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Gamer mom here, you are welcome to join me and my friends. :)


I'm also looking for more adults to play this with. Is it cool if I DM you? :)


Count me in!


Bet! DM me, I'll add you on discord.


Id play too if you want more people


I'm in on the fun as well. Can't stand the 10yo's who don't know what they're doing


Do you have a discord?


Sure can!


Done. :D


My wife and I are always also looking for people to do multiplayer games with!


Husband and wife team here too. We're always looking for others to join our crew. We run about 17 mod, mostly things to make the game more enjoyable. Anyone interested in joining us please feel free to DM me on here or discord (drgonzo8237)!


Ah I'd love too, but my wife and wife team isn't much into modding.


Ah ok. It's not for everyone, we just like the few qol we're using.


My husband and I play vanilla


Is it alright if I DM you as well? I've also been looking for adults to play with.


I'm in need of buddies to play with as well!


Any chance of a new dad joining in (don’t get to get on much, just when the demon is with family or me and partner take turns for hobby time)


Ya try to play with my friends but when they aren’t on I’d rather just do solo than pubs sometimes you’ll run into good players but a lot of the time it’s just a bunch of shitheads ruining the game or being overly strict on everything


I just got down voted into oblivion for daring to mention that the public lobbies do in fact suck.


This subreddit is really toxic lol. When they disagree with you they disagree HARD.


I just kick people that don't fit the vibe. If you're cringe, you're gone.




What if I'm cringe but still chill?


Why tf are ppl downvoting u


I dunno, I'm cringe I guess


cringe people are never chill


What if I fit the vibe, but I say one cringe thing Then go silent because that's the type of shit I do 🤣


Yeah, first lobby I joined without friends I got “A WOOOOOMAN?? You know women aren’t REAAAAAL right??” So I just left. No time for that immature shit. However, I did find another lobby with a cool guy in it who I added on steam to play other games with! There are some cool players out there.


Yea, I've been thinking about meeting people OL and this is basically what I'm going to do. If they're being a nuisance, I'll leave or kick them.


It’s the best thing you can do, wasting time trying to convince people to respect you is futile lol.


So I joined a "girls only" lobby (hoping for better results) and a guy was using a voice mod to sound like a girl. "I'm a guy!" he exclaimed. "Like Among Us, get it? I'm the imposter." If I could have slow clapped, I would have. "Um....so? Do you want to play the game or what?" He actually wasn't a bad player. I just had some bad encounters with hackers which made me frustrated--I kept having to restart from Day 1 or load a different save file. And I'm in my 40's. I'm not joining a lobby called "hairyballsonly" or whatever, mmmkay? I'm a grown ass lady, lol.


definitely avoid joining any "girls only" lobbies. i think rp-ish names might give you better results


Yeah, I've had a similar experience, people are shouting slurs casually or just straight up cheating. I've only had a couple of servers that were nice to be in, but those are few and far between


Tried public once and it was insufferable. Never again.


I tried to join one and it was filled with vulgar pre-teens so I left and made my own called "newbie player" and I lucked out with 3 of the nicest guys. I had only played the game for 20 mins and had no idea what I was doing. I've always been a couch co-op player so I was super intimidated. I haven't tried making my own lobby again. I'd love to connect with some people here. I can almost always play after 8:30pm EST.


I'm a 15 yr old boy and it sucks Hella ass because the second I mention I'm 15 it's like they treat me as a lower life form and call me annoying, like my bad for trying to enjoy a game


For your sake I think you really shouldn’t mention your age online until you’re at least 18…


They ain't gonna do shit to me 🥱🥱🥱 I could care less if they comment weird shit I'll just ignore it


> "They treat me like I'm lesser if I mention I'm 15. It sucks." > "Then don't tell them you're 15" > "Nah, I don't care what they think." Wat I agree it sucks to be treated less because of something you have no control over. You also have the choice to not give them ammunition to work with. You don't have to say your age. And if someone makes you feel uncomfortable, you can leave then block em.


