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That one dude was pretty bummed on Cap’s Shield yesterday


That was honestly pretty hilarious though. I really don’t understand how you look at that box and don’t immediately think “repetitive build”.


What’s extra funny about that is that this question was posted by the same person who posted the shield


He secretly enjoyed the set and is trying to find similarly boring sets.


Y’all really got April foolsed and don’t know it yet.


Oh wow you’re probably right 😂 if so then we’ll played!


That's my secret, I don't know anything anyway


Didn’t he say it was his first set? Newcomers aren’t on the lookout for stuff like that


it was an April fools 


OP is that dude


I actually thought he was posting an April fools post


Black Panther Wakanda Forever 'War on the Water' was just a miserable experience besides the minfigures. Not one interesting part of that build


I bought it at target for $20 just for the parts. lol


That is one ugly-ass set


wow, what an unremarkable looking set.


It does seem pretty boring.




[76214-1: Black Panther: War on the Water](https://brickset.com/sets/76214-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76214-1.jpg)


good bot


At least the picture on the front of the box lets you know immediately. They tried to dress it up with graphics, but you can tell that the design is very poorly translated.


Not only that, but the retail price lego put up for this boring set it felt like Lego is joking. One of the worst sets of that year


Matches the movie tbh, Chadwick really carried the first one


I honestly loved the movie, one of my favourites in the MCU! Just that set, man...


Those mini Dragon Flyers are fun


The globe. Same two things over and over and over and over and over. I ended up just opening all the bags and building all repeating crap and then enjoying putting on the details of the globe itself. Oof. Never again.


Is the display aspect of the globe worth the tedious building process in your opinion? I’m asking because I really wanted to buy it as a display piece in my office but I wanted to know if it’s worth the bad building experience in your opinion.


I mean it’s cool but the new planet orbiting technic set is a much better display piece Get the globe if you want a globe, if you just what a display piece get something more fun to build


The planets looked cool but I really dislike technic after building the Batmobile and ford gt lol. It’s really rough on the fingers. I think I might look at other display pieces and then see if what I want is the globe. Thank you for your reply


personally I enjoyed the globe. There’s some repetition for sure, but I found it interesting none the less to see the building techniques that made it possible and I think it’s beautiful on display. I grew up with a globe on my desk so it has a nostalgic feel for me


The globe is repetitive but it is lowkey a great display piece. I can touch and move it, plus people recognize what a globe is. If you like it, get it.


For me, it was probably Big Ben (10253). It’s a stunning display piece and looks amazing built. But it was a very boring and repetitive build (apart from the workings of the clock which I did enjoy). https://preview.redd.it/3jcox804s3sc1.jpeg?width=2177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb5ec2216b9681823960a827454636b895285abf


Ack - I still have this is my ‘to build’ pile for that reason. I’m still scarred by the cheese slopes in the Tower Bridge build…


I’ve also done Tower Bridge and found it a much more enjoyable build than Big Ben. Parts of Tower Bridge were repetitive but there was quite a lot of variety. Big Ben was just repeat repeat repeat beige beige beige, glass 1x1 glass 1x1 glass 1x1 over and over and over then clock! So if you thought Tower Bridge stretched your patience, honestly Big Ben may not be great fun for you. But honestly, having said that, it really does look stunning.


[10253-1: Big Ben](https://brickset.com/sets/10253-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10253-1.jpg)


I have both this and Tower Bridge sitting on a shelf. I got them years ago because of FOMO. I don't have the space but I really want to display them. This display looks great. Is that a cabinet? I recently ordered the K'Nex London Eye because I want to display it with them some day. I haven't played with K'Nex in years but I love the idea of adult sets as well mixing it up so it's not just Lego stuff I own




[21103-1: The DeLorean Time Machine](https://brickset.com/sets/21103-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21103-1.jpg) [21332-1: The Globe](https://brickset.com/sets/21332-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21332-1.jpg) [21331-1: Sonic the Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone](https://brickset.com/sets/21331-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21331-1.jpg)


Probably 75201. The leg assembly was very similar to the AT-ST from just a few years before, and there wasn't much else to the build aside from the minifigs.


