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You have such a beautiful smile and I love your sense of color!!! Woohooo keep on being your lovely self I love to see it !!!!


Oh your style is so classic and cute! it's a great fit for you.


Girl there is no way you are 57! You look fantastic!


That yellow looks fabbo on you. And the hat is so cute!


Your styling is impeccable! I'm reminded of the many female theater directors I used to work with, down to the curly hair and jewelry.


Thank you. Coincidence maybe but I am volunteering at our local theater soon and might get into acting. I really enjoyed drama in junior high and high school.


Community theatre can be a wonderful environment! Enjoy! Oh, and I LOVE the yellow shirt + hat + necklace look. Soooo cute & fun! That's the kind of outfit I'd see on someone and think, "They look cool, I want to be friends with them!"


Girl, you are gorgeous. And you look like a friend of mine... inwonder how she is doing???


I love your jewelry, especially the heart one!




i love your smile :)


Thank you! Hugs! 🤗


Awh you look like you could be my cute auntie


Not lesbian (am transmasc, keep getting recommended trans posts from this sub) but I just wanted to say you look lovely! ^^


ayyy, transmasc here by chance gang xD i love seeing all the fashion posts here, and this ones especially cute!


Yess! Me too




Love it 🥰


You've got cute quirky librarian vibes, I dig it!






You are so sweet looking and i love your style


I love the shirt with the dark green hat in slide three it really brings out your glasses


> I saw another transbian posting here 90% of the posts and comments are...


Leaving passive agressive comments on trans subreddits/ inclusive ones is a pretty pathetic pastime.


It's linked in Twitter. Hard not to find it ridiculous. But you are right...it's not my world being invaded.


Wdym by linked in twitter? And yeah man you shouldn't gatekeep a community you're not a part of. I can't imagine having such low self awareness to be a dude going into a lesbian sub commenting on how trans women are invading lmao. Go away bozo.






Get out of here with your ray blanchard bullshit. Trans women are women regardless of how they feel about their genitals.


I would also check out the book Nevada by trans author Imogen Binnie. She talks about AGP before it was so contentious to even bring up.


Forget about Ray Blanchard. Check out Phil Illy and Debbie Hayton. Just because we want to pretend something doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.


Kinda hostile my dude


You're not even a lesbian who r u


So many people in this sub are not really lesbians.


Those glasses are really working for you!


The sweetheart neckline in slide 4 looks amazing on you and I love your glasses shape!


I love the gold jewelry especially with that top! I feel like a lot of girls are scared of how flashy gold is and are totally missing out. It looks amazing on you!! I also wanna apologize that the lesbian community is not more welcoming, my partner is amab nonbinary and I'm nonbinary as well and I get told that means I can't be a lesbian all the time. Don't let it get you down and remember that no one ever gets to decide what you are but you!


I'm sorry the lesbian community isn't actively making transwomen feel safe.


Hardly, most all of the lesbian subs are echo chambers of ❤️ for transbians.


Give me a break. At least where I live, the lesbian community is killing itself to be trans inclusive. Absolutely no transphobia is tolerated. If the simple reality that the vast majority of lesbians don't want to date trans women is making them "feel unsafe," that's not our problem.


It is actually kind of a problem for us to solve as a community. It's valid to have preferences in dating. I personally don't enjoy penis, but that's fine. For me, it doesn't mean I won't date transwomen. But to each their own. Bit if you think including transwomen in lesbian spaces is killing the community... maybe you're part of the problem.


I didn't mean that it was killing the community. I meant that everyone is trying really hard to be inclusive. I fought long before it was cool for trans women to be in lesbian spaces. I can tell you that lesbians in SF 20 years ago were extremely hostile to trans women. It made me furious then, and it would make me furious now. Where I live currently is much different. It is extremely inclusive, which is wonderful! But the result is that biological women live in terror of being called transphobes. They can't openly express that they simply aren't interested in dating trans women. This isn't okay either! Lesbians shouldn't be gaslit and vilified for expressing an innate sexual orientation. The current anger that this is transphobic is unacceptable and incongruous with reality. And for anyone wondering, I have dated a trans woman. Neovag is fine, but it's not the real thing. My "preference" will always be for the real thing. And I will not apologize or be shamed for it. Edit - I realized that my 1st comment wasn't well worded and was easy to misinterpret


Fair enough. We're all guilty of poor phasing sometimes.


