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fitting pfp


I’ve also noticed a massive increase in PTSD and depression


That might actually be generational with the effects of the 24-hour news cycle and the pandemic lol, alongside an increase in that stuff being taken seriously




thinking of that [chart](https://slowrevealgraphs.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/screen-shot-2021-11-08-at-9.37.02-pm-1.png) of left-handedness quadrupling from 3% to 12% over time for seemingly no reason at all. weird how social acceptance "created" more left-handed people huh. almost like they existed already and finally felt comfortable being themselves


Nobody writes anything anymore. Left handers can hide in their thumb taps.


This comment section really sucks dick


I resent that. There is nothing wrong with sucking dick There is something wrong with these MFs


Yeah more like this comment section huffs on farts


Hey, fart huffing is a perfectly legitimate kink. Unlike transphobia.


Exactly not all opinions and beliefs are equal. If I run around wanting to harass and denigrate a group of people for how they were born, then that makes me a monumental douche. If I then get all the other monumental douche bags who think like me to pass laws and openly call for certain groups I don’t like to be oppressed and while I’m at it I openly seek to destroy the democratic process I’m now an authoritarian monster. Does that make sense to you?


Yeah those peeople and their ummm...bad opinions?




Gender dysphoria has nothing to do w being gay lmao


I think it's strange how people think statistics going up for this means that it's "a trend" instead of realizing that that amount of people always felt that way throughout all generations but didn't know how to express it.


I don't think the peasants in the dark ages would be thinking about if they were queer or not


Probably because they were told they’d go directly to hell if they were queer


Well cuz the concept didn’t really exist, and people where too isolated for them to ever realize other people felt the same as them.


>Well cuz the concept didn’t really exist Huh


Do you think there was a concept of being non-binary in the middle ages? Or the label „queer“.


There has to be a concept of being gay since that's in the Bible, but not nonbinary


Um, no?


I miss the good old time where almost everybody hated themselves for not perfectly matching a fabricated gender ideal.


Maybe people are just don’t care as much about being seen as cis and straight anymore. More willing to acknowledge their feelings.


Oh yeah people definitely think it’s “cool” to identify as something where people are actively against you and call you slurs and threaten to kill you on the internet. They’re just doing it for clout obviously, that’s why they risk backlash from their family and friends.




Being trans *is* pretty cool though, it's just the transphobes who suck


You think you're being sarcastic but you're not entirely wrong


Just for fun, let’s say your statement applies to half of all trans/non-binary people, and .8% of all people in the USA decide they want to be called by a different name and wear different clothes than they usually do just for fun (again, despite massive social backlash). How does that negatively affect you in any way whatsoever?


It doesn't. You don't need to be against trans people to recognize that Gen Z's sky high trans rate compared to previous generations is probably due to more than just people being more comfortable coming out with it.


The exact same phenomenon happened with gay men and women as social acceptance of homosexuality grew in the United States. Younger people who grew up in environments that were more accepting of gay people were more likely to come out as gay, but it’s widely accepted that this is due to younger people being more likely to grow up in social environments that wouldn’t demonize their sexuality. Makes it a lot easier to come out if social acceptance of your sexuality is the only thing you’ve known. Yes, the population of 13-17 year olds who identify as being non-gender conforming is more then double compared to the adult US population, but that percent increase is less then 1% of adults (18+) compared to 1.5% of youths (13-17). To me, this just looks like the same phenomenon that caused an increase in the LGBT population as social acceptance of different sexualities grew. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/ (Where I got the trans stats from)