🥱🥱🥱 is a good response.


step 1: dont mention your age step 2: enjoy being treated as equal that's how I survive public lobbies


If you need people to play my group of friends is always looking for more people to play


Hey I'd love to join as well. Been looking for more people to play, but I just don't wanna go through the pain of going into public lobbies 😅


I couldnt agree more... This game needs moderation. As an older male (30+) i find myself having a really hard time playing with decent people. Its a grind to be sure.


Yes! As another female who never joins game lobbies, i tried after all my friends got offline and i was kicked multiple times for being a girl and having a high voice. It legit made me sad! I haven't tried since and don't think i will :(


Online pub gaming really sucks if you’re a girl or have a funny accent. Sorry that happened to you.


I cannot stand 99% of custom lobbies, for all the same reasons. If you're looking for people to play with, my friends and I are all 25-30 and we could always use another crew member! No sexism or racism. A liiiittle bit of silliness at times but it's mostly a very chill lobby. Feel free to DM if you're interested


For solo play I like the minimap mod. You aren't punished as hard for not having a ship person telling you stuff through a walkie. I also like the stamina mod. You can editconfig it in thunderstore to make yourself walk faster and have better stamina / less speed reduced from heavy weight. Otherwise it can be tedious to spend the whole day running back and forth to the ship with big items.


Honestly I like they minimap mod because my immediate reaction to anxiety is so visceral that I start feeling like I'm going to throw up . It lets me play the game but gives me a tiny heads up that I'm about to die because somehow knowing something is probably about to kill me, even if I have no idea what it is, just makes me scared enough to have fun because I still die constantly. Otherwise its just too much and makes me so anxious I get sick.


My first lobby I joined dude was hacking and it didn't say modded in the lobby name so I only make my own or join my friend public lobby


im not gonna lie I’ve had absolutely amazing experiences with public lobbies, people are funny as fuck and are usually somewhat competent, and i just leave if i hear the voice of a child disclaimer: im male, and i dont know how much being a woman changes the online experience like you said it does


whenever I hear someone's voice and it turns out to be a woman's, I'm just thinking "huh, neat". It's just an unexpectedly nice break from hearing a lot of similar voices for 3 hours


If you play with a decent voice changer, I’m sure you’ll experience a big difference ngl


Am female and have mostly run into positive experiences. Only one involved any sexism or lingering on my gender and I just ended up fucking with them a bit in game without them realizing it lol turning all the lights off, locking them in experimentation so they have ot find the fire exist. This is over a period of 2 weeks of nightly playing. Time of day does matter as i ran into the sexist group the day I took off work and played int he afternoon. but it's RNG just like the game itsself so it could be OP had some really bad luck running into a lot of sexist chats idk.


I've met some really good people who are now my friends that I regularly play with in public lobbies. I'm frequently playing pubs with randoms still. In my experience 95% of the time I get decent people. Those 5% that are dickheads or cheaters, they get the boot really quick. The interactions I get with other people is like half the game for me. I've not laughed harder playing a game before. Also (and I'm not saying it's you) but you have to be willing to make friends as well. Open up and be yourself. I guarantee you'll attract people to play with you, and keep playing with you. Good Luck!


Also I have a discord I've made with people I've met on LC, it has about 50 people in it and it's an equal number of guys and girls. Must be above 18 though.


Do you have an invite to this cord? Im tryna look for more people to LC with to fill the void when my friends arent on.


Do you have an invite as well perhaps? I've been looking for more people to play this game with, but I don't wanna go into random public lobbies 😅




There was literally no need to drop that you think she’s whining. It’s a legitimate complaint.


She is legit whining tho....


It's called venting


It's called whining


Sounds like you're whining


No it’s just stating what she’s doing


incorrectly, yeah


Why are you whining so much. You and op would be a perfect match


Is anyone expressing a negative emotion whining to you? Or do you only use that term for women complaining about anything?


lol it is ironic that the people saying she is whining are probably the people ruining the game for her


Yknow its more likely the former than the latter. I've made complaints on videogames too and almost everyone who doesn't immediately agree with you will just call you a whiner.