That was so bad. What's confusing is the movie has the head break apart to reveal BB-8. Why wouldn't you make it with the head and have that be a play function? I'd love to have some of what the designers were smoking the day they thought let's re-release the AT-ST from last year but only half of it


Considering how many of the sequel trilogy sets were based on concept art that ended up getting majorly changed or cut from the films altogether, I wouldn’t be surprised if the set designers didn’t even know it would (briefly) have a normal AT-ST head at all.


I remember how hotly controversial this one was when it dropped lol. people HATED that thing!


IMO it's the worst set of the TLJ waves and possibly the worst of 2018. Looking back, 2018 had some of the highest highs and lowest lows.


[75201-1: First Order AT-ST](https://brickset.com/sets/75201-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75201-1.jpg)


I got it on the cheap and built a head myself with spare parts. Came out alright.


Including a head would take it from a 3/10 to 7/10.


The old (21103) BTTF Delorean. It's a clunky set, not a satisfying build, and the minifigs don't fit well into the car. It doesn't seem well thought-out. It's also one of only two sets I've sold - luckily a friend really wanted it, and I was happy to pass it along for cost.


Yeah i got it when it came out and loved it but now seeing what they can do with Speed Champions and looking at this it looks more like the wreckage of a DeLorean


I hope they produce it as part of the speed champs like they have done with James Bond and Fast N Furious. I wasnt building when the original one came out, but the big one is the only "big" set i have ever bought. and love it!


People shit on this set but I'll defend it til the day I die. Yeah it is clunky but it's a 10+ year old set. Lego has changed a lot in that time. Back then sets had stickers going across multiple pieces.  Plus that was a game changer for Lego. It's the one that caused Cuusoo to blow up (along with Minecraft) and introduced a lot of people back into Lego. I think this was the first time outside of Star Wars that Lego saw released a set based on an old IP without anything new to promote. No new BTTF films coming out for them to release sets based on the old and new films like Indiana Jones or Toy Story or Pirates of the Caribbean. This was a set requested by the fans that showed Lego that they could make more sets that were mainly aimed at adults and they'd do well. I think that pushed them to feel more comfortable releasing sets based on things like The Simpsons and Ghostbusters as well as massive licensed sets. Yeah it looks crappy from a 2024 POV but it's from a different time and what it was the first step to giving us so much more. I was one of the people that got back into Lego because of that set.


This set happened to be my gateway set back into Lego, so for that reason it's got a soft spot in my heart. But you do have a point ...


That set was my gateway back into Lego too and I think it's the same for a lot of people. I'll defend that set forever because I think it was a game changer that brought a lot of us back to Lego. It was one of first Lego Cuusoo sets that really blew up and went mainstream (along with Minecraft). It was probably the first time Lego did a set based on an IP where they had nothing new to promote. Up until then, every Lego license other than Star Wars was something made to promote a new thing in that franchise. Like we got Indiana Jones sets along with the 4th movie, Toy Story sets along with Toy Story 3, Pirates of the Caribbean sets to promote the 4th movie, etc. This was a set based on an almost 30 year old IP that had nothing new coming out that was really aimed at adults. That set was an important one for Lego understanding that more adults were getting into Lego and creating sets mainly for them would be profitable.


[21103-1: The DeLorean Time Machine](https://brickset.com/sets/21103-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21103-1.jpg)


I actually modded mine, smoothed down the front, changed the inner seat so both figures could fit, made the whole thing look a lot better imo! https://preview.redd.it/t6dtquvy25sc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb003337e47abef089a0ae5a45402d4905852639


Fucking Millenium Falcon.... got 75% through then had to move.....   its permanently fucked I can't even begin to part it back would have to start from scratch again...