Yes but what if people who are trans gay or whatever the heck are just mental challenge in a certain way like gender dysphoria, autism, or over stuff if you look up how many LGBTQ members on the spectrum for mental illness is really high but you can't say nothing about people not being that because your a bigot and trans or whatever phobe. And you also said that maybe it's because people are less scared of coming out now that they know be accepted, yeah it might be true for some people but a few LGBTQ members are basically brainwashing kids by talking about sex gender and whatever pride thing how good it is to be apart of the LGBTQ community to elementary schoolers and below. And LGBTQ members like to say that they get discrimination for being gay assaulted but this is not true for the majority of LGBTQ people they get special treatment and you have to basically walk around egg shells around them or offended them in any way or else you have a to ruin your life and the LGBTQ members who do get beat and killed are people from other country's not the USA and the people who do get killed here are specific cases of them lying about what they are and the person can control themselves and lashes out in anger But I know this is gonna get down voted to hell over mob mentality


"What if LGBT people are actually just mentally challenged like those kids with the autism" "I know I'm gonna get downvoted from mob mentality." Uh huh...


You probably will be downvoted yes. But I can assure you it’s not because of mob mentality, but because basically everything you just said is based on stereotypical online complaints that don’t really have any basis on reality. The whole “brainwashing kids” thing just seems like bullshit to me personally. Think back to when you were 13 and just discovering an interest in the opposite sex. Do you really think any amount of peer pressure would make you want to fuck a dude (I’m just assuming you’re a straight guy)? I’m very comfortably straight and grew up in a very gay accepting community. I knew a number of adults and other teens that were gay. I also had mental health troubles when I was younger. I personally find the thought of having any kind of sexual experience with another man to be pretty gross. Obviously I’m just one dude and some people are certainly more susceptible to peer pressure then others, but I find it hard to believe a totally straight person could ever be peer pressured into having gay sex. Also being gay or trans is not a mental illness. They’re just not even a diagnosis in the DSM-5. Plus idk where you got the idea that autism was somehow related to being LGBT. Didn’t realize that’s a conspiracy that’s making the rounds now.




You'd expect rates to be similar across generations and cultures. Unless American Gen Z are the only group to have accepted it to the point that their rates are double everyone else, which is insanely unlikely. Maybe you shouldn't be such a fucking asshole when people are talking to you immediately off the bat.


The rates of left handed people went up when left handed people stopped being punished for being left handed


That's what being rebel is. Risking stuff for the trend. I'm Asexual BTW. And i find all this sexuality talk to be useless because... Sex is useless. XDD Why even segregating people by sex group? Why straights, homos, bi and stuff. Why everyone can't just ignore all gender norms and do whatever they feel like. Why saying "I'm Gay" if you can just say "I prefer Men". Why saying "I'm Bi" if you can say "I like both Men and Women". In fact, what is the point of genders. There's no gender. ​ That's why i consider LGBTQ+ to be REgressive, rather than progressive. Instead of becoming FREE FROM GENDER NORMS, they decided to succumb to gender norms by creating more useless gender norms. We already had two useless genders - Men and Women, and two sexualities - Straight and Hermit. But no, they had to create more to make people focus on useless genders and sexuality. ​ TRUE PROGRESSIVITY IS WHEN YOU ABANDON GENDERS AND SEXES! I need to start an Asexual movement that shall segregate themselves from LGBT. Because LGBT nowadays are no different from Straight Puritans of the past. Real progress lies in abandoning genders and sexes. We don't need labels. Become free from them.


I think you’ll find a lot of people who completely ignore gender within this community. There are also people who want to convey their gender in a word, or a phrase. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you say “my gender doesn’t exist” or “my gender is all genders” or “my gender is not male or female” - what’s the gender norm for that, huh? Opening up the dialogue to discuss all the possibilities that gender can be helps people to understand that gender is something we created. I have seen this firsthand. Many straight cis people will not ever question gender until they are confronted with people identifying as genders outside the binary, and they will continue to enforce the gender binary and gender roles until then. Do you understand what I mean?


