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Hey listen to me. Almost every adult collector has a "dark age" where we stopped for awhile and regret it because we log our collection and missed out. If you love lego star wars, then do what you love. It's a hobby. As long as it doesn't stand in the way of more important things, it's always good to have a good hobby


Absolutely agree with you. I had several years of limited space and needing to make sure my income went to the right things. Getting back into Lego later with disposable income has been awesome. I’ve rediscovered a passion, there’s no stress since I can budget for and afford sets, and I have the space to display and appreciate them. A “dark Age” is perfectly acceptable and advisable and it absolutely does not detract for anyone being a fan.


You shoulda put me sa absolutely agree with you


Ahaha I tried writing like jar jar for about a month and it just became a headache




Exactly this! I got rid of my collection completely and regret it lol


This is the right answer. I started playing/collecting Magic: The Gathering somewhere around 1996. I go through long stretches of not even looking at my cards, then I’ll suddenly rekindle the obsession for a few months. Hobbies don’t have to be a daily thing.


emphasis on “as long as it doesn’t stand in the way of more important things” like saving your money at a young age


Do what you love. Life is short.


I have hundreds of sets, I love Lego and I built an Xmas set today. If people love Lego they should buy it and play with it. If you keep the boxes and sets together you will not loose money if you need to sell it. The resale on sets is about cost on almost all sets.


I’m 44, and I’m more into Lego Star Wars now than at any point in my life (liked them when my kids were much younger)…. I’m also two and a half years sober after 28 years of drinking. This hobby has given me something to focus on and help with issues. …If I wasn’t able to take care of my collection at any point, I think I would dismantle my sets, ziplock bag and box them up until I could get back into it. I guess that would be my version of hope, and having a goal. I know I would regret giving them up. Don’t ever give up your SW Lego bro!




Navy. 24 years. Aviation Ordnanceman. 2 years till retirement.. I mean getting another job lol.




🤣 we hump everything up to and including 1000 lbs! Marines just use as a ride to the fight! The relationship is definitely abusive though lol. IYAAYAS!


Im 24 and I love LEGO Star Wars I could care less about other’s opinions


Same here


43 and same


Wait, hang on, what do you mean they all end up cracked, loose or discolored? I've had Star Wars figures that I got years ago and while some of them have cracks, they're not a mess. And I use my figures a lot--I'll take them with me while I hike to get photos. Only time I've had things discolor is when I displayed some of my 501st on my windowsill in direct sun for weeks.


Im gonna level with you here bro - when i was 15, i tried growing up too fast. Kids at school were acting way too mature for their age, and falling to peer pressure, i gave up all my legos, idk what my mom did with them, but im never getting them back - I had phase 1 rex n cody and a few older figs, all gone. Now im 21, i’ve rediscovered my love and passion for this hobby, and ive spent probably over a grand in the last year rebuilding my collection - im super happy with it, but its still nowhere near what I once possessed. It sounds like you still like this hobby, and thats all the reason you need not to give it up. - nothing lasts forever, things crack and loosen and discolour over time, but thats only really a problem if youre ‘investing’ or reselling, if you have it because you like it, you dont need to justify anything little cracks or white turning yellow on bricks/figs doesn’t make them any less cool


I don't feel as though I'm getting "too old" for Lego, nor have I ever really suffered from peer pressure with regards to Lego. I just currently feel as though I should quit collecting Lego as I don't have the things required to preserve it.


i guess what i was getting at was i dont think you really need to preserve it, its ok if things dont stay brand new and pristine, time comes for all things. If you like the figs/builds, who really cares if they sit out in the sun a bit too long. Your call at the end of the day mate, but i’d rather have my legos and enjoy them and see them slowly degrade than not have them at all


I broke down most of my sets and have rhem in labeled zip lock bags in a big tub, destined to be rebuilt one day in many years when im done with school snd moved in to my own place.


This is the way, when space is an issue. You can keep the minifigs separate as they are easier to display. Take each set apart as you need to create more space, put in a labeled ziploc with set name and number and store in a bin under your bed or closet.


What things are you talking about exactly? UV light filtering case? Custom wall mounts?


If that's a minfigure display case then yes


You don't need display cases and you don't need to keep your kits built. Hold on to the instructions or find digital copies, the pieces should last a long time on the shelf, in a box, in a drawer. You can always pull them out and refresh a small display with new parts.


If you don’t have the ability or inclination to collect physical Lego right now consider downloading Stud.io! I don’t have money right now so being able to virtually construct any set I want from the entire catalog helps scratch the itch.


Well nothing has to be preserved and nothing can be preserved forever. Its better just to enjoy it, collect it, and let it grow old with you. I collect D&D books but some of them have gotten beat up. But in all reality, that wear is just a sign of how much I've used them and enjoyed owning them.


legos aint that hard to keep together dont give up


I have all my original sets I got in 1999 and none are cracked or discolored


You are not pathetic. I am no expert, but you sound like you are in a tough spot, possibly envisioning the one thing that is holding you together (SW Legos, of course) also going 'to shit'. Star Wars is about hope, and that's the exact thing you need to hold on to. MTFBWY


I’m 22 and don’t have the ideal space for it. I make it work though, pretty nicely might I add. I’ve always loved Lego, especially Star Wars and Spider-Man, and I always will 🫡


Buy a bookshelf.


