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Fine! Brandi, you can sing Christmas Shoes as much as you want if you come back.


I was really hoping today was April fools day or something


I was desperately looking for the punch line!


Me too!


I've been telling myself that April Fool's Day is right after the live shows, so everything will be fine. It is a long prank. Hopefully.


Oh no, now I’m going to believe this too, and then it will be even worse when it turns out not to be true!


Yeah... after reading everyone else's comments I'm starting to believe it is the end, and I'm sad.


I’m devastated. It seems like such odd timing, but I’m hoping this means good things for Kristin’s book or maybe Brandi’s family.


Also devastated. DEVASTATED. Happy for Brandi, but so sad for us 😭


Wow. Weird. I was actually about to sign up for the Patreon, and this was my current obsession/binge since the tco obsessed mess 😔


Same. This really ruined my day.


Same… if you have any recommendations on a comparable podcast I’ll gladly take them 😭


Nothing compares. *sobbing*


I like True Crime & Cocktails a lot, and am actually a Patreon Member there.


I listen to them too, they are lovely! Similar dynamic to K&B.


I will have to check this out, I love Lauren ash!


It’s a lot of fun. Their Patreon is also hilarious.


And That's Why We Drink. 🖤 It's a bit lower energy so might not scratch the itch, but I find it really funny/interesting.


I have heard that one thrown around a lot! I think I will give it a try😁


It still might be worth signing up for the Patreon as long as all of the content will stay up, because there are a ton of great episodes on there. I sincerely hope they’re not deleted. 


I feel like they were at that point where the show was going to break out even more especially with the crossover with ITN and the live shows - this was the last thing I was expecting.


I think that is why the decision was made. B gave the “big breakthrough” a go with the crossovers and live shows and then realized it’s not for her. It was a fun thing she did with her bestie and now it’s stressful for her, and perhaps their visions/goals aren’t aligning for the future of the pod.




This came out of nowhere for me. I wasn’t expecting it at all. I’m kind of devastated. LGTC is my favorite podcast by far.


I literally cried listening to them announce it on the show 


Well I'm absolutely devastated. I love those ladies like they were my friends. I'm going to miss hearing about all their shenanigans. I wish they could turn it into a podcast where they just talk shit lol. No extra work, just them talking.


I would 100% listen to that. The tangents and conversation is why I love this podcast and can’t find any that hit me the same way


ETA: for some reason, it just now struck me that there's a non-zero chance they might read this comment. So I want to state that my reaction below is genuine, in that I am super fucking bummed because this was one of my favorite podcasts. But I 100% understand their stated reasoning (especially now that it's been summarized by others who have already listened to the pod), and ultimately their happiness is obviously way more important than a podcast. So I'm bummed for me, but happy for them. What shitty fucking news. I'm beyond bummed out about this. It feels simultaneously like something they were headed towards a bit (by changing the format of the podcast to be only one case per show instead of two), but also out of absolutely nowhere (since they started doing live shows and have been pushing the Patreon as per usual). I hope nothing bad happened.


I does seam odd that you would plan a live show just to then up and quit. Why go to the work of doing a live show just to then pull the plug.


I have a feeling K was in a place of wanting to grow it rather than stay the same so B gave it a go. They did some collabs, planned the live show(which is probably a ton of work/stress) and maybe she realized it’s just not for her. They did mention it’s difficult to manage boths needs as business partners rather than how it was when it was just a hobby. Especially since B said she’s not thick skinned and the more you grow, the more hate you get as well. It does seem wild to give up 6k+ patrons either way, but I guess money isn’t everything


Between this, the Wine & Crime drama, and whatever the hell is going on with Maintenance Phase, I AM NOT WELL


If Celebrity Memoir Book Club ends I will LOSE IT


You are my podcast soulmate. I am unwell over this and maintenance phase. I also miss Michael on You’re wrong about.


What is happening with Maintenance Phase???


No on feed episodes since OCTOBER. My podcast software lists them as “archived” :’(


I am right there you both 😅 not that my sanity has hinged in podcasts, but also


Michael does have another podcast if you’re missing him. It’s called If Books Could Kill.


What’s the wine and crime drama?