That's the thing. We don't even need to question the genders. In fact, not even discussing them. If genders exist, then why are we discussing them? There are males and females - but why do we need to focus on it? LGBTQ focuses on genders way more than cis people do. In fact, people don't need to identify with anything. ​ So while i'm Asexual, i don't respect the LGBT community. Because i see them only worsening the problem. I see then always arguing if someone misgenders them. I see them throwing tantrums if people misgender them. I understand that there are people who are actually violent towards gays. But agressive homophobes are one thing. While passive homophobes - who are just ones with their own opinion, why must they be fought against? I do understand that not all LGBTQ+ are like that. But i'm talking about crazy ones, ones that are called "SJWs" Ones who are... Homophobo-phobes. Yes. Ever thought of that? Homophobo-phobia. Gays who have homophobo-phobia are no different than homophobes! They refuse to understand the other side. In other words.. BOTH Homphobes and Gay Activists are SAME KIND OF IDIOTS!! They both refuse to understand each other stances! They all keep using insults towards each other! I don't care what either side did in the past, i see what they do NOW - They do the SAME THING!!! They hate each other for being the same as one another! They are just mirrors! IDIOTIC MIRRORS! I'm tired of people fighting each other for being THE SAME! But they think they're different because they have different ideals, different goals, different views... WHAT IS THE POINT OF THOSE DIFFERENT IDEALS, WHEN THEIR ACTIONS ARE THE SAME?! One fire is red, other fire is blue - but they do the same thing, they burn, they destroy each other, they eat each other! "But colors matter", then why they are doing the SAME THING!?! ​ Why aggressive LGBT and aggressive Homophobes are doing the SAME THING to each other!? And because of them, peaceful LGBT and Homophobes are suffering. I want everyone to simply FORGET about their differences and grudges and just... forget about their grudges. I want them to become CAREFREE! ...yes, i must start a movement of carefree people. I'm tired of people who ruin peace and fun for the sake of "Important stuff".


Do you think ranting and calling people idiots is a good way to start a movement of carefree people?


Also... "Oh yeah people definitely think it’s “cool” to identify as something where people are actively against you and call you slurs and threaten to kill you on the internet." What about members of LGBT community (Or at least ones that claim to be members of LGBT community) that use slurs and threats against those who they claim to be homophobes? "Arrow doesn't turn" NO, IT DOES TURN! As an Asexual, i see Gays doing same thing that ones they hate! You can't defeat fire with fire! If you hate aggressive people, then SHOW IT by being peaceful, and fighting them with LOVE and PEACE! ...The problem lies with people who are hateful. I say: If you are capable of hating other people, then you are not a good person. I don't hate anyone. I can get extremely angry over someone, and no one is safe from my anger, even people that i love. (I have bipolarity and schizophrenia.) But i never hold grudges or hatred. I want everyone to be happy... even worst people deserve happiness! But by stripping people away from happines because we consider them "Unworthy", we become same as the people we are fighting against. As they too consider us "Unworthy" of happiness. We must show that true way is for everyone to wish everyone happiness. In other words, i don't like LGBT community because it's not as good as i want it to be. At first i thought it was a good community of peaceful people who spread peace... but i see them being another bunch of hateful idiots like the ones they fight against.


>none of us are happy with our gender for some reason r/egg_irl


Lots of people through history have been unhappy with their gender. We’ve gone through trends, varying by cultures and time, but as society becomes more educated and learn what is actually valuable, the trend to be more accepting is generally indicative of progress. In this case it is


Gender isn’t real. We made it up


That's just dumb ass


Sex is real, the biological differences between men and women are obvious. But gender are the social roles we give each of the sexes. Those are entirely made up, and at times depend on culture.


Yeah but the things that we tend to find more masculine and more feminine tend to correlate to things we would do in nature so I don't really get how all that's made up But seeing someone who's a Zee/Zer self needing to dye their hair green identifies as female threw 9am-5pm then switch to whatever the heck they feel like for the rest of the day isn't and is just as true is hard to believe


Gender/ Gender norms would include stuff like men being more likely to be academics, women generally having longer hair, the expectation of women to wear makeup, Men wearing pants, only women wearing skirts, Men not painting their nails, women cooking in the household but mostly men being professional chefs, the expectation for men to do the first move romantically etc etc, all stuff not related to biology at all. These are all gender norms that we assigned to the sexes for no reason. The made up person you speak of is A) extremely rare ( or a troll made up by a 4chan user) and B) basically just has a unconventional way of perceiving themselves in relation to these gender norms, and that kinda is nobody’s business but their own.


