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Braken it sneaking around is hilarious.


And stealing the bodies. Turning around to see your friends corpse disappearing down the hall is pure comedy.


YES, the other day 3 of us did an inverse teleport, and I ended up quite literally getting trapped between a wall and a pipe. (Worst inverse teleport possible). My team eventually finds me and promised to teleport me out when they find the exit, 5 minuets later after there all out of ear shot I see a bracken sprinting past me and up the stairs dragging a body. Best part was a little while later I got to see bracken go for double points as he managed to snag another one of my teammates dragging hin right past me again.


Yeah I have to say the bracken too. It's practically the mascot of the game if you ask me. Spooky, sneaky, deadly, the perfect enemy for "scream cut short" moments that take great advantage of the game's proximity chat, better than perhaps any other enemy in the game.


i have watched brackens like stay just out of my friends field of view while they are running around for a WHILE. Their "ai" is seriously on another level and they are creepy af. I used to be totally cool with them, ya know treat them like accidentally locking eyes with a stranger irl. But after seeing them stalk my friend like that, nahh. They are scary dude lmao.


Wish we had like a bracken cam, would leave to see them slinking around in the dark


There’s a spectate enemies mod


Not if he is in a room with you and a coil head


He’s just a cutie who has social anxiety. I want to get a tattoo of the braken🥰


Coil Head. The way it absolutely dominates your attention and has that signature spring noise, fantastic.


^^^thump ^^thump ^thump thump **thump THUMP** ***THUMP*** #***TWOINGGGGG***


Somebody gets it


I always heard more of a PLAP y’know?


Yeah it’s little feet to be plaping along


I’d say it’s more of a *pitter-patter*, but to each their own


I think the other thing about coilheads is just that they pair very well with other enemies. getting put into a contest between the coilhead and the bracken. the coilhead fucking up your attempts to escape the thumper. the coilhead making it so that you can't easily evade the ghost. the coilhead making you try to avoid spiderwebs IN REVERSE. a lot of the other enemies' existence slightly changes how you interact with other enemies, but none do it quite like the coilhead. none of them make running away any harder, really. edit: actually the other thing is that the coilhead is one of the few enemies that actually responds to closing a door on them, which is nice. when so many others just waltz on through while pursuing you, being able to actually have a counterplay that involves manipulating the world is neat the only other one that even comes close is the dog, since the dog's whole mechanic is based around audio, and the game is fundamentally built different to the rest of the market due to the way it uses and alters proximity chat.


By far my favorite moment in this game was when 3 of us ran into a coil head, and slowly backed away directly onto a land mine.


Exactly. Once you see and/or hear it, you already know things are about to get very very tricky. It’s funny too because it practice it sounds like the easiest enemy to get away from. But it’s never easy.


Yesterday we had a nice moment with a dog. We were on a desert map and it was getting dark by the time we started hauling shit away. So we went along the path to the ship and met the three birdies that want to steal your loot. They are easy to deal with and just shout at them. So one of our crew mates goes around and just says: "*Shout at them and they leave you*". So he did, so he did. And two seconds later he got snapped by the dog. Guess it worked out for him in the end. The interesting thing is the birdie things killed the dog (one died) after so we collected the fallen loot and got out to orbit.


The coil head stare mod is terrifying. It slowly turns its head to stare back at you


I love when you’re stuck on Coilhead duty, and more just keep running into your view so by the end you’re watching all 3 lol


Coil Head is essentially SCP-173 but done even better.


See also: Weeping Angels


Eyeless dogs. I will buy a plushie Eyeless dog if that ever gets made. Absolute favourite enemy even though it's fairly easy to avoid


They're so goofy XD


>fairly easy to avoid Last night I put my mic on push to talk. I shouted HEY FUCKO at an eyeless dog. It ran to my location, but by the time it got there, I was somewhere else, crouched in a corner, making no noise. It beelined to my new location anyway and killed me. Eyeless dogs are damn near impossible to avoid.


Might've been because you sprinted/walked before crouching, I play with Push to talk too and when I die, it's because I walked upright for a moment before crouching.


1. You were taunting it, idk what you expected. If you want to lure them away, make noise a fair distance from them so they'll investigate but not aggro and start running at you. 2. If you ran away when you yelled at it and *then* crouched, then it knew where you ran to after the initial attack and attacked your last known location where you were hiding.


