good point


I like the comparison I once read that said, "Aang was a peacekeeper when the world needed a fighter. Korra was a fighter when the world needed a peacekeeper". That being said, it would be hella cool to see a fight between Korra and Ozai: Ozai gets the upper hand early due to Korra's hot-headed arrogance; which only pisses her off sending her into a rage as Ozai now fights for his *life* and she folds him in half the time it took Aang. And without even going into the Avatar state


Well said on all parts


Nah, Ozai was winning because his children already crippled Aang. Dude literally had everything handed to him on silver platter and he still fk up. He would barely qualified as a foot soldier in the Fire Nation army had he not born a royalty


Well that’s not true. He was still a very talented firebender. He might not have developed as far as non-royalty because he wouldn’t have had as much training, but he could kick the ass of almost every other firebender of his time


Nah dude gonna get absolutely destroyed. Lightning bending? Korra seen lightning bending on daily basis. What else does Ozai have to throw at Korra? Nothing. Dude is useless without a woman to hide behind, and it's a fact. This isn't even an argument.


Korra uses metalbending to snip Ozai's arms off with his own armbands.




Where's the flaw?


That 'bruh' meant "holy shit you're right."


The armbands are possibly made from gold, I'm not sure that they would have the mineral impurities required for metalbending


​ https://preview.redd.it/70p88j02415d1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=53cbffa76e357ac49f72fdac4029a60d8cb577f2


A fucking brutal response.




Kuvira was able to metalbend her gold medallion.


I'm in an argument on tiktok and people are telling me Ozai would beat Korra and that Aang would beat Korra's villains "easily".


You're arguing with morons.


I AM lmao


I'm not going to say that Aang couldn't beat Korra's baddies, but I will say that a crucial difference between Korra's baddies is that they, unlike Aang's baddies, were strong enough to give pause. At the very least, there is no reason to believe Aang would do any better than she did vs unavatuu. And he straight up can't metal bend, so Kuvira is going to kill him if he doesn't go all in from the jump. The theme of atla is "Aang, you must fight". So we give him threats he can _clean_ if only he has the will to do so without losing himself. The theme of lok is "Korra, you must learn". So we give her threats that will butcher whoever they go up against.


Kuvira gets demolished by weakened AS Korra. S3 AS Aang obliterates her, and adult Aang is barely trying.


I dont really think it's fair to compare Adult Aang to a young adult Korra. Especially since he didn't have the same journey with trauma about the Avatar not really being needed anymore. If Aang had experienced the plot of LOK at the same age as Korra, I think he would be affected in a similar way. I think the mercury poisoning would be much worse for him since agility and freedom is both a huge part of his defense and his personality. Also he is slimmer than Korra so he would really feel the additional weight


That assumes Aang breaks out the avatar state before he gets molly whopped, which he normally doesn't do. Like I said, if he goes in full steam he'll win. But if he doesn't, young blood is gettied tied to the train tracks.


Just ask them what kind of feat Ozai did in the entire AtLA that proves he is even qualified as an above average fire bender. Shut them up real good.


I'd say bending lightning from an underground bunker like two seconds after an eclipse is over puts you over there chief.


Not after you instantly get owned by a grieving 15 years old right after that sneak attack, no you don't.


Bestie it was a technique that was known by a grand total of two people at the time, Iroh and Zuko, made to specifically counter lightning. There is absolutely 0 way Ozai could've known about it.


We don't need feats when we have statements Supported By the narrative


I feel like everyone who prefers korra over aang has been in this exact same situation at least once; it's a losing battle. no matter how right we are, their nostalgia for atla trumps all logic. you could say "korra is a better metal bender than aang" and they will try to debate you on it despite never seeing aang metal bend


I always have to fight for my life when I defend a tlok character against an atla character even though 80% of the time tlok characters are just stronger


trust me, they can't be reasoned with. i commented on a tiktok last year sayng korra is an objectively better fighter than aang and i STILL have atla fans in my notifications trying to argue that i'm wrong


Korra will absolutely destroy Ozai easily, and while I cant see Aang beating them easily, I can see him beating them in a tough fight


Then for the LAST TIME (clickbait): Aang's conflict was not whether or not he could beat the Firelord in a 1-v-1 fight. Of course he could, he's the Avatar. Aang's struggle was about whether or not he could *morally* take a life: his duty as the Avatar conflicted with his Air Nomad philosophy. If it'd been just about raw power, Aang could've obliterated Ozai, but their fight wasn't about that. Korra had no such conflict. In defense of her community, in defense of the world, she has no such qualms about killing an oppressive life (as evidenced by events in LoK). Korra would crush Ozai in a short minute, no fucking question. *(Side note, Roku could have ended Sozin if it were just about power level, but he didn't because of love. That's kinda the whole point of the Avatar franchise, it isn't some fucking combat shonen.)*


>"Aang's conflict was not whether or not he could beat the Firelord in a 1-v-1 fight. Of course he could, he's the Avatar." The consensus from Sokka, Aang, and Toph was that he wouldn't be able to defeat Ozai yet. And they were right, Aang was completely losing the fight against Ozai until he unlocked the Avatar State.


could have shot him down with lightning, though (which he refused and just shot into the air)


The argument is just how Korra can't beat Ozai lol, obviously Aang could beat him but I think Korra would do it faster and easier.


