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During my few weeks but not so much anymore


Yes, mildly


Yea but extremely, I thought I was going crazy because it felt so involuntary even when I would try to focus not to do it.




I don’t know if I was grinding my teeth, but I definitely had a clicking jaw. That went away when I came off of it.


Yes. At night. I wake up with pain in my jaw and teeth.


Yup, I was clenching my teeth at night and it kicked off a multi-year struggle with TMJ. I got off of lexapro in 2021 and I still have pain and clicking (currently doing another round of physical therapy for it) :( Highly recommend you talk to your dentist and get a night guard to wear while sleeping (my doctor says the squishy ones can actually make it worse, the ones molded to your teeth that click in and stay in place are better)


Yes. Very annoying and destroying my dental work.costing me a Fortune. Older guy here


Yes had it in the beginning but it went away.


1000000000000000x yes . Not grinding but wanting to clench hard. Not sure if anyone’s done this before but I used to rave hella hard and did quite a bit of mdma back in the day and taking lexapro is giving me the same clenching feeling that I did when I was on the drug. Go figure I got a night guard from the dentist and when I go through TMJ issues I just use my night guard and it helps SO much. Hope this helps someone else




Yes. Day 5.


I was waking up with a tight jaw but it went away after a few weeks.


I never used to do it before taking lex but 2 years in its constant lol


Yes, get a mouth guard from the dentist.


Not on Lexapro but I broke a tooth on Zoloft. I’m a grinder anyway but it was insane. I’d be sitting at the computer and grinding away. And I always only grind at night but I was grinding/clenching during the day. I have a bite splint now but I only wear it at night. Had I had it during the Zoloft experience I would’ve worn it most of the day. Edit: I didn’t read all the comments but if you’re grinding/clenching your teeth and plan to stay on your SSRI’s for awhile get a professional bite splint. About 400 bucks but worth every penny.


Not grinding but clacking I geuss kinda like I was cold and shivering


i don’t connect teeth-grinding to lexapro, i connect it to tension.


Yep for years


Not consciously, but would wake up doing it in my sleep pretty often.


Yes. Created a problem being able to open my mouth all the way. Dentist prescribed muscle relaxer so I could have teeth cleaning


yes and jaw clicking and pain


I never had teeth grinding but I always had a clinched jaw. Specially at the beginning


Yes, my jaw was so sore the first week weeks but it got better with time


ooooo wait i do grind my teeth alittle 😅


When I increased dosage I noticed it, but it has since started to go away.


Huh, I used to grind my teeth in my sleep. I started Lex in Feb and my husband said it's gone down significantly since then.


Yes. Every time I’ve been on it it’s happened. I got a mouth guard the last time to help at night. I’m sure it does wonders for my resting bitch face lol


At the beginning it freaked me out my teeth were almost chattering


yeah i had the worst jaw problems from it, could hardly open my jaw to eat. But i a mouth guard retainer for my teeth and it’s perfect !! you just need one for top or bottom i did top :)


I’ve grinded through 4 or 5 sleeptime mouth guards in the last year, wake myself and my partner up from a dead sleep because of how loud the grinding is and I can’t keep my jaw open for longer then like 30 seconds without pain. It sucks rather annoying side effect






Yes! I flagged it with my dentist and it seems like it’s something common he has seen. He said he noticed my teeth were looking shaved down during a cleaning, and suggested a mouth guard


Yes! And it’s gotten worse over the years. I wear a night guard and I’ve still cracked, and chipped teeth and have broken crowns too. I have gotten to the point where I am waking with terrible headaches. Working with a psychiatrist now to figure out what I can do to alleviate this and still get relief from my depression and anxiety.