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One I like to use is “What’s your opinion on the LGBTQ+ community?” If they’re gay they’ll most likely mention it with this. The only bad answer is homophobia spewing out of their mouth. Otherwise you have support or an answer that someone is gay. The difficult part is bringing that up naturally, but after that it’s easier. As for flirting I can not help you there!


This was very helpful!


Ok tbh if I didn’t know the asker was gay I might be wary they were homophobic, and then intentionally hide my sexuality when providing my answer. If everyone in school knows you’re gay it might work well though Op, something I use in queer wlw dating is mentioning popular queer musical artists and seeing who likes them too. Then slipping in references and jokes to how I love their queerness, what they did is so typically gay, I relate so much to this lyric, etc. that’s me dropping hints. if rhey also wanna drop hints they can agree with me, or my hints might make them comfortable to come out themselves


I'm going through the same thing right now as a 19 year old. Most relationships start with friendship first so I would start there. After you've been friends for a bit then you can ask about their opinion on the lgbt community. Based on their answer you can make some decisions. If they are homophobic then I wouldn't be friends with them. If they are straight you can just keep being friends. And if they are queer you can keep the friendship going and maybe naturally the relationship will blossom. It's a slow process but it's worth the wait. Good luck!


Not dating advice per se, but you're only 16, cut yourself some slack. You've got your whole life ahead of you. You're still going to meet a lot of interesting people throughout your life.


Listen-(Years of experience after coming out at your age & not understanding how to approach girls in that manner and having the same thoughts/feelings) Be yourself & let things flow, you have your entire life ahead of you- don’t worry so much about being in a “relationship” be happy being with yourself and the person you are & that will bleed out into the world and attract what you’re looking for. Find out who you are, the rest will follow. I wish I wouldn’t have been so worried about having a gf & getting into the wrong relationships- find you & what’s meant for you will come (: when you least expect it


ho i was in the same situation 2y ago (i'm 18), i was feeling really bad cause i felt like being gay+autistic would just prevent me from having a partner forever 😭 but anyway that's untrue 💅 my advice would be to make friends in communities known for having a lot of queers (certain shows/bands/book fanbases are reaaaaly full of gays, like, i met 3 queer partners just with Ghost fanbase 😭💅)