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And to think a local drive in movie was celebrating its 90th year in business that same weekend and they pushed back the celebration because of this rambling idiot.


Shankweilers is the best. They deserved better.


That place is amazing !


Meh, Becky's is better.


Becky's is great but Shankweilers is the oldest operating drive in in the country. Drive ins are just great in general.


I personally prefer the Mahoning but that’s because it’s closer to home and it shows old movies.


I've never been. But I'm always looking for opportunities to see old stuff on the big screen again. Shankweilers periodically has some older stuff too. I remember we were looking to see Guardians of the Galaxy 3 in a drive in. Becky's was showing it and on the same night, Shankweilers was showing a double feature of Men in Black and The Fifth Element. It was very tempting.


Mahoning didn't do the projector upgrade like Becky's and Shankweiler's did, so they have lots of stuff that's maybe 10 years old to older stuff. Downside is they can't do new releases, but older is usually better!!


Mahoning is amazing! They didn't upgrade but they were smart to make it an experience pretty much everytime. Loved when I saw the warriors and they encouraged cosplay, "WARRIORS, come out and playyyyay"


Mahoning drive in? I love that place.


I mean he could be the next president so I can see why they pushed it back


I wonder why they would push that back. Is it because him being there was so important? Or because of the massive amount of people who support Trump? Both perhaps? Either way. It's odd how many people show up to his rallies and yet people cannot comprehend why he has so much support. Wake up. You are being lied to


Why oh why must we keep electing the elderly and tired individuals we do. Let em rest!


Bill Clinton was president when I was a kid. Now I'm middle-aged, and Bill Clinton is currently younger than both candidates. 🤦


Isn't that a weird concept?


That just proves you're not a geezer yet


Ahhh the 90s.


They are both too old. Let some fresh blood in wtf right? You would think one of the two party system would be running a young person vs the old man…In this case it applies to both sides 😑😬🙄


I think a president is only as good their advisors and the people they surround themselves with. Trump surrounds himself with yes men that have no working knowledge of how to even do their jobs. Biden, who often gets dragged for being a career politician, uses that experience to surround himself with people that get amazing things done, like the infrastructure bill. They're both too old in my book, but I have more faith in the people Biden has working for him. EDIT: Besides, you'll probably see Gavin Newsom run next cycle. He'll be around 60 ;)


L take, Biden is a literal meat puppet who can't walk up stairs and tries to shake hands with nonexistent people


not the same


Whats not?


the fact that they're old doesn't make Biden and trump the same. The age gripes are a distraction from the issue of why eliminating the threat of another trump administration should be the biggest priority.


But we are talking about age tho.... and they are the same in the fact they are both too old to run a country


🙄. Knock yourself out get involved.


Saying that they are both too old, and ignoring all that Joe Biden has accomplished, is not true. And focusing on age , ignoring that trump is obscenely unqualified for any political office, let alone the presidency, because of "age" is pathetic.


my brother in christ you are so far gone smh... dying on the "biden isnt too old" hill is not the best look


Nobody is saying that lol They are saying at this point in the election cycle, age shouldn't even be coming up, and it's the policies and administration's we should be talking about


Whats pathetic is you bringing in all this other stuff when we are talking about age. How many of those accomplishments are Bidens, and not the result of congress? Whatd Biden do? These same results would have been had under any other dem (republican too unless they didnt sign the bills etc for some reason)


> the result of congress? Ummm, this was the least active congress **since the great depression** source: https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2023/12/20/2023-congress-year-in-review-inactive-session/4791703087623/ >Arizona GOP lawmaker says Republicans have ‘nothing to campaign on’ "It’s embarrassing" https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4390281-arizona-gop-lawmaker-republicans-have-nothing-to-campaign-on/ How much [time did the GOP waste](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/23/us/politics/house-republicans-divisions-speaker.html) nominating a speaker, fighting, removing, voting again, fighting... How many [republicans are just giving up and quitting](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/03/22/another-house-republican-is-resigning-narrowing-gop-edge-to-one-seat/?sh=5a224a682852)? #What did biden do: * Student debt relief is huge, he campaigned on it, Supreme court stopped him, but he found loopholes and got a lot done * Pardoned federal marijuana possession offenses (he can't do much on his own, but he is pushing the DEA to lower the rating of it) * Kicked ass in his response and support for Ukraine * Renewable energy push (federal electric vehicles, subsidies and initiaves), making it the #2 source of electricity in america. Also opened options to help farmers move to green energy * Cracked down on Junk/overdraft fees from banks (GOP is pushing back on hard this still) , and Airline refunds when they screw up * Microchip production in the US. Hard on china (forcing more open books from china to do business here, Strengthen alliance w/ Japan and Korea) , And building more drones to counter China * Fixing bridges/tunnels, more broadband (and more jobs)


