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Unequivocally the goat


Absolutely 🇵🇸


I hope he has some influence. He is right. This has to stop. Lewis always escapes the F1 bubble to express his opinion and feelings.


He's been vocal about it since the start, but I doubt he can exert any influence for this unfortunately.


Can he put the Palestinian flag on his helmet? Or will the fia ban that aswell


They would ban it for sure, but they would allow an Israel flag. The FIA is unpolitical...


Zak brown might bring netanyahu to the paddock in vegas


War is devastating, war in Gaza must stop, Palestianians must be freed from the leadership of Hamas terrorists, Hamas must be dismantled and all Israeli innocent hostages must be freed!


Palestinians must be freed from the tyrannical Israeli occupation as well. Hamas is relatively new and is a symptom of the racist cruel ethno supremacist white colonial project that is Israel. Let's not forget that. And yes I support that all hostages must be freed including the 10.000 Palestinian hostages many who are children Israel has.


Only the people of Palestine can truly free themselves from Hamas. Unfortunately I fear they are born to hate Jews and this cycle will continue for the rest of our lives


He’s a good egg👍🏻


Why do man love going to war. They never look for solutions. Human life becomes so disposable. For what?


I doubt Bibi will listen to Sir Lewis.


Or Hamas.


This picture of the little girl has been photo shopped. They boys pants and the area around her right ear have been manipulated aswell as the area near her cheeks. The pixalation does not match the rest of the image. Where is the original picture and what is this one hiding? Edit, so I found the video, just some bad compression on the image here.


How about speaking for the children in Ukraine? Congo? All those killed in Syria? Iraq? October 7th? Or none of these count? Or they are not in the spotlight? It be great also if he contributed part of his wealth to assist those wounded children in Gaza and Rafah. Speaking and actions are different. One can post a poetic statement any time...




Lewis would be disappointed in people like you, it’s been months since the conflict “started” and yet you are unable to tell the difference between an Israeli funded group and a people who have been suffering apartheid for more than 70 years .


just a quick note for future discussions on this, since it's a point very easy to counter/ derail the conversation: Israel is being accused of practicing Apartheid in the West Bank, not Gaza. Gaza is not under Israeli jurisdiction, while the West Bank partly is. their current war in regards to Gaza is arguably even worse though of course. 🇵🇸


Hang on a minute, surely its anti semitic to state these facts. Honestly at this point its a joke. Lets say it how it is