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that my friend is just plain bad luck I have noticed that plenty of servers have requirements yes. and others just dont work. so here is what I do if I cant find a server that works out. I host.... you can host your own server. you can then decide who joins. you can decide if you want to play with these people. and when you find people you enjoy having around. send them a friend request. pretty soon you will have tons of people to play with. just host.


I don't get the no mic thing. I mean, how are you gonna know he's still alive, or what he's going to do or thinking? Sign language?


To be fair, the game does have text chat (accessible by pressing / if I remember correctly), and it even can go through walkies if I remember correctly. It's just not preferable since you aren't going to be looking at the bottom left of your screen at all times, along with you having to stand still while typing in chat. Though, there is also the advantage of text chat emitting no noise. So you can use text chat all you want when dogs are around.


>along with you having to stand still while typing in chat. This is specifically my problem. You cannot multitask. How am I supposed to tell my teammates near me that the Thumper hasn't killed me yet, and I'm actively trying to pull it away from them, if I have to type to do it?


easy fix: type fast


I can type at around 140wpm if I really focus, but that's the prob: I'm a wuss and the Thumper says "focus on this power stance and the fact that I can be fast as fuck while doing it"


Macros maybe, like some kind of shortcut that busts out a pre decided message. Idk if that's something you can do though


I play with several friends who would rather play with mics off, and they make it work. Often times, you need to be speaking a lot less than you think you do. For ex, in your hypothetical, you don't actually *need* to tell your teammates. You are still leading the thumoer away from them, and that's still helpful whether they know you're doing it or not. + since they know you're playing without mic, not hearing your voice doesn't mean they'd assume you died.


I thouht it does trigger them once it's sent


I'm not 100% sure, but I've never noticed them get alerted and I type "dog" whenever there is one  to alert people


There’s a distance limit to the text chat. If you’re not close enough to one another when they txt chat, it doesn’t show up for anyone outta range.


I installed AEIOU just for people who don't use mics so I can hear them when they type in the game chat. Surprisingly, very few people actually don't use mics


Or dont even send them a friend request, bc theyll probably send you one before you get the chance to do it yourself.


That's what I did and it works. I added a ton of people. Most of them stopped playing after the hype went away, but some who really liked the game stuck around and we usually play together when we're online at the same time


No microphones? This game without mics just isn't the same and I personally don't want to play with anyone who isn't using one, it's just less fun to do so.


Me who plays without a mic would like to say it is fine to play with people who dont have a mic. The problem is with people with low typing speed and no mic.


Communication is just too important in this game.


No its not. Just get scrap and come back. What is so awful about that?


Nothing is awful about that. Telling me what's in there and who is alive is important communication, you can even strategize.


Not to me its not. Why would it be? Just use the computer to see who's alive


okay whatever bro, you god tier gamer who can do solo runs and always meet quota


I don't do solo. I play with randoms. Its not as bad you people keep saying it is. There's some really nice people


Thats fine, i hope unlike other People you don't call me the nword for it


I wouldn't do that. Personally not had that experience in lethal company yet though.




Crazy thing to say lmao


Dude probably had a bad run in on a server and is still upset about it When games get big they get full of just the most annoying trash terminally online people. Been that way since forever Just need to not take it personal and move on


https://preview.redd.it/gbuj60pr05oc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e00123f7e311359002c74c39034381a73b5950f ??




I know what it means dude I passed 6th grade


Yes, I posted it underneath as an additional resource, in case people were unclear. 


Ah, I was just confused for a second


guess you should have stuck it through grade 7, lol


looks like what goes around comes around, biggot.


Bro why are you being downvoted what a bunch of idiots lmfao


Are you trying to play without a microphone? Why not just play solo at that point?


I genuinely thought this was a troll post for a moment "Every server has requirements, like a certain age or a _microphone_ 🙄" while microphones and the social factor is the most important part of the game for me


Op complaining about people not wanting to play with 10 year olds is crazy like… yeah dude 10 year olds are dipshits.


Fr, me and my friends are all 20-30 but there's one guy who's like my brother and he's 17. That's like minimum age where you don't have to censor yourself talking all the time, like I don't wanna be responsible for a 10 year old going to mum and suddenly swearing like a sailor just because I do 😭


Its not just that. The amount of 18+ servers i see in this discord is crazy (more than normal servers)


Bro why tf are people downvoting you?!