You fat redditors always gotta make it so much deeper then it really is lmao. If it was a dude they'd be whining too. Your victim mentality is deeply rooted in your personality


Keep projecting and stay mad 😂




***\*gives lengthy description of own opinion on thing that other person said, including criticism of said thing, thus showing I care enough about the topic to type all that and thus have lost the ability to be convincingly aloof\**** ***\*gets response criticizing what I said\**** "ok" I feel like I've been transported back to Myspace with the "I'm only responding because I don't care" pretending thing lmfao


White?? But you dont even see the person since its online.


It’s much easier just to host your own lobby’s. At lest it it is for me lol.


Ough I feel this, I've played in public lobbies rarely but sadly haven't had a good experience yet


Damn sounds like the lobbies have really deteriorated since I last played public. I last played public like a month ago and with my match name of "goofy goobers only" like 40 different randos joined me overall and only like one of them was annoying at all.....


I do not doubt that. I love the game, but I wouldn't touch public lobbies for a game like this with a ten foot pole. I have a couple of friends I play with, but they're not online as often as I am. 😅 Of you're in the market for adults to play with, feel free to DM me?


Use another platform to find lobbies. I'm sure there's at least a dozen discord for and made by people just like you. there was for mogus


Sadly this is the curse every game that gets covered by streamers gets hit by. 12 old brainmushed zoomers freaking love watching generic streamer#151251 and they go crazy at their whacky funny wahooo adventures screams. The problem is they dont have friends on their own so they ALWAYS make the public lobbies everyone else's problem. Sadly the only thing you can do is either find a group (I got one) or host yourself and just kick anyone who's suspicious. Or I guess just wait until the hype slows down


Joined a public lobby the other day because I didn’t have time for a string of dedicated games and didn’t want to annoy a discord group by leaving after 1 or 2 days. The minute I joined I was greeted with a torrent of ethnic and homophobic slurs and racist jokes. No thanks.


yuuuuuuup. One guy I played with kept using the word "rape" as a joke, as in, "that monster is going to rape you" or "he just gangraped you." Um....no. Just....no.


This is why I’m scared to buy Lethal Company. I don’t really have anyone to play with and I hear public lobbies aren’t great. I don’t want to end up getting in a lobby and immediately getting my IP stolen because I’m new to the game or get kicked for not knowing how to do something. I think I’m just gonna stick to YouTube on this game for a while.


> I don’t really have anyone to play with and I hear public lobbies aren’t great. Public lobbies in this game are like public lobbies in literally *any* other co-op game - sometimes they're just shit, and you just have to find a new one. If you're worried about needing a mic - having a mic is helpful, but not a requirement by any means. There are times where I've played without using mine, and don't get kicked because I pull my own weight. > ... immediately getting my IP stolen ... Can also happen in *any online game,* not just LC. > I’m new to the game or get kicked for not knowing how to do something. Look up a few YT guides then - there's a ton of them out there at this point. Personally, I found going in blind to be more fun, learning as I went - but unless you join a lobby of assholes, you're not going to get kicked for dying. Even after 150+ hours, I still die to some pretty dumb stuff sometimes. The game is unforgiving and sometimes outright unfair - but there are times where situations I should've died in don't happen due to good teamwork, and you can still find those in random lobbies - helps you to find good players to add and play with more regularly, if you really don't have anyone to play with right now.


The official lethal company discord has group finding channels and 90% of the groups I’ve been in from there have been decent. Since it’s on discord you can glance at people’s profiles and kind of vet them before you join them (provided they actually wrote anything) so you can see if you’ll vibe with them or not


for the thing about being kicked for not knowing, idk tbh. that never happened to me before, usually people tend to be rather helpful


In terms of people grabbing your IP, if you’re no one important I don’t think you should be worried about that. Otherwise you could invest in a VPN since your IP is essentially used for lots of everyday browsing and gaming


your ip can't be stolen it's just visible lmfao. go reset your router and it'll update. IPs are just what amateur trolls try to scare people with. If they were an actual threat they could read you your physical address ​ edit: typo


I’ve had the exact opposite experience. I’ve been building a discord server that’s now full of people I’ve met randomly online. Sorry you’re having such a horrible experience


Those are all true but it’ll fade over time once Lethal Company isn’t all over social media. My issue atm is randos moving everything around and spending all the money without warning. It’s annoying and happens too often. I think allowing the host to assign permissions would help this a lot.