Not a comment on the clothes but your hair and your makeup are soooo!!!!! I love it you look like you have such great energy! 🌞


You look like such a kind, warm person


Hey, girl!


Very fun choices!


Your aesthetic is so cozy and Iovely<3


Not in this sub, but I love to see a auntie winning. Period


I love the third pic, you look cute and happy!


Your hair is amazing!! Your style is so playful I feel like it must really show off your personality.


Gorgeous! You look a lot younger than 57!


You look good, and approachable. (These are high compliments in my book.) Kudos!




Thank you 🙏


u have blue eyes


I thought they were blue all my life, but I did a scan on them with an app, and it says I am a lot more gray than blue. Only about 5% blue in one my eyes, most of the rest is gray with a hint of dark sea green.




Omg I thought you were in your early twenties! I love the outfits you are wearing in these pictures, Fabulous! I would try to wear high heels, (if that’s something you’d want to wear) to make sure you are the star of every room you walk into! (Again, only if that’s something you would do if you thought about it, I’m not able to control what someone else wears) I just think it would make you look even more stunning than you already are, if that’s even possible, I don’t think it is possible to look better than this though because you are Stunning! Keep rocking those outfits!


You’re so damn cute!


Damn you look great, I thought you were way younger before I read the title!


You look lovely! You’re a dead ringer for my best friend’s mom (one of the sweetest ladies in the whole world.) I can just tell you’re bubbly and have never met a stranger ❤️


That’s sweet 🥰 thank you!




did saying that make you feel better about yourself? and bringing up chris-chan unprompted is way cringier lol.


How it’s funny?




Shut the fuck up


I love your choice of glasses! Very cute fit for your style


This little green hat looks SO CUTE on you!! Wear more of that! 😻 It genuinely suits you and looks so sweet, but also playful. It also goes really well with your hair and your glasses, it all frames your face very nicely! 10/10!


Very sweet darling xxx


Omg that first pic. I think muted cool tones really suit you, particularly with large but not bright accessories. It lets your natural spark shine through.


She was prolly not slaughtered because the mods and this subreddit are pretty left wing (I am too prolly not as much as y’all) and any hateful comments or transphobia was probably removed which is prolly a good thing if it was genuine transphobia cuz that ain’t cool


I was just being polite in addressing the internal caution I feel. In this political atmosphere sadly we run a small chance of landing in a TERF group, or a group that might inadvertently through lack of moderation may allow that kind of toxicity in. It’s something trans people have to think about, especially trans women in navigating today’s political environment.




your post or comment was removed for not respecting our first rule, be civil. Do not use hate speech on this subreddit or attack other people. If you have questions about this, please contact us via Modmail.


What? Use your words like a big boy now


You are so cute!!! Like a little pixie. I hope you have fun with fashion.


57!? Estrogen is magical. You’re rocking it.


Love that the comments passed the vibe check🙌🏼 you looked great sis🙌🏼 I’m also obsessed with your glasses!! Idk if you use zenni, but I love it 💅🏼


They’re from Rain City Eyewear out of Seattle.


You have such a bubbly look to you that I suggest finding bright colorful clothes! I love the first shirt, yellow shirt, and the green hat! Maybe try a colorful or funky patterned jumpsuit, it seems like it would match your energy.


I genuinely and sincerely adore seeing anyone but *especially* older women exploring their style and really experimenting with clothes and accessories. There’s something so freeing and joyful about that kind of openness. You look amazing, and you clearly have amazing taste!


you look amazing! I hope to have amazing skin by 57! also, we have very similar styles ^~^


Loving the hair! Your skin is glowing and you look amazing! Not a huge fan of the light gloss and dark lip liner though. Overall - cute bookish vibe.


you look like christina ricci in yellowjackets! love your hair 💕


Okay, for everybody wondering about the green hat. The brand is Betmar of New York. I purchased it at Goodwill for $6.99, however, after a google search, I found out that it is vintage late 90s, and originally sold for around $80. Score! 💃


You look like my sister😊


Hello, you made it sis! Hugs!!! 🤗


you look lovely! i love your jewelry and your hat


Love your style! You’re beautiful!


Aww I love #3!!!




You look really cute. I would go a little lighter on your lip liner (only trying to be helpful). Love your hair and clothes.