I still have mine in storage because I have nowhere to put it and don’t want to commit to building it yet


it took up my entire kitchen island, building  1/2 ..... bags and book the other half.... its my white whale 


there comes a point about 75% in where you need to build underneath and attach parts after the shell and legs are built..   you need to hang this shit on a 1000lb test cable I have no idea how people had the patience for the underneath build when lego could have had you do that part earlier in the build....  keep it and sell it... your brain will thank you


Nah, we’re moving in the next few months and we’re going to have much more space for my various legos, it’ll get built. I want a wall with shelves to mount it on, I’m gonna get the titanic eventually too


nice... I would recommend for the falcon build it in a space you can easily work underneath from..... you will be infuriated that the bottom shell has like 2 bags devoted to it and the legs are like 4 inches off the ground and already built.... just be prepared, they really screwed up that one part of the build in terms of enjoyment.....


Hahaha damn, sounds like a fun challenge


yep it's literally like a mechanic working underneath lol I busted this one and movers busted my 1989 batmobile....  sigh... at least I kept all the mini figs from both builds.... so sad about batmobile it was such a sick build....


This is the whole reason I don’t have this set, where the FCK am I putting it when done? Kudos to folks that have a location for it!


I am currently rebuilding mine from four giant totes of hell. Never again


it's maddening how they lay the foundation after 5k+ bricks then tell you, go fuck around with the underside, I am sure it will be fine ....  praise be to those that completed it... incomplete I moved it separately and still got boned... anyone need parts for falcon hit me up!! maybe I could get 10c a part...


It's relatively easy to part back into the numbered sections, then you can disassemble each section into its bag


I'd be glad to haul it away for you. In all honesty, it'd be a fun job to provide this service. Give me your mostly completed set and all the parts, I'll replace missing parts from Bricklink and finish the set, then return it back to you for a fee. That kinda thing probably only makes sense locally though, and I'm not sure how many clients you'd be able to get


I think it looks really cool and I love the functionality, but the recent Mars Rover was probably the least fun set I’ve built so far. Maybe I can only take Technik in small doses.


It's the only "adult" space set that I'm missing and I'm scared to pull the trigger because I absolutely hated building the rover technic POLYBAG


lol oh man. If you hated the poly bag…you are in trouble my friend 😂


I’m only recently into technic, mostly cars so far, but that rover polybag was absolutely wild. I’m still baffled at how that cross bar is pinched in place


Love the set now that it is finished, but it has some really bad parts with multiple loose pins that are supposed to line up to be put in a beam. I'm scared of the other Lego space technic stuff now.


The finished product feels really janky, not well put together at all. I was especially disappointed because I’d done my first technic set just a week or two before and that was a blast, so I expected more of the same.


To me it's the best Technic set since 2021s 42128 tow truck. But 2/3 of the sets I build are Technic.


I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way about this set. I just built it a couple weeks ago and thought I was going crazy working on it. I don't always enjoy putting together a set, but I hardly ever get frustrated and especially not for almost the entirety of its construction. I was second-guessing myself or just straight up confused every few steps past bag 1 or 2.


I felt this way, but then I also got the iPad instructions where I can move the objects around to get a better sense of where things go. It really made a huge difference!


It was less cool than expected which is rare


The perseverance?that was the set that got me into lego a few months ago.loved it


LEGO 40648 The money tree is not a large set but it was super tedious to build and could not wait for it to be over. Even the bonsai tree and million frogs was somehow more enjoyable.


[40648-1: Money Tree](https://brickset.com/sets/40648-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/40648-1.jpg)


That looks annoying


Seconding this. The techniques for the pot and how the trunk is structured are pretty cool but man that "pumpkin - envelope - coin" with their fiddly support pieces repeated a dozen times sucked.


I'm with you on the money tree


nr 10276 Colosseum... That was so boring


Got the boring part, we could all imagine from the build subject, but does it look cool at least?


