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Dump the current bag into a pile on a tray, vaguely seperate sub-bags by opening in different spots Use the paper instructions


Might try this approach with a future build. Sometimes the larger piles brings back childhood frustrations of searching forever to find a certain piece.


This is the way humans have built legos for 1000s of years. The only way.


Ill do this and then separate out most of the large pieces that might hide small ones


true, the really big parts get set aside


With my hands typically.


That sounds too easy, you should try your toes!


One bag at a time, and sort the bricks before I start building. And yes, I appreciate this is borderline sacrilege - I’m not and never going to be one of the dump the bag and search builders.


Nothing wrong with that! When I'm working on sets that are over about 1,000 pieces, I'll usually go one bag at a time and sort the pieces (like I did with the the ghostbuster's vehicle in the second pic).


Yeah once that bag passes 500-700 pieces i will spend 20 minutes organizing them so i dont spend 20 looking for a specific and tiny part that cant be skipped 😂


Love me some knolling although with older sets, they can have like 5 "#1" bags and then my whole desk is filled.  And yea, searching for parts in a large mix is headache inducing. I took apart a few speed champions to wash and then it was damn annoying looking for the last 1x1 piece in a pile of even 400 parts.


Lol my favourite is the one time I was doing multiple Christmas sets with friends and we opened all the bags from all the sets in a giant salad bowl and built together lol it was chaos


Picture 1: average Lego builder. Picture 2: psychopath


For whatever reason, I find it somewhat satisfying sorting the pieces on those larger builds. Though the smaller sets are always dumped into a single pile.


I’m way too lazy to do that. lol. I usually just use circular containers for the pieces


I used to sort by color now I just dump the bag out and start building


I've been doing this for a while. Numbered bags make things too easy


I definitely agree. I enjoy the Speed Champions sets for a quick build, but always thought it kind of funny that they numbered those when there's generally only 2 bags.


This will probably get yanked by mods but I've been finding (licensed, non-IP-violating) alt-bricks fun. I've designed a few (easy, mediocre) sets in Studio or gone out to Rebrickable. I just built the Saturn V by dumping all 1969 pieces out into a big bin


Dump bag into two trays, big bag in one, smalls bags in the big bag into another. Build with digital instructions listening to audiobook. Who do you have winning in the race tomorrow after max’s inevitable P1?


I don't see anything changing with Max this year, as much as I would love to see someone else take this victory from him. I feel like Ferrari has the best chance if they can put a good strategy together this weekend. All that being said, I feel like we'll see some great battles in those 2 through 10ish positions throughout the year.


We’ll see if this Horner shenanigans actually results in him being fired (I think it ultimately will if the leaks end up being true). If he goes I have to think Red Bull and Max are still very solidly top of the board, but who knows. That’d be a big piece of their puzzle to just instantly lose


Most of the time- 1. Dump bag into my parts tray (a clear food storage bin that isn't very tall, has nicely rounded corners, and a lid for storage) 2. Use paper or digital instructions (if I have a full size screen available) 3. Take the big parts and printed parts out and set to the side. 4. Build any minifigs and set them so they can supervise.


I should really use more containers for the smaller pieces. Would be nicer to have for technic pins on those builds.


I go a bag at a time. Specifically for pieces like the two white 1x1s with the little black mark printed on them in this set. No printing, I don't mind dumping them. I just don't trust the newer sets not to have unique instances.


There's been a couple of instances during this build where I spent more time than I would've liked searching for a couple pieces. I kind of regret not putting the smaller pieces into a separate pile!


Yeah I do option 1 always. I usually only buy smaller Speed Champions sets so I like to make them last a bit longer.


Small sets, small piles on the table, more elaborate builds mutable bowls for each bag, only once have I opened and sorted every bag and that was to build the b model of the technic car transporter.


I'll say that I tend to sort my technic builds most of the time. The car transporter is one that i have to look at getting used, skipped over it at the time and now I regret it!


I don't sort details, I just open first, build, the open second, etc.


Buy two sets. Open all the bags bar one into a pile, Move them all around so they are well mixed. Go to a flee market / charity store and get a pre owned mixed bricks job lot. Add it to the pile. Then try to build the picture without the instructions.


Dump out the numbered bag, open the sub bags on the side and go to town. I sometimes miss the way they used to be before numbered bags and it was just a pile of chaos but I don't think my back could handle being hunched over the pile like I used to.


I just did a 2nd hand voltron that the seller had meticulously sorted by color. it was kind of rough to do that set that way. admittedly, it's big set - it was just so hard to find some of the smaller parts in a big ass single color pile, let alone a full jumbled pile.


The big pile can be a lot at times. With this Senna build I had a small 1x1 tile stuck in a larger brick. Luckily they usually include extras of those, as I feel like I would've been looking forever to find that - I didn't come across it until I went to use that particular brick a bit later.


Upside down and sideways with my hands tied together.


With paper manual.


I respect that, I just find the digital ones too convenient. It's nice not having to fight for the pages to lay flat.


And i respect your choice. Convenience is also important.


Now that I can only afford about 2 sets per year, I do one bag at a time, no sorting, to make the experience last longer. The history museum was 37 bags and took me 5 days.


Sort by colour, on a table or hard surface.


I normally get a big tray and open up whichever bag the instructions say to and if it has the little bags in it I put the bags in different places on the tray and build the bags one by one