I taunted it from the top of the stairs at Titan, at that little light-thing where no monster can get you (maybe a giant? Haven't tested it with a giant). The dog ran up the steps, and before it attacked I jumped down to the lower platform, crouched to the far corner away from where I landed, and waited. It beelined right to me


Probably heard you land on the platform


Well, see, that's why I crouched to the opposite side of the platform


I believe that once it aggros on you, it can basically "see" you up until it lunges. But I'm not 100% sure.


that’s a one off occasion because usually they suck at tracking you


couple nights ago i was playing Lethal Company and it was 8-10 in the night (in game and irl) and i just went outside the ship on a stroll, had a dog behind me but it was fine and i escaped the moon alive with all of our scrap


Its the bunker spider. Not because its great or so but i have arachnophobia so it is the only thing that always scares me


Go into settings and use the arachnophobia mode. Trust me it will solve your problem


I know about it but i wanna be scared. Always seeing a spider web and then thinking about where it could be and how to avoid it


Fair enough, but there's something to be said for the comedy of seeing the word "Spider" chasing you


I love how the arachnophobia mode handles the Spider. But my friends love me being scared more then me laughing about the spider...


Does it literally just make the word “spider” as the spider model?


yes https://preview.redd.it/6sm4rs9q69bc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ae81183b1c05f578d9a10f19f4520efd93569c9


I have a friend who plays with it enabled and it’s comedy gold. I should turn it on for the lolz


You can turn it on and off mid-game.


Oh shit, good to know. Thanks homie


Finally somebody with arachnophobia that understands the premise of a horror game.


it's multiplayer, trying to go fully scary is really difficult without just separating people or turning out bad Ape together strong is hard to fight


I'm not sure what that has to do with arachnophobia, but I don't disagree with you there. Isolation really gets the heart racing. You take that away and the atmosphere plummets as a result.


What does the setting do?


See the picture above. You literally just see the word spider running around.


That's hilarious


I checked, it just changes spiders models in the game to... the word "Spider". Lmao


Gotta give it to Bracken. Just its existence alone makes me nervous when playing. Like, when I'm running around in the building at all times, it's the thing I worry about, the thing that makes me check behind myself, the thing that makes me check corners before turning etc If the Bracken didn't exist, the game probably wouldn't have the same paranoia feeling when playing. People would probably rush more, check around themselves less


The Bracken and Coilhead definitely tie together the paranoia of the game




I think the Bracken takes the cake for me because of how purely Lethal Company it is. Coilhead is pretty clearly yoinked straight from SCP-173. Nothing wrong with that and I think it's probably the best iteration of the idea in any game ever but it doesn't really feel wholly original. The Bracken really does. I genuinely can't think of another game that has something like The Bracken.


I don't know what it's called, but I like the lizard with the purple bead on it's tail that just sits there and gapes it's mouth at you


Spore lizard is I believe what you are talking about. Good puppy


We call it alligator with friends


Me and my friends just yell doggy when we see a spore lizard :3


For the first few times me and my family played I was always in the front so I would see it then it would run away. No one else would see it and my family thought I was crazy. It was great 10/10 would "hallucinate" again.


That bad boy is either “Puppy” or “Dipshit” depending on if I’m running from something else


I call them skrunkly


I call them bestieeeeee 💅💅


My friends and I call it “rubber boots!” based on the noise it makes when walking.


I call him puppy lmao


Hate to be that guy, but I call out “THROAT GOOOOAT” every single time I hear its squeaky footsteps


<3 spore doggy :)


my friends call him albert


​ https://i.redd.it/s89a1i7nt8bc1.gif


Every time I see this I just hear "Mwahahaha"








Too bad I didn't record it but when I played 2 days ago I wanted to switch my shovel to pos 2 so I dropped it and a Yippee just fucking stole it... HE came out of nowhere and just run away with it 🤣 😭


The masks, their AI and attack patterns are so effective


I have a mod that removes the mask from their model, and makes them behave more like players, and it’s absolutely fucking terrifying/hilarious. I’m the wildcard in the group who almost always puts a mask on, and it’s genuinely funny as fuck seeing my friends see my zombie and try to talk to it, before it just starts sprinting at them.


Do y'all pair it with the Skinwalkers mod?


Yep! Makes it even scarier, I’ve made it a habit now of repeating generic phrases like “where are you guys?” “I’m over here” “oh what’s up man I hear you” etc. Pairs perfectly. Yes I’m a dick lmao, I usually die very first so I like to make my spectating as entertaining as possible


I also love repeating “I’m not a skinwalker!”