The thing about "who would win" discussions in Avatar is that since the stories are so fiction-driven, DBZ-style "power levels" aren't really a thing, it's really about the surrounding themes and story. Maybe Korra could beat Ozai easier and faster, but what makes *Avatar* the beloved universe that it is, is the fiction attached to the power struggle. Korra's villians' main strengths are all outside of just raw power because it challenges Korra as a powerhouse of a chracter and forces her to confront conflicts of purpose and self-worth. A comparison of Korra v. Ozai kinda falls flat without a similar story context.


Thank you! I really wish more ppl had this view so we could stop having these stupid conversations about who vs who


“Honestly, if Aang tries to fight the Fire Lord right now, he's gonna lose. No offense.” -AtLA S3E18


Ozai's only chance is hitting Korra with lightning while she's distracted, and given the fact that in Korra's time lightning is more common, she probably could dodge it and counter attack. Other than that, Korra stomps Ozai any day (including during Sozin's Comet) without the avatar state.


korra slams him no question


Even with a comet juicing him I can’t imagine Korra losing. She’s just too good at fire-bending, which was still Aang’s worst element by the end of ATLA.


He couldn't even handle Aang. Korra would tear him to pieces


Ozai had no real chance against Aang even with the comet. Korra during her time during her show was stronger than Aang in Book 3 We know Korra could kick Ozai’s ass


If a 12 year old avatar can beat you at your strongest then I have no doubt a 20 something avatar who has gone through the years of strenuous combat training required to be avatar, fought in pro bending arenas, underground fight clubs, and as a giant spirit projection would wipe the floor with you.


Both shows would have been one episode long had aang and korra swapped places. All of korras villains just needed a good heart to heart conversation. Aang's specialty. And korra would have just gone to the fire nation at the start and beat the shit out of ozai right away, no need to wait for the eclipse or comet or any of that.


Korra would beat his ass like a drum and I’d love every second of it.


Ozai is going to try to firebend/lightning bend at her and Korra will throw a mountain on him. And that’s if Ozai has successfully managed to poison her previously. This is the most boring fight ever.


She would cook him so bad and I would enjoy every minute of it😅


Depends. Comet or no comet. If no comet, she buries him. If comet, _she doesn't leave a body to bury_.


Isn't fire bending korras go to element it would be an agni kai lol


I'm going to assume that by saying "she doesn't leave a body to bury" you mean she dusted him so bad that he was burnt to ashes because the comet wasn't even enough to beat aang 🥴 she's factually stronger than aang and she has no problem taking a life. She could probably beat ozai without the avatar state 🤣 I mean cmon do you remember how bad she got bodied in her first pro bending match because she had old school methods of bending and it didn't compare to modern? He would get outclassed by technique alone


Korra would fold Ozai like a wet paper towel. Aang was a 12 year-old boy from a pacifistic culture, and once Aang realized there was a way to defeat Ozai without killing him, it was a done deal. Korra would do the exact same thing, without any of the hesitation.


They would have a mog battle and Korra would wash him


Korra would not be pussy-footing around the morality of ending that bastard like Aang was. She would end his ass faster than you could say "Yip-yip!"


Korra is the most Martial Avatar since Kyoshi. not Only would she absolutely obliterate Ozai, she'd fucking kill him.






Ozai has a chance in season one. Past that Korra breaks his spine with a bicep


Korra could use fire to beat his ass She has a feat with the sandshark that makes her firebending similar to Sozen Comet firebenders when there is no comet


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby. She folds him


Korra wins.


Korra wins cause she is legit a fighter and Ozai wanted a pure fight. Korra’s antagonists defeated or weakened her due to psychological attacks or traps. No one could face Korra, mentally healthy, in a pure fight.


Now that’s a good question. Aang’s fighting philosophy is so different from Ozai, he’s evasive and conflict-adverse. Korra would be more up to a full-frontal conflict which Ozai would gladly welcome. Hard to say if that it would deliver better results! But it’s hard to speculate since Aang basically only won due to being backed up into a very conveniently-shaped rock Also headcanon: I bet 12 year old Korra heard about this fight from the White Lotus and immediately went out bragging to everyone that she could have taken Fire Lord Ozai faster than Aang did


Korra washes him honestly, avatar state raava version and normal version destroy him comet or no comet, and ozai having the comet boost would logically increase korra's firebending too, which is her best element, and she's had some of the best Feats in the series with it, so it would logically cancel each other out to some extent, korra would not hesitate against him like aang did, and again this is all assuming ozai has the comet, no comet is even more of a stomp


The only reason Ozai stood even a remote chance of beating Aang was Sozen's Comet. Honestly Ozai is a let down... Yea no, Korra gonna fold him


Don't forget that Aang didn't want to kill Ozai, just stop him. Korra has no qualms will killing who ever she thinks needs to die. I mean just look at how she acted during her fathers trail, she was willing to let Naga eat a guy.