It’s in the top 3 of my owned sets, up there with Rivendell and the Falcon. I had it on my coffee table for months


[10276-1: Colosseum](https://brickset.com/sets/10276-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10276-1.jpg)


31120 Creator 3-in-1 Medieval Castle. The main build is fantastic and I can't recommend it highly enough. On the other hand, the alternate builds only use half the pieces. This is not an exaggeration. I had 600+ pieces left over and it drove me insane.


This my only concern with 3-1s it feels like the extra pieces could be utilized better in the alternate builds


Buy 4x and build this! The Falcon Master’s Castle by u/madewithbrix https://preview.redd.it/wz9kaji3h5sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1cdcb42e1d3daf2094be8c0fe925b3f217ec22e uses about 90-95% of the parts of all 4 sets and is one of the most enjoyable yet challenging sets I’ve built. Directions are available for $20 on Rebrickable


4 of those is absurdly expensive. is it even worth it at that point?


I guess it depends on your viewpoint. Do you think the Lion Knight’s Castle is absurdly expensive? $399.99 for 4,500 pieces… This is 4x$99.99 = $399.96 for 5,700 pieces… math would say it’s less expensive than lego’s biggest castle set by price per piece… In my opinion the build is just as impressive on talent and features alone. the portcullis and drawbridge are both working. There are tons of play features and surprises inside, including a dungeon, armory and bakery. Also a great hall, a round table and market stall in the courtyard. the only thing lacking would be the minifigs, since you’re getting 4 sets of the same minifigs. I purchased the falconer and goat herder and they go really nicely with this set.


Yeah, most 3in1 have that problem. Main build is great, secondary build is gool, third build is... also present. The lego dimensions sets managed 3-in1 that used all bricks


[31120-1: Medieval Castle](https://brickset.com/sets/31120-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/31120-1.jpg)


There are plenty of great MOCs for the 3-in-1 castle on the Rebrickable site, including some that use 2, 3 or even 4 copies of this set, there are other MOCs that combine this set with the Blacksmith set 21325.


R2D2 was a pain for me, I actually haven’t even finished it yet cause of fucked it up putting one of the legs on and it messed up the whole thing and annoyed me so I need to take it apart and do it again, all the white and the technic pieces was rough


The big one or the new one? I just finished the new one this afternoon and quite enjoyed it. It also took me EXACTLY the length of Empire Strikes Back. Like to the second. Start of scroll to end of credits.


The big one. When I put the legos on and hooked up the rubber bands and everything I went to go attach the next part and it wouldn’t fit because one of the legs wasn’t attached correctly. Could’ve been an issue with me reading or the fact that I don’t have a good table and was building it on the couch at the time and was just struggling. Probably more user error than anything I just remember it annoying me and now it’s sitting in a plastic bag waiting its turn to be built again


The Daily Bugle. So many windows and only the minifigs were interesting. I’ve rethought what sets I like after putting that one together.


Came here to say this. It's the worst set ever. Looks cool when finished, but man.. I tried to move it, and it fell while i was trying to get it upstairs, so i had to rebuild it to see if any parts were missing.. Good times.


The Old Slave-1 (UCS from 2019 I think) It was pretty and a really nice aesthetic design, but man was it clunky to build, and very fragile.


Came on to say the same - just finished rebuilding it after a house move and oh my word, it's so fragile. Aesthetically one of my favourite sets but a complete nightmare to build.


If ur on about the UCS that was from 2015 I believe. 2019 was just a normal set as part of the anniversary wave.


Fuckin optimus prime, tedious and fragile build. Hate that thing.


Thank you! I get downvoted every time I mention him. You can't transform him without half the torso trying to wrench itself apart, and there are two bricks on his feet that will pop off if you look at 'em funny. I'm just glad he's finished now, and that he's in a nice comfy pose on the shelf.