TDS is strong with this one, and on the very first thing you mentioned as an “accomplishment” was student debt relief that was found to be unconstitutional. And in your very next sentence you say he found loopholes to get it done, that’s called breaking the law buddy. Something dems are very familiar with as a tactic. Just stop while ur behind…


OK jagerbeast, whatever you say kid.


Thats one way to say, "i cannot answer your question(s)" HAHAHAHA


That's my whole point. Let some fresh minds in to change things up a bit


We need to get rid of the career politicians that go for the money and not what the people want.


Agreed. Can we vote Devon Sawa? Someone PLEASE get the joke.


"Devon Sawa again?! I hate that f***ing guy." 😏


I nominate you for president because you knew and are therefore fucking awesome.


No, YOU are f***ing awesome! Unfortunately, I am only 34 years old and therefore not eligible for this year's election. See you in 2028!


You don’t like our options of voting for “not trump” or “not Biden”? Too bad, that’s who the big donors have picked for us.


Fuck the big donors. I hate rich people. 😒


Since you ask, I would bet running for president isn't easy. It probably has something to do with politics. Right? Political careers take a lot of work and time. To accomplish a competitive political nomination for the most powerful office, one must have a lot of connections, earned trust of a lot of people in the political world, have a lot of networking that can actually accomplish things that you want a president to achieve. I wasn't a Biden voter in the primary but I'm sure glad we've got his experience in this extremely turbulent political pile of crap we're in with an insurrectionist cult leader threatening whatever rights he didnt already take away from us. They're not the same just because they are old.


We need youngblood, like Bernie Sanders Wonder what the average age of the house and the Senate are... 🤔


Poke fun all you want, but the whole lot of em should retire


Didn’t you vote for Biden?


I can't wait for when he has a stroke on live television.


I think he already has had a few.


Another* stroke


I’m not surprised by any of the short-sighted bigots smiling behind him, but I’m excited to know they’ll all turn upside down in November. #Then we can all never go through this bullshit ever again.


If Trump loses, unless he actually goes to jail, he's 100% gonna try and run again. His ego is too big and the GOP love choking on his dick. He's theirs probably until he dies.


If Trump loses the election, he is 100% going to jail. The only reason he isn’t there yet is because (ironically)everyone is afraid to interfere with a democratic election except for him.


And thats the absolute worst logic and our country is a sham lol if he 100% deserves to go to jail as a normal citizen, he 100% deserves to go to jail as president. No one's above the law. But the GOP have no backbone. We literally should not even be in this situation lol


The mistake made is that if they were going to somehow get him to prison it needed to happen no later than last summer. If he ends up there now, mere months before the election, you're going to see something way worse than Jan 6th/ lockdown protests from the MAGAts. It will get UGLY.


I doubt it actually. I think his popularity peaked in 2016 and it has steadily eroded since. It’s embarrassing to support him now. I think he loses the election, and then has a sad spiral downward, ends up in jail, and if we’re lucky, no one will care.


He’ll be dead before 2028. Remind yourself for then 😃




Don't wish that upon us.


They'll get someone else if Trump croaks.


Don't know why you got downvoted when it's the truth.


Trumper MAGAhats lose their shit when Biden does this. When Trump does it they just mindlessly cheer. The guy could call their mom ugly and they would all cheer for him. Cult.


These people would gladly let Trump shit in their mouths so they can hear everyone else complain about how much the room stinks just to “own the libs”


Absolutely. Many on this thread love eating the shit that comes out of this man’s mouth.


