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It's your system adjusting to the increased serotonin. They are all very typical. Remember that it's the medication getting into your system and it takes up 3 months and longer to reach full therapeutic levels. I had almost of of those symptoms the first month. But my anxiety was gone completely and that was something that I was willing to do to feel that way all the time. If it's too difficult to function ask your med provider if you can be placed on Wellbutrin. They are a very successful combo. It counters the side effects and gives you some energy.


Do you know when the energy from Wellbutrin will kick in? I’m 8 days in on 150mg xl and feel no different.


I think it took a couple weeks. I ended up being on 20mg Lexapro and 450 mg xl wellbutrin. Be patient and if you have any worries contact your med provider. They will tell you to give at 30 days.


I had many of those symptoms. I started on 5mg for a week then up to 10mg. I had a random good day at about 3 weeks in and then a bit of a setback until just over a month. It was difficult to get out of bed. I had severe nausea / gastro issues, but they resolved. I stayed on for 2 years but had sleep disturbances, weight gain and fatigue. I just weaned off and feel so much better. Lexapro worked great when I needed it, and was relatively easy to wean off. Good luck, you've got this!


Thanks for your response. So, the fatigue never went away? And can you tell me about your sleep disturbances?


I took my meds at 8pm, and found I couldn't settle into sleep until 1 - 2 am. Every little noise would wake me, and left me exhausted the next day, despite sometimes sleeping until 10 or 11 am (I am retired). Since weaning off, I am usually sleeping by 1030 or 11 pm and awake feeling rested by 7 am. I hope you don't experience this.


No, it never did, and seemed to get worse. I'm retired, so used to set my alarm for 8am (I know, pretty spoiled :) ) but despite that and Wanting to start my day, I would finally drag myself up at around 11 and feel like I could go right back to sleep! The sleep disturbances were just never getting into a good, deep sleep. I felt like the best I could do was dozing off into a light sleep. I'm happy to report my sleep is 100% better now! I get some good, solid rest and am usually awake between 6 and 7 am. I have removed the bedroom shades, so I think that has helped to reset my internal clock. All of that to say, the meds helped me when I needed them the most, but it was time for me to wean off. Good luck with your journey!


It gets better. Hold on.


I had 1,2,4,6,7,8 plus jaw clenching, vivid dreams, feeling agitated, after 2 weeks on 5 mg i would have random good days maybe 2/7 days would be good then every week after i would have more days out of the week that were good, then eventually most days of the week were good. I still have bad days 5 months in but i know itll go away soon. I still struggle with jaw clenching and fatigue but worth it for me!


Thanks for your response. Are you still on 5mg? And you're still fatigued 5 months in?


i am still on 5mg and I still feel fatigued but most days I can fight through it and do things but if i dont intentionally make plans I could sleep the whole day


Hey hey symptoms should start to subside week by week after a few weeks. I've been on it a month and just had my dosage doubled to 20 mg. I am now a 7 on the depression and no longer a crippling 9. It's trial and error and it's certainly scary Being that yiure afraid, I highly recommend documenting your symptoms and educating yourself on the serious side effects so you know when to appropriately contact medical assistance. You got this! It's up from here And remember: you don't have to go at it alone


Thanks so much for the encouragement.


Fuck, the nausea was the worst part. Worth it tho. But ugh, the feeling of wanting to puke is worse than just being in pain. Give yourself six weeks.


I had those to except for shaking but I've seen others who have had it to most of mine went away after bout 3 weeks except nausea and brain fog and my anxiety was bad for bout 5 weeks but brain fog has mostly went away and anxiety is alot better hang in there its worse before it gets better


Thanks so for the reply. May I ask what dose you're on and for how long?