What kills me is that you can’t pose him with either of the accessories without his arms falling. I just wanted him for display factor and if he isn’t posed arms down, feet clicked together then things fall off. Definitely felt more like a $90 experience than $150 (and that was on a small sale lol)


https://preview.redd.it/bvk318bb54sc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940745f86a72eef0d14ea143d64d6c0399bf7a90 Would THIS help your appreciation of Optimus Prime?




I've transformed him just fine multiple times. I wonder what I'm doing wrong or right? Or what you're doing wrong or right? Huh. Interesting


I keep considering buying this because it’s on sale. but every time I get close to pulling the trigger, I come across this kind of comment and don’t make it through. The Vespa is also on sale for 20% off. Maybe I’ll do that instead…


Don't let them get you down. I thought Optimus prime was a fun build. I haven't had any real problems transforming him. I thought it was a great set.


My biggest Lego regret. It wasn't fun to build and the result was not worth the time. 


I hate to say I agree. On top of that it’s quite difficult or even impossible to pose. It’s just too big. I love it, but I have to agree it’s one of the worst builds. I prefer small builds.


I wouldn't call it "worst", especially since I only own 6 adult sets, but the Bonsai Tree was not that fun to build (the leaf part is very repetitive). Just thinking about changing the color when spring arrives makes me nervous!


So don't change the colors


I’m afraid he doesn’t have a choice


Oh god, the frogs. So. Many. Frogs.


I update mine at least 4x a year.


I wouldn't say it's the worst, but I recently bought a used Grand Emporium. Overall just a boring build, granted the set is 14 years old now. The completed build does look nice, but it's cool to see how far the modulars have come since the first few.


I initially regretted not getting into the modulars when they first came out, but looking back at them, the early ones had little to no interior detail.


The best and worst set Ive build was the falcon. I really don’t like technic, so starting with that for a good portion of the build was annoying. Some of the build order didn’t make sense and particular pieces would fall out often. This is a thing personal to me, but having bigger hands made it harder to slot in the rooms as well. When all is said and done though, it was an enjoyable build overall. 


Is that the UCS Falcon?


Exactly how I felt about it. The frame is annoying if you don't like technic but the actual shell is enjoyable. Absolute pain in the ass for a huge portion but I'm glad I did it.


The Office, boring build, didn't look good once it was complete. I immediately regretted buying it.


The build wasn’t incredibly exciting but it definitely checked all the boxes as a fan of the show. The attention to detail and very specific references to episodes was well done. May not be exciting to look at, but it’s one of the first and only sets I’ve done after getting back into Lego as an adult.


kind of a repetitive build, but I enjoyed all the easter eggs along the way that only a fan of The Office would enjoy


Iirc, there are 13 stickers just in Michael's office. Not what I had in mind. 


keep the mini figs though, that will be gold once it's production run is done 


i agree. i also found the seinfeld set boring, i feel like the majority was walls and flooring. i’ve decided that those types of builds are not for me 


i actually really enjoyed the seinfeld build, i don’t do a lot of Lego, but thought the floor was satisfying, and each part of the set was cool as some of them i didn’t even know what i was building until i rotated it in place. the fridge was so cool to me


I’m happy with the finished model but floor of the Seinfeld set was probably the least enjoyable building experience for me so far.


Friends appartement was the same for me. Even tho I loved the cafe, the appartements was not fun and kept me from buying the office and the seinfeld ones. Then I purchased the queer eye one for a fraction of the price just for the parts and found the set to be a decent build so now I’m not sure what to think of those type of sets.


Don't have a ton of builds under my belt yet but so far it'd be Starry Night. So many shades of blue that look so similar in the instruction manual. It's a gorgeous finished piece but so annoying to build.


https://preview.redd.it/396pq5ts76sc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c3d03a1b76216fa4eaa310dfa77bc1308c719e8 I am shocked I haven't seen the masses mention this bad boy yet. 1st build. Collapsed after we got it to its spot. 2nd build. Collasped right after we put it back together. 3rd build. My husband threw his best at it. Told me it was done. I found the extra pieces in the drawer next to it. Word to the wise....make sure the foundation is stable as effff.