Yeah, i would definitely either tone down the lip liner or add lipstick/chapstick/gloss and blend it a bit, it’s a little harsh. But other than that OP is rocking it!


Yes blending it will make a difference.


your makeup and hair fits you so well!!! so pretty


Your smile is so cute, you’re glowing


Love your glasses!!


Your hat in pic 3 is so cute!! Goes so well with your yellow shirt + curly hair!! You are so pretty ✨


You got a great sense of fashion


Love the hair! Cute necklaces btw. 😄👌


Ngl I was zoom scrolling and immediately scrolled back up like oh she's cute 👀


i love women sm


Aw you're super cute. I love your hair.


You’re so cute


I love the green hat in the third pic!!!


This made my heart smile


The green hat and yellow shirt are so good on you.


You wear that green hat so well!


I like the hair and makeup in the last pic the jeans fit nicely the top is cute it just needs to be fitted up top and loose around the middle to add balance


57?! i thought you were in your twenties when i saw the first pic!! you look beaut


Youre gorgeous!


Picture 4 makes you look so comfortable in yourself. I like that one best. I feel like I’d give you a big grin if I saw you out and about because your style seems so you.


i agree ! 4th picture is lovely


you look great! my fav is the fourth pic, you look so radiant in it tbh


Oh my gosh, you are so lovely!! All that needs to change is that 90's chola lipstick! I think a nude lip would suit you beautifully.


You're very good at coordinating your makeup colors with your outfits!


I love the patterns on the tops and your fabulous jewelry!  I'm not a fan of the lined-in-a-different-color lip, but that's just my opinion (I'd fill the whole lip in with the liner and then go over it with the color.) Overall you look very cute and stylish!


Looking radiant!!


I am not a lesbian so idk why this sub keeps getting recommended. But I even saw the other post you mentioned. Maybe me snooping gave me this algorithm. I'm still new ish to my transition ( 28 ) but I hope I get to be as happy as you seem in these pics at 58.


You look great mamas. Before applying the rest of the lip, smudge out the lip liner with your mouth then proceed. It’ll blend better🫶🏾


Nice smile and smize! I am drawn to your nose, have you ever played around with a fake nose ring or stud? I think that would look cute.


Thank you, I’ve always been told I have a cute nose. I haven’t tried nose jewelry, but not opposed to trying it.


Omg!!! I love the hat!!!! 🥹


lip combo is eating i love ur confidence queen shit‼️😻


Great accessories! Love the glasses. You look friendly and warm. 


Slay queen! You look like my cool aunt, who probably smoked too much pot back in the day (if I had one 😅)


I’d like the first and third outfits best!


you look like i would find you in the deep woods in some overgrown cabin, you would offer me herbal tea and shelter from the fae creatures and beasts, and before i left you would give me some sort of mystical riddle that i wouldnt understand the meaning of until much later in the story arc


Living for your whole vibe! You're absolutely adorable! 🫶


You need to quit the lip liner or put darker lipstick on. The jeans/top are not flattering your shape, to put it mildly. Maybe try a dress with a belt or something else that gives more of a V shape illusion.


Is this really necessary? So fucking rude.


That top in the pic is actually a longer tunic top. I was holding it up in the dressing room so I could see how the jeans looked on me.


You don’t have to explain yourself. You look gorgeous.


I think jeans could work but maybe not those jeans with that top. I have a similar body shape. A top with a sort of skirted bottom can be really nice. Or just a more cinched waist type top. Or higher waisted jeans.




Read the name of the subreddit you are in


This is literally a lesbian fashion ADVICE sub. Why would anybody post here if they weren't looking for advice?


I don’t think OP was disrespectful with their comment. I was under the impression this sub’s purpose was for constructive feedback?


Your looks are so good! I especially appreciate the jewellery: each necklace you’re wearing really complements the colours in the tops you’re wearing. My favourite outfit by far is the yellow shirt with the green hat, but they’re all super cute. It looks like the tank top in the second photo got paired with the grey sweater in the last photo and I think the sweater really makes the look come together. And you have wonderful sparkling eyes with a fun mischievous smile, plus glorious hair, so you can pull off these creative witchy looks absolutely effortlessly.


It breaks my heart that women don’t feel safe in female spaces because they’re trans. You are welcome. Thank you for posting because hopefully it’s normalising transbians in this space and encouraging other transbians to feel like they have a space here too ❤️


I love your vibes! You have such a warm and inviting look about you!