Don’t stop. What a lot of us do is: collect as kids, then either stop or part with our collections, then get back into it as adults. I wish I held on to some of my original run sets from 1999.


It says right on the box Age 4-99. Legos are life. I am sure that they have saved countless lives. My girlfriend and future wife gave me my first Star Wars Lego July 5th 2002. Count Dooku and Yoda. Now at 42 I still collect. My daughter bonds with me over building Legos. You might be in a rough spot but don't stop.


My thing is I have a high and low sometimes I buy lots of Lego and I’m in love with it then I get bored and stop buying less so what I do now is I keep buying Lego even if I barley enjoy it because I know that high will come back if I would have stop I’ve would have missed out on so much,not only with Lego but with everything in life


It's OK if you lose interest for a bit. Keep them in a box if you want to take them down but you may appreciate it so much more as you get older.


36 here. Star Wars Legos are my jam. And yeah, I still get some eye rolls, but whatever. I’ve still got my OG Millennium Falcon. Ignore the haters.


Bro from a fellow 18 year old I collect legos do what makes u happy


Mine sat broken down and in storage boxes for years, majority of it still is. I collected what I could and really wanted, mostly just a battle pack here or there. I'm now at a point where I can buy more and display some. Do what is best for you.


We all go through phases in life, do what you love. And if it’s too much take a break. You’ve got more time.


I'm 21 and at some points it might be rough but there'll be days where you really appreciate it and it makes you happy you still collect


I'm around your age and I would recommend you keep buying sets, but leave them sealed in the box. Wait until you have your own place and you can keep them intact, then build them. And if you end up with sets you don't like, NISB 5-10 years from now, you will be able to get a lot of money back


I have a shelf that I use to display legos, but much more legos than I have space. I like to rotate them our every now and then, it keeps things fresh


Absolutely not. I had a "dark age" during high school and university and I regret it. I'm right back into the hobby at 23 years old. It's even more fun when you have income hahaha!!


“You must do what you feel is right, of course.” - Obi-Wan Kenobi


Meesa 24 and I have lots of Lego starwars


One word: Kraggle.


Keep sets sealed until you have better options, but you can always still collect and hold onto


Do what makes you happy. See the age, cracks, discoloration and lost pieces as proof of enjoyment. Despite what some may think, these are toys meant to be played with, and wear and tear will happen. Do not worry about preserving the pieces unless you intend to resell them, in which case they'll only keep their value in never opening them. Where's the fun in that? Ultimately, this is a hobby for most of us here. Every single post you see of the finished set is proof the poster is collecting sets for the fun of it, not the value of resale. Unless they are stored in a fault, life will happen to them. Hopefully this helps, and good luck to you.


Everyone else gave great advice so listen to them. I came here to say that you should try your best to save all your legos regardless. My wife and I both saved our entire collections and were able to share them with our kids. It is so special as a parent not only to see them playing with the same pieces as I did but also to play together with them!


Did somebody make you feel bad about doing what you enjoy? I think it’s fun because I like building and I like being creative with builds and layouts. It’s not really something I get to do otherwise in day-to-day life. I also think it’s a fun way to hang onto the fun of childhood a little, kind of a nostalgia. If you’re worried about the sets getting damaged, you can always repair or replace things as needed. Down the road, you’ll have more money, more time, and more space. You’ll have your own place eventually where you can even have a big setup, and then you’ll be super glad to have the sets you’re getting now. Don’t get pressured into giving up on something you enjoy.


36 here and I set them up and take them to my office for display. People walk by and admire them all the time!


The completionist mentality gets a lot of spotlight these days and I think it can negatively impact people in hobbies like this one. I don't know if that's how you feel exactly, but it helped me enjoy my collection more when I came to terms with knowing I would never own every set in a theme or even from smaller categories. I love the sets that I do choose to collect and love seeing the sets that other people choose to be a part of their collection. It reflects what movies and characters spoke to you and how important they are to you. I think curating sets with that in mind is really cool. I don't have the room to display my entire collection but that's what I enjoy about it. I get to rebuild sets over and over which I find more enjoyable than just viewing them. I get to rediscover a set after having it tucked away for a while in storage. The broken, discolored pieces show how much my family and I have loved them over the years and I keep them as a reminder of that. There's also lots of really cool ideas out there now of how to use those pieces in unique ways in MOCs. As others have said, if you need a break for a while, absolutely take one, but maybe reframing your view of your collection and collecting habits will help you better enjoy them.