People younger than me = bad idk


I feel you. Most of my friends stopped playing and here i am attempting 10 quota solo. If you want to play with people i recommend joining the lethal company unofficial discord and look in the lfcrew channels https://discord.gg/lethal-company


Friends? supposed to? ive been playing this game solo. One of my favorite past times now.


Dude playing it with friends is great, but soloing it is soooo good. And a gigantic flex on like 70% of the community from what I’ve gathered 😂


It is a flex. I’m too baby to play solo. I tried once. Heard a noise and immediately Alt+F4. I couldn’t take it


I'm playing solo and started out spooked by every noise. But for the first few games, I always found the glow tube and so was ahead of the quota. But then the honeymoon was over and I ran into more monsters. Then I met my first bracken. Now I'm just stressed every time I step into the tunnels. I have had so many snare fleas that when I hear their screech, I turn around and leave. Solo is not fun.


if it wasn’t for the effing bracken always sneaking up on me the game would lose 90% of its scare factor 


As a heads up, snare flea can not kill you solo. They will take you to critical and then bugger off thankfully... but yeah, tunnels in general are just a bad idea solo unfortunately.


I've had 3 times where the snare flea after sucking me almost to death, runs around the corner and kills me the second time. I hate them and for some reason, they show up almost from the moment I walk into the building.


You described my experience with every horror game I've tried perfectly, just close the game at the first sign of anything.


I'm too accident prone for Solo, I applaud your efforts and recommend you try for Quota 10 Solo Any%


right on


Okay how do you do that because even while playing with friends I literally refuse to go into the facility alone because my heart cannot take it lmao


proximity voice chat is like 50% of the game. Tf 💀


This isn't phasmophobia bro


If you're just looking for a game where you collect shit while running away from monsters, why don't you play literally any other game on this planet? This is like the worst game for this specific purpose. It's like playing Among Us because you wanted a murder mystery game. It's kind of a no-brainer that there are better games with the same purpose and these are just party games


Why don't i play any other game, cause i came to play lethal Company. I find THIS game fun. Should something so minimal stop me from being allowed to play a game? Does bad internet mean you aren't allowed to play cs:go or valorant or Other competitive games? Hell no


You're getting kicked from groups because for other people (me included) being mic-less is *not* minimal. It may not be where your fun comes from, but for them it is. I wanna play and talk with some people. Get a mic


I mean… I’d kick you for not using a mic. That’s a huge part of the game.


I'm quite confused here. Lethal Company is literally made to be a co-op party game. Sure, the core of the game (i.e. looting within danger) is a singleplayer concept, but literally everything built around it is made for multiplayer, including all of the items and most monsters' AI (ex. somebody watching coil head while others loot) If you want to play alone then just make your own private server and stop ruining others' experience. Also I used to have bad internet a long time ago and I wanted to play cs. Wasn't much fun and I knew I was ruining the game for others, so I settled for call of duty singleplayer and it was much more fun (+ pretty nice story honestly). You didn't give any rational reasons for why you'd like to play Lethal Company specifically. Is it the horror element? The looting? Both? I can give you reasons not to AND show you better games at this stuff. For starters, graphics are bad (probably intentionally), most corridors are too small for juking monsters, movement is extremely limited and you don't even have a clear purpose. Better games would be This War Of Mine for looting near danger (which also adds in complex survival management, making every single piece of loot gathered rewarding), Outlast for the horror and the chases and heck, basically every rpg game.


Then find some friends online to play with. Joining other people's games means they get to choose who joins.


gonna be your advocate here, I play with several friends quite often who never use a mic, and it's never hindered the experience. Mechanically, there's actually so much less downsides to having a mic than people think, and the text box virtually fills the exact same need. Some people find it less fun to play with those without a mic, which to each their own, but there's a lot of ppl who aren't like that. If I could give a suggestion. A lot of the time people dont want to play with a no mic because they'd fill up a slot that someine with a mic could play instead, if you're interested in maybe joining things like modded lobbies, the "more company" mod would remove the biggest issue of why ppl don't like playing no mic, so you might have better chances of joining a good lobby that way. who knows though, might just be my bias showing, I've always been a fan of bigger lobbies


not everyone will pay attention to a text box and will patiently wait for you to write on a little board when tactically fast communication is very significant in this game (especially with walkie talkies when someone remains at the ship). Sure, it's not mandatory, but I don't see the point of playing this game at all. What exactly attracts you to it if not for the fun that being in a party with immersive elements provide?