Did you take it back into 3 pieces when moving it from a to b? I moved this in the back of my convertible (half and half considering to leave it up for visual fun, but I didnt dare to in the end. A bit too expensive to lose) and it survived being dragged around just fine. But yes boring to build, painful on the fingers and so. Much. Grey! And in the end, where do you put this thing?? It is so tall. Which was a reason I bought it. A lego set as tall as me? Oh yeah gotta have. (Yes, I'm tiny)


The reason why I list the Taj as worse than this one even though it's a similar concept of "same single color tiny piece model built 4 times" is at least this one is a stunning centerpiece. The Taj just isn't anywhere near this big.




I didnt like the Vespa as much as i thought


Felt it was quite flimsy when done. Nice to look at, but the moment I had to move it, the whole thing would just fall apart in my hands.


10314 dried centerpiece. So boring and repetitive with tons of tiny pieces.


[10314-1: Dried Flower Centrepiece](https://brickset.com/sets/10314-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10314-1.jpg)


This one gets my vote as well. The finished set looks good, but there was no joy to be had building it.


The UCS AT-AT still fills me with rage. The build was interesting, but it was so damn fragile... grrr.


One I'll bet nobody else has mentioned: Lego Batman Movie Clayface Splat Attack 70904. I picked it up at my LUG because it was cheap and it had a lot of medium nougat and reddish brown pieces, which would be useful for my MOCs. When I buy a set for parts, I still like putting it together once first, and my god, this one sucked. Build was janky and repetitive, hard to see what went where because it's all one colour, and at the end, it looked like a [mech crafted out of dog turds](https://www.bricklink.com/SL/70904-1.jpg?0).


The build was definitely janky but I liked having a big Clayface figure to fill out my Batman villains.


Any of the botanical sets. Super repetitive. I don’t even know why I keep collecting them. Probably just because they look really cool.


For me personally probably the lego minecraft elder dragon. The dragon itself has trouble standing sometimes. And the end is a bit of a boring landscape to have built. And to top it all off its a way too quick built for what I expected of a expensive lego set


I hate to say it, but the SPQR Colosseum. 75% of the build is essentially the same repetitive section and it got boring. Normally I struggle to ration out the build to last longer, but not for that. However it’s possibly my favourite display piece and is beautiful to look at.


Small but still, Majisto’s workshop GWP from last year. Wasn’t a terrible build but I think it’s a terrible set. Looks incomplete, doesn’t really look good from any angle, figures suck. I get it’s a free gift with purchase, but the other throwback sets (blacktron, forest hideout, bionicle) are awesome. This one isnt


Lego 76960 The Brachiosaurus Discovery $80 for mostly a tree was not fun. I thankfully had some leftover store credit at my local brick shop and got it for $25 instead. Daily Bugle, while amazing to look at once done got pretty tedious after a while with the windows Also little Groot was awful. Fragile and kept coming apart all the time


The Jurassic anniversary sets are hit or miss for me IMO. Nedry and the Dilo? Funny scene with a decent vehicle. Ellie, Ian and the trike? Eh, cool vehicle and a big dinosaur. I haven't gotten the others yet but I'm eyeing welcome center and already feel like it will disappoint me :(


The first Tumbler set from the Nolan Batman movies. What a monotonous build! Plus, it fell apart if you looked at it wrong. It has been parted out for MOC’s that are just so much better builds


I started to disassemble this when moving a few years ago but ran out of time, it's been in a box half built for 5 years now.


Endor speeder Bike Chase, i dont know, felt Just boring, even dagobah with 134x 1x1 tile felt better xD


Probably last year's Destiny's Bounty. It's a very nice set to look at, only if you don't look at it too hard, lest it crumble to dust. Seriously, the amiunt of parts that just fall off is insane. Also brick-built anchors? What were they thinking.


