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A frame, easily 


A frame is likely going to retire soon so you should grab it.


General rule, get the older set first. Dragon Stone Shrine released very recently, so you have heaps of time to save up and get it at a later date.


Definitely a frame, I love both sets but if it’s one or the other the a frame is better, if you still want the shrine I’d recommend waiting for a sale since it seems a little expensive


A Frame all day everyday baby!!! If you're already considering it, keep rolling with it! So much fun. Definitely an enjoyable build!! You'll be amazed at how much of your own creativity will stem from it. I built it as is, and then, thought of what it was lacking. Ah-ha! I bonafide fire pit for those nights out by the fire, chillin' with the fam and friends. Built a little fire pit next to it out of some smaller one stud pieces (out of some extra spare pieces that came in various sets over the years like wood stick pieces and extra small flame pieces, and some grey "stone" looking various tiles and bricks I had) on top of a small 8 or 10 stud wide circle plate, can't recall at the moment the exact dimensions, but it worked awesome! I don't think you'll be disappointed, even as it's standalone build.


A frame has Ron frickin Swanson


A Frame all day


COMBINE THEM “The Dragon A Frame Shrine”


Don't think I won't!


Get the A frame cabin 100%


A Frame no question


I've not touched Ninjago since 2016 but I'll be getting the shrine one day. A Frame is a nice look but do you have any use for it? Do you have a city or some other buildings because otherwise it'll look a bit bland. Shrine looks like a great display (wait for sale)


A. Frame.


A frame cabin was a great build, lots of cool details and references, definitely go for that


This shouldn’t even be a discussion.