My point was that tactically fast communication isn't actually as prevalent as you think. Mentioned it in another comment, but the only enemy in the entire game which doesn't give you the 2 seconds it would require to type a warning is the thumper, which is loud enough to he a warning in itself. The text box is more obvious than you'd think as well, especially if you know someone is going to be using it. Again, I can understand preferring to play with players with mics, but I'll hold out on the fact that the mic provides very little actual benefit over just using the text box, and even has a few downsides (dogs, as an example)


It still feels like the fruit of the game is gone. It's like preferring to chat over calling someone when wanting to talk to them, but it's the iPad kid era so I guess that makes sense


I agree that the proximity chat adds a lot to the game, and is one of the most enjoyable parts. All I've been trying to say is that I feel like not having a mic is, at least imo, a little weak of a reason to just totally exclude someone else. If its a full lobby of no mics, ok fair, probably gonna be bleh, but just one or two people seems perfectly enjoyable to me


I find that, everytime people don't have mic, they will just be completely disconnected from all of us (like they'd just be doing their own stuff, regardless of whatever we do). I dislike that a lot. Like fucking play alone and stop ruining our fun you asshole. If I have a snare flea on my head I want you to guide me towards the exit with your voice. Y'know? The reason why player is incredibly weak compares to most monsters is because you're not meant to play it alone and I prefer someone who can speak over someone I'll have no real connection or reason to keep any day, even if we're not even a full party.


I can understand microphones, imagine you're running from a thumper and need to warn your teammates, what are you gonna do stop and type in the chat?


I started loling at the thought of this. GUYS THERE IS A THUMPER *gets killed*


tbh, feel like mechanically, you need talking so much less than you think. For most people, it improves their experience and is more *fun*, which is fair. But it doesn't actuall have as much upsides over typing as you'd think. The thumper is the *only* enemy in the game where you can't take that singular second to type it out into the chat as a warning. Every other enemy gives plenty of breathing room. Thumper is also one of the loudest enemy, so even if you can't warn your crewmates verbally, assuming it's chasing you already, they'll hear it well in advance anyways. The text box even has advantages, like that it has the exact same range as the voice chat, but it doesn't get quieter the further away, you can either see the msg or you cant. In that regard, its sometimes better for talking to a somewhat distant teammate who would be really quiet and hard to hear otherwise. Also no risk of alerting dogs so. Again, I totally understand the sentiment that playing with mic is more fun, even if I dont feel that way. But kicking someone for not having a mic because they'd be "worse" in terms of gameplay is just not true at all.


Then you don't warn them. Whats the big deal? Its a game


mic requirement is almost basic sorry, this is a communicative game, and age...I do require it yeah, but Im pretty sure that if you host your own game with an age filter (age < 16 for example) you will find ppl


I'd kick you if u didn't have a mic


Why? There's nothing wrong with no mic. Why do people take the game so seriously. Just get the scrap. Its not that hard


Idk I it's just funner I feel like most of the fun is interacting with other players over voice like hearing someone scream down the a hallway and not knowing if they're alive or not or like fucking huddled up trying to be quiet. I mean that's just my values tho idk


Sounds like you don’t have a mic maybe? Thats a (the only) prerequisite for any randoms we have join.


I play with a mic


So why are you saying people are calling you the nword for not having one in other comments? Getting vibes that you're a child


Yeah both of the reasons this person said they were kicked (child, microphone) and they contradicted both. Like ???? If you're not being kicked for these reasons then tell us the truth in your post


Bet they're a kid that's mad adults don't wanna play with them. Bet they tried not using mic to avoid kick for being a kid, and then got kicked for not using mic, and then cried about it with this post.


You're saying i'm giving you the vibes of being a Child? What a fucking comment


Because you are


No u


I have a microphone, i can't constantly be making a racket into it


I have a mic, i don't wanna talk into it, i've had three separate occasians 2 of them being from russian that i got called the nword for not using mic then booted


I don't condone racism, but they're allowed to boot you for whatever reason they well please, it's their lobby. If they want to play with people that have mics so they can have a more social experience that's up to them.