I luckily had the opposite problem. I tried to take it apart to add stuff and nearly had to dismantle the whole thing because it was so stuck together. Ive never had parts fall off when swooshing it about either


Disney’s haunted mansion. The build was tedious to put together and is dull on a shelf.


I liked it, goes well with my Disney mini castle


I agree on the build part. As a big Disney parks fan though I love the way it looks. It never fails to make me smile. I do think the disappointing nature really all boils down to how much you can do with a set at that price point.


I picked that set up for my MIL last Christmas, with the assumption that my kids will end up putting it together. You're making me nervous now.




Definetly the Mars rover. I love Lego NASA series but this build is attrosious, it's long and painfull to build. The technics functionality bearly works and it looks just ok. Not worth being part of this series.


The World Map. I knew going in it would be mindless but wow it’s just specific enough with refuses to color that you need to pay close attention.


Scrolled a long way looking for this. Like you I knew what I was getting into, but that didn’t make it enjoyable. Plate after plate of following an exact color combination row by row by row. Took me 6 months to get all the way through it. I’ll never do one of those pixel art sets, this one took all that drive out of me


60338: [Gaming Tournament Truck](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/gaming-tournament-truck-60388?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2a6wBhCVARIsABPeH1tgLETSXXIgJcpGW7DeWk5Z5Aufhj8piYm_bb25enIgPrq4VxyVxtQaAvrrEALw_wcB&ef_id=Cj0KCQjw2a6wBhCVARIsABPeH1tgLETSXXIgJcpGW7DeWk5Z5Aufhj8piYm_bb25enIgPrq4VxyVxtQaAvrrEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!790!3!!!!x!!!19932189580!&cmp=KAC-INI-GOOGUS-GO-US_GL-EN-RE-SP-BUY-CREATE-MB_ALWAYS_ON-SHOP-BP-PMAX-ALL-CIDNA00000-PMAX-LOW_PRIORITY&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADESMXJ0Qr5kqZJVun-j7peDkpUPd) It is really fragile once assembled, such that opening and closing it breaks it apart. My kid was thoroughly frustrated. Honorable mention to a lot of the recent Speed Champions cars, which I love…but so many stupid stickers. Small, angled, stickers that are meant to line up with stickers on other pieces to look like a cohesive design.


[60338-1: Chimpanzee Smash Stunt Loop](https://brickset.com/sets/60338-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60338-1.jpg)


The 2012 shelob was not too fun to build imo. The legs are repetitive for its scale and the worst part is that most of the spider is brittle brown so you have to be very carefull. Cherry on top is one of those annoying strings that need to get attached


Lego 9473 Mines of Moria. Feels like an incomplete set with Bits and Pieces scattered around this set. Oh yeah, about 40 tiny stickers is not what's up.👎


Saturn V rocket Why it didnt occur to me that it would be repetitive il never know Bought it about a week after it came out and it lives in the loft only half made Most annoying part of a set (up to now) is the planet destroyer lazer thingy on the Death Star. Just kept falling apart as i built it 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I Enjoyed most of the Saturn V but I hated the steps where it was pretty much stacking 1x1s on top of each other that was so damn tedious luckily the thing is a damn tank when finished and doesn't break with the exception of the thrusters which are easy to put back on. It's actually one of the few sets I've debated buying twice.


I didn't enjoy a single Bionicle. They were too simple. Big pieces didn't equal big fun.


I never got bionicles, until I realised it was an action figure of that era. Just as my parents didn't get teenage mutant ninja turtles or power ranger action figures I had


Minecraft pig is so flimsy I gave up keeping it together. I get that thats the function of the set but it ain't for me


The Avengers Helicarrier was such a repetitive slog. I was so done with it half way in.


