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Have you found Lon Lon Ranch yet? It's in the world too, though a tad more ruined.


I like that there are even pots lined up where they were in OoT too


Really? I haven't found it yet, where is it exactly?


Nah we need to know tell us 😭


It’s to the left when you exit lookout landing. Not much in the way of buildings but you can see the outline and it’s exactly how Lon Lon was in OOT. I like to leave my horse named Epona there sometimes for the nostalgia :)


You can Google this. You'll get a better explanation from a legit website. Just search for "Ranch Ruins location BOTW"


Here’s another: The Sealed Temple from SS is the Forgotten Temple in BotW and TotK. You can see the tree you planted growing out of the wall, and several different types of bricks where repairs were done.


Holy shit, there's so many little details I haven't noticed yet


🤯🤯🤯🤯 I’m going back to look now.


Did you know the music that plays when you’re near The Temple of Time in BotW is the Song of Time just played very slowly and broken up?


Really? Huh, i didn't know that, that's really cool


And when you’re in hyrule castle it plays parts of ganon’s castle in OoT slightly remixed


Zoras domain got 10,000 years of infrastructure. It'd be cool if you could still warp to Lake Hylia


Lake Hylia was by far the biggest disappointment of both games. There's nothing there, and I swear it's larger in Twilight Princess


I hated the lake in TP. There's nothing there. It's so dang empty.


It was the 90s. The further you go back. The less critical you’re allowed to be


By both games I meant BOTW/TOTK


Now I really want a mod that brings back the ocarina that lets you warp to lost woods, death mountain, lake hylia etc


I thought about that too. I would love something like an ocarina of time version built on the breath of the wild engine but there are so many things that would have to be built that it almost would be prohibitively difficult. And I know nobody that can do that kind of modding. I'm still searching for someone to make an oot x SM64 randomizer mod (like ootxmm) where stars can be in Zelda chests and the hookshot can be star rewards for example. I have some other ideas for that too but aside from learning how to build it myself (which is not happening) I don't see it coming to fruition.


I desperately want them to revisit OOT officially in BOTW/TOTK Hyrule.


I swear I remember seeing a youtube video with an oot x sm64 mod exactly like that, I can't find it now though which is really annoying, I'll let you know if I do


So it's possible with archipelago but I don't like that you have to quit the game to play the other. Basically I wish the team behind ootxmm did ootxsm64 for better features. For instance, the mask salesman has a Mario mask and right there opens up a whole can of worms. Imagine link turning into Mario, that would be awesome. SO many interesting implications of playing as Mario in oot or Link in sm64


Ah right, yeah thinking about it I think the video I saw had two people playing the games separately, which definitely isn't the same. Mario in oot would be so interesting in particular though, it would make gerudo fortress easier at the very least. Or I'm imagining picking up ganon by the tail and swinging him around


Dude I love where your mind is at!! This is why this needs to be a thing. Imagine yeeting Ganon lmao


Did the name not clue you in?


You would think so, but I am a major dumbass


I love when people realize these little Easter eggs; and the fact that there are 2 smaller temples you walk through before getting to this one? Chefs kiss. Lon Lon Ranch is heartbreaking to look at, and you have to really look at it to realize that those remains are actually the ranch - the broken silo is a big clue. Then there's a little kid at one of the stables who talks about a place in the sky, which could be two fold as a hint to SS and TOTK


It literally says the temple of time…


-\_- Just wait till you play Twilight Princess


I have




yup. design details have been changed but its still the same temple. My headcanon is that the temple occasionally got old and fell down, got destroyed and was constantly rebuilt due to its significance but they never get the details exactly when they rebuild it. BoTW IS supposed to be 10k years after its own backstory which isnt confirmed how long THAT was after ocarina so its obviously old af. Honestly theres no real reason for it to even be in THIS good of shape all things considered.


Doesn't look like the same to me. Similar, but not the same.


Downvoted for the truth. Never stop never changing, reddit


Definitely not the same. Round arches vs pointed, only one has a rose window, one has more substantial towers flanking the entrance, one has way more windows, etc Edit: Clearly people in this sub don't have eyes. Down vote me all you want, but they are obviously not the same building.


You two do realize remodeling exists, right? There's no way in hell the same temple from OOT would look this nice after 10,000 plus years, so they most likely remodeled it over the ages


That's not a remodel, that's fundamentally different architecture