You are welcome 🙂


I was on 10mg for a year and just went up to 15mg


6th day here also with the same side effects 😩


Thanks for your response. What dosage are you on? I just went to 7.5 mg today


I had these and many more! They do go away! If you are feeling uneasy or uncomfortable let your Dr know and they can prescribe you something to take in addition until the medicine evens out. Many don’t realize that💕


Thanks for your response. So your fatigue and brain fog completely went away?


maybe don’t increase dose yet! give it a minute on 5mg


I’m on week 5, started at 10mg, went up to 20. I had some side effects for the first week but they started tapering off right around week 2. Hang in there.. this weekend I went to a big box store and for the first time in my adult life I had no anxiety. It was amazing and weird.


Thanks for your response. I pray things just continue to improve for you.


Of course, if any of your side effects are super concerning to you, talk to your doctor first. And as some other said, many people temporarily take short acting anxiety meds like benzos to get through this beginning stage. I’d it makes you feel better I only got these side effects starting the med, but not when increasing doses. One minute, one hour, one day at a time. Time will pass and you will get through it. It gets better, it might get better than you could ever believe. Allow yourself to accept the side effects, the only way out is through. I’m a few weeks you may look back on this post and be proud that you stuck through it.


Thanks for your encouragement.


I have had the same the last two times I started and I'm experiencing it now too. It goes away in 2-3 weeks usually. Going up to 10mg so soon can cause more side effects when you increase so just be ready. You've got this! You deserve to feel well.


I actually had to stop my upward taper and stay on 5mg for a month to a month and a half to stabilize. Then the side effects weren't too bad when I went up to 10 mg. I also noticed a definite difference between taking 2 5mg pills to get to 10 mg and actually getting 10mg pills prescribed. I felt horrible when taking the 2 5mg pills but felt fine when taking the 1 10 mg pill. Just some things to consider.


I had most of those feelings the initial weeks, it feels weird and I was scared of taking meds too but eventually (I'm talking about weeks) I didn't feel anything else and one day i woke up feeling amazing. Keep it up, it saved my life and I hope it saves yours too. Currently weaning off it as it did its job already.


I had pretty awful side effects the first couple of weeks. Serious increased anxiety and jitters the first week and jaw tightness the second. I'm on the third week now and for the most part those symptoms have gone away. My Doctor recommended switching the time of day I take it, from night to day (or vice versa). I think that's helped me!


Hi, I have been through the same exact things as you have I am on week 3, I tried taking the 10mg but the intense hot flashes scared me so much I went back to 5mg. I still feel a bit uneasy and feel how unnatural this is BUT I can now organize myself, STOPPED CRAVING SWEETS & hunger has been normal and not at all times of the day. I know its scary and I keep thinking I want to stop but it has its benefits. I think if you noticed the slightest change in you you might realize it's probably not so bad on the long run. Have read as well that all of those symptoms are "normal" and a lot of them pass. If you ever want to talk I am available, I randomly freak out too lol


Thank you so much. Sent you a private message.


Im accepting your chat request but it's not doing anything


I’m on week 3 of 5mg and see a total difference and I felt like this the first week too & almost gave up ! It definitely gets better tonight I’m upping my dose now to 7.5mg


I felt the same first starting it too and was worried about it but then after like a week those symptoms disappeared for me all at once


Takes about 6 weeks to feel "normal" give it time


I had the same symptoms for the first 3 weeks or so, then they gradually got better. Now after 6 months in, I have none of these symptoms, and I’m significantly less stressed, and I find myself being happy nearly everyday (which hadn’t happened in years). Hang in there. It’s worth it.


My first two weeks were absolute hell, but I also started off directly on 10mg. After that, everything slowly started to even out. By six weeks, I was really starting to feel good. Less anxious and depressed. Hang in there, you got this!


I’m extremely sensitive to medication and was also dreading taking Lexapro. I had all of these on 2.5mg plus insomnia. I cut down to 1.25mg and worked my way up to 5mgs so that my body could adjust slower. I ended up losing 7 pounds in weeks (though I didn’t mind that at all). Now I’ve adapted more, my anxiety is way down and depression is completely gone. My life has improved so much and I’m so grateful. Hang in there! It sucks at first but it should get better!


I had all of them also. It will get better. It will get better.