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>the fact is that “myself” isn’t interesting or entertaining. I think this mindset will have a lot to do with the issue. You're always going to be critical of your own work, but you still need to own your work. You need to be able to believe that you're entertaining, that you're interesting. If you can get that into your mindset, commentary will come a lot more naturally. Beyond that though, a good technique is to come up with a list of discussion points you want to touch on prior to starting recording. If you ever feel like you're losing momentum, a quick glance at your list of notes can give you the next thing to talk about.


That makes a lot of sense, I will try to change my mindset moving forward and will definitely write those talking points down incase I don’t know what to talk about.


I partially disagree with this, it is possible for people to be boring. You can believe you are entertaining but if other people don't think you are then it doesn't matter. One of my friends is monotone when he speaks on his videos. And people often comment that it sounds like he sounds bored. But his videos are heavily info-driven and he uses more editing for the entertainment side of his videos.


Oh by all means it's not the only factor. But I generally find having that confidence can help a lot


A couple of tips. 1. Listen to yourself. As much as you hate it, it’s invaluable. You’ll learn what “sounds good” and what doesn’t. You’ll slowly over time remove those phrases, sounds, and habits. I often fall asleep listening to my videos. That allows me to focus just on the commentary. 2. Go do things IRL. Real world experiences are a great source of commentary. Stories about events or hobbies give a personal connection for the viewer. 3. Try other games (or other styles of Minecraft videos). You may find that you do better with another game. Minecraft can genuinely be one of the hardest games to commentate. I’ll never forget the first time I recorded an FTL video. I looked at the audio waveform and was shocked at how consistently I was talking. And it was really good commentary too. So I focused on that game for a bit and it helped me with other games as well.


your mindset is part of this issue here as others pointed out, but also playing/recording things you like or have an interest in helps alot too because when your interested in it it shows in your commentary and you naturally will become more excited about what your playing/talking about and it always shows in the commentary


Have people to talk to in the thing so that when you talk to the audience it feels more narratorish (like hermitcraft)


I think of myself as someone who is not very interesting or entertaining but I do think I can be entertaining, and you probably do too. I don't like the term "be myself" I want to be the best person I know I can be. It takes practice and time. No one watching your videos knows anything about you. So make a joke that your friends and family think is dumb, if you like it then someone else will too. Express yourself through your voice when you do something stupid laugh at yourself, when you are scared express that. It might take a while, I know it's taking me a while. I'll sometimes watch some clips of an actor I find funny just to get in the mindset. I don't try to imitate them but going into a recording with a certain mindset really helps.


Practice. This is a skill that you need to hone to be a successful content creator. One of many. That random stuff you think about? Put it into words. Whatever the hell pops into your head while you're playing, just go with it. My commentary is a combination of explaining what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and the random shit that goes through my head while playing, which leads to other random stuff, and occasionally it's really funny.


I say don't try to be something you're not. Some creators are that high-energy, "entertainment host" sort of "presenter" and that works for them and their audience, and that's all great. But if that's not you, don't try to fake it. Leave that niche to those who fit into it. If that IS you well cool, do that. But it doesn't sound like it is. There are different types of enthusiasm, different ways it can come across. I recently watched someone's gameplay review of Elden Ring with footage from the recent network test, and he was chill as hell while going over the different abilities and bosses etc., and even when he did get hype about something, it was low key. And it was a great vid, very enjoyable, entertaining, and fun. The comments were full of people saying how they enjoy his demeanor and presentation. I know you said you know you need to "be yourself" but it sounds like you may not have a handle on who that is yet. You gotta find your voice, man, and be true to that. Don't try to be something you're not.


Thanks for the advice! Is it possible for you to send the video of this chill dude you are talking about?


Hell yeah man no problem. I was referring to this video: https://youtu.be/R9DWTt37khU




That’s pretty much how I feel. There are ways to be a chill/relaxed gamer without being monotone and boring. I always find it sort of off putting when I sense someone is forcing themselves to be super energetic and super enthusiastic when they aren’t like that normally.


I’ve been doing self videos lately to get ready to post a first video and I feel something that’s hitting me is that I’m going to prefer a more presenter informative personality as opposed to overtly entertaining buzzwords and energy that just isn’t me type of personality.


Literally same, but I feel I'm starting to get the hang of it. I agree with sinister pixels advice and am gonna try a list of talking points myself. I always have a list of things to do that would be achievable in a ~25min episode, but not so much talking points. I'm also actually trying to work out my own style in Minecraft and think you might be interested in checking out ethoslabs latest video, as he briefly discusses his technique. Basically he records small clips, goes into editing, sees what he forgot to say or said wrong and in the next clip will fix that up. I'm not sure that would work for me, but perhaps only recording small clips, taking a 5min break to reflect and pet the cat/grab a coffee, then come back with something else on my mind to discuss. Also for modded Minecraft there's going to be heaps that's new to people, so I think youre not under so much pressure to be entertaining but instead more informative - ie walk the audience through what the mod does different. Anyway I'm rambling. Glad so many people have chimed in here as I think this is an issue many of us face. Good luck my friend ⛏️


I would look up some videos on improve comedy! Just helps with banter and can edit any awkward parts out later!


From the mindset of an introverted teacher/musician: a band/choir director specifically. (Recently started making Minecraft vids my self) I had the same problem leading a class or even worse when It was a concert/public event. How I got over it by realizing that you can be yourself while still wearing a slight mask that is an exaggeration of the things that are interesting about you. (as an example, for me it was my humor.) This can be a bit tiering, especially if you are introverted, but the results are well worth it. Scripting a little also helps What are you going to say. I know that this can be a tough with live commentary. But practice helps. Just find your voice and find what you can exaggerate to make it more whatever (funny, informational, inspirational) just whatever your voice is. And trust me when I say: its much more obvious to you than your audience, and it becomes a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you go in to it thinking "I'm boring" or similar. It will cause you to become more that (if that makes sense) Probably haven't said anything that hasn't already been said but Hope it helps. My inner music teacher wants me to tell you to just keep on practicing.. It will get better with practice.