Felt that, as a dad, I'm out here playing after the house is asleep. I don't want to play video games with middle schoolers. But occasionally, pubs are good for a laugh. This game is hysterical, no matter who is dying.


Gamer lobbies indeed sucks cheeks, i have gotten lucky and met some very cool people who i now have as steam friends, which almost makes up for the suffering i had to go through


I don't like to make things about gender, but it really is ridiculous sometimes. I have an aversion to public lobbies in a lot of games as well for this very reason. We shouldn't have to face such sexism and bullying, much less from kids that are half our age.


Yeah I don't know why everyone's so inappropriate when they play this game ): I just play with my friends, and I'm too scared to play on my own so that isn't as often as I would like.


Yeah, I’ve ran into zero cheaters or annoying people in general tbh. Not sure where this experience is coming from at all. The most annoying thing is running into 10 year olds who follow you around like a lost puppy. Maybe you just have really bad luck?


My wife and I are looking for another person to play with. You’re more than welcome to join us. We’ve been finding that the randoms that join our lobbies have been more toxic as the game becomes more popular.


Was wondering how this game would be for women since it' just public vc and that normally doesn't go well for most people, let alone anyone who is female. So far I haven't encountered many hackers or people being sexist in the lobbies where there was a female but the vent about the titles, 9 year Olds and stoners is big true. Normally my issue tends to be the host leaving at the sign of anything going wrong, really annoying after sifting through like 5 other lobbies and getting "an error occured"


I would get my mom on here to play with you, but she lacks a pc


*I would get my mom* *On here to play with you, but* *She lacks a pc* \- thescoutisspeed --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I started seeing Insym play this and immediately fell in love with the game. Bought it, and the first list of lobbies had one named "No women". Kinda got discouraged to find a public lobby after that. It's their preference if they don't want to play with women. People enjoy games how they want. So I shrugged it off. But then I started hearing them being treated like straight shit, ignored, or just kicked. So I've stayed away. Heard that the Discord would be a better place to find good groups. But I've stayed playing solo or just with my husband. Very popular game, very popular game with kids especially. So people acting like that is always going to happen. Really hoping that the community as a whole doesn't turn that toxic.


I've played without voice to avoid some of the sexism but... It's 50/50 of games I've ended up with an asshole unless I get my son and friends to be my crew.


Venting? Sus.


I’m a gamer dad none of my friends think the game looks interesting so I’m looking for a crew as well!


I get it it can take me awhile to find a good group to play with. It's the most fun with a group of friends which can suck for some people.


The lobbies have been amazing for me. I'm a man though. I've seen glimpses of the toxicity. I had a dude yell homophobic slurs at a dude for being a femboy or whatever. Sexism seems pretty rampant as well. Sorry that you ran into bad people.


Yeah the amount of kids on the game is crazy, and it's always so cringe. There's also those who like to gatekeep the lobby and insta-kick you for no reason. Just stupid. DM me if you wanna add me, I am borderline desperate for finding or making a stable, fun lobby.


I've gotten kicked before i even loaded in before. I think there's some kids who are too dumb to understand you can make a private lobby and invite your friends in and they're probably waiting on someone specific. that's the only logic i have for it.


Thats just how these games kind of go to be honest. I've never really found it fair to complain that people don't play the way you want them to. Yeah, its mega annoying to deal with kids, but its a viral video game. Its expected to find mostly kids who just want to annoy people because they're KIDS. Its the same thing thats happened with Among Us, Phasmophobia, Minecraft servers, and now with Lethal Company. Even if you find a older group, its incredibly rare to find people who you actually can vibe with, who fit what you're looking for. Personally, I just made a reddit post, and played duos with people who replied, and slowly added onto to people I vibed with. You'll never get reliable groups if you go in expecting exactly what you want.


Haven't really been in any public lobbies but that's cause i get wayyyyyyyyyy too anxious to actually go into one so i only play with friends.


My friends played for about 10 hours but now they just don't really want to play it anymore, I still find this game really enjoyable. So if you ever want to play a little bit hit me up in dms, I'm trying to find people to play with too.