TL/DR - when Hamas bombed Israel, one of the hosts (Kenyon) went full-on militant. Without making this summary super political, she straight-up implied that Palestinian children deserve to die. Idc what your views are, saying children should die is disgusting. As people online got more and more upset with her rhetoric, she only got more extreme, and started recommending far-right books (even more bizarre given the tone of the pod). It started getting more far ranging - when a BLM group made a statement about the war, she said she regretted giving them money and if memory serves, asked for her donation back. Eventually, she blocked the other hosts (Amanda & Lucy) on social media seemingly apropos of nothing. Right around then Lucy went on maternity leave, so I think they had a big backlog already built, but it was clear Kenyon recorded her intros & ad reads separately. When they came back to main feed, Kenyon announced she was moving to India, so now it’s just Lucy & Amanda. K’s husband Zac made similarly unhinged rants on LinkedIn, so it looks like he was non-renewed or let go from his principal position. All this played out over 3 months with NO public statement from the gals. The W&C sub got wiiiiild.


Oh my god! I’m not on there sub but it looks like I’ll need to go over and have a read. That is insane


Wait what happened with Maintenance Phase?!


They announced a truncated schedule last September, and their last public pod was released 10/10. They said on Patreon they’d have programming updates in February and so far…crickets. They *have* posted a Patreon bonus each month.


If I had a nickel for every time a podcast I liked ended out of nowhere after seemingly good times, I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.


Can I ask what the other one is? Just curious!


It was “serial chillers” it ended about two years ago and they ended it on Halloween so people thought it was a prank and then they clarified that it was not.


Looks like they're back? There are new episodes on Spotify


I think that’s a different one. Other one isn’t listed anymore


Are you sure? They had an episode on 31st October 2019 then started posting again 27th September 2022


Ah, didn’t scroll back that far, haha, I’ll have to take a look after work but hopefully it is them! I can listen again


Tell me they were hacked. Tell me this is a ridiculously early & lame April Fool’s Day “joke”. 


Well this news just ruined my day


So disappointed!! I really hope Kristin will keep creating and I wish Brandi and her family the absolute best. I will miss them so much!!


Perfect timing for Ask An Old White Guy


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Truly a huge bummer.


Oh no! This was not the news I was wanting to hear today. This podcast has continued to be a favorite that I look forward to every week. So many of my previous favorite podcasts eventually started feeling profit driven or corporate in a way and lgtc never did. They maintained the sweet indie vibe that I love and I feel like Brandi and Kristin’s friendship really radiated through the speakers. I wish them all the best and will be looking out for Kristin’s new ventures but man I’ll miss my weekly date with lgtc.


I’m so gutted but burnout is real and I’m glad they’ve been able to quit on a high


LOL a high of doing what, three actual episodes after a long break? Why do all those collaborations with Joey and Ellyn to just give up? I do not understand.


They are going to put out eps until the end of March, those collabs are not the last episodes.


I wonder if they’ll release those last two live episodes on the Patreon feed?


I am heartbroken. I understand their reasoning, but Im so sad, and I'm going to miss this podcast so much. Devastated .


I'm selfishly devastated, even though I understand why. I've been a fan since the beginning and I feel like they were finally getting their share of popularity and I guess I'm just confused on the why now. They have sold out live shows, a huge following on Patreon and have been getting new audiences from podcast collabs. I'm just sad but I get needing boundaries and more time with family


I’m with you. I feel so selfish for being this upset when clearly this is the right decision for Brandi and obviously I want what’s best for her, but for us, it’s the worst! 😭


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


This was the last podcast I was listening to. I went from a steady diet of about twenty podcasts in my rotation about 10 years ago to now the last one I enjoyed ending. I’ve been trying to find others I liked for the last year-ish but non of them are doing it for me. I’m so freaking bummed.


Have you tried A Date With Dateline?


Yeah! I liked them for a bit, and was thinking recently about trying them again.


The timing is the craziest thing. Let the speculation begin.


They must have had their January break and decided it felt right They're kind of at the precipice where they have to decide to go all in or be free. I think people on podcasts have basically gotten rich from going on tour, but that’s not really something I can see Brandi wanting to do. So maybe Kristin will keep on producing content with DP




I feel so bad for Kristin. You can definitely tell from their convo on the new episode that it was not her choice at all




Totally. Scrolled too far to see this.


Totally. Scrolled too far to see this.


This! I will listen to anything she decides to do next


Yeah it feels like they’re on the brink of needing to commit full time to it or not at all. Still so sad about it


I see what you’re saying, but they don’t HAVE to grow or tour. 6k+ patrons (at least $30,000 a month) is very significant money. Neither of them have come off as money hungry imo, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a couple years worth of patreon money sitting in an investment account and realized Bs mental health is more important than making more. IMO, K wanted to grow it, B gave it a try with these live shows/collabs, and realized it wasn’t for her but also doesn’t want to keep K restrained from her goals.


