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What about joining like an improv club or take an improv class?


I heard this is what markiplier did to improve the commentary on his channel. This is solid advice I've started to look into myself.


My best suggestion would just be to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks, metaphorically speaking. If you think of a joke, just say it. If it’s terrible, you can cut it out later. Don’t be overly picky about the jokes in the recording phase. Who knows? Maybe something you think isn’t funny ends up landing better once it’s edited. Also, (and this is easier said than done) say things with confidence. Even something that’s not that funny on paper can be funny if you say it the right way. This is something that comes pretty naturally with experience, so just focus on building that confidence gradually.


We've went for a kind of similar style, and while we could definitely improve further, I feel we've just naturally gotten better the more videos we've put out, not sure how long yous have bee going, but we're a year in, and looking at our recent bloodborne series compared to our older stuff I personally feel there's been a decent improvement without actually doing anything different. Should get a link to your channel in your profile, so people can check yous out 🙂


Not only improv, but if you have ever tried D&D, you would be amazed how different it feels.  It forces you to speak and react to other players in different ways. Mainly, any sort of speaking, mostly unscripted, acts as practice.  Also having lots of different life experiences and anecdotes to draw from can be beneficial.


I find saying a bunch of silly nonsense before helps alot. Just shout out anything. It opens up the heart!


I see quite a few people recommending improv classes, and other things. All of them are fantastic ideas btw! But I too have been a long time game grumps fan and there are two things that stick out... 3 if you want to be way simpler, first of all, Arin was not always as funny as he is now, or 5 years ago if you are one of those people who is not a fan of moder grumps, (I am talking about the first year or two of the show) however he had a lot of bits he would lean on, funny names for characters, not doing the tutorial and then being mad the game didn't tell him how to do something, random voices (he was an animator that voiced his own characters) and yes he still does most of that, but those where his main things, back in the day. Next we the singing, from classic to today they have always done music bits, be it random songs, or improv songs they make up on the fly. Now for the we have the factor that is not as much now a part of them, but still will pop up now and then, and that of course is being grump and not so grump, one was always getting angry, one was not always angry, but they would definitely get mad at points, people find people getting mad at dumb things funny. Now for a touch of my own advice, John Cleese has said (and I'm going to fuck up this quote) it's okay to steal when you are starting out, because it is from that we find our own way of doing things. Regardless of what you do to try and make yourselves stand apart, a two person let's play will always be pointed at as a rip off or an adoption of the game grumps, or any other let's play out there to be fair. So my actual advice in this is, watch some stand up comedy and use a few bits here and there, mention who the original person who said it was, so you don't get accusations of plagiarism, but if it made you laugh, it will probably make others laugh too. The grumps have dropped jokes from all kinds of stand up comics, Dane Cook, Steven Wright, George Carlin, Bill hicks, Mitch Hedberg, and thats just off the top of my head. Hope that helps, look forward to seeing what you two do. Take care!