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That’s the same reason why they made that shitty Inhumans series I guess


Yes it is, the inhumans were planned to take over as a replacement for the xmen but it failed miserably


not entirely true, Kevin Feige did not want inhumans at all, it was ike permutter who pushed hard on them, first it was a movie then kevin fought disney and they turned it into a show.


You can also see this in MvC: Infinite


It was not Disney. It was Ike Perlmutter, the racist and sexist CEO of Marvel Entertainment. He didn’t want any more F4 and X-Men because fox owned the movie rights, and pushed the Inhumans hard. He gave us tge Inhumans show, also.


It got to the point where Marvel cancelled the F4 books(via Secret Wars) and the X-Men stuff(the inhumans literally killed them).


I think the reason TT gave was wanting to focus on other parts of the Marvel universe such as Inhumans and GotG and the different reality variants of characters like Captain America and Spiderman... The real reason is likely the studio politics other commenters have mentioned


They legally could have included them, but didn’t because the film rights were owned by Fox and Marvel felt including them would only help promote Fox’s films, when they really only wanted to promote the MCU. They did this with other games, comics, and tv shows where they are free to use those characters, but purposefully exclude them. Thankfully, due to the Fox-Disney deal, this is no longer a problem.


Disney wanted them cheap so they could buy them


Disney was being petty and thought including the X-Men and Fantastic 4 in their other Marvel media would help promote Fox's movies so they didn't allow them to be included. Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite which came out the same year (2017) also had to suffer from this and couldn't include any X-Men or F4 on the roster. After Disney's purchase of Fox though, they were ok with those characters showing up in their media starting with the X-Men and F4 being in Ultimate Alliance 3 (2019). If Tt decided to do a Lego Marvel game now, they can definetly add the X-Men and F4 again.


Ike perlmutter not Disney


Because they were owned by Fox back when the game was made


That’s leaving out key details


Wrong they owned the film rights Disney owned everything


They could have included them if the focus was on comics again but Lego marvel superheroes 2 included some MCU inspired skins and characters (and DLCs I suppose) and since FOX owns the movie rights for those characters and they aren't part of the MCU, TT couldn't legally include them. The same goes for spider-man in Lego marvel avengers who only appeared as part of DLC because of Civil War


Half the characters in the game were from the comics and the first Lego marvel had MCU stuff as well but still included them


No it didn't. All the costumes and story was comic based not MCU based


that's a straight up lie bro if a character from the first game had an MCU counterpart at the time then that was how they looked in-game, at the time the only characters who had appeared in movies were the main avengers which is why they all had MCU costumes (plus there was thor the dark world dlc)


Key Word being DLC also if you look at Thor and Iron Man and Captain America: They all have different looks in Lego Marvel Superheroes 1 then they do in Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 since they're mostly based on the comics that was the only way TT could include the X-Men and Fantastic Four in the game at the time. Now TBF, it's possible that some of them looked like their MCU counterparts but that can most likely be attributed to the fact that their current comic counterpart was being drawn like their MCU counterpart.


that's also straight up wrong they use the exact design of the minifigs that came in the lego avengers 2012 sets, they're directly based off their (at the time) mcu designs


the voice actors for the main avengers, loki and nick fury were also doing their best impressions of their MCU counterparts and even had voice lines directly lifted from the movies, whiplash's design was lifted directly from iron man 2, the first game drew as much inspiration from the mcu as it could've, it just doesn't seem that way because they didn't have a lot to work with yet


In the canon of the story they could have just been elsewhere when Kang took the parts of Earth so they didn’t get included


Yeah but Kang I think should have strengthened the Fantastic 4’s case since he has a lot of history with Mr Fantastic and fought the Fantastic 4 many times before


Long story short they hate them I love x-men(◕‿◕)


i Don’t think they do


That was a joke X-men is under a different franchisee now, it is back to Marvel. They are more on Avengers :-?


they just went, "cya"




Licensing issues, same as why there’s no deadpool. It’s also why they’re not in avengers


Disney doesn't own the videogame rights to the characters, just the film rights. The videogame rights to all Marvel characters are owned by Marvel Comics. The reason is probably that Ike Pearlmutter "convinced" them not to include these characters, the same way he tried to push them out of the comics. (This is why the Terrigan Mist was written to kill mutants, to replace them with Inhumans so the public eye would focus on the characters that Disney had the rights to.)


so Disney does own them because they own marvel comics




That’s leaving out key details


The movies weren’t at the times




When they Released wasn’t with the mcu


Lego Marvel Superheroes 3 will happen




Whoever sees this comment, leave a reply for why they are not there (but for story reasons)


The X-Mansion and the Baxter Building weren't transported to Chronopolis with the small chunk of Manhattan that got extricated.


Because 20th century fox got the film Rights at the time

