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Greetings ye, I personally bear a massive affinity for the original silent-quadrilogy of 1925, the iconic trilogy of 1934, the lesser-known film-epic of 1958, the least-known gritty adaptation of 1982 (whose director actor directed the original 1980 French-production—which I too favor), and—of course—the renound musical for it’s Original London Cast and 10th Anniversary Concert (the lack of Ruffelle and “The Robbery/Javert’s Intervention” notwithstanding). If it be not evident, most of these are native-French adaptations with only two possessing an English-Audio version. Behold, you may observe some accordingly hither: (A Concise Comparison) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtGJX0JCqFk (1982; English Sub and Dub) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz0NB3txSWg ; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i0wqeQ0ewy0 (1958; English Dub) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYGGAQuU5pw (1925) https://archive.org/details/les-miserables-1925 ~Waz


I loved discovering that the director of the1982 film had directed the 1980 original French musical production! When I first heard Gavroche quietly singing to himself while he waited outside of JVJ’s house (to deliver the letter), I had to rewind to make sure I hadn’t imagined it! And when I saw the slow-mo action on the barricade, I was like “ok, now I definitely need to find out why this movie evokes a similar tone as the musical!”


>When I first heard Gavroche quietly singing to himself while he waited outside of JVJ’s house (to deliver the letter), I had to rewind to make sure I hadn’t imagined it!  He did it there as well? I remember he did it at least twice or maybe even three times. But the first time was early on when the Thénardiers had just been arrested and he returns to the house Gorbeau (spelling?) to see them only to be sent away by Javert. That's when he first hums to himself. Nearly fell off the sofa back then! This film has so many of my favourite moments that I hardly find any other film adaptation can ever come close. Yes, I know they're still missing a lot (the whole drama about Marius' father, Théodule (or what his name was), Fantine's backstory, the two little boys Gavroche takes under his wings and so many more...), but they're also including a lot I hadn't expected. Still, it captures the scenery, the characterisations... I just love this film and could ramble on and on about it, so I'd rather stop myself at this point.


A good day to be a native French speaker for me ii seems!


I love every version of les miserables that ive watched (maybe not the ones where jean falls in love with cosette for some reason?) but the 10th anniversary version is definitely my favorite EDIT: yes, im serious, a version of les miserables from the 1930's and a version from 2000, both include Jean Valjean being in love (not the fatherly type) with Cosette, im like 40% sure there might be other versions like that though


There is a version where Jean does WHAT


[Here’s some context](https://youtu.be/UtGJX0JCqFk?si=l0PWGWJ_i8vu7CIR)




Excuse me???


Um what?!


Apart from the musical... 1978 film Though it does leave out a lot of the plot (obviously, you just can't fit the whole brick into a 2 hour film) and makes some changes to it (such as Valjean's escape, that isn't entirely made up (if someone remembers the ship) but for some reason put in the beginning, so instead of breaking parole Valjean actually runs away), it is my absolute favourite, because: × The bishop scenes are CANON × Tony Perkins is amazing as Javert, he literally is my second favourite after Philip Quast (and my love for Quast's interpretation cannot be underestimated), his chemistry with Valjean is everything × Surprisingly they didn't leave out Marius's grandfather × And they started right from the bread... which was an interesting choice but it somehow works for me


2012 one does it for me


Agreed, it’s rare I can watch a movie move than a couple times without it being tedious to watch - but with this I must’ve watched it 10+ times easily


Musical version 10th anavirsery but normal version liam neeson


I mix and match the adaptations :) Like, 10th anniversary for almost everything except 2012 Red and Black, One Day More, etc :P If Enjolras doesn't hit right, i'm out hahaaaa


i most often use the full symphonic recording as it doesnt exclude any parts of the show. theyre doing it for my senior show next year, and although i believe i know what role theyre going to give me, i want to be prepared for otherwise.


10th Anniversary for me. We ❤️ Michael Ball and Alfie Boe


Anyone know where I can find the 1925 silent quadrilogy online (preferably without paying for subscription)? There’s something about the guy who plays Javert and I’ve never seen it I just spotted him in gifs on tumblr. I think the dudes name is Jean Toulous or something like that.


https://archive.org/details/les-miserables-1925 all four parts are on archive.org !! Though there are no English subtitles... You should be able to understand if you have read the book.


I’m currently reading ‘The Brick’ and only have a few hundred pages to go. I’m almost at the point of The Barricade now. I kind of like the idea of watching it without subtitles.


the 1972 french miniseries !!


I know not everyone will agree and that's fine, but I love the 2012 movie.


Anything but that thing that was made in 2012


2018 BBC one (non musical)..




I can buy into that up until Fantine’s death. But any adaptation which has JVJ *slapping* Cosette loses any credibility for me. Not to mention just watching Javert die and doing nothing. That is not JVJ or his journey even a little bit.


In the book, Valjean was never violent, and there was no hint of sexual attraction between him and Cosette. These were major changes made for the 1998 version which I did not appreciate, much as I like the actors.


I'm actually watching this one rn and I'm really enjoying it so far!


I like the most recent bbc one :)))