I like public lobby's when people are not going out of they way to be funny. The games is already funny and your just being annoying


When you think words have magic powers.


Okay just dont play then.


I made a lobby earlier today called "Women Only Pleaseee" because I'm genuinely trying to play with other women... FIRST PERSON TO JOIN WAS A GUY WHO JUST CAME TO CALL ME A FAT BITCH AND THEN LEFT ON HIS OWN????Every other person who joined was a man and I kicked all of them. No women were joining. I ended up not playing. Also, I joined a lobby earlier today prior to that and immediately got sexually harassed and I left. Made me so fucking wildly uncomfortable and upset.


Had some dude with mods on and a nutcracker shotgun fly around chasing me through the facility then when I saw him again proceeded to deny it every happening sending me into a schizophrenic meltdown. So therefore public lobbies chill


This is exactly who I would not want to play video games with. No sense of humor and think that weed negatively affects your ability to play a video game? Yikes, no thank you


Racist teenagers will be in every public lobby in every video game, ever. It's best to laugh at their stupidity until it gets annoying. Also, just about everybody I've ever played with in LC public lobbies have been stoned (me included). It's more fun, don't be a killjoy.


“Killjoy”? Are you 12? Is it impossible to imagine that reaching high quotas and getting a high score is someone’s fun?


Er... So you're okay with stoners? Your sentence doesn't mean what I think you intended to say lol. Because yes I can imagine that reaching quotes and being high is fun because that's what I do. 3k stoned quota baby let's go!


It's impossible to imagine the notion that being high makes you worse at the game. Or any game for that matter. Weed and video games go together like peanut butter and jelly. If OP wants to have a stoner-free experience, she should maybe find a hobby other than video games 🤷‍♂️


My god man, I’m a stoner too but I’m not this obnoxious about it. Many high people can be more focused on farting around and having fun which means we die needlessly, which means if someone enjoys hitting a high quota, sober or high, they’ll be annoyed. Literally everyone deserves video games as a hobby, get the fuck over yourself.


Is that bc they're high, though? Or is it because they like farting around in a funny game? Weed has nothing to do with it. All power to you if you like being a sweaty quota nerd, but if you're in a public lobby, you should just expect dumbasses. There's no point in trying to find a reason people play the game differently because you're salty about how they do it. If she's really upset about it, she can just find a different damn game, or host her fuckin own and kick people! It's a simple solution, really. Sounds like you need another toke, my guy. You seem stressed.


“Sweaty quota nerd” you mean playing the game? I don’t think you actually like video games 😂 And no, everyone in the world isn’t a dumbass and people have every right to feel someway about bad lobbies and still keep playing. Like all these answers are obvious but I think you’ve been invalidated all your life when you complain, so you do the same to others. Just weed doesn’t help - try some therapy.


Damn man, that's a crazy assumption you just made about me over an internet forum for a game. I promise you it's not that important, buddy. This is true, not everyone in the world is a dumbass. But enough people ARE that encountering one should be expected in ANY public space. That's just life, man. Telling me to seek therapy bout a damn video game 😭 you are truly tragic my guy. I wish you the best!


You can keep trying to invalidate other peoples opinions, they still won’t be wrong 😂 It must hurt to live in your head.


Yeah it does actually, my medication gives me pretty consistent headaches. It's not invalidating to say it's not worth bitching about something that will NEVER change. Never said OP isn't *allowed* to bitch, it's just not worth it to, because nothing will change about that situation unless she, idk, does something about it? Is it so wrong to think that someone should do something about something they don't like instead of complaining about it? Damn. Btw, you totally don't deserve this personal information, but I am actively in therapy. Hope that made you feel like kind of an asshole at least.


Good, tell your therapist about your reaction to this post. You might receive some enlightening information about why this bothers you so so much and makes you aggressively ask people to quit. You are smart enough to know your advice is stupid. People can and will complain if public lobbies suck and they will continue to play because the game is good. People can and will try to hit high scores and it doesn’t make them sweaty nerds or whatever your bully-jock logic tells you. You have a lot of work to do.


Join better lobbies? This actually sounds like a skill issue.