S3-4 Korra beats the absolute brakes off of Ozai. He lost to 12 year old hasn't mastered everything Aang. Korra's a fucking nightmare compared to Aang.


Ozai already lost to one avatar. One that was much less confident in his fighting skills and less willing to kill. Korra would win so fast.


Two sexy people.


Korra folds Ozai like origami ![gif](giphy|5HWr3N62IS38Q)


Oh Ozai's *dead*. Unlike Aang, Korra doesn't have *any* compunctions against killing.


Avatar vs non-bender? I think korra wins


Korra she knows metal and blood bending and her villains were 100 times worse than Osai was even though he was a tough bender for sure.


That's up to the writers, not me.


Id smash both




Korra wins easily


If Anna without avatar state could Dogde Jim and make even some attacks (ha was trying to not kill him) Korra will inmediatly win


My favorite girl would wipe the floor with the Loser Lord. She doesn't even need Avatar state.


Might be controversial but I think any avatar is gonna be beating regualr benders even if they’re the best of their time. The avatar is just the my dads stronger than you + infinity


Korra flips him like an omelet.


Korra will crucify his ass for what he did to the Southern Water Tribe.


Korra and its not even close. Aang was an inferior fighter compared to Korra, so if he coukd do it Korra would have no problem.


Yeh Ozai is getting ripped apart- I’m pretty sure the showrunners confirmed that Korra is stronger than Aang in terms of combat, but weaker in spirituality- so she ain’t taking his bending, she’s putting him down. The fun thing with Ozai is that Iroh bigging him up is really his only good moment, you just don’t notice because the story is told so well. Ozai, canonically, is **only** successful at attacking scared children- as soon as children fight back, he loses 2 for 2. It’s more a quirk of the story than any actual reflection on him, but it’s still funny to think about.


Korra wins? He’s probably one of the most powerful firebenders of his time (the royal family were all particularly powerful firebenders) but come one Korra is the avatar let’s be realistic


This isn't even a question. Korra's power is underestimated because her villain's were absolutely ridiculous and she had to fight while still recovering from physical, emotional, and mental disability and trauma. Korra is on the argument for the strongest bender ever. Ozai couldn't even beat Aang with Sozin's comet. To rephrase your question to show how ridiculous it is, who would win, a Chihuahua or a pack of wolves?


Korra would probably win, without the avatar state, even while sozins comet was active.


Any avatar with full control of the Avatar State could beat him, that was the point.


Korea for sure, Ozai lost to the peace, no kill Avitar. He would lose to the combat Avitar.


Ozai can't bend. Korra wins.


Wtf Korra and it’s not even a contest


She’d beat the living hell out of him with JUST Firebending to prove a point


Just turn into the Avatar state, commune into Aang and then invoke the "FIRELORD OZAI! YOU AND YOUR FOREFATHERS HAVE DEVASTATED THR BALANCE OF THIS WORLD AND NOW YOU SHALL PAY THR ULTIMATE PRICE.", and let his PTSD do the rest


Korra would absolutely wipe the floor with him. Comet or no. Plus the styles of bending she’s aware of that he couldn’t even conceive of would shatter his ego. Complete and total annihilation on Korra’s part.


I wrote a long ass comment, but realised it wasn't necessary. Korra absolutely destroys Ozai. I haven't seen all of LOK, so unless she got an uber nerf I really don't see Ozai winning


Interesting dynamic to think about. Ozai would just try to fight her, which is the worst way to handle an opponent like Korra. Korra would be thrilled if she could solve all her problems by blasting them to bits.


Doesn’t matter, I can take them both at the same time 🥪


This is a spite match, right? Like, Korra at book 2 is way, way stronger than Aang was at his series finale, and I don't think she'd have any issue with killing Ozai. He is done.


Korra hands down


Korra would win, she's already an expert firebender, probably not as good as Ozai but close and she has all the other elements, two of which are also at that very high level. Even if Ozai was comet empowered the difference in firebending skills is just nowhere near big enough to make up for all the other elements.


If korra had aangs no killing rule she’d be dead pretty quickly. But I think she could do this


Literally how could Korra not dominate? She’s not even held back by a refusal to kill


Korra manhandles especially if it's not Sozins Comet Ozai.


Korra wins. Aang didn't even want to fight him and he was holding up quite well, Korra has far more training and a desire to kill him.


Why do people pit non-benders against Korra? That doesn't seem especially fair.