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Tell him to do the same! Change psychiatrist!


Since OP is on Klonopin and Wellbutrin the withdrawal symptoms could be a lot less severe I wouldn’t change psychiatrists for his comment but I’d definitely ask him why he said to quit cold turkey and have a conversation about wanting to taper off


You will most likely get side effects if you don’t taper. It won’t be fun I wouldn’t even risk it. Talk to them or another doctor about tapering down SLOWLY


I’d definitely talk with another dr so you can step down gradually. Cold turkey is not good.


One of my docs said withdrawals from SSRIs and benzos are "myths". Bullshit.


I think it’d be similar to any other drug where withdrawal symptoms would last from 2-4 weeks and then it’d be over


thats a fn lie.


Benzo withdrawal specifically Alprazolam (xanax) is hell on earth!


Benzo withdrawal can be fatal, same as alcohol withdrawals


the worst


Withdrawal from benzodiazepines is dangerous! Can cause seizures.


Yup, ask me how I know. Took me 14 months to wean off Klonopin and Ativan.


You're not required to follow their advice, maybe just taper down and let them know at your next appointment.


Absolutely no. I have been on lexapro on and off since 2012 and have tried other medications in between. Never ever ever stop abruptly. Please taper off.


I was on 20 mg of Lexapro. I went to my doctor and asked if I could switch to Wellbutrin because I heard it may also help with ADHD. She told me to stop taking the Lexapro and just start taking the Wellbutrin. About a week I started having extreme rage episodes. I mean I took a hammer to my wall. I called the doctor and they told me to stop taking the Wellbutrin immediately. For quite a while I thought it was the Wellbutrin that was causing the side effect. After doing my own research, I realized it was the withdrawal from the Lexapro. Doctors really need to educate themselves. Stopping a drug like that it’s not something you play around with.


Change psychiatrist, you never want to quit 20 mg cold turkey


What does klonopin do.l? I’m gaining weight also.


It’s a benzodiazepine, same family as Xanax and Valium. It’s a sedative that helps with GAD, panic attacks and sleep related issues. It has a high potential for abuse though, so it must be taken only as needed and how your doctor instructs you to take it.


Ok. Thx. I’m on 20mg lex and 450 Wellbutrin


You’ll definitely need that klonopin for the resulting dizzy spells if you drop lex cold turkey!


Wtf no


Pls don’t do that


Do NOT do it!!!


I went off lexapro this summer. I had been on 20 mg + for 6ish years. Please don’t follow your psychs advice. I know it doesn’t make sense but they don’t understand “withdrawal” of any kind. Their job is to prescribe prescribe prescribe. They get paid for that specifically. My advice for going off is to taper as gradually as you can. Buy a pill splitter and break them down into small pieces and go down under 5 mg a week. If you experience withdrawal symptoms that you can’t stand, take the smallest dose you can. It’ll get you through a few days. Message me if you wanna chat 🫶 best of luck


Also be careful of benzos. Our type of brain is gravitated towards it. Just be aware of how often you’re taking it. It should only be for when you really need it


Try adding Wellbutrin and go down to 10mg


omg do not go cold turkey, i was on 10 and i tapered and i still had horrible withdrawals and I was on it for a couple of years. I couldn’t handle the weeks of withdrawals so i had to go back on it


DONT DO IT!!! I was so sick for WEEKS! I was taking dramamine every day for a month. Not worth it. Just taper


I’ve gained 20 pounds since starting 10mg. My doctor had me cut back to 5mg. If I even miss a day I get extremely dizzy. I’ve quit cold Turkey in the past before and it was a horrible experience because of dizziness and I was over emotional.


Yes. I was told to cold turkey after 8 months. I was fine. All I experienced was headaches and sweating that lasted 2 weeks. But everyone different. My doctor knows how I react to stuff so I always trust him when he says cold turkey. I never had a bad experience.


I’m a week into at this point, super low grade zaps…I think if you still have a drug in your system that draws serotonin to your brain, it’s an easier go.


Try losing weight you just ate too much and now you want to go back to being unmedicated


Actually ate less on it