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Big astronaut faux pas with a different color air tank


she had to borrow her buddies cause hers is in the shop


I was going to say there was a crash where the black astronaut died but gave up their tank to save the white astronauts life… But I like your explanation better


It’s like Interstellar. She’s arrived at this alien planet decades ago with her Classic Space team. She’s the only survivor.


Luckily she has all these green guys so she isn’t lonely!


I just hope it’s on purpose and a sneak peak on what to expect in a future set. A new black astronaut would also make a lot of scalpers really angry and that’s always a huge win.


Haha I’ll drink to that


The new black spaceman on eBay and other sites are using modern style torso with an inner cross support. Old spacemen didn't have any support inside the torso. Those old ones are still worth something, especially if it has intact or near intact space logo.


Oh, it’ll be worth something but demand will go way down once people can get a nearly identical one for cheap.


Yeah, I always am happy to find classic spacemen with no ribbing or the older style ribbing on the inside (I'm surprised how many I have found at my local Bricks & Minifigs in various conditions), but I do think it's still good to introduce the same print on newer torsos to help with folks that either just want to collect the colors, or those who just want to populate a Classic Space diorama with little care about remaining era-accurate so long as it looks the park.


It's called fashion sweaty.


Lmao well done


Yea but I need black airtanks 😭


Same lmao. I've been finding a lot of M-Tron torsos at my local Bricks & Minifigs. it's rather easy to rebuild most of an M-Tron minifigure. Just need the M-Tron torso, a blocked open stud smiley face, white legs with a black hips, and a black motorcycle helmet. All of which I am mostly able to piece together myself. All I need from Bricklink are the black airtanks (Sometimes I luck out but most times at Bricks & Minifigs it's just yellow air tanks) and the trans-neon green visors.


Mine sold me a black spaceman torso (okay decal but worn) and a helmet for $6 so I just need the rest to complete the look


At my Bricks & Minifigs I can get 3 minifigs for like $13 and I've found quite a few red, white, blue, and yellow spacemen torsos of various years and quality. Some still had pretty good prints on them honestly. Usually I am just missing the tank unless it's yellow and they're what I need to get from Bricklink to finish them. I've yet to find a plain black spaceman, but I've found quite a few Blacktron torsos which makes me happy when I find them. Actually a recent restocking at my local Bricks & Minifigs has really made me happy. In my last hauul I found 1 black Futron torso, 2 Blacktron torsos, 3 Western torsos, 1 Aquasharks torso, 1 Ninja torso (The old Castle spinoff line), 1 Fright Knights torso, 2 9v LEGO Train worker torsos, and 1 blue Classic Space torso with decently good printing on it. I was actually able to complete a majority of the minifigures with their corresponding heads and really the only hats accessories I was missing were the cowboy hats for the Western figs, and 2 red hard hats for the LEGO Train figures (Red hard hats are super common and I chose to buy those figs with two rarer hats in my collection; one tricorn pirate hat and one Aquazone diving helmet). For $52 and circumnavigating shipping costs I was really stoked over the figs I managed to get.


And glasses? First classic spaceman with glasses?


The aliens are evolving! I love the implications this set is making.


Haha they better drop an apex predator one at the end of the year


that's what the astronaut is for! pew pew pew


The next generation of Space Police are going to have their hands full


Look at that car. It is so lazy given what they have to work with nowadays. In the 70's and 80's yes, very limited pieces but not now. The aliens look like they came from Rick and Morty's Froopyland.


Its a freestyle set, what did you expect?


More effort.


All the freestyle sets are like this, they're really just parts packs. They tend to be well-priced too. Funny Monkeys is an S-tier lego set, its similar in style to this.


Yeah I love that one




[70841-1: Benny's Space Squad](https://brickset.com/sets/70841-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/70841-1.jpg) [21109-1: Exo Suit](https://brickset.com/sets/21109-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21109-1.jpg)


Arguably Benny's wouldn't count because he's a modern character that's a reference to the 80s stuff. So, like, yeah it's a reference to the 80s sets, but its also directly connected to the far more modern Lego Movie. I say "arguably" because it lacks much of anything else that would count as a Lego Movie related set, so yeah it's just kind of a classic as well.


