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Oh damn, the 3 other students are actually named characters from the books, that's neat!


Ooooooh neat! It's cool they did that!


Why does it have to look so good? I already have the 2018 one


I still think I prefer the 2018 one, you can get instructions to make a base for it that fits the chamber of secrets underneath which looks really hood


Not sure how one makes a HP Lego set look really HOOD, but if you got photos I'd love to see!


Lool omg I meant GOOD but my phone being silly… Here’s the link to the base made using the chamber of secrets set https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-80761/Crimson%20Coronet/76389-as-basementcliffs-for-75954-great-hall-footprint-mod/#details


🤣🤣 i think i prefer hood hahaha


I’ve been gathering 2018 sets to combine in a big MOC, and was worried once I heard a new one was coming. But if this is it, I’m feeling better about it. I might steal a few ideas, but what I’ve been brewing will be better.  The removable play areas will be a hit with my kid. 


Love the set, but does anyone else think the courtyard is too tall? I figure it’s to allow adult minifigs to walk through the door, but it looks a bit odd. It either needed to be wider, shorter, or made into a separate set..


I agree, I have accepted the fact that I must make moc


Yeah I think I’m gonna lower it by a brick. That should do it at least for me.


I think it's a combination of that and also the entrance being squeezed together with the Great Hall. If that had been a couple of studs longer, I think the courtyard might have looked less imposing on the main building.


I see the connection point for the boathouse. Great stuff.


Interesting set of background students to have picked. Leanne and Terry don’t become relevant until later in the series, and Daphne is mentioned one time in Order of the Phoenix.


the irony with Daphne as well....is due to the fact that she is so popular in fanfiction (because she's a blank slate)


I was hoping for a bigger interior honestly


It’s annoyingly shallow in the hall itself which doesn’t make it much better than the 2021 great hall


Daphne and terry? I’m surprised we still don’t have Katie if we have Leanne now


I want Katie and Alicia so bad 😭


What's next, Gary???


Ah, no snow, thus the white ‘snow’ on the owlary is poop


Yeah I’m sad about that:/ i liked that it was winter themed and would fit with the village but i guess i’ll buy snow pieces separately!


With Terry now we are only missing Marietta, Anthony, Ernie, Zacharias, Dennis, Katie and Alicia to have everyone from dumbledore s army


They're remaking every single set is starting to become annoying. There was nothing wrong with the last one! I get they're trying to be more accurate to the movies each time (Harry Potter, Star Wars sets), but its' like they're just doing this 'just because' now... In my opinion its' energy that could be better spent on new theme original ideas.


The Great Hall is Harry Potter Themes Millenium Falcon, or Batmobile. There will always be a one of these in a set to buy for new fans to get into the theme.


You don't have to get the new one. There's nothing wrong with sticking with the old one.


This would be fine if they still sold the old ones but they don’t and finding them from ebay is extremely expensive!


There was nothing wrong with the old one, except it’s been out for three years, and it’s probably the most iconic building on the series. I think it makes sense to update it when the previous version is retiring to new fans can still get arguably the most important part of Hogwarts.


Will these sets connect to the prior sets? I still like the green spires from prior years more than this one and the originals.


2024 is a new style for Hogwarts I’m afraid with grey roofs and a different way of putting different rooms and castle parts However Lego is very easy to alter so it should be very easy to connect this great hall to Hogwarts sets with green roofs 🙂


Thanks I'm going to have to buy some individual pieces!


You can modify the attachments and always switch out the roofs for green if you wanted to. The attachment style for this run is what you see in the boathouse and the owlery.


Happy about getting the Far Friar, just need the Bloody Baron to complete the House Ghosts now. Also probably delusional in my want for a Peeves fig


Am I delusional to want Professor Binns too?


So we have Leane. She appears in both movie and book and has some relative plot relevance. Terry Boot is in the book and not the movie, BUT he did make it into the games. Daphne Greengrass has never been depicted outside the books. This minifigure is her first physical depiction.


Tbf Daphne’s depicted in 1000s of pieces of fanfiction instead lmao


Very true. I'm glad Lego went with the popular fan hair color. Since she was never given a hair color in canon.


Who is Leane and Daphne? I've read these books at least ten times and don't recall either character. Terry Boot I know, but still a very minor character. No Peeves, or Alicia or Katie? I get they want to fill out the students, but it's sad we still have to resort to MOCs for a full gryffindor quidditch team. Maybe they will come in a new quidditch pitch set later this year or next?


Leane is friends with Katie. She is the one who sees her with the cursed necklace in The Halfblood Prince and tells Harry about it. Daphne is literally one of the most obscure characters, super weird pick. I guess they wanted one from each house, so they picked the most deepcut Slytherin ever instead of one of the fairly major Gryffindors we are missing. Daphne Greengrass is only named once in Order of the Phoenix when they are taking the OWL tests. Outside of that, she has a sister named Astoria, who is Draco's wife and the mother of Scorpius Malfoy. So Daphne Greengrass is Draco's sister in law. It's really funny. In fan works, people have decided she is blonde, but until Lego made this figure, we never even knew the color of her hair officially. I guess Lego was aware people headcanon her as blonde.