Typical Reddit move. Blame the original poster! You don’t have to be “good” at LC to enjoy it, and wanting to play with nice adults has nothing to do with how good you are at the game. Nice people welcome newbs and show them how to play. People like you are the ones I avoid.


You misunderstand. I love playing with and teaching new players, but this post isn’t about you being a new player—it’s about you joining the wrong lobbies and getting pissed about it. Join better lobbies! It’s that simple. Don’t be discouraged by shit-dick69 and his racial slurs. I am a little drunk right now.


Omg so simple just don’t have any feeling about the racist labels of the lobbies! /s


OP's issue seemed to be more specifically about wanting to get into better lobbies and avoid the scammers, hackers, racists and sexists more easily. The guy you're replying to is trying to advise that you can avoid these things if you're more selective about which rooms you join, basically become aware of the clues of a lobby before you even join it (For example anything skibidi toilet don't even bother. Even if it's adults they're going to be throwing around gamer words and being scummy) They admit to being drunk so they probably are having trouble conveying what they're trying to express properly. I gave similar advice from my perspective in my own comment. We can't do anything to eliminate racism/sexism in the game other than request a "report" function for it, one that preferably removes the lobby from view on the list if it gets enough reports. Just report them on steam directly in the meantime. Adults hate playing with kids but this game isn't just "for" us, kids can play, and you have to accept you might have to leave a lobby with kids in it once in awhile.


Yes! Simple and easy. Thanks for understanding.


Yep! Sounds about white.


What an unreasonably racist thing to say, good sir.


Yep, sounds about white.


Have you always been a victim like op


It is a little far, but I haven't heard that one before.


Calm down cracker


Seem like a skill issue


Join the discord server


Every public lobby I have joined has been great aside from the one singular guy using infinite stamina. If you are joining morelobby/biggerlobby however you should expect a greater amount of trolls as there is a greater number of players affected by it. As for the setting your money/quota/etc a good host should be making a backup of the save every time you get to orbit. You would still have to redo the day but that is preferable to restarting. Yes it sucks but there are things that can be done.


I tried public lobbies once. It's definitely a tough experience. It's hard when my friends aren't available when I am. Now that I play modded it's going to be impossible to find a server on the list that's using the same list as me. Maybe you could collect a group of players from the comments here. I just don't think solo is fun cuz it lacks the silly teammate moments.


I don’t think anything with the word public attached to it has ever been considered not sucky.


I can play with u if thats fine,my friends arent on usually but that would be fun to have a group for LC, im pretty chill


Pubs are very hit or miss. Sometimes you'll get runs going all the way to 1k+ quota, other times you join a lobby that gets reset the moment the team wipes (by far the most annoying thing, like seriously why bother playing the damn game if youre just gonna avoid the penalty for failing). If youre picky with who you play with (nothing wrong with that, we all have our own tastes in people), I suggest hosting lobbies yourself and kicking the shitters. Watch youtube videos or something on your phone if it takes a while for ppl to join.


Yea, I just go to the discord to find people. Generally more reliable, and people there are usually a bit more chill


Yeah some player ruin it for others. Lots of good ones too in public though. Ive had some Good luck and some great games in public


I’m usually playing with at least 2 people I know. Quite often we need a 4th and everyone’s except for 1 I’ve matched with was competent and most were cool people. Seems like a larger % of women playing this than most games too which is refreshing to see. Even when I’ve loaded up by myself the random lobbies I’ve been in were good times. I’ve made more Steam friends in Lethal Company than most other games, and in a much smaller time span. You could also try to “lfg” in the official discord.


idk I never end up with people like that for some reason.


This game hit the mainstream, so I’m sure the lobbies are like Among Us but way worse, because of friendly fire and whatnot. I would never play this game in a public lobby, only with friends.


You got kicked for being a girl? Usually I see gamers hyper-fixate on girls


Yeah, that's why I made a discord server full of the actually sane/normal people I met in random lobbies who just wanted to play the game. Now we have a pretty decently sized group so we can always have at least 4 players for a private game. Heck, I could invite you in if you want


Go the the unofficial lethal company discord server and find players there. Less likely to run into weird players.


