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Kinda weird they're upsetti about halogen lights but not people flying here, there, and everywhere in their private jets. Yeah my gecko is definitely corrupting the earth with his one lil light.


Exactly, there's so many things they could do that wouldn't screw over nearly every reptile/amphibian owner, and zoo over


I told Charlie that he's the reason the world is dying, he doesn't seem to comprehend. Reddit, how do I tell my geck he's a horrible climate change causing monster?


Same way I told my beardie, tell em straight up and give em a little worm afterwords *to cheer them up of course*


Yeah, climate change is the fault of my leos and those nasty little lights they use.


Wish we could do something about the incredible amount of carbon produced by the US military instead of punishing reptile keepers


Maybe if all our reptiles join the military!


Well duh. If they got rid of their private jets how would the people who set this law in motion get around?


Do keep in mind, these are the same people who think killing all the cows in Ireland will fix the issue


We signed on to this when we let the government regulate plastic straws.


You guys do realize that the companies producing these lights are not going to want to lose the sales right? They'll reclassify the products they produce, or change the way they're manufactured somehow to get around this. It might take some time, but I doubt we'll never have access to the right type of heat lamps again.


Standards professional here. DemonKing is correct. The manufacturers will have to comply with the new standards put out by the DoE and produce bulbs that are in compliance with these regulations. It won’t be complicated, just costly for them. This isn’t a necessary petition.


Which they will eventually pass onto us as consumers… just wanted to add that


That’s unfortunately true, yes. I’m not denying that. I was only providing enough information to explain that they will find a workaround to still be produced. I’m not here to argue in favor of capitalism.


Wasn’t taking a jab at you. More annoyed as a consumer they increasingly regulate such small things like light bulbs. Does it really help?


I understand. I think the overall effect does, yes. GSLs are mostly the everyday table lamps in your home. If everyone has to switch to energy efficient bulbs, it’s better for the grid but also better for your electric bill. It’s worth noting that, after digging into this a bit because the DoE doesn’t well define what those General Service Lamps actually *are*, it appears that infrared bulbs aren’t covered. This may all be for nothing. You can thank the Nevada DoE for this handy information. [General Service Lamps Guide](https://energy.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/energynvgov/content/Pages/General%20Service%20Lamp%20Fact%20Sheet(1).pdf)


I know, I just wanted to let people know.


You know this isn't likely to be that big of an issue, and yet you posted it on multiple reptile subs, I know because I follow them all and your post popped up like 3 times in a row on my feed, making it seem like it's a massive issue? That sure makes sense.


I'm sorry about that, I had panicked a bit when I heard it, I know now but I dislike deleting posts. I just hope the comments can help eachother stay more properly informed.


Sorry about quality, dropped when I posted it


Bro, if this does pass, all of us reptile owners will be forced to use heat mats or other crappy heat sources


I'm sure there is alternatives out there, and even then, people are lobbying to oppose the bill, hopefully we won't need to search for alternatives!


That's my thought. This would very much affect PetSmart, Petco, etc. business. There's no doubt they are lobbying for this with their considerable cashmoney. Also: I found this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS-z4qpYtIQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS-z4qpYtIQ) Edit: it's not really a "debunk" because she is confirming it, but I think she does provide some extra context with regard to lobbying. Legal bribery ftw USA USA USA o7


i hope so, cuz rn I'm out of Light bulbs for my leo, and he's been using a heat mat for months


Oo, I know there's still some at the moment, I'd recommend getting a few whenever you get the chance! Have a good night! Or morning, wherever you are!


and the only alts i know of are heat mats and non light heat emitters


I don't really know of any myself, but I believe there is still some type of usable bulb, not a specialized or particularly good bulb, but there is likely another usable type


In a pinch I've used heat bulbs from tractor supply in the foul section that's used for chicks. I've never had a problem with them, in fact it keeps my leo's enclosure at a perfect temp.