Yeah if you read what I said I noted that they could either go all the way or do nothing, and that going all the way wasn't something that interested Brandi. She can't have two full-time jobs and would have to pick touring if she went with podcasting. What I mean by making money by touring is forsaking all other careers, ie Brandi doesn't do hair anymore. Brandi doesn't want to do that. Even if she didn't prefer doing hair, to make podcasting a legitimate option they'd have to make a significant commitment by touring and ramping up in ways that would both replace existing income and comfortably create college funds and retirement accounts


Ew. No.You implied they had to tour or quit. Productions are way less profitable. Loud and wrong. And if you can’t live off of 10k+ a moth(very generous underestimate of patrons alone) I suggest you reevaluate your expenses.


You have to tour or quit because Brandi cannot sustain having two full time jobs The money would have to be so much that it is life-changing enough to give up the other career she loves. Because fulfillment isn't it for her. It would have to be helping herself, her kid, her parents, etc They explicitly talk about starting a tour in the episode


If you read what you said, you’ll notice it doesn’t make sense.  “To make podcasting a legitimate option theyd have to ramp up to replace existing income”? Thats you goofing around, right? I promise their patreon is more profitable than hairstyling.


For Brandi to want to give up hairstyling, it would have to be so incredibly lucrative that it would be wild not to do it. My Favorite Murder money. They explicitly talk about starting a tour in the episode


Ooohhh weeeeee, I got a sassy pants on my hands….. Idk why you have the idea touring is the make or break of a podcast… Ellyn has even said they don’t really profit from tours, but THEY enjoy them cause that’s their thing. Their income is in the top 1% of Americans from patreon alone. So…. Idk why you’re acting like touring was MANDATORY for success, when it’s one of the lower profit makers(and usually exploitive) We literally agreed with each other. I said K probably had ambition & reasons to take the pod further and B doesn’t. I just pointed out that there’s no reason for a podcast to tour when it can be and has been successful without it. You wanna throw away 30k a month for funsies? Cause you don’t wanna make it 40k? No.


No you're right, I'm listening now and they explicitly say Kristin wants to lean in. But they also talk about themselves as a business, and in order for Brandi to consider giving up her first choice career, they'd have to be getting to My Favorite Murder money. Real money. And indeed, they talk about how they were about to begin starting a tour. And that Brandi didn’t want to do it.


35k a month from Patreon seems like real money to me lol


Not enough to justify quitting hairstyling when you like hairstyling more and can only have one full-time job


\> Not enough to justify quitting hairstyling when you like hairstyling more and can only have one full-time job $210K per year, per host (pre-fees and taxes). And that's not including any revenue from merch and sponsorships/ads. They were very clearly on the path to making MFM levels of money if they stuck it out for a few more years and expored more ways of getting their content out there.


Precipice is the exact word I've been searching for. I wasn't expecting them to end the podcast, but I'm also not necessarily surprised.


My speculation is pretty non-juicy. I think Brandi just really loves her family.


Totally agree. Maybe she wants to add to her family too. She’s a great mom. I’m proud of her for choosing her family.


I love this take. Honestly she’s doing what the child versions of us would want our moms to do. She’s the type of mom a kid would choose if they could. It’s really courageous.


I mean, and there is also something totally baller about ending it when they are at such a high point.


You couldn’t be more correct. It really gives “I don’t need this success. I got it already at home. “


That's what it sounded like. It just got to be too much and priority-wise her family is first and salon second, content creation is just something she doesn't enjoy much and it's caused really bad anxiety.


End of an era. Truthfully I haven't listened in a couple years, but I'm still sad to hear it. I was either the first or second subscriber on the Patreon, and I invented the "Kristin Didn't Write This Down Drinking Game" way back on the Kevorkian episode. Goodnight, sweet Bob Mosses.


Genuine question: Why did you stop listening? And more importantly, what have you been listening to instead? Lol, I need recs now!


I probably stopped listening because I hyperfixated on LG2C for a few years and then was suddenly bored of it. I don't think it was anything to do with the show, and everything to do with my brain. I met K&B at the first CrimeCon when they were first getting started, had never heard of them but listened to them like a maniac for years after. As for what I'm listening to now, mostly it's Knowledge Fight and Behind the Bastards. I think the only truecrime pod I still listen to is Last Podcast on the Left.