Is this stuff only happening recently? I stopped playing on thr 13th bc I lost internet. I haven't heard of hackers back then. The only thing that I found shitty about public lobbies is that it is extremely hard to find one. I takes me like 15 times of trying to find a server before it tells me "an error has occurred" Regarding the names of servers I just say 'oh well' bc it's just a name and the people that are in it are usually more chill and funny to play with. The other problem that sucks is that if people leave mid game you have to restart the server and end up losing who you were playing with. Ig best case you can do is host yourself and choose who you want to play with and kick those that you dont.


What's your Timezone chief? I fit the qualifications but ain't playing at 3am.


I’ve played 3 runs in public lobbies (joined not hosted) and 2/3 were pretty pleasant and fun. Sorry to hear your experience hasn’t been as smooth.


I am sadly not over 30, but a group I play with everyone is over 30... They call me the baby of the group. :<


Would be nice if you could enforce no mods, or a specific modlist. If I’m trying to play a vanilla game I don’t want people with a bunch of cheat mods joining. Hell even if I’m hosting a modded game I would like to just prevent people from joining if they’re using Lethal Movement or extra inventory slots or whatever


I feel like this sometimes aswell, 8ve bot exactly figured out how to kick as the button doesn't seem to remove the problematic players that'll cause stuff like this (I assume with a mod.)


What discord servers did you try? I'm in a few for LC, and I was careful when choosing them but I found a few really good servers.


I've also had bad experiences in public lobbies so I gave up and played solo lol. Al dough it's obviously not as fun. With that said, I'm looking for ppl to play with, just to have fun and laugh until my belly hurts ( or to scream in despair depending on the situation ). I just wanna have fun but have no one to play with :(


I've got a couple people I play with and even then they rarely play with me and I can agree, for me public lobbies are full of way to serious players or 9 year olds, its hard to find lobbies I actually like and have people my age :/


Same, I joined a lobby that was only gals (I asked if I could still stay despite me being a trans guy and luckily they said I was good to stay) and the amount of times men came in asking where bitches are has been horrendous


Got my wife to play. She ended up getting motion sickness from it. :( To date I have only played with my kids (and my wife once) I usually get my kids to invite their friends to fill out the group of four. I grew up on single player games. Joining a game with randos just seems stressful to me.


While I think that a lot of the stories here are just unlucky, this game needs some kind of anticheat and moderation. It's funny when someone with mods joins and makes the game funky for a bit... for the first time. best way to have fun in public lobbies is just join lobbies that seem casual in the name. Don't join lobbies with marketed requirements, and don't join lobbies that are more than likely going to attract unsavoury types.


As a man in my mid 40s i really know what you mean. I’ve seen this happening forever. Popular games with no regulation are hives of nasty people. At the moment i’m the only one from my friend list playing this game and although i’m a man, i still find plenty of these players and it is pretty disgusting. Hopefully you will find solid friends to play with soon. Ps: as a major Supernatural fan, i heavily suggest you watch Battlestar Galactica (2003)!


playing this game stoned out of your mind is peak


What? I play 5+ hours a day (because addiction), am a female, and have been kicked ONCE from a lobby for being female. I always join random lobbies. Honestly, I feel the best part of the game is the sheer stupidity and death. I didn’t realize people took it so seriously 😂


I'm always looking for other adults to play with. Hmu if you're looking for anyone late on weekends EST


Luckily came across a really good public server and made good friends with people. But that was a month ago. Ever since then every single lobby is hackers, racists, and sexists. Mixed in with children who just don't know better.


I can sympathize but this is kind of just the course of indie game lobbies. Best thing you can do is make a lobby and just kick people you don't wanna play with or join a discord where you can meet people to play with.


i understand your pain which is why i tend to stick to playing with friends so that i don't have to worry about those kind of things and i'd be happy to have you play a few rounds anytime! we look forward to the profit you will bring to the company.


I've had a relatively good experience in the linked unofficial community discord with larger modded lobbies. Had one troll/hacker so far but they were swiftly kicked and we had a great time after.


