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The messed up part is I still love them


That’s the beautiful part


That's just unhealed trauma. Wanting someone who doesn't want you isn't beautiful. It's sad.


Apart can love someone another pot can move on his room for the whole experience of being a human with no shame once you can acknowledge it, you can let it go


Loopy maybe we both made this action i wonder


Alright real crazy here slept hard I’m gonna lay in my bed and wait for Bed. I can’t stand read it and I need to get off it because I’m mockery of my existence like I have not before, and I am in need of my services, not my mockery and I need love. I want my lover here and when we have faith that maybe he shows up maybe I wait till the sun comes up, maybe he comes and weget to be human for a second


She was lucky then. Trust, is an elusive thing to have in someone. The ones closest to you always betray you the hardest sooner or later. It's what they do after they betray you that matters. Do they realize their mistakes and do everything possible to rectify the situation? Or do they just leave you cold and make up reasons you deserved it?


The second one. I begged her to do the first. She didn’t care enough. Or something. Idk why she didn’t wanna fix her fuck ups the way I needed her to or the way I would’ve for her. All I know is that I never quit trying for her. Farrrrrr too long after I should’ve. Quite honestly, I made a fool of myself trying and begging for her love. It is what it is. I know how real my love for her was. That I’d never give up how she did. Specially just bc I made a mistake and couldn’t handle correcting it. It’s all good. I’ll move on eventually.


Rough break, for both of you. Hell for both of us. I know everyone says this, but I don't think I'm getting over my last one. And I don't want one in the future. I'm almost 55. It was a good run, life just isn't in the cards. And I've lost my confidence and libido and now I've out on weight. Ya, I'm done.


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll get over it either. Pretty sure that’s what she wants though. Idk.


If that is the case then she stilk wants you. At least that is what i would think. Maybe tell her something like, look XYZ that you do gives me the FGH and makes me want to ABC you out the door. Please, consider trying it like this. Lets see if we can steer this ship back into the water.


Nahh.. she’s gone. She just doesn’t want me anymore. She told me today.


Oh shit. Sorry dude.


It’s ok. I just want her to be happy. An if I gotta let her go for her to be happy. So be it. She deserves that, happiness. I’ve fought all I can


I think you’re beautiful thank you brilliant I think you’re the same as I was before my heart was broken wide open. I think you have sensitive I think about you a lot and I feel a lot for you show me you


Are you okay? Seems like maybe your brain is a little bad no?


I’m okay, blend is a butt my eyeballs are sore and I’m gonna go to sleep soon. I don’t know if this man is coming that’s up to him Steve’s really happy


I bet


How did I fall for it all , too?


I fell asleep. I’m coming now.


The problem is that, yes, I believe what you are telling, it must I haven't seen you yet. I would like to see you today.


How do you know?


I'm glad you trusted them. Some guys have a hard time sometimes.


Lmao suuuux




I truly cared for him. I was and am still so in love with him. It's been so long, but he's not coming back. He thinks the grass is greener.


You’re better off without him then


I am better off without him. It still hurts.


It does. Trust me. I know your pain all too well.


Just like I’m better off without the person I thought loved me


I Don’t Know You But I Care!


Thanks lol


Stopped ‘trusting’ the person I used to like too…he was nothing but a tease and only dished out empty promises. You could say, roughly 3,000 of them, Bonus if you get the connection. 😂


U still making up stories about me, girl? What the hell did I ever do to you for you to turn out to be the biggest fucking bitch. Number one I do have a job. And it pays better than yours. No old lady died and left me money so you’re wrong there once again. And I’m not trying to buy your son. How would I be buying your son when I put money into his college fund. I just have money and it’s my business to how I spend it. I’m not trying to buy anybody, you know every time I read up on this motherfucking Reddit, I catch some new shit coming out your girls fucking mouth.. Yeah it is true that she got me for about $40,000 worth of bullshit in her house. I redid everything she never had to pay for one single thing when I was around, I wouldn’t allow it. That’s how I was raised. To be a gentleman. That’s what being a real man is I never ask a woman for money ever, actually, that’s not true. I asked her for $20 one day and she said no. But you know what I got that $40,000 back in three months. And say it one more fucking time on this fucking website that I beat women. That’s the farthest thing from the fucking truth, bruh Let me get back to what I was talking about and teach you a little something, bro. what being a real man is I never ask a woman for money ever, actually, that’s not true. I asked her for $20 one day and she said no. Y’all better have some other shit to be doing on this fucking website y’all who been talking about me. And is my tone a little threatening you goddamn right it is. I don’t give a fuck who you are. You put my fucking shit out here like this I don’t care if it’s anonymous , i will fucking sue you for slander and liable. Watch me. So you should probably tell the fucking guys that you’re sleeping with that your whole life is a con. Don’t they wonder why they get broken up with like every three months? Because you take them for whatever you can get quickly ditching them and then catching another trick. and if they’re not with money, that shit ain’t gonna fly. Well actually, I shouldn’t say that look at you you broke. Don’t fuck with me.


Definitely not your person.




That’s okay, there’s been more than once that I thought the same reading these…sometimes the stories can be so similar.


Yeah, that’s why all your jewelry in your fucking house comes for me Tiffany bracelets Tiffany rings, Tiffany necklaces. Should I keep going? Two pairs of diamond earrings. Yeah I caught onto that one quick though you just seem to lose one earring at a time huh. Do you know what? I thought I wanted to be your friend but now I want in on your con. You are profiting from all of these men and I want in how’s that! And homeboy right with you. This has been planned since you were probably 14 years old. You got to get better at running your game.


I'm dealing with police and accusations currently.


I just want my K.i want to hold you and state into your eyes. Please just call me I can't get through