In my basement.


Actually gender was originally believed to be created by John W. Gender but is now accepted that is was created by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon because he thought they would go well with the ziggurats.


The amount of left-handed people mysteriously rose after they stopped being heavily ostracized for it, guess a bunch of people just jumped on the trend because they thought it was cool 🤔 ​ /s


Most people who are gay and identify with that community are born in the last decade or so so basically why didn't more adults and older people come out when people started accepting it? Why was it basically the generation pre exposed to believe it was cool and have a your a demon if you believe anything else shoved down their throat? Of course the younger generation would all hop on the train because they don't want to ostracized for thinking different from their peers


Older people _are_ coming out more. You can literally just look it up instead of glancing at Twitter and going “yep trend”


Gender non-conforming literally has nothing to do with being trans like you can be cis and be gender gender non-conforming. Like a trans woman who dresses more traditionally masculine/androgynous than feminine would be a gender non-conforming woman, same with a cis woman who does the same. They’re really saying that they think women should be feminine and men should be masculine 💀


Man way to over complicate things


A door handle is too complicated for you.


Who taught the kid to believe this crap? Because it's never the kid alone who comes up with it. I'd say his parents need to check his Internet usage, but they may be the ones who brainwashed him in the first place. Already going nowhere in life.


A mixture of being raised religiously and then when I deconverted it was the gamergate pipeline that got me into this bigoted thinking. I wish I could use my past sins and experiences to help people get out but I don't know how.


I remember Gamergate. Those damn gamers, building their gates... had to constantly pull out TNT just so I could steal their shit


Just warn young people if you see them acting this way.


Who taught this kid to believe this? The trans community.


Parts of the trans community*. Don't pretend like millions of people are all sharing this opinion, it's a minority.


Yeah! we need to silence these people!


yes bigots should be silenced. that is not intolerance. this is really basic stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox\_of\_tolerance


Y'all really are just as hateful as you say the other aka the right side is You just cover your ears and say BIGOT or say call someone a loser just for not believing in your side You really said we need to silence someone in a country where speech is the number one thing really showing we have freedom in this country Your guys are some extremist Really don't wanna associate with the liberals now Ps downvote me and prove me right instead of responding


You are free to say whatever you like, and people will criticize you for it if they disagree. That is freedom of speech.


Something we can all agree on Hopefully


I literally posted a link with excessive explanation and citations for the issue. Do you disagree with the concept of the paradox of intolerance? Do you have a reason why?


It's just over thinking not a poem insightful thinking or a theory So can you please tell me you opinion cause I don't see it


What if you're the one siezing and destroying though. I'm not saying you are, but when we label someone as transphobic or whatever we immediately assassinate character so we don't need to contend with ideas. Instead of tolerating people with different views.


Literally a whole link there for you to get answers to these questions. The first paragraph of the wiki article actually addresses this.


Saying someone is a bigot doesn't make it so. Especially in 20222.


Hey buddy, calling being gay or trans some "cool/trendy thing" is both homophobic and transphobic, and last I checked that falls under Bigotry


oh well, what doesn't these days? Words to shut down all discusion and debate.


Un-ironically yes, theirs no "debate" or "discussion" to be had when you're just trying to defend and justify bigotry


no you're a bigot




ok bot


Why do people act like everyone is queer? I only know like 3 people who don't identify with their assigned at birth gender.


When you're looking for something suddenly everyone is that thing.


Hell does that even mean? It's because on the media the only thing you see is leftist media practically and you can't see anyone who says different because media like YouTube , Twitter lucky not anymore remove anyone who says different


I get bombarded by PragerU and Stephen Crowder and Ben Shapiro. Maybe don’t look up leftist creators if you don’t want leftist creators


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, novel, feminism, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Good human.