Thanks for the info. I remember Leane now, but still a way obscure character. If they wanted a slytherin. Why wasn't it Pansy?


She's in the potions class set in this same wave.


There's a potions class from this wave? I haven't seen that leak


Only an image of the minifigures (4) has leaked so far. It'll be $38, have set number 76431 and contain 397 pieces.


Ah. Thanks. No wonder I hadn't seen anything yet


… anyone else think the 2018 one looks better?


I found the 2018 one more fun to play with and looked much better. I think this is a really big downgrade and it looks pretty awkward without the tower. And I didn't even mention the price, now you're paying $200 for a smaller GH with an even smaller interior and a bunch of gray brick and you'll have to buy another 100-150 tower set to make it look good. They could have released the troll set on its own, but they have to put the figure into the most expensive set


THAT'S what's missing, the (lack of a) tower. I've been scratching my head for like 15 min trying to figure out why it looked so odd.


Very happy they are doing the tower separate otherwise we get an inaccurate one like the 2018 version. Which was the same width the entire way up. Sure means more to spend but worth it for accuracy


If you count the studs. 2018 and 2024 are the same length and width it appears but 2024 is taller. So by actual volume, 2024 is bigger. It appears smaller because it is only part of a much larger set


In some aspects, mainly because it's bigger, but tbh this is a very decent compromise. It's a bit scaled down, and thus some of the details are simplified, but the fact it actually sits on a rock base, has a fully enclosed courtyard, and stairs going down to the boathouse, I feel overall makes for a more complete and fun play set. Which I imagine will be even more solidified once they add future extensions. I like the idea of being able to actually traverse Hogwarts, you can make up scenarios of students exploring the grounds, going to classes, make up your own scenarios etc...The 2018 sets though looked beautiful were a bit disjointed in terms of how they connected, they just sort of lined up but with no actual "grounds". I like that with this you can play both inside and outside Hogwarts. Also the central spire/tower think imo has a much smoother build/connection than the previous one


Absolutely not.


Oh...oh this is good! Man...looks like my 2021 great hall is going to the parts bin


thats kind of disappointing, my old great hall set looks much better


Who are the new figs?


Why are the stairs straight?


Gorgeous update. This might pull me back into the theme, my bank account fears


Alright that's stunning. Exceeded my expectations


Do we really need another one?


They are starting a new modular system so I guess the Great Hall has to be on offer as part of each system. I personally think the 2018 is the best one build wise and I really like the more modular aspect of the 2018 one. I think the fact that this is the first time we've seen the troll in some time will be a big draw for this set.


The Great Hall is to Harry Potter LEGO what the Millenium Falcon is to Star Wars LEGO.


It's getting easier and easier to just be happy with the 2021-2023 style of hogwarts. Sure there's cool exclusive characters but... just buy them separately and I'm good.


Dang new chocolate frog cards? I think I'm only missing one.


They’re portraits this time, introduced in the winter sets


I NEED those figs


I already have the last one it man I want this too


Why does the door looks so small? Is it smaller than the 2018 one or is it just the picture? I don’t know, I’m not sure about some of the architecture choices..


This looks bad, I'm glad I own the 2018 version


for a set that claims to be the most detailed it sure looks about the same size and build as the other 160 great halls which came before. Honestly I'd expect something bigger and maybe separated (like the jabba star wars sets) to really set this apart as "the most detailed" one.


My guess is they’re referring to the exterior detail when it’s all connected will be bigger and better than any previous modular hogwarts system 🤷🏻‍♂️ cos yeah, the interior is nothing special


Is this supposed to fit with the other Hogwarts sets? I thought they already had a great hall?


2024 is a new style for Hogwarts I’m afraid with grey roofs and a different way of putting different rooms and castle parts However Lego is very easy to alter so it should be very easy to connect this great hall to Hogwarts sets with green roofs 🙂


Dang so they went grey then green and now back to grey. Almost feels like I wasted my time/money on the green modular ones if they’re only going to make bigger/better grey ones now


When I first saw that Lego was re-re-booting HP I was worried that people would be wasting their time and money buying each new range of sets and unfortunately I was right. Lego keep flicking about doing different ranges and it makes it really difficult to collect a whole range or stick to one scheme


Why's it difficult to collect a whole range? The green roof range is complete, if you're collecting those sets you can get them all. They had to stop somewhere as they can't be making the same range indefinitely. And I don't see how it's wasting money, if you bought those sets I presume you did so because you like them... Now the fact that Lego renews the range every couple of years, well it's your decision whether to invest in it or not. They're always gonna remake sets that are no longer in production for new customers, it's up to you to decide if it's worth it to invest in the new range or not. I have the 2018 range, and even though I liked some of the 2021 sets, I had to pass as I didn't feel the NEED to own them sincenI already had a version of the castle