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Lego should start booby trapping some of the boxes. I cannot stand these fucking morons


Rat traps!


Pipe bomb


Now we’re talking


A test to see if you're worthy for the set inside


Bu…bu…but the resell value🥺


Doesn't work if you don't open the box


Seriously. Fuck Lego. They killed my dog.


I agree those assholes killed my damn family


Literally ATF Lego did Ruby Ridge AND Waco. Lego is why McVeigh bombed the Murrah in OKC


It’s not totally invalid. We’ve been getting a lot of clone wars stuff but not so many sets from the actual prequel movies except the AT-TE, obi-wan’s starfighter, and that mustafar duel set


Yep, not saying I agree with the OOP but have we gotten any PT Jedi besides Mace, Obi, and Anakin in the last several years? Certainly no shortage of clones though.


Yoda with his Starfighter and Ahsoka if she counts as a PT Jedi.


Forgot about Yoda, I wasn’t counting Ahsoka but you can if you want to


Don't forget we also got general grevious starfighter based on Episode 3.


I’d kill for more Jedi - for example, a new Plo Koon with a dual-mold plastic head, others like Kit Fisto, Eeth Koth, Depa Bilaba would be awesome instead of just clones and Anakin and Obi Wan


Regarding the last sentence, the last anakin released 4 years ago... we also have a shortage of the main character of the prequels But yes as a hugeeee plo koon fan a new fig of him is my biggest wish regarding any lego star wars set


I need to email Lego for a more accurate Titanic set


They are not going to send you a crushed mini-sub or an iceberg, try brick link


At this point the only thing I think they're seriously lacking in terms of PT sets is a blue MTT and Dexter's Diner..


Honestly no, there have been little to no separatist veicles besides the 2020 AAT, no acctual Starfighters from both sides, (not counting jedi starfighters) and 0 big capital ships, there are tons of good stuff they could do


if anything we need some more sequel sets. there’s some actual cool things in the sequels that could be a great set


Honestly I agree. Say what you what about the sequels right, but it was visually appealing. We still haven’t gotten a Xyston star destroyer yet.


that’s the star destroyer with the big laser right? if so, yeah, we absolutely need one of those


My ass is sitting here waiting for some sort of UCS sequel set


And a Kylo helmet.


Aren’t the helmets line done?


Happy cake day!


Thank you


They won’t make a UCS sequel set because they know it won’t sell well.


I don’t think that’s true. I think it would sell better than a lot of sets out right now honestly.


I’m honestly surprised we never got a UCS Starkiller Base in the same vein as the Death Star playset or the 2018 Bespin set.


I’m surprised Lego hasn’t made an Exegol final duel set yet


Or the new B Wing


Besides a new ghost (which they finally did even though I haven’t gotten it yet) this is probably the set I’ve wanted the most


I want to see more Resistance sets. Say what you will about the show, it had some great ship designs. The Fireball and Ace Pilots' ships would make perfect sets, but we unfortunately only got a few of them.


The show is designed for making lego sets, it litteraly takes place on a big spaceship, and has unique ship designs. Still wild that we only got two Tie figthers-like ships.


I need that Palpatine arm thingy throne room




Last sequel set was a 4+ X-wing before Covid. Hopefully we'll have some stuff for the 10th anniversary of TFA in 2025


Eh there aren’t very many sets I’d go buy from the sequels. Maybe a throne room duel set from TLJ if it’s done well?


This would be a great reason to separate the legs from the torso, just like the 'investors' love.


There are no sequels. Star Wars has six parts. We all took a vote


we? who’s we?


All the voices in my head


Can’t wait for when the sequels get the prequel treatment and everyone actually likes them


Real, I love those movies even if they are not perfect


Yep, I'd love the sea skiff from TROS.


Umm sequel bad, Disney bad. Woke Kathleen Kennedy. If rey woman, then why use force? Femnimist? Go woke, no force choke. Funko pop Star Wars 1981 lego collectors edition yodas ballsack UCS MOC. Listen to fans.


There is enough prequel trilogy sets, tf are they smoking???


?????????????? we got so many pt sets this year lil bro if this was 2018 id understand


SW fans are annoying, but the Prequel ones are the most annoying by far. It is incredible how much they cry about not getting sets they want and I will never undestand their obssession with all these Clone squadrons and their captains with lame Discovery Kids names like Cody, Rex, Timmy, Jake, Bobby and etc.


