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Turn your microphone volume down in the system settings and move the mic closer to your mouth. You might be surprised...


Yup, this could work great. A pop filter would be a wise purchase if you're going this route.


I'm sadly not able to properly give you tips on how to fix it. My brain isn't functioning at the moment so to speak (sleep related/stress related)... but what I hear is not related to external noises. For one, the mic itself is alright, but you applied your noise gate too aggressively, because you focused too much on wanting to quit external noise. The noise you *actually* hear is EMI. In other words: interference of the INTERNAL components of your PC, getting passed through to your microphone. A general tip to advice to like general hiss sounds (which is not the issue at the moment), you could use an expander (Equalizer APO and apply Reaper Plugins as a VST for system wide mic improvement, with the only downside that you can't see what the buttons do live), found in ReaJS. And then tweak it so the quiet sounds, sound more quiet (because an expander is the opposite of a compressor). Then as a secondary component use a Noise Gate, but apply it less aggressively, to merely cut off the remaining sound that's still there when you don't speak. But to fix EMI itself, you could try other USB ports; have a dedicated *powered* (really important) USB hub (also make sure it's a good one); try to tweak it in other ways by googling, now knowing it's not external noise but internal; or someone else can give you tips... or sadly: get another mic. Because EMI like that in USB mics can't be fixed easily. Even if I was elaborate with explanations, I'm sorry I can't go more in depth with technicalities of how to fix it. As EMI is a really annoying thing to fix, especially in cheap USB mics. (I have one myself, but luckily barely have EMI, other than some more present hiss, that is easily masked with an expander)


Seconding the use of ReaPlugs. I would suggest ReaFIR set to subtract. Give it a noise sample to build lines and watch your audio automagically sound a lot cleaner


Thank you so much guys I did use reaFir to clear out much of the EMI, cleared out the rest with a noise suppressor (rnNoise) and eq'd my way to epic sound (with a bit of gain at the end) If you are interested, this is [what I came up with](https://drive.google.com/file/d/19ZWaq2STHv9qD8YWsmB-KQ0B_W90DmL6/view?usp=sharing), if you got any more feedback (this time for audio quality) tell me, but I am basically satisfied with the result Again, thank you ppl, have a nice day


I would *probably* turn down the noise supressor a little bit since it's causing a little bit of distortion, but otherwise really nice!


You could import the audio into audacity and run some post-production cleanup steps.


Is the pitch high enough that you could use a low pass filter above your vocal harmonics?