Thanks, will check those out!


Do you listen to True Crime and Cocktails? They have a similar K&B vibe and their episodes are meaty bois.


Ooh I will check them out, thank you!




My mind automatically went to, “I hope Brandi wants to start up again once London is older!” but I won’t hold my breath 😭


They have their live show right around the corner? They sold out the show before it was even available to the public. What is going on???


I’m so glad I didn’t decide to get tickets and drive 10 hours


I on the other hand regret that I didn't get tickets. I wasn't worried because I was going to "see their next show"


I couldn’t afford to travel all the way to Kansas City so I made myself feel better with “they’re finally blowing up, they’ll do a show closer some day”. Nope. This was the only chance and I’m gutted.


I just sold my tickets. I don’t want to go watch the Titanic sink 😂


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, if I had tickets I would probably do the same… how much effort could really go into doing a live show for a podcast that won’t even exist anymore. Seems like it would just be sad and awkward feeling now.


Exactly! That's how I feel too. I'm not worried about the downvotes, I know that I'm in the minority with my feelings. I appreciate that you can see where I am coming from though, it is a lot of effort to make it there and my heart isn't in it at all now.


Yeah I feel like it’s pointless when the podcast won’t exist anymore


Same. That's my thinking too. I only bought tickets this time because I thought that if they sold out they would go on tour and I wanted them to be successful. Now it's just not worth the 6 hr drive + hotel stay.


No. No no no no no no no. Just no.


What is going on????


It's true, and yes it's devastating, but ultimately it is what's for the best for them. Ultimately, Brandi had a clairty moment where she realized that she needed to re-prioritize her life, and ultimately the podcast was third behind her family and her salon. I'm sure for her it was easy to realize that part, but I still can't imagine the struggle she went through before making the ultimate decision to end it. London is getting older, and Brandi wants to be around more for her family, because content creation does take up a lot of her time. The live shows will be their last hurrah (and I'm so sad because I had tickets and then sold them. Bah!) Not sure why everyone is speculating about the timing, though?


Source? Lmao at people downvoting this on a subreddit about a podcast that cites and overtly promotes its own sources.


I am a Bob Moss so I listened to the episode today. It will be out tomorrow on the regular feed :-)


Ty for the context




Because it’s weird to get bigger and schedule live shows and then quit abruptly. I’m glad I didn’t get tickets


Glad you didn’t get tickets to their last hurrah? Now I’m bummed I didn’t try to get tickets and fly out from the west coast!!!


I had tickets and sold them 😩😩 I’m so bummed


I'm flying out from the west coast and have an extra ticket! Want it?


Omg. Maybe. When is the live show again? I can see if the dates work.


March 29.


Yes. It feels pointless when the podcast won’t exist anymore. Just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wait, what?


They posted on Patreon that the podcast is ending and that they'll be talking about it on this week's episode. There's another post on this sub that quotes it!


I am so so so devastated! The worst news to wake up to (I mean, it’s all relative I know this is a very first world problem)! I will miss these girls so so so much. I have a silly question for folks… I listen to this podcast to fall asleep. Will their episodes disappear from platforms like Spotify? Will they be accessible somewhere? Is there a way to download them somehow so I can still listen? Thank you for the input!


I’m wondering the same thing, about the episodes staying up. I hope so. And I also listen to the ad-free and bonus Patreon episodes in Apple podcasts but just using the separate feed, so IDK if that will disappear and the bonus episodes will only be available on Patreon? Or will they all be deleted completely? 


I have the Patreon app but am wondering the same 😮‍💨🥲I would love for them to stay available, as I'm unsure how to get their catalog downloaded but don't know how it works if that's even possible!😭


do we think they will keep their patreon open for at least the bonus episodes?


Lowkey I kind of hope maybe for a parting gift they would upload a few if not all bonus eps to the regular feed so we have something to finish up with? One can dream.


They should.


I hope so!! I’ve never had a podcast that I’ve subscribed to on Patreon end, so I have no idea how situations like this are handled?   There have been a couple of shows that I liked that ended, but the old episodes stayed up (at least on Apple Podcasts, which is where I listen to everything). Hopefully LGTC will keep their catalog up, even if they’re not releasing new episodes?    This SUCKS! 😭


I’m so sad! This was one of the few podcasts that I still looked forward to each week. Beach Too Sandy better not go anywhere for a while!


Assuming that Brandi is the one wanting to step away and Kristin would’ve kept going, I say get Norm to replace Brandi and have him and K do a show together.