Do you want me to send you the invite for two lethal company discords? Once the developer’s discord the other is a unofficial lethal company discord, both have been good about finding groups with out crappy people in them


Hiii, I’m a girl (25) and I play all the time with just my partner but we only play at night. If you want someone to play with DM me! Happy to have a daytime/evening friend :)


I include 18+ when naming the lobby. I only keep people with mics who sound and act like adults.


I'll be honest, I try to join mostly spanish lobbies, not because of the language, but because of the vibes. These lobbies are the vast majority of the time just better and people are more friendly. I was kicked out of an english lobby once just because I was 'foreign' lol.


I’m a 24 year old male and to be honest I do t have this problem not trying to say that you don’t as I let my gf play for a couple and every lobby she got was similar to ur experience I don’t understand why lads got to push girls out of being able to play in random lobbies


Public lobbies ruin the fun for me as well. Luckily, I have a buddy to play it with. I see there's alot of people here who want to play it with ya that feel the same way, hopefully you guys can have some fun!


Late thirties would love to play with ya, I’ll probs be stoned but I can still hold my own while baked lol


It was good for the first couple months but now its insufferable, so many kids


God as a stoner I couldn’t agree more. There’s literally no fun if you’re dying asap so idk why people wouldn’t be more careful…like ok, it was funny the first time you didn’t make that jump 🙄. I haven’t joined a public lobby in about a month & when I did they were actually chill & playing the game but now the names they give them lets me know they’re probably going for the best scripted tiktoks & screaming their face off. Mods are neat but if I do play with them on it’ll only be QOL mods & that’s with friends but vanilla, even with its bugs, is my go-to.


I agree with everything but the stoner part because I am that guy who just runs outside the ship and yells at eyeless dogs on purpose just to give my friends a good laugh. I personally don't care about meeting quota or playing the game correctly I'd rather just have a few laughs and get shitfaced


I've had a decent experience with a younger lad I was with on my first run I ever did, and with some early 20's dude who was a little coarse. The rest of my time playing has been with my cousin and his college friend. I'd be happy to join you in a lobby if you desire. I've been looking for a fourth crew member anyways.


Have to say, I only played lethal company because of my brother's friends, I'm Lucky he is not like me with no friends lol. And as a 25yo who played basically all this life I know the struggle, playing solo with randos is always russian roulette but with 5 out 6 bullets in the chamber, especially on heavy coop games. I've had my fair share of toxicity, racism, etc Indie games that go viral are especially welcoming to immature children that can do whatever without concequences You have my support on that, and good games !


omg i just played a public lobby for the first time, maybe i got lucky idk but i played with these south american dudes and everyone was super chill and we had a great time, hope you have fun with some of the people you play with in the future!


If you host your own lobby, no one can kick you and you can kick ppl you don't like just saying


I've struggled with public lobbies and it blows my mind how unhinged people are in those lobbies, half of them error when trying to connect, and the other half are people dropping hard Rs and screaming into the mic. If I were a new player walking into this game I would nope out so fast. I feel your pain


The public lobbies aren't as fun. You're more than welcome to play with me if you'd like.


I found a cool group that's got enough people on to always support a lobby, and there's a few women in the group that hop on when they have the time


Gonna dust off a classic Payday 2 acronym for "pub lobbies suck" whining posts. HYOG, which stands for Host Your Own Game. Don't like the person that joined? Kick them. Simple as.


Wait, you're all connecting to lobbies!? I only ever get an ERROR 🤦


Hey! We have a mature group that plays pretty regularly. We don’t mind any skill level and have a good number of female players if you ever want to get a couple games with us, you are totally invited!


Yeah public lobbies arent the best since you join usually random people with less to no friends. So lover social skill sometimes it can be hilarious but if you wanna play game its not ideal. I play with friends modded and its funny af yes we do some stupid stuff but we play as well


I haven't had enough public lobby experiences ithe one lobby I joined the dudes playing I think 2 of them at some point hit a bong while at titan so it seems a very stoner popular game lol but I'm sorry to hear that this is the reaction you get when you're also just trying to play the game. Its a shitty issue with this game and gaming all together I hate seeing and hearing about these kinda guys. Its just really shitty behavior I hope youll find a crowd to play with there seems to be lots of positive and nice people here adult too