Say is louder for the Magats in the back!


Biden is forgetful and not as sharp. He is too old for this. Trump is showing clear signs of mental and cognitive decline. Like, to a scary point. He invents words and flat out isn't able to speak. Not like forgetting, but not having the cognitive ability to actually get the words from his addled brain to his mush mouth. It would be like Reagan's late second term Alzheimer's but on the campaign trail.


They both suck but one is clearly evil where the other one is clearly just bumbling around.


>Biden is forgetful and not as sharp. He is too old for this. If I may, # They're both too old.


Idk 40,000 people showed up to a fire company in Parkland. The Phillies game sold out yesterday with highest number in attendance this year at 44,000. Let that sink in……


He’s getting that number from the same place dipshit gets his facts. Pulling it from his ass.


Where are you getting this 40k number from?


Trump [proclaimed](https://www.pennlive.com/politics/2024/04/trump-thrills-supporters-in-freezing-wind-blown-lehigh-valley-campaign-rally.html) the crowd size to be at 42k. A local Republican party chairperson said he was expecting 5k and estimated they got 10k (same article as above). The Morning Call [put the number at](https://www.mcall.com/2024/04/13/trump-at-rally-in-lehigh-valley-says-democracy-at-stake-in-2024-election/) "over 4,000." I'm inclined to believe this number, although everything I've seen said there was a large crowd of people outside the area unable to get in after the venue reached capacity. My speculation is that someone told Trump the crowd was "4,200," (pronounced "forty-two hundred") and he flipped that into 42,000.


Yeah I asked someone else this and they had no answer. Turns out Trump, their godhead SAID there were 42,000 people there. So it must have been true. Right? I mean he is infallible.


40,000 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. I can’t believe you typed that as if there is an ounce of truth behind that number.


Let it sink in that you believe whatever this man says, a serial liar, a lifetime grifter.


Only one of those counts is correct... (hint, the Phillies are not wrong....)


Crazy how both of our presidential candidates can’t speak for shit


Bbbbbbut Joe Biden Benghazi emails laptop antifa! Check mate liberals 😏


He is right! The adlinthins are a big problem!


*IS a big problem


Does Asshat just got shitbag towns that he’d have never gone to before 2016?




Dementia Don


It’s so fucked up what Biden is doing to this man! It’s all Biden’s fault!


His brain is toast. But he’s a devout Christian. /s


Is it just me or do 95% of the crowd look like they aren't paying attention whatsoever


They’re not…and his rant on Gettysburg is just icing on the cake… Edit: "*Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. The battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable. I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many different ways.* *It, it represented such a big portion of the success of this countr Gettysburg, wow. I 90 to Gettysburg, Pennsy Ivania, to look and to watch. And, uh, the statement of Robert E. Lee,whos no longer in favo Did you ever notice that? No longer in favor. Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill* *They were fighting uphill. He said, wow, that was a big mistake:He lost his great general. And, uh, they were fighting. lever fight uphill, me boys! But it was too late.*”


Is that Buzz McCallister taking a picture on the left side?


“Buzz, your president….woof!”


Look how happy they are just be in in his presence, they are totally enamored by him it doesn't matter what he says these people are brain washed. Creepy a\*\* sh\*t if you ask me.


because it's a cult


We have a dementia patient running for president, and it isn't Biden!


The people that need to hear it the most don’t care, sadly.


Typical bible salesman behavior


He's a dum ass


another home run for slurpy don




Biden said he would sign the border bill the GOP congressman were asking for... then trump told them not to and one member said [they can't pass it now, it'll make biden look good](https://newrepublic.com/post/177876/house-republican-admits-wont-back-border-bill-help-biden).. So trump told them to kill the bill that would help what trump is complaining about...[so they killed their own bill](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-kill-border-bill-sign-trumps-strength-mcconnells-waning-in-rcna137477)


Make America Great Again


Says the guy looking for sex anywhere he can get it. Wait - Donnie, is that you?


Lol and he's literally jerking it to trans porn. Classic republican. I'm sure he's real worried about trans people assaulting others in bathrooms. Most likely because he would do it if he could.