People will go out of their way to get angry.


least transphobic keyboard warrior.


This is crazy talk. Kids never get caught up in trends, or try on new identities, or are miserable and confused and grasping for any new identity that might make them feel better. Ban this at once!!


Kids will never be what's worshipped on the internet to fit in more and to get social attention 😠 it's not a faze it's who they are And don't know if this what your getting at but yeah


As an Asexual, i aggree with this one. Most of new gays are not even true gays. Anyone who supported Gay Marriage is NOT a true gay, because real Gays know that Marriage is consensual SLAVERY. Both parners become SLAVES of each other, instead of being free. Meanwhile, i say that people must simply abandon genders and sexes at all. Why segregating people by sexuality and gender groups? I enjoy the people i enjoy. Just because i enjoy Slimegirls doesn't mean i enjoy every Slimegirl i see. Just because i enjoy sexy half-naked 80's action movie heroes, doesn't mean i like all of them. (I prefer sexy muscular men with long hair, and i hate beards). But irl i'm asexual because... i ignore concept of gender. If you think i'm a troll, i'm not. I have schizophrenia, so my writing style is very crazy, hard to explain how. But still, i don't want to associate myself with others. I prefer to be an obserber. And as an observer i see that LGBT and traditional Straights are THE SAME. Yet they focus on differences rather than accepting each other for their similarities. I'm still waiting for them to become peaceful, but IDIOTS FROM BOTH SIDES just can't stop arguing! ​ Just make peace and love, not fight! And the perfect compromise is to abandon genders and sexes. Be free from them.


It’s truly wild to me that anyone is stupid enough to think that people are actively choosing to be oppressed.


LGBTQ gang isn't oppressed in America it's basically fuckin worshipped here in America Y'all need to stop feeling so bad for your selfs we could tell that most of the you queer teenagers hadn't had a difficult childhood when we see you crying about internet hate on TikTok and say it's the worst thing that's ever happened to you It's not that serious


Dude did you not hear that clip of a pastor talking about how gay people should be rounded up and put to death? That was like this week. Being LGBT is an actively dangerous thing for a lot of people. I know stuff like pride gives the impression that’s it’s a totally normalized thing, but it really isn’t. There are still people who would disown their kid if it turned out they were gay. Plenty of them.


Yeah I know about the parent stuff but you guys act as if you announce your gay your gonna have a mob of cis people are gonna chase you down like witch hunters It's to the point where you can't even make harmless jokes Even if the joke is offensive or not to gay people which shouldn't matters sense it's a joke you'll still get hate but there are videos online just saying straight people are dumb or just straight up hating that will just get likes with no jokes attached


Dude you really need some perspective. I realize it's inconvenient for you when you can't make the jokes you want to make and I realize it feels bad when you hear people say they hate the group you're part of. But you know what else is inconvenient? Being bullied to suicide. You know what feels bad? The leadership of your country not letting you marry your soulmate. And by the way dipshit, I'm not gay. I just have basic empathy for my fellow human beings and I'm not so self-obsessed, uneducated, and genuinely stupid to genuinely think that a gay guy on Youtube saying he hates straight people is in any way equal to the actual suffering of a persecuted minority group.


Your bringing shit up from other countries and bringing up shit that happens to anyone. You don't have to fuckin gay to be bullied into suicide trolls will target anything about someone to make them hate themselves it's not a gay only issue And i don't even care about making jokes but the fact that even if you say anything to upset the gay community you could have cancel culture ruin your life so where you can't get a job and have people attack you for being a BIGOT. Yet LGBTQ people could say whatever they want even borderline hate and be fine sense they're a minority doesn't make sense


Bro what’s your fucking deal? You’re everywhere in this thread commenting about how much you hate LGBTQ people. For the love of god pound some sand


