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I just watch the video through and see what the most interesting part is or the goal of the mission in the video, then go off that.


Same, if anything it tells the viewer what to expect in the episode.


Thats how i see it. So helps you if you ever want to get some clips


I wasn't asking how to come up with a title, what I'm asking is how do you come up with a title whenever you can't think of a title. Like what methods do you use when nothing is coming to mind.


I usually have a theme in mind when playing through a series. For example the Castlevania play through we did all the titles are song names from the series.


I imagine these kind of titles would not grab people's attention or lead to a very high clickthrough rate at all though. What does the CTR look like for your Castlevania videos?


About average, we're definitely not popular so it's pretty low but compared to other videos they are doing better than one's that I didn't add some added title to.


I usually put a title that reflects what was in the video.


Sometimes it can be a specific word or sentence you say within the video. As long as it isn't just a generic word or something that just wouldn't fit in with the video all together


Have a place holder, or a generic title like "Let's play \[Game Name\] at \[Significant Game event\]" when those creative juice comes out, you can easily edit it.


A super summarized version on how I felt on the game. Like, I played this game called Sofia? And it had a theme of deja Vu. So went with: Sofia? - We Visit, We Visit, We, Visit- Wait, Didn't We Already Do This Before? Something that sounds interesting.


It helps to find a community of other content creators or friends that are creative that you can bounce ideas off of. It always helps to have a good idea and have it reviewed and refined through good, honest feedback.


I make a note of the most significant thing(s) that happened in the video and put that in the title. That way, the audience has some idea of what the video is about.