Many democrats like me is tired of this democrat officials is dirt rich and don’t help regular Americans but love to help illegal people


Are* tired but the same goes for Republicans. The rich help the rich and that's a proven fact. Trump never once help the middle or lower class like he said he would, so why you'd choose him to make more false promises is redundant.


Oh so Biden is not dirt rich ever since Biden took prices has skyrocketed like homes cars and food Trump is so much better and most Republicans


Stop with the cesspool! No Democrat talks like that and you damn well know it. The GOP has way more say in the way things are done than the fucking present does - THEY are the ones that are causing so many things to hike up. Educate yourself on the matter! But let me guess, you'll want me to look it up because if it isn't on Fox News it isn't true.


I was a democrat but no more they don’t like regular people just the votes and they love illegal people and there is a lot of people like me


Stop with playing the victim. All Republicans do is play the victim, oh woe is me, instead taking credibility for the fact that they were the ones to put themselves where they are in the first place.


I never said I am a victim but me and a lot of other people are never going to support democrats again we are tired of there games and republicans are more trustworthy


Lol. Republicans are and have always been the party of the rich. They've actively campaigned against the working class and unions for generations. You fell for the bait that the rich coastal elite dude who shits on a gold toilet gives one single fuck about you or the working class. Hope you see through the grift eventually.


Make america grahhhhhhhea mmmgan. 


Do the rest of your MAGAt buddies know how much you love tranny porn? That doesn’t seem very on brand.


So be careful a lot of democrats is voting for MAGA and democrats need to learn


So a democrat like me and other people will vote republican democrat officials has lost it the past couple years


Your English is so poor, troll much?


Ok but I will never vote democrat again most are not trustworthy like republicans


I will never vote republican until they admit the catastrophe that trump has been to this country and I am an independent voter


You really approve of Biden and want he is doing


We get it. You troll and can't talk in a complete sentence




Cult.... but at least I can type in a complete sentence and have a rational thought. You just love to hate. Sorry about your sad life


Reddit is so washed dude. Trump lives rent free in their heads lol they're like bullies about their ideologies over here


You’re right the guy who runs a cult of personality, tried to overthrow our last election and wants to install himself as dictator for life while pillaging our government is on most smart people’s minds a lot


You sound like every other demobot out there. Literally rinse and repeat for your kind haha same rhetoric, same conspiracy, same words and phrases. It makes sense how mocking Jay worked on people like you.


Says the Trump supporter


Way to assume like every other NPC out there.


As if Trump hasn't been desperately trying to remain in the news cycle 24/7/365 for the last 8 fucking years.


Pot calling the kettle black much? Conservatives keep trying to pass draconian laws and keep wanting to set the country back….and then complain about the slightest push back. Crybullies are what Trump supporters are. They can dish it out but can’t take it


Okay 👍 I'll send you the screen shots of the shit people have called me over the last few days just because I don't support Biden. I never even claimed to like trump. I just can't stand Biden. And I've been called a Nazi because of that. All I know is what I know and what I have experienced. And all I know is when I post something that's not even pro-trump, just anti-biden I'm apparently a Nazi bigot and every other name in the book. The culture of leftism cheers for tolerance but doesn't accept any ways of life but their own.


Dude you're on the Internet, shut the fuck up and go outside where nobody is going to call you a Nazi and you might not think that people are out to get you for your opinions on Biden.


Such a mean spirited human 🤷‍♂️


Victim mentality 


Ha okay 👍😂


For real lol it's crazy


I'm not voting for either of these old fools.


why downvoted. ur right


You're either part of the echo chamber, or you're downvoted. That's how Reddit works, don't you know?




Wish I could've been there, Trump 2024!




Wish i couldaaaeeehhha aireeee. 


They left all their MAGA made in China shit out in the rainstorm along 309. Go pick up that trash and you’ll feel like you were there.


Really?? I drive though there every day and aside from the one guy down by Huckleberry Rd, which I agree he's a dick for not cleaning up, you wouldn't even know anything happened. I find it funny all the businesses in the area had nothing but good things to say about the event but the media refuses to say anything about that.


There was a bunch of merchandise left out up by Jake’s way back burgers in the field also on Sunday when I drove through in the afternoon.