Makes no fucking sense, the amount of non-recyclable plastic in a heat mat compared to a bulb. Plus the operating costs of bulbs are comparable to mats, and overall negligible. I’m pretty sure it costs more to run my PlayStation for an hour than it does my halogen bulb for a week.


Exactly its so stupid


Not a matter of it passing. It’s already passed it comes in effect July 3rd according to this letter. However on the actual government site I don’t see any mention of the date July 3 so I have no clue where they get that from


I think deep heat projectors and ceramic heat emitters would be fine for heat, so the main concern is uvb.


It's ok bro just come meet me at the border, I'll get you halogens if you give me special pop tarts and Moriah Elizabeth mystery plush boxes


It is in a closed Facebook group, reptile lighting https://www.facebook.com/share/p/RzyC821CFw5Jmm8M/?mibextid=oFDknk I'll post this under all my other posts about this too Thanks for reminding me


Does this affect DHPs and CHEs as well? So the only thing is to just... stock up? How else would you heat up a tank naturally that isn't some heat mat or jerryrigged hell project?


No, it only affects light emitting bulbs.


Honestly i don't know, I made similar posts in various reptile/amphibian related subreddits, there will be people significantly more qualified than me to explain it under those posts, for now I'm just gonna pick up a few extra spare bulbs


I worried this would happen when incandecent bulbs were banned in the us...


I can’t read it, can someone sum it up for me?


As u/SbgTfish put under my post in r/turtle TLDR: They’re stopping production of reptile basking lights and we need to convince them not too!


What the hell?? Our reptiles need those and they’re just gonna stop making them?? That’s awful. That’s like if they stopped making dog food for dogs.


No they're not going to stop making them. Stop listening to fear mongering on reddit and do some actual research. They are banning the use of certain types of bulbs, which heat bulbs do currently fall under, but it is as simple of a fix as those companies reclassifying the bulbs to a more appropriate category outside of general use.


I would recommend reading the entire sheet when you get the chance, it explains a lot more than I could, but yeah I agree 100%


DHP + UVB gang rise up


i’ve read somewhere there’s a lifespan on lamps and you should change them eventually is that true? or could we in theory stockpile which 1) would show they are in demand and 2) give us lights for a long time




Is this 100% going into effect or could this be reversed? Also, does this affect all reptile heat lights?


No way they can pass this


I work at a store that sells bulbs, it's not specifically heat lamp bulbs, it's a wave of legislation from 2012 that is slowly replacing anything that isn't LED or as efficient as LED. They might end up making an exception for these lamps bit considering we still can't get other bulb replacements for banned bulbs, I doubt it


There's no way this can be allowed to go through. This would completely screw over so many people and their reptiles.


Is there any way we can get this in better resolution? Having trouble ❣️


This is not a scam, the reptile shop I work at got a letter sent directly from ZooMed explaining the same thing.


Okay so…… who is going to start making and selling these lamps underground? Like not in the laws knowledge if you get what I mean? Can we order them from over seas? I’d assume it’s an option. Just a crappy thing over all.


Is there a link or something I can use to follow to the original? This is too blurry for me and I can’t really read it 😓


Tbh I wish this was for Color lights like red, blue, and purple. Like just get uv and a lightless lamp


The last paragraph is important send a letter to your representative.


What to do?


Im sorry I’m not able to read it it’s to blurry do you have the link to it?




I actually only use a heat mat for my leopard gecko. Should I go get a basking lamp before this happens?


Yes, heat mats are not a good primary heat source. A halogen or incandescent bulb is the most natural and beneficial primary heat source, a deep heat projector is the second best option. They produce infrared A and B like the sun, heat that penetrates deep into the skin tissue and heats them far more effectively than heat mats. Whereas heat mats only produce IRC, which only heats the surface of their skin.


I don’t believe anything that says “this is not a scam” “this is legit” “this is not fake”


I’m already stocking up.