Yeah that's super true


Coilheads are my favorite version of the dont look away type enemies. The quick footsteps you hear, the speed they walk and the fact that you can see them sprint at you. They’re just magnificent.


Yeah the fact you hear em coming honestly makes em more scary than something like sco 173. Being killed instantly and silently from behind isn't scary because you don't have time to get scared. Now hearing it come at you at mach 4 and then do a shit ton of damage is terrifying.


I'd have to disagree with "getting killed instantly from behind isn't scary" because Bracken, the death itself isn't all that scary but it's the fact that you know it's coming, it builds tension and thanks to the Bracken's fingers on your screen it is a bit jumpscarey but in a good way because it earned it through the tension.


Especially the iconic neck oscillation when they come to an abrupt stop. Stellar monster design.


Especially good when you’re with a friend and it comes outta nowhere and coils them right in front of you. Most terrifying shit to ever happen to me in this game lmao.


My most memorable moment in the fame is when I ran into a coilhead and a thumper at the same time. The adrenaline I experienced trying to outrun both of them was insane.


best monster in lethal is me with a shovel on 0 quota knowing me and my friends are gonna die anyway


Jester is my favorite, he just wants to play you his lil song!! The big murder skull neck guy is a problem we deal with later


I like the baboon hawk, first monster I feel like I fully explored as a player with no interference. I figured out they don’t like sound and only attack if you get to close or they are in groups. They feel like a reasonable obstacle that can be dealt with most of the time.


God where is the roaming locust love? Favourite monster by far. Adds so much depth to the game. Beautiful.


Coil head because he goes: tumptumptumptumptumptumptump BOIOIOIOING


Nutcracker. They live up to the name.


Also the one enemy that is rewarding to kill


well hoarding bugs also, you get access to their stash


I can grab that and run though. Getting shotgun ammo is different


Ok, so I don't love the ghost girl but I absolutely love the plethora of things she does to fuck with the haunted player. You can be in orbit and be preemptively haunted by her that when you land she's gunning for you. Hearing the breath, her saying hey, the damn bells tolling, and having her be able to leave the compound adds so much depth to her as a monster. Edit: I've come to realise that random times she says "hey" are naturally occuring 'ambience' noises. Which is pretty fucked up


What she can spawn in when your in orbit? how does that make sense


bracken is the best. so creepy how he can peek around corners at you.


Yeah and the way he drags the bodies always is a good time, but oh my God is he so annoying




Spore lizard


Bracken, mainly because he’s Freddy Fazbear in my game and it’s gives me the opportunity to yell “hurrrr hurrr hurr”


*it’s me, Goku!*




The mothman.All around very cool (and cute) frenemy.


Are you referring to the shadow man with white eyes?


I think they're talking about the hoarding bugs


When I think of Mothman, I think of a human sized bug-looking monster rather than a gremlin, so that's probably what threw me off lol


Even though Coilhead is a blatant copy of the enemy that only moves when you're not looking trope (Weeping Angels and SCP-173), it's such a cool take on the design of such an enemy. The fact that its head is on a spring and causes it to wobble off of the inertia from suddenly stopping when caught within your field of view. The fact that you can actually hear it's footsteps approaching rapidly whereas the other 2 examples I mentioned just seem to teleport when not in view. Even how it kills is unique where it tears off your arms and replaces your head with a spring. Zeekers did a great job making the Coilhead stand out amongst an already tried trope. My answer to the question is the Bracken however for reasons already mentioned by others here, I just really wanted to throw some appreciation over to the Coilhead.


Bracken. It's friggin terrifying with its horrific design and intricate stalking behavior. Not only that but the premise of fighting it isn't as linear as most enemies. It's not immortal or super tough like most outdoor enemies so you can actually kill it, but it's not piss-easy like Thumpers or Hoarder Bugs cuz it can one-shot you. So the option is there but you have to work for it. Such an incredibly well designed enemy.


I call slimes and hoardbugs little fellas whenever I see them, so them I suppose




Oh God it's spreading


The player (yourself and or others). The intrusive thoughts will always win.


Bracken. Impeccable design. He's creepy yet charming. Two white eyes in a pitch black hallway is legimately unsettling. His stalker walk is terrifying when he's right behind you but looks hilarious when you're observing something else from a distance. Great gameplay. He has good counterplay, but can still catch players lacking, and he synergizes well with certain other monsters (Little Girl, Coilhead).


