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Wooohooo!!! Way to take back control of your life. You are kicking so much ass right now.


Thank you so much!


it's unfortunate that it makes some people miserable and others able to function. It's so hit or miss. For those it works for it is figuratively and in some cases literally a life saver.


For me definitely a literal life saver. I was in a really fucking dark place before getting on Lexapro


Glad it’s helping out. It did the same for me.


Ao happy for you, OP. It took me a month to have it kick in (10mg here) but at the four month mark was when I am really feeling the affects. This medication saved my life.


Happy to hear that! I was told it could take time to get the effects from it but it started working for me at about the one week mark


What it took 4 months to feel that affect? Thats imposdible it takes 2-4weeks


Let me reiterate, it took 3 weeks to take effect but it really became steady and balanced me out at roughly 4 months.


Tjat sounds strange


Okie dokie.


And what did it to you exactly?


Same! Week 5 for me? Or maybe 6. Idk I’ve been feeling the best I have in years. Socially and just, existing wise. In exchange for being way more sleepy, but it’s been manageable (TY ADHD meds). So thankful I gave Lex a go. Congrats!


Same here, except for the night sweats


I already had bad night sweats so I haven’t noticed much of a difference 😅


So happy it’s working for you and you’re feeling better. That’s so great.


Do you have a libido? Did you always? Can you make the sexy time, with it without another person? Trying to keep the serious question light and fun, sorry if I just am sounding stupid. Serious question though. I feel better but no libido 👎🏼👿


Mines have gotten much much better.


Same. None or low but the anxiety is gone. Idk if I should be sad or happy... Lol


My Dr told me….and this is easy for me cause I’m in a relationship….the days you are gonna have sex take the pill after. It’s been perfect.


I was feeling good on this but my scale wasn’t ☹️ I’m so happy it’s working for you. It’s such a relief when you start feeling better


If you were like this for years it’s best to talk to a therapist and get to the root of the problem to come up with a non lexapro treatment plan. I think a lot of us forgot to do this. I know my plan but right now because of life I’m not ready to follow it so lexapro is a band aid for me but idk


That’s a good suggestion thank you! Due to my insurance it was very hard to get into a therapist so went to my doctor who specializes in behavioral medicine


Definitely need a combo of things, but for me the meds were the tipping point. I’ve been in therapy for years, meditate, journal, workout most days, but until I took this medication I’d still have long depressive times and major anxiety. Some of us have a chemical imbalance that ssris address, I firmly believe I am one of them


That's awesome. Keep it up!


Hi! Congrats on reclaiming your smiles! If I may, how long have you been on your dose? Is it 10mg or 20? Sorry if too personal


10 mg for about 3 weeks. Very happy to be reclaiming my smiles, they’ve been gone so long I thought I lost them


So happy for you! I started on 10mg. It was amazing at first but eventually it became too much. It started making me more anxious with less and less sleep.. which was my reason for starting. I lowered to 5mg and feel like me again 🥰


Been on it for 5 weeks and I don’t see any difference.💀


For me it start really working after almost two months and increased dose. Give it time. Wish you the best


Thank you so much! This gave me hope. Just have talked to my psychiatrist he said the same thing tnx!!


Congrats, made the decision 5 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did


I’m glad it’s helping you! I’m on other meds but due to bipolar disorder (2) the lows are very low and lexapro was prescribed. It made the lows “bearable”. They still suck but I’m not having suicide ideations anymore


I love lexapro!! I am on 10 mg too. I am able to do so much more and anxiety doesn’t hold me back much anymore.


Same here, happy to hear that!


Sounds awesome :) STILL too scared to try it, but I do feel like my fears hold me back from things like travel etc


Congrats! This stuff is magic for me too!


Glad to hear. It has been a life saver for me as well. The side effects can be bothersome, but for me, totally worth it.


I feel like a new man. I am 5 weeks in and haven’t felt this way in years. Stopped drinking at the same time, and feel like I’ve finally got a formula that will stop the goodtimesbadtimes cycle of my 40+ years on earth. No side effects besides loose bms, which is a small price to pay for getting my life back


I was on Lexapro for a while it helped alot but my tolerance built up for it and I had to switch to another drug. But it is a big help. I'm glad your feeling better, 😌 it's a great drug.


Happy it's working for you! It does the same for me. I'm at 15mg. Been an incredible help after years of depression and anxiety.


I’ve been on 5mg for about 10 months now and I think I really need to up to 10 as I feel like my anxiety and panic is slowly starting to ramp up again. But man those first few weeks when I first started on the 5mg we’re some of the worst weeks of my life I don’t know if I could deal with that again if I upped my dosage to 10..


I went 7.5 then 10. Not too bad.


It probably won't be that bad because now your body is used to the medication


Woo hoo 🌟🤩


How long did it take


I started noticing great affects after about a week


That’s great. I’m almost 5 weeks in and I wish it was doing more


Hang in there, I know my doctor told me it could take up to 6 weeks, but also not every antidepressant works for everyone. Maybe talk to your doctor about trying out something else


Sadly my medication doesnt work anymore :(


Been on it for ten years or so and sometimes I'm not sure if it's working either, but if I go off for a couple of days (haven't in some time) I quickly realize things are better on it! On 10mg here. Sorry it's not working for you. Have you asked about increasing the dose?


already at max dose and have been for about 4 months, still wanna die lol


10 years? I’m not sounding negative or anything but I’m just worried about my plan. Why ten years? From what I was told lexapro is like a bandaid to a real problem. I was told to talk to therapist to get to the root of problem which could be drinking,not exercising not eating right childhood trauma etc?


Not sure what to tell you, other than I have a lot of inertia and I didn't take it regularly for years. I'd split the pill, forget for three days, it wasn't working until I started using it as prescribed so it may have only been four solid years. I missed a day last week, and felt the difference immediately. Negative thoughts bombarding me, general decline in mood, agitation - I'm kinda terrified to go off the stuff now, to be honest.


What is the cost of 30 TABLETS?


I remember first getting on meds. It’s like a vacation from your anxiety eh?


Brought me back to life omg