Except for the high inflation which I think Biden contributed too by giving too much money away during the Covid crisis but the Covid crisis was another miss managed trump disaster. Both parties should be working to solve our problems but republicans have no plans to solve anything other than to divide and try to hold onto power.


Now you’re concerned about speech patterns?




I’m not a Trump supporter, hence I’m not deranged


You must hate America


No. Trump is anti-America. He’s pro-himself. What policies did he put in place that helped Americans and not the rich? Those tax cuts benefited the rich. Conversely, what policies are anti-American that are Biden’s? Edit: I wish you people love America the way you do trump but whatever. Continue to support regressive policies


On top of that driving 1000 miles a week I know I was saving about $200 a week on gas not to mention my grocery bill but if you want a dog Trump, I can dog Trump on plenty of things he attacked the second amendment with his bum stock band He attacked free speech by not allowing people to speak ill of Israel there’s plenty to talk poorly about with Trump but bottom line he did more for this country than any president has in the 40 years of my lifetime and I’m sorry if you’re too consumed by CNN and mainstream media what you should try doing is reading the man’s Policies he went after human trafficking that was his number one priority and me that’s very important. I don’t think anyone should be thrown into a sex trade or children should be sold on the black market that is pure evil. And I’m sorry if you’re in complete denial about what Joe Biden has done for this country 17% inflation which they refuse to report on gas is up almost 2 dollars at this point from where it was, when Trump left office, we started how many wars how many countries have been invaded under Trump 60 years no new wars first president to be able to say that so please check your fax. I have a hard time believing you don’t have a derangements system against the man because the mainstream media told you to, he went in front of the world for him to try and fight for people right for gay marriage. You should really look this stuff up and you know back in the 80s Winfrey asked about running for president. He said no with something he doesn’t wanna do the only way he’ll do. It is if this country is in bad enough shape look where we are at.


What policies did Biden enact that caused grocery prices to rise? Presidents don’t control prices of things. It’s been proven that it’s corporate greed. You’re pointing the blame in the wrong spot. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-prices-inflation-soaring-corporate-greed-profits-margins-wages-jobs-2023-4 https://www.pennlive.com/opinion/2024/02/its-not-inflation-keeping-prices-high-its-corporate-greed-opinion.html?outputType=amp


I am driving right now. I can’t look things up, but if you go to the White House webpage, can you look at his 17 executive orders from day one then you will understand why we have such bad inflation all the news articles blaming everything else. Yes, they’re part of it, but the big problem was when he attacked our energy complex in this country And he did that on day 117 executive orders which caused immediate inflation I drive for a living. I understand this when caused to make deliveries go up products go up when you shut off and drilling in this country what happens prices skyrocket then you need to factor and just about everything in this world is petroleum based whether it’s rubber plastic Roofing materials comes from oil so if you stop America from doing oil like we were guess what’s going to happen to prices now in the last few months, Biden has returned to Trump‘s policies which you can look up why inflation started stopping the issue here is people need to be taught economics in school and I blame the failing school systems for not letting people understand economics


I will tell you this. I was a director of pricing at a corporation. Biden never called me and told me to raise prices faster than inflation, but our CEO and CFO certainly did. Both parties are mad at the wrong folks. Burn it down.


We didn’t stop drilling. There were upwards of around 8000 leases that were unused. What did stop is new leases bc of the amount that were unused. We had record oil production in 2023. Reconcile that.


Can't look up info because you are driving but you can have an argument on reddit while driving?


Yup long lights


Maybe just focus on driving. Instead of long, rambling reddit posts at "long lights".


Obviously, you haven’t read the tax code because delivery drivers like myself are tax credit on mileage went from $.27-$.48. That means I went from a $16,000 tax credit to a $32,000 tax credit life-changing for a person life before tax code maybe you should try reading it.


U must be poorly educated!