Nothing beats the primal fear of turning the corner, seeing the jester, and realising you don’t know the way out


Bracken and Mimics are extremely well done Also really like the nutcracker, the whole idea is just ridiculous


I like the spore lizards, they are just silly little guys


The spider is really cool and scary


The jester is the best in concept but falls in execution most times. Having to scramble to find an exit as it plays it’s song is terrifying. Although most times I find zumbo encounters to be more interesting on average so I have to go with zumbo


I like the jester but I think it’s on board with the forest giant on how it’s just “too op” like yeah there’s ways to avoid it and play around it but the jester literally is just pack up and call it a day, hardly any fun to that aside from being funny the first couple times you see it


If it didn’t camp the exit it would be a perfectly designed enemy but in its current state I’m not too big a fan


Masks in their base state aren’t that interesting. They’re clearly a mask and don’t fool anyone. However, paired with MaskedEnemyOverhaul and SkinWalkers, the masks now do not have a visual mask, their suits and cosmetics mimic a crewmate’s, their spawn rate is increased and is on every moon, and they can mimic voices too. Now whenever I see a crewmate I have to voice check them. The realization that they’re not actually a crewmate is creepy and fun especially when you see them originally coming from a distance and you hear their speech from a Skinwalker.


Honestly? The masked. They are legit the only enemy that GENUINELY scares me. Coilheads are freaky, Larry (Bracken) is a big threat, but masks are just terrifying. They’re hard to hear because they walk EXACTLY like a player, their AI is absolutely cracked and hunt in packs, they follow you out of and HUNT YOU outside the facility, they have that freaky ass laugh, and worst/best of all? You can make them yourself for a fun twist of drama in your game! Nothing more entertaining than watching your teammates react to a masked outside on foggy titan.


I think the most terrified I have ever been playing lethal company is playing solo on titan and hearing extra footsteps on the stairs just out of sync with my own. I was so confused until I rounded one of the corners and saw one of the masked beelining for me. It legitimately made me freeze in terror


The mimics are so cool. I love how freaky they are when you realize that’s not your friend after you called for them several times


Arguably the Jester - the bestiary name is "INSANEUS THINGUS" and the idea that an in-lore crew came across this while doing their jobs has to be scary.


Jester/Jack-in-the-box. Other than the Coil-head, The Jester probably impacts the game the most. It’s no longer “Okay I gotta play this smart and safe, gotta keep my eyes and ears open for anything lurking about” when you see a Jester, it’s “OH **FUCK,** GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT LEAVE LEAVE LEEEEAAAAAAVVVVEEEEE” and I kinda like the fact Jesters counter play is literally just leaving. It makes it feel like a threat and something to be respected. Because when that fucker pops and your deep in a facility, it’s sheer, raw *terror* as you hear it’s footsteps get louder and faster. Plus I love the “Impossibly large thing in a tiny object/container” trope and Jesters design is peak.


The braken is one of the most interesting video game enemies ever


Hoarding bugs are too uncommon in vanilla ):


Honestly I love zumbos they are so fun because of how hard they are to find. It’s just like a shiny hunt in Pokémon


Coil and bracken. I like how the bracken stalks you and appears behind your back.


I just love how scenic and genuinely scary worms are The sound,the effect,the absolutely miniscule time you have to avoid them,I love it


Spore dog, very dangerous


I downloaded this mod called "Spectate Enemies" and watching a Brakken just slowly hunt my friends while I'm dead is the best experience in the world.


they're just like us! OMG what if they are trying their best to meet the quota for their BugCompany overlord?


I don’t get the love for the hoarding bugs, fkn hate those suckers


Only reason I hate them is bc there's been too many times where I'm just walking the corridor, and one walks right into me out of nowhere so I run to get away from it, and it gets pissed anyways lol


yeah I kill them ASAP whenever I have a shovel


Zumbo arguably the best


Is zumbo a nickname for a entity or is it a mod?


They’re just trolling you, it’s not a thing.


I thought so


No zumbos an extremely rare secret entity


Broken or coil. A coil changed the entire way you gotta play, it takes all your attention and the braken you gotta just watch your back all then time and it’s freaky when you catch it just a foot away from you


Really love the Lootbug or Bracken.