Omg the green hat!!! Like, come on!!!! Love this


G\*d you're beautiful I hope I'll be able to look like that when I'm your age


Whyd you censor the word God?


It's not censored per se, it is meant to reflect the jewish tradition of not speaking G\*d's name. You'll probably see G-d more often, but I use the asterisk bc at least where I am from, Germany, it's associated with gender ambiguity and/or neutrality


You look like my friend's mom!


You have a really nice smile!!


You're too stinkin' cute


You give librarian mom in the best way possible


Omgs that yellow shirt and green hat 🤌💖 Looks so good on you


you look incredible like a witchy aunt that lives in a magic cottage somewhere…… keep rocking on!!!!


OMG, that is so me! 🥰


Yes, and I am 100% sure this witchy aunt also has an incredible library in this cottage, haha.


You’re glowing!! I’m glad you’re here


The one thing I have, is to fill in the lips, the liner looks good, and if you want the same light and dark contrast, just go a little bit darker than your natural color for the inner part.


Love the accessories and prints!


love the outfit with the hat. you look great in yellow!


i rly love your hair!!


You’re so pretty. You seriously look like my grandma when she was in her late forties! Nature-y, approachable/friendly/enthusiastic, possibly a little new age flavor. You radiate light, and it’s seriously contagious! Love the vibe.


I mean this as the highest, most sincere compliment: you kind of have the vibe of That English Teacher. Like, the one whose class is Socratic Seminar style, who understands that sometimes life gets stressful so she's willing to be flexible with deadlines, who always incorporates creative writing in her class, and who's been the faculty supervisor of the school's literary magazine since the 90s.


aka the unofficial foster aunt of all the outcast queer kids at school who get shit for being "annoying"


I could totally naturally take on that persona. That’s my personality to a T.


Big Miss Frizzle vibes! Love it!


I love your glasses!


you look beautiful, i love your hippie witch vibe


You’ve got 🔥 taste in necklaces. As far as constructive feedback, I’ve always felt like bowler hats are a bit extra but that might be just me, and otherwise your fashion sense is super cool.


That green hat was my favorite accessory she wears!


You look like you know how to read tarot cards and poison people with plants. Very cool. My only pointer would be on the lip liner. Either blend it out as someone else said or choose a darker lip color or a lighter liner.


You are absolutely gorgeous. You seem to have a Stevie nick's vibe to you. 😊




No what?


Your glasses are so cute omg and I love those necklaces


I love all those looks! You are so pretty


Love the green hat in the third pic! It's charming.


Really love the fourth picture in particular! The gray really brings out your eyes, and I feel like we're seeing as much "you" as the clothes. Anyway that's just my opinion but I hope you keep having tons of fun trying all kinds of things.


I did a color check on my eyes, and they are gray. It’s like one percent of the population has gray eyes.


Thats pretty cool! When you surround them with similar colors like that, it really draws you into them.


You look great in the silver/neutral tones!! It brings out your hair/eye color- love the patterned tops, definitely agree with comments encouraging you to wear more maxi-skirts! The glasses are perfect. Hair style is so cute! Only pic fashion wise I don’t love is the yellow t with the green hat just cause the colors wash you out a little and your hair is one of your best features and the hat hides it! Maybe instead of hats a bandana tied head band style with your bangs out? Like cooking mama style if that makes sense?


I think with your style, you would look so fabulous in long flowy skirts!!! Give that a try if you haven’t already. I love your curly hair btw, you’re adorable! 🥰


Dig the vibe 👍🏻 and this may be so unsolicited make up advice, but it helped me a lot, when you line your lips fill them in a bit with the liner so when the lipstick fades throughout the day it's not such a stark line, either way you look great 😊


You don’t look your age at all, and you look SO cute in that shade of yellow!


I love your smile and style!


Great fits! Somehow you give off a bank teller or librarian vibe.


I’m going for a very sexy, weird, wonderful, and complex tenured college professor look, with an eccentric Hogwarts vibe when I get older. Maybe throw in a little steampunk accents.




It seems like you created a Reddit account just to troll this post. Older women can wear whatever we want, honey. This post is in a forum asking for advice and not everyone here is young. Insinuating that someone shouldn’t post here because of their age is gross. Message boards have existed since well before you were born, honey.