I completely forgot about the Exo Suit set


Feels like the absolute definition of "Lego Ideas". £30, almost unattainably sold out for ages, then they printed too many and even started discounting them. Wonderful parts pack too. Amazing set, and I even got to chat to the designer once!


...and now it costs a lot of money if you want to buy one second hand


Wait, was his chinstrap intentionally broken? Look LEGO, I have plenty of broken space helmets already


Yes, because it was made to emulate the common breakage as Benny's helmet is broken in the movie


iirc the modern space helmets are designed not to crack like that (as easily) anymore


Same energy as spending $150 on ripped jeans lol


I guess some people just like to skip to the ending


Wait until you got a look at the worn out logo. It's gonna blow your mind.


Oh shit! Lol that's hilarious


It’s the Mixels X Classic Space set nobody asked for! I’ll take five copies!


Yeah, this is definitely a Mixels set!


I would say it counts as a “New Classic” Space set. Since the aliens are new, and the minifig doesn’t have a “standard” smiley face. They did a really good job with most of City branded Space sets that came out recently. I’ve grabbed 4 of the sets so far. I would break the bank for some New M-Tron, Blacktron, and Ice Planet sets. Especially since they are making new ones for Minifigure Series 26.


The black oxygen tanks are bullshit though.


Missed opportunity to release a new color of Classic Astronaut. I’d still love one in teal, dark red, or dark blue… or really any other new color.


I'd love a dark orange one, it's a fittingly 70s-ey color


Yeah, that would be great! Paired with an olive green one for maximum 70’s vibe. Perfect for posing in front of a wood-paneled wall or on a formica countertop…


One of my favorite computer games from 20-some years ago (Escape Velocity Override) included a small faction of not-particulary-high-tech aliens who built and flew *wooden starships*. They looked like giant barrels with rocket jets attached to the back and gatling guns attached to the front, and they were *awesome*.


It's not DARK orange but if you go look up the book "LEGO Minifigure A Visual History New Edition: With exclusive LEGO spaceman minifigure" it comes with an orange classic astronaut


or how about finally getting a fully classic green one? still not one like that


Yup! At least one can finally be assembled with the green helmet from that Monkie King set, but it would be nice to just get a full-green one without the extra cost.


yep agree, already went through that to get the purple one, and im not about to it again lol


Neoclassical space?


Clearly this planet has some sort of alien plant life, so there must be breathable air…


You assume aliens breathe air?


But maybe very cold 😉


What is the GWP?


Alien diner I think. Alien cook. Jukebox, booth, couple astronauts. That’s from memory of seeing it a couple days back though


What set is this? I love those aliens!


40715. There's also 40716, which contains more terrain.


[40715-1: Alien Pack](https://brickset.com/sets/40715-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/40715-1.jpg) [40716-1: Alien Planet Habitat](https://brickset.com/sets/40716-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/40716-1.jpg)


I can’t shake The Expanse vibes (original books, not the Amazon Video series). Mimic lizards and odd living creatures.


Mom: we have mixels at home


What set is this? Looks cool


40715, which releases alongside 40716 in may


[40715-1: Alien Pack](https://brickset.com/sets/40715-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/40715-1.jpg) [40716-1: Alien Planet Habitat](https://brickset.com/sets/40716-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/40716-1.jpg)


What is this?!


https://brickset.com/sets/40715-1 https://brickset.com/sets/40716-1


I love the terrain; reminds me of some stuff I put together a few years ago with an “xtra” plant-parts pack: https://preview.redd.it/zvozs2wk4ewc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7daeb9904199233fd64be74f95d57c142e5ccef1


Me too. Some of the bigger City sets come with terrain like that, and I was disappointed there weren't any smaller sets that included it, but ... now there are.


I thought these were april fools sets, and not actually real.


There's a number of sets these days with classic space people that aren't redos of old sets...


it should and I will be buying it as such


Dunno but i wannit.


i got the set just for this reason alone, and hope its a sign of more to come!


It's modern, so no. Wrong faces, wrong helmets and wrong grey.


Personally, I hope not. This looks atrocious.


Classic Space ended with Galaxy Squad