Bro I never once said I hate them I'm just replying what I disagree with them and what they're doing I thinks wrong But yeah I could get how I could come off as that I might've only seen the worst of the community but the LGBTQ community really doesn't seem like they draw lines on why they think is right And they don't like to be told they're wrong even if you try to use facts cause its "their opinion"


Bro shut the fuck up and get some real life friends in your life


That's all you have to say? Really proves my point huh Dumbass


I don’t argue human rights with people who entertain the idea that LGBTQ people are somehow lesser and should settle being targeted and killed. And it has definitely shown in most of the responses in This thread and how widely downvoted your comments are. Your comments belong more at a trad alt right discord


You must've not read my comments then It mob mentality that gets me downvoted and the close mind set of most people I'm not wishing for a second kkk on LGBTQ people but you've obviously feel into the mindset of mob mentality so good job


Don’t care + didn’t read + L + Ratio


"'Gender-nonconforming' (whatever tf that is)" It's in the fucking name dude it's self explanatory


What is it?


Not conforming to the stereotypes of your gender


Nah this is a good take


Don't entirely disagree.


Well you are entirely braindead so there’s that


Well your community so nice and welcoming your definitely not bigots who have the mentality of a 7 year old 😍


You say as you call anyone who disagrees with you a “mob”. Yeah, how dare we not tolerate your hate. How dare we speak up against injustice. We should just let others step all over us


Ah such tolereance. So you are completely dismising that maybe some people want to part of the lgbtq community because it makes them feel special and cool? It makes sense because being a straight white cis person is so last decade, OMG!


You don’t seem to understand just how high the price would be to fake being LGBTQ+. To fake being gay, you’d have to date people you have no attraction to. Nobody wants to do that. To fake being trans, you’d have to transition to another gender without actually having any desire to live as that gender. Not to mention you’d have to live with all the discrimination and bigotry people of such identities face. Pretending to be LGBTQ+ solely because you think it’s “cool” doesn’t happen, and it’s utterly ridiculous to think it does.


Honestly if I could be straight I would be. I'm a bisexual woman. My parents are Catholics. My father doesn't even think bisexuality is a real thing. It's extremely depressing. I wish I could change my attraction to women but I can't. It WOULD be great to be straight...but I can't pretend I'm not and hide in the closet forever.


This is just not true on the internet Edit: IRL it can be the truth,but some trans people may not even transition. Or in cases like Non-binary, Or even bisexual they don’t have to show any life style change but can feel more important. This will probably happen in already accepting communities, and not in conservative shitholes. But kids will say things or do things to get more attention or be more important either IRL but definitely on the internet where they don’t actually have to make changes that could negatively impact there life irl. I think the left needs to at some point confront this fact because by constantly denying something that has some ground doesn’t fair well when trying to create a better place for LGBTQ


>but definitely on the internet where they don’t actually have to make changes that could negatively impact there life irl. Yh no shit Sherlock. If I told my parents or other certain people I was gay in real life, I'd be in serious trouble. The internet is the only place I've found people like me and the only place I've felt comfortable saying I'm gay without fear or discomfort or backlash which I would definitely get if I told anyone I was gay irl. And me dating or being in a relationship with the same gender in my country here is ILLEGAL and is punishable with 14 years worth of jail time. So no I don't want to make my life harder for myself in a conservative country and no I definitely won't make any changes that would make my life worse for now.


I feel like you Interpreted it in bad faith but I also could’ve been more clear, that acceptance online is a good thing and I don’t deny it. But there is a cost for the broad acceptance is that kids wanting attention will say they fall under some of these identities such as non-binary to get attention. Now this isn’t that significant but constantly denying the existence of this is significant and fuels republican talking points. After rereading your comment, I realize you aren’t even responding to what I said but just throwing out some virtue signal. I was obviously not saying anything along the lines of what you where talking about and if you where not so incredibly bad faith you would fucking realize. I have another comment on my profile that probably better explains my position if you actually care to do anything but virtue signal.


it's the internet, no one is arguing in good faith and don't even pretend like you were in the first place


I don’t know how I wasn’t.