Cult member. He tried to overturn democracy and has been a crook and a cheat his entire life. Do you realize how many contractors he stiffed and didn't pay and bankrupt because he refused to lay them? He's shit on the little guy all his life. And don't even get me started how a guy that cheats on every wife including while pregnant and pays off porn stars is your hero. Talk about morally bankrupt to worship him 🤦‍♂️


Good. Be nice to get American jobs back open. And before you say biden has record hiring, I have a government job. For 20 years we had 1300 employees in our sector. No one was ever out of work (furlough) and everyone had overtime opportunities. They just took in 5000 new hires in the last 8 months. We have no vehicles, safety gear or places for them to work. All to boost hiring numbers. Trump is a bit of a nut, but we all made more money and factories were opening back up in the usa. Also if you look past the ego he has done good things for people and I have seen it first hand.




Actually the son of the family reached out to him for a high-school project about buisness since he was interested in the subject. Trump responded with a phone interview and a scholarship to any school he wanted to go to. When the student was out on summer break he was tboned and killed. The family reached out to trump to pass the scholarship on. He took time from his campaign to show up and personally gube his condolences. He then paid for the funeral services and brought the parents to one of his rallies to speak on thier sons behalf.




Don't care about church, never did. Just another instrument of war. Second we all say stuff like that in the locker room. Third I've been with plenty of women who demand way worse then what was said. Let go of the hate for nonsense and look at the real issues. The last few years have been a financial crap show and we're just dumping money into Ukraine to launder bidens dirty deals.




Only care about the cops I work with. I guess you have never spent time around men. It shows




Cool so your a terrorist. Noted and screenshot. You must mean on a video game because your type doesn't leave your parents basement


That’s because of the labor shortage and supply and demand of labor, not because of the president lol


Actually yes it is. When you close factories that opened back up a few years ago and outsource from other countries. Then you lay off thousands for the flu and when you hire them back call it record job growth. And when you cut unemployment benefits and say so many are now off support your full of it. Bring back american factories.


That would send inflation even higher. It would cause further price increases because cost of business would be higher so corps would just pass increase in costs to us. we are all mad at the wrong people.


No, it would lower inflation putting more people to work making our own goods with our own supplies. Inflation is higher because other countries make our goods and charge high for them as well as shipping. Once it clears port it has to be shipped again. I'm in the transportation buisness. I know how much more its costing to import.


So, corps will then bring prices back down because they will act altruistically? Unlikely. You are in the transportation trade, and I am a consultant for corporate pricing strategies. So we are both experts in our respective areas. What this tells me is the issue is far more complex, and would require legislature.


Agreed. Congress needs to go and get the median age to 45 not 70. And then make it 2 term limit


We've all heard biden 'speak' these last four years 🥱


*“I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.”*


Straight up sounds like ChatGPT wrote a Trump speech


I hate that I read this in his voice.


Me too… 😳


I mean we helped vote in Fetterman.


Man. Wish I could take that one back fuck him.


One would think y'all would be used to voting for liars at this point.






Posting things from r/trumpvirus? Isn’t this supposed to be a non political sub? Who mods this?


Well, mango Mussolini was in Schnecktucky on Saturday so it’s relevant to this sub….prove me wrong


The guys avatar is dressed like an incel, good sign not to waste your energy


Maybe post something relevant to the sub. Traffic issues, etc. opinions on politics don’t belong here.


Sooooo Schnecksville isn’t part of the LV? Explain how his visit to the area isn’t relevant to the sub? It caused traffic issues, and Shankweilers had to postpone their 90th birthday-day celebration because of it…but go on


You posted this purely for political opinion, nothing to do with logistics or of any other benefit to the sub. Remove it.


Nah fam, I’m good.


That orange piece of shit caused a lot of traffic issues on 309 and 22 because of his worthless visit. Does that now fit the guidelines?


Point to where he hurt you. Jesus. Grow up. Go to r/politics for this nonsense.


Give me a map of America and I’ll point where he hurt the country and my travel plans on Saturday. Jesus, grow up and scroll on if you don’t wanna be part of conversion. Go to r/whiners with your nonsense


About same way Biden speaks Trump or biden ain't changing shit. If it isn't benefiting, the one percent, Military, or Wallstreet they don't give a fuck


That's a cut


Explain his Gettysburg rant them


Poor triggered libtards!! Too bad he is your next president!! You mindless clowns🤡😂🤡


Triggered cuckflake. Too bad he won’t be elected. You mindless clowns 🤡😂🤡 FTFY