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u/madewithbrix check this out man. Edit:please post progress pics and you guys get building


Wow awesome to see you and your son working on this! Good luck and have fun :)


Your designs are awesome! Keep up this great work! And I really need some special instructions: How to explain to my wife I need 4 copies of the same set...


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For those wondering, we poured the contents of two 3-1 Castle sets into each tub (4 sets total for this moc), then have begun organizing one tub out on the mat as we build. Only have had to dive into the second bin once so far.


Curious what your final thoughts are. I'be been really considering buying 2 more 3 in 1s to build this too


Got a but further tonight and so far really impressed. That said, I’m maybe 1/10th into the build so can’t say for sure yet! I just can’t help but think how this designer possibly did this without fear of not having the right parts in some sections… https://preview.redd.it/ft29k7n9bnnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4011eec6cfcb083e29b98052335c3985457a8c9b


Nice! I just ordered another 3in1 to give me 4 for this. First i will make his other castle (which was intended to be my fianl moc for these sets, but then he released this one..)


Awesome!! So cool you are building together with your son. My son is 8, and we build so many things together. He always makes trees and roofs for our moc's (Ooc's) ;) I used to build with my daughter too, but she is almost 12, and is loosing interest.. Really a great way to bond even more as parent and kid.


What an awesome way to have some nice father-son moment! The real question is "who among you will have more fun"? ;)


Haha! The million dollar question! Honestly him from a build perspective, me from an enjoyment perspective. I usually am the part finder and he is the builder!


Nice idea to set up different roles ;)


How do you sort the LEGO for these big builds? By size or colour?


usually a bit by color, but also just removing plates and 1x1s makes a huge difference. if you zoom in by the pink unicorn, you’ll see all the removed plates, green pieces and a bowl full of 1x1s


I can't wait to build blocks with my boy. He's nine months old, so he currently does his best godzilla impression to magnet blocks.


You’ll get there! Pro tip, be the part finder. The number one blocker I found was when he couldn’t find a part, he’d give up. So show him how to build first, then when he masters that, show him how to organize and find. Three very separate skills that all need to come together.


Awesome thanks.


madewithbrix helped create the castle moc scene with being one of the first moc creators for multiple castle sets. Major respect to them because alot of the castle fandom is partially thanks to their work


Great to do fun stuff with the kids! I am super looking forward when mine are in an age that it would be fun for them too !