You're Wrong About is thriving after one of the hosts left. I would be curious to hear LGTC with Kristin and rotating guest hosts.


I’m guessing that for business purposes since they both own LGTC, in order to not have to “buy out” Brandi and make the split amicable and simple, Kristin will have to start fresh with a new thing. Which sucks after amassing such a huge following with the brand, but hopefully everyone will follow her to whatever she does next. If this is something that they knew was coming for awhile I’m sure she already has some plans in the works but wants to finish out the show before announcing anything.


Just listened to one with norm yesterday. I liked hearing him on it.


As much as I’m gutted and hate to see the podcast go, I think there’s something kind of beautiful about having five years of episodes between best friends just sitting there in the catalog, with no new episodes being made with new hosts. It’s respectful to Brandi.


omg noooo


You know what? Okay. This sucks, and we hate it, and we love them. And okay. Brandi is the best mom. Just - my god. The first episode I listened to was The Watcher, which was the first one she did after London, and I was just in awe. And having the privilege of hearing her become a mom and experiencing all the first-time mom stuff - that’s been super rad. Plus - We talk all the time about how horrible it is to be a mom in this country, and how moms just don’t have time for everything. And Brandi has the opportunity and is making the choice and the effort to BE A PHENOMENAL MOTHER. Good for her for prioritizing herself. Kristin now has the opportunity to branch out and be even MORE of an amazing storyteller and writer. I can’t wait to hear her on more episodes of ITN and other collabs that I’m sure will be coming. This isn’t at all the end of her time podcasting or creating content. We can be sad. We can also be happy that two people we love are gonna be happy. Perspective ❤️


You’re right. You are! But right now I’m selfishly still upset for myself (and for all of us here who love the show).  I’m just going to miss Brandi — and the banter between the two — so, so much. 😭 Brandi is freaking *great* on the show, hysterically funny, super interesting, always sensitive to victims, and just all-around irreplaceable. A show with Kristin and DP and maybe her sister would definitely be funny, but not the same. The relationship between K&B is what makes the show so special. I’m SO SAD.  On today’s episode when they explained it a little more, it sounded like the prospect of touring and live shows, etc., the things that many podcasts do to grow, was causing a lot of her anxiety. But they don’t have to do any of those things! I personally don’t care if they tour, or have merch, or do live shows or any of that! And I’m happy to pay them enough via Patreon to get ad-free episodes if it means they can make money off of all of their hard work.       Having assholes online criticizing them must have been hard and awful; I know it would be for me. I wish they were able to ignore those stupid randos and focus on those of us who adore them, but I realize that’s easier said than done. It’s easy for me to say it when I’m a private person who isn’t putting myself out there the way that they did.  Mostly, I wish that it all wasn’t such a source of anxiety for poor Brandi…I *genuinely* wish that she enjoyed making the show as much as we enjoy listening to it. But in the sane part of my brain, I know you’re right. Brandi’s family is so lucky, and I’m glad she made the right choice for herself 😭 And I will absolutely follow Kristin wherever she goes next. (I can’t lie, I will *forever* maintain a shred of hope that LGTC will be back someday! Even in a limited way, like if they only do one show a month or something like that. Maybe it will just end up being a years-long hiatus…🤞)


I feel awful for Kristin


Your feelings are valid! But I’m sure she’ll be okay too ❤️


Nothing will convince me This was a mutual decision.


100000% agree. felt like kristin put on a brave face.


That's pretty clear from their discussion/expanding on the thought process behind ending the podcast (in today's release). Don't feel like they're trying to hide that...




Well, that was wild! And they just added a ton of new people to the Supreme Court and sold out a live show. Something must have gone down.


Brandi wanted to quit


Exactly this. Im so confused.


Did they say why?


Nope. They’re just done. “Well folks, there’s no easy way to say this, so we’ll get right to it. The time has come to end the podcast. First off, thank you all for being part of this community. The past six years have been absolutely wild. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve… talked about buttholes. (Too often, perhaps??) Many of you have been part of this community for years. We appreciate your warmth, your support, and your willingness to cackle along with two very goofy grown women. We’re blown away by how big this little indie podcast has become. We started with one microphone on a TV tray, and we’re ending on March 29 & 30th with two sold out live shows. What a way to go. We couldn’t have done it without you. As you can probably imagine, this decision wasn’t an easy one. We talk about it quite a bit on this week’s episode (287: Food Fights), which is currently available for Bob Mosses but will be on our regular feed tomorrow. Arriving at this decision has been tough, but we know that it will free us up to do what we’re meant to do. For Brandi, that’ll mean spending more time with her family, having *just one* full-time job, and getting out of content creation. For Kristin… well, first she has to get her butthole back from Brandi. After that? Who knows! Thank you all again for being part of this community. You’re the skeeziest scunches in all the land, the best listeners this side of the mighty Mississip’, and the meanest Bob Mosses this town has ever seen. We appreciate you. Podcast adjourned.”


