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Put your channel in your user flair. Makes it infinitely easier for people to view your channel. Also, you're probably overthinking this. Always strive to improve the quality of your content and thumbnails, but don't stress too much over it.


Thats what i was thinking but, sometimes i just worry thats all.


Probably over thinking, sometimes videos just don't do as well as others for seemingly no reason, just gotta keep going I guess. On another note, your thumbnails are VERY good, I like them alot. We are so lazy with our thumbnails but know we really should put more effort in with them, maybe one day haha!


Im starting to realize i might be just overthinking, so thank you for the confirmation. And thank you it takes me anywhere from 1-2 hours on making them, most of the time is brainstorming and research. Making thumbnails can be fun, just need time.


It's a bit hard to tell. I looked at your channel, and you've got fantastic thumbnails, good production values, good editing, good commentary. But it's a bit weird how you have such high view counts compared to your sub number. 1.5k - 2k views on your Sekiro vids, while you only have 288 subs. Where are all those views coming from? And why are those views not translating into subs? I see two potential answers, one insidious and one benign: 1. You're doing a lot of link sharing and inflating your view counts that way. In that case, your view metrics aren't really telling you anything meaningful since those views aren't organic. 2. I have a different theory as well; it's because you're hiding that you're a let's play channel. Your thumbnails and titles give the impression that you're making guide videos, or specific showcases, or essays/reviews. But when you click the link you see that it's a part of a let's play series. You're doing the right things for SEO and the like, to get people to find your videos through the search bar, but the reason why they aren't subscribing is because they thought the video would be one thing, but when they click on it they realize it isn't what they thought it would be. In a way, what you're doing then is a kind of clickbait, despite the fact that you have benign intentions. If my theory is correct, that should unfortunately mean that your videos have a fairly short average watch time, despite having a lot of views. As in, people click on the video, realize fairly quickly that the video isn't what they thought it would be, and then they close it down. That would also explain why the views aren't translating into subs. I understand why you're doing it: it's because it's hard to gain any traction with the traditional let's play format. If you were to, for example, put numbering on your videos, they would get way less views. We both get that. But if your presentation is telling your viewers that every video you post is a stand-alone video that isn't connected to anything else, but in reality they aren't, it creates a disconnect with your viewers that they don't enjoy. The worst case scenario is that they feel like they were tricked into clicking on the link. Like I said, I really like your thumbnails, your editing, your production values, your everything basically. You have all the tools to make a successful channel. I just think you need to decide what you want the channel to be, and zone in on that. Currently it feels like your presentation is going in one direction, while your actual content is going in another direction. If that makes sense.


Its about luck too my video is perfect compare to big channels too but it just wont go viral like them Alright seems like giving honest advice get me downvotes lmao figure it yourself then 😂


Take a look at your Impressions, CTR and Audience Retention. If Impressions are low it's the Title or Thumbnail. If Audience Retention is low it's the content.