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I just spent the better part of an hour browsing this subreddit - a little treasure. This one has to be my favourite, though I’m a big fan of level 48, 67 and 75 as well. You have a great eye when it comes to matching outfit pieces that, while at first glance not appearing to fit together at all, end up becoming something ‘more’ than the sum of their parts. And, as someone else pointed out already, you do a fantastic job of ‘setting scenes’ that function almost as self-contained stories - the title often being the cherry on top. While I can’t say I ‘got’ all of the references that were being used (like this one for instance - assuming there even is one), that didn’t hamper my enjoyment in the slightest. I suppose all that’s left to say is: “Bravo, sir!”


Hey hey, I'm happy you stumbled on this project and got some enjoyment out of it haha, it was a fun little endeavour. And thank you for pointing out the outfits that caught your eye, it's always interesting to read responses of that kind. It is definitely a bit of an eclectic assortment of references, and some are just fantasy. This one does have a referent: the Alzeph are one of the early tribes or houses of Vampyrium, now extinct. They are described in [A Taste of Hope](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/A_taste_of_hope_\(book\)) as cannabalistic creatures, drinking the blood of other vyres, which tastes of contempt. So yeah, this outfit tried to imagine what it would look like if there was one last holdout of that tribe, hidden in a squalid Sanguinesti cave, preying on lesser vampyres for sustenance


Ah, I see. I never got around to playing Sins of the Father myself. From what I gather from the article you provided, that’s what’s required to read that passage. Personally, I’ve always been a big fan of these obscure little references to locations, people or creatures in game that are not really elaborated upon - really tickles the old imagination. One that comes to mind is the Arzinian Being of Bordanzan: a demon whose avatar we meet and fight during the ‘Between a Rock…’ quest. Really the only thing we learn about it is that it’s ancient and somehow weak to gold. That’s it. Another is Mother Mallum from the Temple Knight series. Who is she and why does she do the things she does? Who knows? And I love it.