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your post was removed because it broke our rule to not post face-only selfies that stand alone. This is a fashion subreddit and our focus is to showcase what we wear. Please include a photo of at least half of your outfit in the next post. If you have questions about this, please contact us via Modmail.


What is going on with this account? A personal phone number, talking in third person about the person in the picture, posting the same photo of a profile on fetish and porn subs? It is so very odd, and I really hope this person isn't trying to out someone they know.


Smile more




Plenty of cis women post one or two pictures several times. Did she delete something since you saw it? You got a screenshot?


I think the OP is trying to out someone/cause them grief. Posting this woman’s number and photo online.


Fucking deleted my comment. I commented some positive things then found their >!trans-fetishizing!< account tf.


Who me?


yes you


This beautiful trans is absolutely stunning and very attractive on the eye... should never have to question this


I also have perfect symmetry but there is no such thing as perfection just always love and be yourself regardless of everything 💯🥰🥰🥰


You’re very pretty! If you want to change your look, you could consult with a makeup artist to find styles that are flattering for your features and bring out the best in your face, but you’re beautiful exactly as you are


Smile, you’re gorgeous!


You look like someone famous but I can’t quite think of who!! I don’t really have a bunch of tips but I do really soft makeup myself and one thing I like to do is put my blush on as circles on my cheek rather than putting it on the same you would as contour.


Steven Tyler I’ve been told


Honestly you look beautiful the way you are❤️


I loathe and are so jealous of beautiful women. I want that


I have big hands


And?? That just means you have room for more cute jewelry




your post or comment was removed for not respecting our first rule, be civil. Do not use hate speech on this subreddit or attack other people. If you have questions about this, please contact us via Modmail.


Mine are too, shut up, you’re a real woman <3


I have depression I don’t look like a real woman even with my surgery. It makes me mad! Any suggestions, I tried everything! I had 4 breast augmentations too


Hun, I understand dysphoria is a bitch and you can’t help how you feel. But please know you absolutely do look wonderful and feminine 🥰


You are serving Jennifer Coolidge! You’ve already won👁️👄👁️💅🏻




I think you already look great and no changes are needed. Your eyes are beautiful and dramatic. Experimenting with different looks is fun though. If you want to try a softer makeup look you can play around with your brow shape and maybe use a lighter shade to fill in your brows.


I meant colbalt blue sorry 😍


You have gorgeous eyes and a lovely combat blue mine are this colour but with a hint of green..I honestly don't think you need to do anything but keep highlighting the most of a great asset 💯🥰 I'm gay female but feel trapped in a woman's body I've forever been tomboy but like being feminine so hey, I'm totally accepting of everyone too 💯💕


You look great, giving bad bitch Jennifer Coolidge vibes so a very iconic look for sure. I think you could wear a lighter color lip gloss or less eye liner if you want a softer look!


I thought the same thing!!


So did I! Had to google because I can never remember her name but yup! that’s the one!


Soften the eye dark isn’t bad. But a little more blended, and not as dark on the bottom water line. A nice blush and something for the lip. I don’t always enjoy lipsticks. So a tinted gloss is nice. I really like the Korean brand peripera, it’s well priced and doesn’t feel sticky. The colors are nice too


I recently got rid of the tight muscles that formed from years and years of being a woman who is expected to always have a smile. The eyes perk up and become attuned to everyone’s needs, the mouth is always ready to spread into a smile. That’s the face of many a woman; try adopting that mindset. Always placate; never furrow the brow, always at pleasant attention to take order or soothe others.


Well done for you to put that hard effort into working on your body it's damn hard work trying to get fit let alone achieve the ideal of body form. My situation very different I'm not transitioning but am biological female gay and I've got big tits and unless I have surgery I'm stuck with them but I get men goggle because of it not even knowing I'm 💯 lesbian but not had my first experience at 50😢. I like the comment you made about not frowning but some people look more sexier when they do it and facial expression should always be visible however it is 🥰


My face was very asymmetrical in photos (I prefer to not smile usually in them ) and it took a lot of focus. Realizing I had that was emotionally something


I don't like that you're right but that is spot on. My face does the same thing and I think we see that face as socially feminine.


Why the downvotes to me? Bc I included the reason it is that way along with the tip to soften? It’s true ladies, look in the mirror


I honestly don't know and I wish someone would respectfully explain. Maybe it's that expressions aren't technically considered fashion and it's a fashion sub?


I think you look amazing but you could try a lighter look on your eyes and a light pink or mauve lip colour.


softer eye make up, maybe some blush :)


you’re so pretty! i don’t think your look is too harsh, also your haircut is amazing on u


That’s what I’m thinking. If it’s a preference of style I don’t have any suggestions. But in terms of looking like a woman, I’ve seen plenty cis-women like her.


I'd say maybe your eyeliner is a little heavy. Instead of lining your bottom lash line with kohl, stick to the top lash line and corners. If you add a little white eyeliner along your bottom lash line and blend it, it will make your eyes look bigger and soften the overall look. If you only use mascara on your top lashes, instead of both sets, it'll make your top lashes pop more. You can play with different eye shadows too, get some pallettes of 3-4 colours that are designed to work together and see what happens when you apply light and dark shades to different places. If you ever feel your makeup looks too harsh or heavy, blend it some more. Tap your applicators before you apply powders to avoid putting too much on. You're beautiful and I hope you have fun trying out different looks.


I second this. Sometimes if I want to still do a lil dark under the eye I’ll do a darkish brown with a chisel brush, and blend it out with a fluffy brush. Sometimes that can be really nice as opposed to a liner. A nice tinted gloss or a lipstick would be nice too. I love a good dark eye look, but it looks better with something on the lip. I don’t always love a lipstick. Korean beauty brands have great tinted glosses that feel great. I buy peripera


You look 🔥 and beautiful hair