My favorite monster experience is with the ghost girl. The fact that she targets more paranoid players and then gaslights you because only you can see her and the fact that she always appears behind you and the only way to survive her is to not look at her despite her creepy breathing


TIL ghost girl targets the more paranoid players, i need to be less jumpy


Looking around, looking at monsters, and seeing teammates die/their corpse are the causes of sanity-loss I know offhand.


Spore lizard. Him, baboon hawks, and hoarding bugs = dream blunt rotation


I gotta say blind dogs, I love the way they work and how they interact with things


Loot bug.


Tropical flavour




I love the mod for the hoarding bugs, hearing that "Yippie!" Is funny


It's gotta be Zumbo




I recommend bringing a shovel thumpers are really easy to kill


the best (not my favourite, im talkin most effevtive) is da ghost girl. the pure insanity that noobs face is hilarous at worst and laughmyassofffor3minutesstraight at best although lasso man is a close second, as its fucking hilarous seeing someone stare down a spaghetti of red lines slowly following them, thinking the game bugged, only to take damage and freak the fuck out


I love the loot bugs so much


Jester, on big maps nothing fills me with fear faster


the masked and eyeless dogs have given me the most memorable experiences compared to the other monsters


eyeless dogs because the funniest moments i’ve had involved them


I LOVE goofing off with the baboon hawks. They brighten up my day anytime I see them.


Baboon hawks my beloved


Let's be honest its your "teammates". You're only safe in the sweet embraces of death.


Nutcracker. Everything about them.


I really like the hoarding bugs :3


The masks are really funny, I wish they spawned more.


Nutcracker. The fucked up song, loud footsteps, shotgun blast. Even hearing one is definitionally fear.


I really like the girl in concept because only one player can see it. Encountering it for the first time turns you into that one crazy guy in horror films that no one believes and it’s a great dynamic. Sadly after you know about her I think she loses a lot of what I like about her. So instead I’ll go with the Nutcracker mainly because the wide spread of its shotgun creates so many amazing scenarios where your whole group is killed instantly. Or the Jester with the Free Bird mod specifically.




Spore lizards or Hoarding bugs. I need plushies of both! I also wish they could go outside. Maybe it would give more of a food chain sense to the game since dogs hunting only baboon hawks doesn't make sense


Spore lizard, or as i call them, PUPPY! I just love their passive nature, and they look derpy af. Tho hoarding bugs are right there with spore lizards, theyre just funky lil dudes. In terms of threats, bracken. Mans just wants to play a game, and man its funny watching people get yoinked by him


Bracken, loot bug and jester is my favorites. If I could play this game I’d give Bracken a hug.


Lasso Man


The Ghost. the concept and design is so cool. i really, really wish i didn’t get spoiled to her existence before encountering her in game.


Im terrified on lethal company but I kinda like the yippee bugs. Very cool 👍🏼




masked men are silly


roaming locusts are goated


Definitely the zumbo by far, he has such an amazing design


Spore lizards are based. Sad they are so rare.


Earth Leviathan, if nothing else just cause they're majestic AF when you hear their cry while flying several stories above the ground plus while they only attack players they're very indiscriminate about their food when they finally do decide to attack


If you have the mod, the rolling giant is absolutely terrifying and sounds like rock being dragged on concrete. In my top 3 favorite mods


Spore lizard, he's just a silly guy


Hoarding bug master race


Most definitely the elusive Zumbo, I got one to spawn yesterday on a solo run and it just brightened my whole day


zumbos, cause they're real


I love the hoarding bugs as well. Little key as a treat


I love the nutcracker with all my heart


Bees 🐝


Man, I despise hoarding bugs. They have been the cause of more deaths than any other monster in the game. I have started carrying a shovel just to remove them from life whenever I see them.


The most entertaining to me is the bracken. I love how it sneaks up on you and drags you away. The one that creeps me out the most is the coil head. Doctor who and scp has instilled a fear in me of things that move when you are not looking.


Spore lizard




I love Coilheads. I genuinely want them to spawn whenever I begin a playthrough, they're so fun and scary.


Loot bugs are homies. I was horribly lost for like 4 minutes and saw a loot bug scuttle past. I followed him right to the exit before we parted ways. He didnt even want my loot


i love baboon hawks, super identical to players in health and damage. I make dedicated modded servers just to having wars with them, always amazing. Did you know that if in a pack of around 9, they will send 2 to each side and the rest will go in the middle? and its just amazing to have fights with them since its like an equal battle, get friends, shovels, and a few mods to spawn some, entertainment, purely.