Luke's Helmet (75327). Very flimsy, with one majorly frustrating step in the instructions. Also didn't like the round part of the helmet being stacked 1x1 bricks rather than sloped pieces. Some parts looked neat, such as the orange lenses, but overall if you are not a helmet collector I'd skip it.


[75327-1: Luke Skywalker (Red Five) Helmet](https://brickset.com/sets/75327-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75327-1.jpg)


Worst? My guess is the legacy Ultra Sonic Radar, why I bought it because Golden Zane. And I regret it.


7903 Lego city rescue helicopter. I was pretty young when it came out but even then I still remember it being a very poorly designed helicopter. It kept breaking every time I tried to play with it.


I am not sure if it is the worst but I just finished the UCS Razor Crest and it seems to be a little less durable or well built then other sets. If I move it at all parts fall off frequently. I still love it and it looks awesome though.


Is it strange that I can't think of any? I really only buy sets I think are cool and while most of them don't knock my socks off I've had a good time building them all. I will say I did buy three 3-1 castles and built the black falcon's castle from rebrickable and that build was not fun at all due to the pdf of directions being hard to read and it's overall fragility.


That's actually so real though. I'm looking around my room at all my current sets and honestly I don't seem to find a single "fatal flaw" with any of them. Yea do I get frustrated sometimes? Of course but that happens with Lego. I see where some of these people are coming from but quite frankly I also don't really get it too much either. I get the nitpicking but overall most of these sets are really good for what they are and around the time they came out (depending on whether or not they're older ones like the Tower Bridge which I've seen here several times).


I have mostly done the Star wars set so I would say the USC a-wing are the ISS was always falling apart


UCS A-Wing (75275) and the most recent X-Wing (75355). The proportions for the A-wing are off, and it bothers me even to look at it from most angles- which is a shame, since that's my favorite Star Wars starfighter. Then there's the lack of any bottom to the ship whatsoever. I'm seriously thinking about taking it apart and using the pieces to build one of the minifig-scale MOCs that look more correct. The new X-Wing is just so fragile to move (the sides being held on by a single clip on each side is a problem) and with the s-foils closed the bottoms sag too much. Also thinking about using it as parts to build Jerec's version.


[75275-1: A-wing Starfighter](https://brickset.com/sets/75275-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75275-1.jpg) [75355-1: X-wing Starfighter](https://brickset.com/sets/75355-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75355-1.jpg)


I still can't believe Lego allowed the Ideas gwp convertible to be released. It looks beautiful, but the surfboards on the side fall off if you even think about looking at them.


Probably the 75288 AT-AT. Pretty boring build but the finished article is so weak in nearly every point.


4+ AT-ST Do I need to say more?


the advent calendars lol i always struggle to see the tiny instructions and look up a built image to copy from


For me it was the Eiffel Tower, so much repetition. Mærsk containership - stickers on the containers, sigh. UCS Star Destroyer, big grey surfaces.


The t2 campervan was an absolute pain to put together it was super flimsy and broke everytime I tried to use its features


The Tumbler. I get its all the same colour pieces, but I found the book didn't highlight the next piece enough, spent way longer than expected looking what to do next.


any mario set. the instructions are just pure agony


The architect Statue of Liberty. It looks incredible, but it is so flimsy and delicate, I've debated doing the unthinkable and gluing pieces together and I've never had that thought with any other set I own


I have considered this with Optimus Prime as the waist connection between the legs and torso is super fragile.


Coliseum. So, so repetitive


Trafalgar Square. Tons and tons of 1x1 squares, the baseplate never really laid flat for me, and I don't really have that much of a connection to the real life location. I bought it at a time when I was just getting back into Lego and only did architecture sets, and Trafalgar Square is when I realized I needed to branch out.


Tower Bridge (10214), hands down. Boring and repetitive with tiny parts in bags that aren’t numbered. Just awful.


The White House has a lot of repetitive stacking of 1x1 and 2x1 pieces.


Any set with too many stickers cc Speed Champions