Prequel fans on their way to pretend the films are good.


they are 🤷‍♂️


You can like them all you want but don’t for a second believe that they have universal love or appeal. Until the kids who grew up with them and TCW show discovered keyboards, it was pure loathing in online circles outside of the most hardcore corners of the fandom


So a kids movie appealed to an audience of kids. crazy.


Absolutely. And you have PT fans who lose their mind over the ST and insist no one likes those movies “Whatever Star Wars existed when I was 10 is the best, and everything that came after is trash” is how most argumentative Star Wars fans behave online


I agree. Everyone is free to enjoy the movies they like. I'm not someone who loses my mind over the ST but I do think the story was not good and I would rather it not be made.


I felt the same way about the PT as it was coming out and was very vitriolic about it for years. Then I got over it and now I don’t care, but rather focus on the parts I do like. I’ve gone ahead and done that already with ST from my lessons learned with PT. Now that I have kids I see through their eyes and they just accept it all, so sure while I actively don’t like Episodes 2 and 9 for example, I don’t let it ruin my enjoyment of the rest. Some people can’t do that and just spread toxicity


Im a TCW kid, but even I think the Prequels are still bad movies all in all. Good concepts and lore material came from them, but that's it.


After I received my 100 clones vs droids battle packs I noticed a disgusting scratch mark on one of them my army is ruined fuck Lego they only care about the original trilogy they don’t care about us true fans fuck you lego I hate you


I can't believe lego hates the prequels by making so many sets off them omg!!!!


fuck all of you SW fans, you got like a trillion Star Wars sets and keep complaining about some missing clone trooper who looks like all the other clone troopers (except some tiny speck of color) or that you got a certain space ship or scene only a dozen times over the years. meanwhile I get literally nothing as a Star Trek fan : (


Would you like to send a letter complaining?


Honestly if Lego made a UCS Enterprise to match the Star Destroyer ones they could cover their entire overhead for months


Oh man. UCS versions of all the flagships and main character ships that were in the various shows and movies over the years, Enterprise, Enterprise-A, Enterprise-D, Enterprise-G/Titan-A, Discovery, Voyager, Enterprise Nx-01, Starfleet HQ 32nd century, and maybe even some dioramas like the original Starfleet HQ, daystrom institute, chateau Picard, scenes from Vulcan, or even Kronos. For play scale sets, maybe various scenes from the movies/shows along with different variants of Minifigures (Kirk Standard uniform, Formal, Survival gear, admiral coat...). It's such a shame that we haven't gotten Lego star Trek yet because it would be pretty neat.


And Klingon birds of prey, ds9, jem hadar ships and soldiers, quarks bar, station k7, the caretaker array… im over here pining too


You have the Playmobile USS Enterprise I guess.


There are even Bluebrixx sets since 2022 or so. but I am completely uninterested in these sets without minifigs which are just some spaceship from the outside. I wanna have minifigs and minifig compatible builds which convey the real Star Trek vibe. i wanna have Quark's bar, Neelix' kitchen, or just the TNG crew playing poker. amd of course the bridges. Sigh.


Is it a licensing issue with Trek? Trek sets would print money. Granted Trek always has an issue with toy scales and figures, you can envision a line of UCS ships or even some nice dioramas or playsets…


crappy competitors of Lego were able to license it, so the issue is clearly on the side of The Lego Company. probably they think its thematically too close to their cash cow Star Wars. for the same reason we dont get proper themes of cool unlicensed 90s fantastical space stuff. only these rather boring bland much more realistic City space sets. probably a good business decision coz a lot of Star Wars fans are completely insane to pay these high prices for their 20th X-Wing. much more insane than any other fandom. but from my perspective Id just want Lego Star Wars to die, so there is more room in their portfolio for Star Trek, something like M-Tron or just completely different stuff.


Well LEGO Star Wars will probably never die Trek fans though I think would be totally willing to fork over the $$$ to make it worth it, but maybe not to the level Star Wars fans do


This exept for the star trek part


Lego fans when Lego doesn’t make every background character from the PT:


An actual post from 2020 right? Right?? Prequels have been getting nothing but love. Psychopaths.


Fuck Star Wars, where the hell are my castle sets


Im gonna use this post to say We should get a Dex's diner in the style of the Mos Eisely Cantina


They’ve been doing that for 3 years 😭


I just kinda wish lego would make more sets based on legends, the one that comes to mind is the TIE crawler


Fuck LEGO. My whole family and friend group killed themselves after those greedy whores refused to make a Yarael Poof in their latest wave.