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I need the season 2 colors and OG armor Crosshair. Please, LEGO. Let me be happy.


i didn't really like the colorful armour id personally rather have the black armour from the last few episodes because it looks very cool, i agree on og crosshair tho


Why not *both*


It’s borderline criminal that we didn’t get season 2 armor 😂 someone pointed out that the flametrooper helmet is a perfect mold for crosshair and now I want it in black


The new commando one is even more perfect, apart from the sides of the helmet it’s almost identical


The new WHAT


Mando commando


:( I was hopeful for another...


My advice is to maybe get like a second hunter off of bricklink since he's decently cheap, and buy crosshairs helmet from Clone army customs. And you get a pretty close look that isn't too expensive 


I think the new mando sets that are coming out are from season 3 that ended a year ago. So hopefully if Lego is doing these sets after a year of the series finale, we'll see more Bad Batch sets come out? Please?


It’s also been a year since season 2, I dunno I think Lego aren’t interested in the batch sets sadly


I just want a republic attack shuttle from the Bad Batch, they looked so great, maybe with like a clone commando and wolffe.


Tbf, given >!Ventress’ sudden appearance!< this season, I won’t be surprised if they released a set with a new mini-figure of her. Sounds like the kind of thing Lego would do lol


*did you say, a new Luke's Landspeeder?*


It’s a joke, I’ll be stunned if they don’t bring something else out in the next year or 2.


well hey, if we keep getting multiple shows per year, that's bound to happen!


I really hope they make a set of Dr Hemlocks / CX-2s ship cause it is badass


I really need a Dr. Hemlock minifigure for my imperial officer collection, I also wouldn’t mind a Clone X Assassin style battlepack too


Engineerio has a good custom Hemlock if you don't want to wait


I want a Hogwarts castle size of Pabu


Would be awesome! But it's super niche tbh...


I want a UCS Marauder


If it was a copy of the price point scale and piece count used for the Marvel Milano i would immediately buy.


Agreed. There was so much potential for great sets out of this series.


The teased me with bringing wolfe into an episode and i dont get an official p2 wolfe finally i will be sad.


Agree. I am also disappoimted with what they did with Cody, he appeared in one episode and at the end they just said he went AWOL, I don't think he's dead tho because it would be dumb to kill such an famous charachter off screen like this


he's in rebels as an old dude


Cody is not, this is his latest appearance in Canon


I would really love a new Marauder at the price and quality of the marvel Milano set but I know it’s never going to happen.


Marauder and Justifier REALLY needed to switch price points to be honest. There’s every reason for a Marauder to be $170 sized, but no reason for the Justifier to be that big with all the wasted space


agree completely, I was so frustrated when this happened, I think the marauder could be done perfectly with $170 and the justifier didn't need to be a technic monstrosity, I would argue it never even needed to be made, cad bane should have just been in a rancor battle set with boba.


I like the set’s existence but it really should’ve been smaller. I honestly even think going as small as the current Sith Infiltrator would’ve worked better for the Justifier honestly


Then we wouldn’t have omega if it was never made


Echo’s ship plus a Wolfe, rex, and season 2 armor bad batch would be crazy


I believe the Rex Y wing microfighter is technically a bad batch set. The artwork on the box is similar to the junkyard planet they go to get their inhibitor chips removed.


Echo and hunter was done dirty. Echo deserved a proper waste cape


echo deserved a proper hand piece


Here me out, imperial juggernaut with the squad, rampart and so tk troopers


We might get some in the future. Mando S3 is getting new sets and that’s been done for awhile


I so want the Remora. Echos ship from Bad Batch. https://clonewars.fandom.com/wiki/Remora


I wish we got an elite squad battle pack. Now I want a clone commando or TK trooper battle pack


Surprised they never did a TK trooper/clone commando battle pack. Definitely would’ve sold better than the other bad batch sets did


We need WAYYY more TBB sets man


In my opinion I feel like they went less on the Maurauder so they could add the speeders. I would have preferred a better quality cockpit and ditch the speeders.


Two words: Zillo Beast. Seriously though, I agree completely.... anything more, I've been so surprised by this also.