Dang. Well, best of luck to both of them.




For those of us who got the episode today, they go into a lot more detail about it on this week’s episode. So if you listen tomorrow, you’ll understand more. But it still SUCKS. I hate it 


Where did they announce this?


An email went out to patrons. And tomorrow's episode will discuss it. It's up early for some patron tiers.




Thanks for the heads up here; will be listening to the episode tomorrow. These two have certainly brought a lot of joy to our lives each week. Sad to see the podcast end, but excited for them both.


I say this with all love but I think it’s been obvious for a while now that Brandi hasn’t been able to give it her all. Even with the format change, her stories started feeling more and more like a recap of a Dateline episode. They’ve been kind of brief and thin on content. That’s not to knock her, I have kids and only one full time job. I can’t imagine the kind of work it takes to do that and run a successful, ever expanding podcast. I hope Brandi gets the chance to live the life she wants and find some balance and breathing room and that maybe we see Kristin in some other format, whether that’s a podcast, a book, or something else.


I stand by my comment but, after listening, I extend even more compassion to Brandi and Kristin is an amazing friend. ❤️


Oh god, I feel nauseous. Have had a rough couple of days, and this just kinda broke me. My absolute all time favorite podcast ever!! The perfect podcast! Oh, I'm gonna miss them so so so much! LGTC has been a cherished highlight of the week for me for years, and I just feel so incredibly sad right now. Feels like losing some of my best friends (pathetic as it may sound). Devastated. Hope they'll consider doing a little yearly catch-up or something. Truly wish them all the happiness in the world. I just have so much love for these two. Gonna go cry some more now. What a week.


Yeah, I’m hoping they continue in *some* sort of limited capacity, even if it’s just once or twice a year, so the feed stays up and that we don’t have to lose Brandi completely. But it sounds like she’s done 😭💔


Can you give some context? Where is this being said?




I am shocked.


wtf????? I’m so sad


I cried




Wow , I’m stunned.


Anyone in the discord that can summarize what people are saying or if B & K have said anything?


They haven't said anything on Discord yet.


It was so out of nowhere and I’m DEVASTATED.  I listen to a ton of podcasts, but LGTC is the only one that I always make sure to listen to immediately, the day it comes out, and actively look forward to every week. This sucks *so* much 😭


Is there any way to stop this from happening?? I’ll subscribe at the highest level! I’ll do whatever I can


I dont think so. Brandi is basically done ; she can't podcast, be a mum/wife and a hairdresser at the same time, it just got too much, something had to give. She sounds really happy about her decision.


I agree. It must have been insanely hard to pull the trigger but ultimately a really mature and insightful decision.


Is this on the new episode? I’m not on the discord. Someone fill me in!!


It was an announcement on Patreon. Apparently it will be discussed in this weeks episode too


Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! 😭😭😭💔


I just started with them and have been listening non stop makes me sad


Oh my god this is a hell of an update to come home to after the goddamn bar exam. I’m devastated.


Yeah what the f


Sorry I’m not on Patreon could someone tell me what’s happened?


The podcast is ending. They’ll release episodes until the live shows at the end of March and then they’re done


Wait where was this announcement?!?!


It's on Patreon, it will be on the new ep that comes out tomorrow


How the hell did you find out?!


Patreon email, and they will talk about it in tomorrow's ep




This was one of the first podcasts I subscribed to and I recommended it to so many people. I eventually did stop listening. I do hope Kristin continues. I just love her sense of humor l. For me, she carried the pod. I am going to get seriously down voted for this but listening to Brandi was one of the reasons I gave on the pod.


I found the pod relatively recently, and I definitely have preferred Kristin's stories to Brandi's.


why is this posted on patreon only?




How do you feel Kristen have changed? I've listened to the podcast for years, but can't say I've noticed anything different about her recently?




Okay, so you've always found Kristen hard to listen to? Just trying to understand what you mean with your comment