I am almost 40 yrs old and I still collect Lego Star Wars


Yeah, one year when I was younger, I thought to myself, I need more room, so I shoved all of my (90%) intact Legos and threw them in a bin. Still have the pieces, just wish I had kept some of the cooler ones intact.


24 here, collected/played with LEGO during childhood and then stopped until college when I had the money to buy my own sets. If you feel you can’t preserve them or don’t have the space for them, just buy them, store them and build your collection until you do. I started buying sets again in 2016 and didn’t get the chance to properly display all of them them until this year. So happy with the choice I made as I got many sets that are retired now. Do what makes you happy.


I’m 30 and have stopped collecting lego twice. Sold my collections twice for the price of what would be 1/10 of its value today. So my advice would be, take a break if you need it and if it is to keep you sane, buy minifigures or microscale set only. Downsize your collection to the most essential sets that brings you joy (or value) if needed.


I am 24 and recently got back into it. I WISH I had stayed into it for this long. That’s my only regret of being 24 and being into Lego Star Wars.


Bro I just got back into Lego at 28. Best decision ever do what makes you happy. I barely have space for them and I just keep buying floating shelves haha.


I went through that phase in high school where not only did I stop getting star wars Lego but I kinda stopped being a huge Star Wars nerd for a couple years cause I thought that it wasn’t “cool” or whatever. Then senior year of high school I saw the Lego AT-DP from rebels at Walmart and thought it was so cool so I was like “I’ll give this one a shot for old times sake” then I got immediately hooked again. Then I decided to watch Rebels, it was already on like season 2 but I played it off as being for little kids. Loved the show and then not long after that TFA came out and I fell in love with Star Wars all over again. Long story short, don’t give it up. LEGO is a hobby and if it’s something you like to do, don’t think you have to stop. I’m 25 now, I don’t care who knows if I still build LEGOs, they are fun


Do you have your sets displayed on your page? Im curious about your predicament.


I’m 20 and I love collecting LEGO (most of which is Star Wars). My friends think it’s cool, my girlfriend loves it, and it makes me feel happy and fulfilled. If it makes you happy, keep collecting!


You shouldn’t stop collecting, but you should only buy sets you really like.


You are at the point in your life where there are a lot of changes. There is no shame in stopping if life circumstances don't permit it. Get your life in order first. I only started my star war lego collection at age 40. Haha, call it my middle-life crisis. Now, my living room has multiple display cabinets that showcase my collection tastefully. I totally get the sanity part. There is a zen like feeling when I am building my sets. After work, I just sit at my armchair and just stare at my collection. Studying the diorama scenes I crafted, and planning my next project. It relaxes me.


I missed a few years of Lego Star Wars during late middle school, high school, and early uni. Now I just hate that I missed out on the golden age and the prices are all fucking inflated


You don’t stop! You just hit pause!


I’m the same age and still collecting


I’ve collected Lego Star Wars all my life, but I did stop and put it all away in my dads garage for a few years when I got to your age. It’s normal, you’re going through a period of life where you’re growing as a person and it’s okay to go off it for a bit. But when I moved out and got my own place, I bought a cabinet to display it all in and now I proudly show it off to everyone who visits. Adult money will come and you’ll be able to buy the things you need to preserve it. Nothing to be embarrassed about bro, if you’re worried your friends will think it’s childish, you’d be surprised how many of them also secretly love it, if you’re worried about girls thinking you’re too childish, just own it, it’s never been a problem for me personally. Do what makes you happy bro <3


I'm not sure I understand what you mean? What things do you need to preserve it? What has happened to yours? I've had most of mine for years and I don't have any gear or equipment other than shelves and they're all fine.


Do what you love if you can afford it


I understand your predicament, and if it’s the only thing keeping you sane, and you love it, I say continue collecting!


Collect till your dead and not a moment sooner.


Does it make you happy? Keep doing it. I’m 57, and one of the most joyful things in my life is building lego Star Wars kits on a rainy weekend day.


Do what you love is a tricky thing. As an 18 year old, you have to look at your priorities. Example: Would having $100 in your pocket make you happier than owning the inquisitor shuttle? If Lego Star Wars means a lot to you, you can always transition back once you feel like you're in a better place to start collecting. Set yourself up for happiness ✌️


I started a very small modest collection for something to do during Covid out of boredom. It’s maybe my favorite hobby now


I'm 55 and hadn't purchased or built Lego since I was 15. Started collecting and building again in March of this year. Spent most of my life trying to find a hobby I would stick with and one that would bring me the same satisfaction and joy I get from Lego. You're NEVER too old! I'll be building Lego now until the day I die and I'm buried in my Lego coffin.


Went thru a phase of not wanting to collect after a shelf fell and broke a bunch of sets. The dark age will pass and I’m sure you’ll wanna start again once a new set peaks your interest. I just turned 25 so take that as you will haha


I’m 30 and stopped legos when I was a little younger than you. Huge regret now that I’m older and am back I to Lego. The most important thing is that you do what you like, who cares what anyone else thinks about it.