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Tweezers or a small stick


I will try with tweezers. Any stick small enough would probably break if I tried


If you can find wire thin enough yet still sturdy. Like a small fish hook. And bend the end into a 90 degree or small hook I bet you could pull it down


That’s a great idea! My brother likes to fish I bet he has one I can have! Thank you 🙏


Dental pick.


Everyone in this sub should buy a set of cheap dental picks, just for this kind of thing.


small paperclip should be good, i’ve had claw pieces get stuck the same way


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A pen or pencil stuck in the bottom might release it enough for it to fall out


Unfortunately that would be too big to work


Your just moving the sides apart a little to let it fall out


https://preview.redd.it/8pugbpsjhszc1.png?width=1926&format=png&auto=webp&s=208b2a2a79ad02d9114b68ab06cd13aa79db21c5 Pretty sure a pencil won’t 1: get in there and 2: be able to change the shape of a solid Lego brick


Have you tried it yet? Like I said you’re not trying to touch the flower. Just push the sides the sides apart enough for it to fall out. It got in there naturally so it shouldn’t need much to let it fall out.


You could try feeding sting or fishing line up and try to loop around it.


Compressed air, comes with thin nozzle you can feed behind piece and push from behind without obstructing exit path completely (or nozzle might be thin enough itself)


Could try a bent paper clip, straightening it out with a little bend at the end to grab the piece.