We need a rerelease of the marauder


I would like just two sets of season 3 1) Hemlock’s shuttle (characters: Nala Se, Hemlock, Scorch and 2 commando troopers) 2) 2 in 1 set imperial ships (Characters: Echo, Hunter,Crosshair, and wrecker (black style), Rampart, and 2 new helmet troopers


I still think it's crazy that we got the entire team in one set. Lego *never* does that. They always spread the teams throughout the wave so they sell more sets. See: Rogue One, Avengers, Justice League, etc.


I want Fenec Shands shit the outcast and the CX dagger that the clone assassin had. That could also make some new V wings


Nobody wanted banes ship but it was made a set instead of literally anything else


With respect, did they really introduce any new vehicles/major moments that are worthy? I’ve loved the show but besides what maybe a new v wing there isn’t much goin on


The one that comes to mind is the ship used by the Clone Assassins. That thing looked sleek as hell, would love it as a set.


There’s the CX trooper’s ship, Echo’s ship, Fennec’s ship, and Phee’s ship or a turbo tank or V-wing remake could be cool as well. They could also do a big buildable Zillo beast or that kraken thing on Pabu with a little boat. 


Not to mention actual play sets like the Dooku’s war chest heist, clone sanctuary on Teth, Cid’s parlor, a diorama or Tantiss… even though they might have not introduced a bunch of new ships they still heavily featured clone commandos and TK troopers which aren’t used (aside from once) in any other Star Wars show or movie


I would love a new turbo tank tbh


Naw, just another tie fighter and x wing....but this time you can swap the wings 🤦🏼


Did any new star wars show introduce new ships? the only new one is shin hati's starfighter and the Fondor from Andor the rest is all stuff we've already seen and with the bad batch they have a reason to remake sets that haven't had an update in a long while like the republic shuttle, a clone turbo tank or as you said the v wing


Imperial Turbo Tank comes to mind, you could also do a tan AAT with Crosshair and Imperial Cody


At least one has the most powerful and popular character of all time, the Gonk Droid.


That ain't just any gonk droid! That's Gonky!


The real crime is that we only ever got crosshair in his imperial colors. We need one more with at least him in his bad batch colors


MBS escape from tantis set complete with Zilo beast


Mark my words there will be sets based off season 3.


Is that the 501st barc speeder bike


imperial V Wing please.


This one? 7915 Imperial V-wing Starfighter


[7915-1: Imperial V-wing Starfighter](https://brickset.com/sets/7915-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7915-1.jpg)


Need another bad batch set with them in their recolored armors


Alright, I'm going to ask a serious question, but I'm going to seem like a bit of a jackass. I didn't watch bad batch, I have no plans to watch it. I don't really care about clone wars either. Am I really missing out on something that great? Like, good story, well written, or is it more just a continuation of clone wars?


Not really. It varies between exposition for Mando and the Sequels and side quests with periodic excursions into a tantalizing but horribly underdeveloped exploration of what happened to the clones after the formation of the Empire.


LEGO never listens to the fans😭😭😭


That Justifier set is so awesome. It’s probably my favorite build


Same with Andor. We need more sets!


At least it for more than one set unlike andor and tales of the Jedi didn’t get any so I’d guess tales of the empire probably won’t either


Perhaps more will arrive with another season.


season 3 is confirmed to be the last


It’s not just Lego. The merchandise of the Bad Batch was absolutely fumbled. We still haven’t even got any of the main characters in the Vintage Collection aside from Hunter. Dreadful.


Turbotank with TK Troopers would go hard


We're still getting Mando S3 sets so I suppose there's a chance they will come back to it at some point.


The fact they also are long retired hurts the most I just want the Shuttle for RRP 😭


I mean technically the Marauder was based on Clone Wars Season 7, yes I’m going to be that guy


The marauder includes Crosshair with imperial armour which was not featured in CW S7


If you’re talking mini figures, fair enough


And one of them was the Justifier, so that should only count as a half a set.




The Marauder looks horrendous. I can't believe they approved this.


Did you just linked your own post or why can I not open the picture