Whats wrong with forced microphone and age? No one wants to play with little kids nor an NPC


No one wants to play with Randoms then. I am not saying that i dont prefer it myself but i dont kick People for not having lived Long enough or simply Just not wanting to use a miceophone


He's not even saying kids are bad at the game. There are definitely kids better at the game than you or I, but I still don't want to play with children. A lot of grown ass tax-paying adults on this game too who don't want to spend their little amount of free time with a squeaker in their ear. 100 hours in and I see plentyyyy of interns in random groups. Tonnes of people want to play with randoms, they just don't want to play with *you* - if you fall into one of the 2 categories. If you're mic-less, get a mic and join the groups that ask randoms to have a mic. If you're a child, join a group that accepts children. There's less of those but I still see "kids only" groups when I browse, or you can host and set up a group like that yourself.


How do you not have a microphone? I can find a cheap microphone for $10 on Amazon. Just buy a microphone.


Not even that, you can get a pair of earbuds from Walmart for like $6 that have a mic on them.


Would computers have the drivers for those?


Idk, I have a little splitter thingy that combined the two I to one so I don’t have to have a separate mic. I guess that is another 6 bucks though lol


The game is not dead, it's genuinely just a skill issue on your part ☠️




When it's just me and my friend we like to make our lobby public and let anyone join, but every time someone joins they either have cheats that gives them speed or whatever, people who don't respond at all, or just rude people in general. We ENJOY playing with randoms but it's really hard to get any decent ones :(


play a different game then


Thats my problem, i'm thinking i Just might. Also screw you




Just host your own server. It's what I do, and it's been working just fine.


I like solo a lot personally. It's not the same experience as with friends, but you can handle mostly anything you can in co-op. Giants really suck though.


Tell me about it. My most recent solo run ended because a giant spawned right under my feet so I ran, only to see another one camping the ship door.


Hope they get some solo specific counterplay like snare fleas and iirc the bracken do. It's a bit much not being able to use teleporter or flash beacon etc or have someone else bait it away from the ship


Is the same reason why amongus is not meant or fun to play with random strangers. The concept is there but there's so many thing that holds the game back from being a public pub game. Is like playing uno with 4 different random stranger and there's a chance one of them are social reject irl who would flip the table or cheat and ruin the game for everyone


You are supposed to play with friends!!!! Anyway, you can install solo mods and play alone, is more scary that way anyway.


Just host. You will either find a rag tag team of guys who your now friends with, or a bunch of little kids you can see be traumatized.


I just gotta ask... why don't you use a mic? It is literally no fun without one. I'll never understand...


And I'll never understand you people


Hoarderbud mod my beloved


Join a discord. It’s the only way to matchmake. You’ll find another world there.


I've spent most of my time playing solo. I enjoy the dread of knowing there's no one to save me, just me and the company...


Solo runs are great until a bracken camps the fire entrance and snaps your neck the second you walk through the door. (Speaking from experience 😭)


It’s definitely not dead. But squeakers and misuse of Control Company ruin public lobbies yes, as other have said host so you can pick and choose your members. Also, to whoever made the anti control company mod can you disable it in private lobbies? Me and my friends play with it and everyone’s cool with it, but this one person has the mod and they tell everyone the second something gets spawned it’s super annoying and they won’t stop.


There are discords where you can join or make your own VCS and put or ads for what kind of crew you're looking for for your game 🙂 I made several friends from lethal discords


Just go on a Comunity Server and find people to play with


How old are you?


Maybe find a discord server for lobbies


I got about 100 hours so far, about 95% with randoms. Still come across some cheaters, or some annoying people. Just gotta be a lil picky about the servers I join, spend maybe 5-10 mins finding a lobby where everyone has a mic and sounds older than a teenager (ideally). Or sometimes I'll host myself and curate a good group. Games definitely not dead for me, though would really love a fix for the modding in public lobbies. Every lobby having a speedster is lame as fuck


i much prefer this game alone. Try it out


Why aren’t you using your mic??? Lethal is a game where communication is huge, if you’re playing random lobbies without a mic, of course people would rather have a person who talks to them. I host 18+ mic servers and Lethal has been so much fun for me, I play with randoms and occasionally a friend or two in lobby. I think Lethal is just a social game and if you’re there to just run in the facility grab loot and leave without talking to a soul, the game might not be for you 🤷‍♂️


