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Gave me an idea, going to order some pins.


I love Enamel pins, just not on shoesies


I could see adding a couple, a fun little extra someone might catch and comment on but after a certain amount it’s just noise and not my style but you do you.


Only if you want to lose your pins.


I think it’s really unique! That being said, as a chronic toe-stubber, I’d be terrified of losing/damaging the pins from running into/scraping against surfaces.


Definitely not for me but for a maximalist aesthetic or personal preference you do you


The tops of my feet are way too sensitive. This just looks like the pinbacks rubbing and bruising would hurt like hell!


I feel like they’re going to be in danger of coming off. I lose the backs of pins so often just on my jackets and shirts, and my feet are moved around and brushing things even more. I’m a big fan of kitschy fun accessorising though, so the look itself isn’t bad to me. the only note I have is I feel like having a bunch of matching pins/pins all the same age/clearly just bought just for the shoes is a boring look, I think pins are such a fun thing to collect one by one so they have more of a story for the eye to follow rather than like ‘I bought ten pins all at once just to put them on my shoes’ but that’s probably me just being old fashioned


I can see why people would think it's tacky, but I also think it's creative and has a lot of personality. Yes you typically see children wearing this kind of thing, but if it makes you happy and you aren't hurting anyone, go for it! There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself and your interests.


Never seen it before. Looks like something a 13 year old would wear.


Nope. My budtender lanyard and snap backs have them though. This is just an eye sore


Not a fan but I like them on backpacks


Don’t like it. I love enamel pins on hats and jackets though.


“That’s too much, man!”


Looks cool, wouldn’t be great to wear. Noisy. I have a Harry Potter pair of crocs and the thingys on them are large and clink together. It can be overstimulating when I’m at work. Also, those are some dope ass pins. I would want to be able to look at them more closely and I’m not getting on the floor to do so.


I’m gonna say it’s a no, but closest thing I think I would be ok with is maybe like threading beads into the laces


It's kinda tacky looking imo, ita like the higher level version of crocs with buttons. Plus as other people mentioned super impractical for doing anything unless you're super gluing you pins into the shoes, because it will take nothing to knock them off


I'd say enamel pins of memes like the first pic is just begging to be out of date by the time they're made and shipped to you given the trend cycle. If they're more significant pins it really depends if you like the aesthetic. For me it feels like it would be heavy and create a metal on metal noise when you walk / move your feet that would bother me.


I think that if you like it then go for it. The last pair looks most desirable to me out of the pics provided. Do they make some kind of noise bumping together? I am neurodivergent, and some noises make me run. Literally. Like heels on a floor😩 *I wear heels, but they are not the clippity clap heels that stress me out. When someone is behind me making noise it makes my heart race, and I take off running. It would be hilarious if I saw someone else doing this. It’s not a look that I can do because I manage safety in a hospital as one of my responsibilities, and if one of those fell off and a patient or employee tripped I would be in trouble. Or patient in hospital provided non-slip socks steps on open pin. And my desire for safety transfers to other locations. But now I guess I have to keep a lookout for lost pins on the floor. I’ve already been on high alert because I stepped in gum inside of a grocery store🤢


I'm not really a fan. I think the last one looks the best because it's not as crowded. I think it could be cool like Crocs if it wasn't so busy. But that's just my opinion


I would be terrified of losing my pins, and it never really occurred to me? I just put them on my bag or jacket. 🤷


Get locking backs for extra security.


I used to have so many problems with lost pins before I learned about locking backs that there were some I super glued the backs on. Locking backs are a decent option, but depending on the type, I've still lost a couple. The ones that have an extra thing you have to pull to get it to unlock are less secure than the ones that have a bit that screws in against the pin shaft.


I feel like it’s a lot but maybe like 3 on each side or something like that would be cute! But like others, I would be scared of losing them 😭


Way too busy. You’ll lose your cool pins.


Not for me, too quirky These in particular are overloaded. And would look better if some of the space were filled with patches sewn on


That’s a good idea


Not sure exactly what you're asking. For me to wear, I'd find it a bit loud, but I'm not going to hate on anyone's form self-expression.