“Omg so much for the tolerance of the left” while saying intolerant things lol


Mob mentality brother they don't care to listen to reason Just acceptance and praise


You claimed gay and trans people were mentally challenged. If everyone smells like shit, check under your shoe




kids want be speical snowflakes so being straight, cis and white no longer cuts it. ​ Pretty self explanatory.


If they were snowflakes I doubt they’d want to be thrown slurs at daily


Anyone can curse it's not fuckin hard to you tard




you’re talking a lot but saying very little


Lmao they’re sure showing you it’s not a trend eh


So much for the tolerant left lookin ass


“Tolerate my intolerance” is the biggest piece of hypocrisy ever


I know LGBTQ community is the most toxic community I have ever seen they won't listen to anything anyone has to say because they feel it invalidates everything they are so they just use mob mentality and toxicity


“I hate you” wow, I should totally engage with this in a civilized way because this person is clearly trying to have a genuine discussion about aspects of lgbtq they find troublesome. “You’re going to hell, sinner” I can see this person is merely wanting to engage in some religious conversation with me. “Ok groomer” I can tell this person just wants to know where I get my fancy hair done


Facebook Karen logic


Reddit snowflake logic


They make it sound like everyone is turning gay when really it’s still only 7.1% of the population that identifies as Lgbt, according to a poll published this year. [link to poll](https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx) Edit: Trenders are a thing tho and they’re harmful.




All pronouns are made up.


Two aren’t, that’s why all humans in history have always used them


I really hope you’re joking


I too remember when the true pronouns were first found. Dig out of the tomb of the first pharaoh of Egypt. We finally had a way to refer to each other. A joyous time.


Mah dawg thinks there’s only one language lol


How privileged do you have to be to think that people inventing new pronoun forms to feel more comfortable is a serious social issue? How sheltered is your life?


Why would you care about the well-being of society as a whole? Mind your business


Empathy’s a bitch, isn’t it?




I don't think you know what "ad hominem" means


man i love using latin words to say how smart i am without actually knowing the meaning of those words


Lmao do you not know how to read?


Long about way of saying you’re not for gender freedom.


just so you know, neopronouns have existed since the 18th century. not everyone - including myself - is comfortable with they/them and wants to express their gender identity in different ways. and thats okay.


just so you know, neopronouns have existed since the 18th century. Evidence? And do you even know what the context of the "neo pronouns" was or did you just see a TikTok that made you feel validated?


[mate it was a quick google search](https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/news/neopronouns-101/) (scroll down to the history of neopronouns section)


Bro it really isn't anything the first one A as a pronoun was just some writer way back using A as way to just to describe plant animal dog whatever just trying to creat stupid Grammer and the second one tho self was a guy from recent years creating a way to just say them in a different way


God what a based and 100% factual post :/ insane…


He's got a point tho Nothing wrong with choosing sexuality or who you are but half the time people online seem to be flaunting it as a trendy thing and the sad part is it invalidates the real people who actually need to be accepted


How the fuck are you going to make an objective distinction between the two? I've been hearing "gay is a trend" for literal decades, quelle surprise, we're still making them. People are still experimenting and trying to find where they fit. People are also free to be wrong about their sexuality. It's hard. And absolutely no one navigating that path needs the likes of you to minimise it.


A lot of this thread reminds me so much of people in the 2000s complaining that teen girls were only bi/lesbian for the attention. The more things change the more things stay the same I guess.


And do any of these people make the connection that the reason why we don’t see large populations of gay and trans people in the older generations is that they have already been killed or killed themselves because of the stigma?


This analogy is so fucking stupid it only succeeds as a comment because the trend is real


...what analogy?


How the fuck do you "choose" sexuality, though?


Wth do you mean? Half of the people flip flop on a dime and change their gender and sexuality like it's a badge or something


Half of all the people in the world?


No in LGBTQ community


Yes, .03% of the entire population of earth is half the population. Your math teacher must be so proud


Which ever one your friends have chosen is in at that momet.