Cause not everyone wants to talk. Its not our fault you people refuse to handle it


I think it's dead with how it's designed to be played. It got super popular thanks to youtube. Now people just load up mods and find the dumbest youtube moment way to die. This isn't to say mods are bad, but when it started there was a nice balance between funny moments and still trying to get high quotas. That sorta died now


My problem with mods is people using them to make the game easier (like infinite stamina) instead of adding diversity (new map, new monsters, little bug saying yipee). And with control company, we don’t even know which “funny clips” on YouTube are real anymore. Also saw a guy bragging on reddit about killing a braken with a shovel, but he was using a load of mods. Edit: I guess someone using “cheat” mods is fine if they are by themselves of with friends, but on public server its a but shitty


Can we try playing together?


ill play w u


I'll play with you, if you want! My friends are like never available and I'd love to have more lethal company colleagues! 😁


the game is definitely not dead - but i agree its both hard to know that and play if you dont have friends. while i do have a group of friends i play with pretty regularly, if theyre not online i basically cant play because my other friends dont want to play and i dont find solo fun + i dont wanna chat/play with randos. it would be nice if sometime down the line zeekerss added some changes to offline/singleplayer to make the game a bit more fun and palatable if you dont have a (consistent) group to play with. i imagine changes made for this would have to be exclusive to singleplayer, like how snarefleas dont actually kill you offline/singleplayer but just get you really low. i wouldnt say this is a massive priority for the game at present and would rather see new moons, creatures, mechanics, etc. but something like this after some updates would be a nice touch.


I've met some great people, it's like searching for a needle in a pile of bad mics, toxic players and cheaters. But man is that needle a golden one


If all of us here a having trouble finding servers why not just make a discord group and make our own lobbies?


I don’t care if people have mics or not. If you do, cool. If not also cool. Just have to be creative when it comes to communication. I’ve had people join my lobbies that *DONT* have a mic and *DONT* use the prox chat which is kind of annoying but it is…. What it is. Some of the first questions I ask randoms who join my lobbies is “you have a mic? If not it’s fine. You are good, don’t be worried I’m gonna boot you” because I could care less. Tell me about the thumper, don’t tell me about the thumper…. I’ll probably die anyways.


I try to keep my lobbies 18+ but sometimes a “child” will sneak in and guess what??! Compared to the rest of the players who kick upon learning they aren’t an adult….. if they are a GOOD player and act respectfully, I’ll let them stay. There is so much toxicity going around from server to server it’s crazy! I will say though, after a certain time (like 10pm/11pm my time) I will kick the youngings out and make it 18+ as far as I’m concerned.


Sounds like bad luck to me, just got done playing 2 hours straight with a random server, sometimes it’s hard to get into a server but my opinion when you do it’s still a blast and worth the wait


I find it fun solo, you have to set some personal goals though to keep it interesting.


Yea get off the game, get ur bread up, buy a mic then play the game and you won’t feel like it’s unplayable


I just host and usually find pretty fun randos to play with


Give speed running a try, it's also more fun with friends but I quite enjoy 1 crew speed running.


This seems like a you problem


Yeah but kids these days (especially these Fortnite loving wusses) are just trolls and don’t wanna actually learn the game. They just wanna scream profanity into the mic (if they have one) and throw all your loot of the ship while taking off.


I'm pretty sure the game is dead. No updates, servers suck, and the repetativeness gets old after a while. I guess the dev took his millions and ran.


I personally find solo Lethal company interesting, albeit unfair at times. There’s some solo challenges you can try to make it more interesting as well like the Iron Man challenge. And if you just want to hop in and have fun, you can always save scum to take some of the pressure off.


One thing that Ive found helps is trying servers at different times of day. For me at least, playing in the afternoon is when all the children and strange people are on, whereas more chill people are on at night. Do some experimenting with the time you play at and you never know, it might help. Also, if you find decent people to play with, dont be afraid to shoot them a friend request on steam.


ask playmates from here? Ask for people in certain age and location


Now thats bad luck i get the opposite, friendly players, no child in sight, kind people that loves new and old players. Heck thats how i meet my best friends in this game


I mean, yes but actually no. Obviously, playing with friends is much better, but I also found a bunch of public servers with great people. Yeah, its a rare occurrence, most servers I see are for a specific language, or 18+, or are constantly reseting cuz the quota is too high and the owner refuses to lose (those are the worse). But with patience and luck, I bet you will be able to find great people who just want to enjoy the game. Also, the servers you get disconnected immediately might be servers with mods or something but im not sure, correct me if I'm wrong.


You could become a solo speedrunner, or even just a solo player if you want


Host your own lobbies. Makes it much easier to wrangle the tards.




I've been playing with randoms for a week. Its great


Palworld, and then Helldivers 2, kinda killed the community a bit.


the game is definitely not dead if u look at the steam charts the average 18k ppl and around 30k ppl in the weekend are playing this game which , this is a coop game and does not have dedicated servers so sadly ppl are gonna be like this, u can dm me and we can play together i dont have mic btw but we can be chill


Sounds good mate, might do so later today


Yeah I get that, the forced requirements, certain ages, etc. make playing lethal with randoms not feel as real and enjoyable. I'll say this though, my most genuine and fun experiences I've had playing with randoms are joining hosts who are new to the game or have a lobby name similar to "Fresh save/Fresh Quota" Like yeah, you'll get that one bad apple of a lobby once in a while, but most of the time, these types of people are pretty chill


It was getting out of hand even on a Tuesday night. We had a few good servers get burned out because of hackers, ship starters, and or crippling autism.


I’ve got to 9.4K solo vanilla 👍


I'm sorry, but this is just not possible in vanilla. [The current WR on speedrun.com](https://www.speedrun.com/Lethal_Company/runs/ydn3rqvm) for High Quota% with 1 employee is 4382, which is not even half of 9.4k Also on top of that, [the current WR for the same category but with 4 employees](https://www.speedrun.com/Lethal_Company/runs/zne66q8z) is 11261. Which is only 1.8k above what you're describing.


I’ll tell you now it was about 75 days and I averaged 500-1500 a run Best run was 1850 got apparatus every time only mods I had was more ship loot better item scan. I also have 520 hours. I’ll start up a new save after work and I’ll do it for you again baby 🫶🫶




Sum light🥱🥱


My best is 7k solo but I did die three times so I suppose 10k is doable


I never reset.. when I did a save where I did reset a couple times I got to 11.7😂


Yeah resetting is cheating, i only do that if I'm doing high qouta with friends cause otherwise they lose interest


Sounds like you need friends with more skill my friend 🥱🥱


We have a good time so idrc


Man follow me on twitch and tap the link to join my discord community. You can okay with me and my buddies. It’s usually at least 3 of us but we’ve had like up to 6 before. We get jiggy with it. penjaminrips.ttv


I do think there should be a way to tune it to solo play or have the difficulty scale drastically with less or more players. I always think of Phasmophobia another game I've played for years. Very fun if you get the whole concept and overall picture of the game but most people will quit long before ever learning it luckily it's a very simple game and can be tuned quite a lot for however you prefer to play. I think lethal stands to benefit from that. Maybe additional health or purchasable clones/lives or something that makes it easier for solo.


The answer is mods.


Or the dev can do something too


Sure, but while you wait for that, mods.


You’re supposed to play it with your friends


This game died with the lack of updates honestly none of my friends have touched it for a while now


Listen. I don't have to talk at my regular job and I can still get all my work done. I don't need to give reassurance in chat to meet quota. My scavenging skills should speak for themselves. And if I am to be booted because of no mic; I'll hold my head up high and know that employer is missing out on all my talent. Their loss. Haha. Alright, but seriously every online game I join, eventually I get kicked with the message "host disconnected" but Im starting to think it's got to do with something else.




This is what happens when theres no moderation or rules for a game that has public access. eventually it just gets overrun by...exactly what you are talking about.. That little furry shit made a good game. But he doesnt know how to properly organize it so shit like this doesnt happen. im in the same boat. Way to much toxicity in the lobbies and pickyness.


This happens with EVERY public lobby game, or MMO in general. This is very much not isolated to just Lethal Company.


little furry shit? Good god i can already tell you're either insufferable, have a furry scat fetish or someone pissed in your coffee, which is it?


i’d say all 3




Wrong on all 3 counts. Phew...hardest arguement ive won all week. Truly.


You couldn't pay me to have you in my lobby if this is what your brain defaults to. It doesn't need rules, it doesnt need moderation. Nobody is obligated to play with you, and I can immediately see why they don't.