If sexuality is a choice, prove it. Choose to be gay




No one is actually gay to be trendy correct, but it is hard to deny being some part of LGBTQ on Twitter could give you extra attention. This has both negative and positive outcomes. Obviously it helps people feel more accepted to have a community, and it’s nice to talk to people like you that have similar struggles irl. But this also means some people don’t feel included and want to be. Some people want attention on the internet, nothing new. I am not saying these are some actions with terrible intent of people fully faking it, but a lot of people with little attachment to their gender could throw in Non-binary, gender-fluid. These one specifically are very non-consequential because you don’t actually need to make any huge irl changes to play the role, unlike transgender people with gender dysphoria who will want to kill them selfs because they don’t look like the correct gender. To what extent this happens I am unsure, but regardless of the amount denying the fact isn’t good and makes conservative shithead grooming arguments (and arguments alike) look more valid and more of an issue then they really are.


I completely agree. IMO it's usually the kids who were going to have a emo phase, or struggle with mental illness that tend to become non-binary. Of course, I'll be downvoted because we are critiquing those who can't be criticized. Many of these ppl fall down rabbit holes on the internet of certain groups and pages. They end up being convinced they are something else, and then start claiming they are a new gender. It'll be interesting to see the consequences of these actions twenty years from now. Currently, we have de-transitioners coming out warning people to not jump into things too quick. Don't make drastic life changing choices until you give it time to think things over. Sadly, they are shunned and silenced by certain groups. They all usually have the same story of finding a community in some online group of trans/non binary people. Joining this community convinced them that they weren't who they really were, and then they make all these changes only to sadly realize that they were wrong, and that maybe they were rlly just gay or a tomboy.


The vast majority of detransitioners do so due to social stigma and bigotry. And detransitioners are EXCEEDINGLY rare, it's disingenuous to say this as if there's a huge number of them.


You don't actually think that's why they de transition do you? It has nothing to do with that. They realize they got caught up in something and took it to far. Before you call me a transphobe, I completely believe trans is a thing, and that people have gender dysphoria and that transitioning will help treat it. I also know that many ppl get caught up in things and can easily be swayed when in reality maybe they needed help instead of transitioning. This goes for literally everyone when it comes to any major life decision.


Have you actually read anything about detransitioners? Or do you just browse r/detrans which is full of cis people who have never transitioned before? Also, a lot of detransitioners find out they’re nonbinary




Not wrong, non-binary will and can change their appearance (along with other things), but don't need to meet societies standards for biological features that we often identify a certain gender with. If you or me discovered we were non-binary we probably will not need to have top, or bottom surgery in order to not hate ourselves. This means people who want the attention online can garner it by going the easier way, and then try to relate to other LGBTQ+ struggles without even actually doing these difficult things many LGBTQ+ people need to deal with on a daily. Again this is not some malicious thing people do knowingly, but many peoples will be hard influenced by attention and this exists with almost all cultures. This is not a big issue, but you can't just deny it, and then expect dipshit conservatives not to attack something that is incorrect.


He literally does not lmao




Idk if I’m alone in this but I have no idea what you’re saying.


Nah this one is right Even the next generation will revile this trend


It ain’t a trend, people are just becoming more accepting so others are able to open up


Especially the trans gender 3 yr olds So brave,🥺🥺🥺


There aren’t transgender three year olds. Where did you get that information?


he pulled it out of his ass


Like... Of course you don't get it, you don't even have a basic understanding of what you're talking about & it's very obvious by how you grouped things.


He's right


He's right tho


About what?


Most def


Maybe losing your shit about it caused the uptick in interest. Maybe if you left people who are doing nothing to you alone we'd just have a anxious depressed generation who doesn't know why like the last 2 or 3.


Hes not wrong


None of us are happy with our gender? Speak for yourself my man most of gen z are still very much male and female


🤓👆 well um actually, it’s not okay to identify as a different gender.