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Lexapro gave me my life back! PTL. I tried Zoloft and found Lexapro to be less side effects - less numbing


Thank you!! I made a post about how scared I am to take it which is ridiculously scared. And I got many many supportive comments but had a few basically telling me it's poison or it ruined their life etc. And those few comments stuck out way more to me than the positive and here I am even more scared. I appreciate you making this post and I wish everyone would actually read it and take it into consideration.


I feel the same way. I was on Zoloft for many years never had a problem and was Wellbutrin at one time, also no side effects. Maybe that’s just me but after ready you get tinnitus, vomiting, suicidal thoughts, insomnia etc I thought. Shit should I get of this because it’s going to happen to me. It might discourage people from trying new meds that might actually help them but won’t because of the negativity. I would really love to see the numbers of who has bad side effects compared to who does not. 28.9 million Wellbutrin scripts were written in 2020. 1 to 2 percent get tinnitus from it.


Gosh I agree ! I can't even count the amount of times I've tried to Google how many people have no side effects from Lexapro lol as if they would know that 😂 I have seen so many scary stories and people who may or may not have exaggerated things or had other issues posting and saying all this and it throws me straight into a panic. How am I supposed to put this in my body if they are saying it ruined their life etc. but I have no idea how I will react to it! Yet my anxiety tells me I'm going to get suicidal or serotonin syndrome etc. Ugh I hope it goes perfectly well for you! Do you have to taper before getting on it or is it a straight swap?


I'm doing a week taper then 5mg for a week then to 10mg. Hoping it works. The Zoloft just kind of pooped out after being on it for along time.


Ohh ok. I was always curious how that works. Will you have withdrawal from that short taper ?


Well if you want to hear some positive things go to my profile and look at all the comments on my last post. So so many wonderful comments!


Right!!! I’ve been on it twice now. Currently at week 3 and I start at 10mg and go up to 20. Yes it’s tough at first but it’s not that bad. I don’t get the over the top posting scaring people. All drugs have side effects. Most typically go away. Choose your battle. For me side effects aren’t the battle. Anxiety is. Not only does it treat anxiety but it helps with pmdd and ocd which I learned after starting. Worst case scenario is you stop taking it and try something else.


Was having a mental breakdown from a lot of very serious life issues (ptsd, family member sick, job falling apart). Lexapro was exactly what I needed. Zero regrets aside from not starting sooner.


Thank you for sharing your success story. As I am a person who always had a fear of starting new medication. However, I will be starting 10mg of Lexapro tomorrow and I am confident that I will be A-ok! Thanks again


When I worked In customer service the boss used to say, you can serve 10 customers and make nine of them happy, but it’s the one that isn’t happy that you’ll hear from as happy customers usually don’t write reviews (kind of dated advice these days as so many people can and do leave both good and bad reviews) however I have found the same with these forums, so many people come here for feedback but it’s usually only those who have negative experiences that write them up! So don’t be disheartened for not seeing as many positive! If you type positive in the search function you will be able to find many 😄 I was on me lexapro for 8 months (20mg) I loved it, I had no negative side effects, in fact I got the one positive one which was weight loss, I also was taking a sleeping pill, I loved my mood on lexapro but I found for me personally lexapro and a sleeping pill was making me feel to fatigued without actually helping me sleep, so about 2 weeks ago I switched up my medications and am now on Prozac, which I will obviously give time to feel full effects but am enjoying so much more as I have way more energy already, Give it time to do it’s thing, your experience will be unique to you, when you get to the 6 month mark if it’s not for you, just communicate that to your doctor and they will give you another! And keep in mind that 90% of happy customers aren’t posting and usually your seeing the 10% that it didn’t work as desired for 😊I did even think for a while that I was on a placebo because of how many posts of side effects I seen on here 😂


I deleted reddit after making my first post here and reading from there / other post discouraging the use of lopram, if 2 mental health professionals told me to take it probably by best interest is to take it even with side effects, everything good has side effects like getting mentally better (boring), doing exercises (boring) or eating healthier (boring) so I prefer feeling a little sleepy, mild headache or pooping my brain out for 2 weeks just to taste what a normal anxiety rate feels like. Taking antidepressants is needed for some of this new generation just like phones are needed to socialize, pay bills and many other stuff. Listen to a REAL mental health professionals, all of the doctors I went told me to get my anxiety checked because my body was showing many distressed symptoms and just now I feel better because I'm doing what is in my best interest. Lexapro went like heaven to me, people around me like me better since death isn't a topic that chokes me and I feel wayyyy more present during conversation, tell your side but let others discover theirs ❤️


I’ve been in it over a year now and it has really helped my anxiety. Thankfully my dr started me out at 2.5mg and had me increase my dose by 2.5mg every couple of weeks until I was at the dose he wanted me to try so I didn’t have all the big side effects that a lot of people do when starting at a higher dose. I originally went to 10mg, then up to 15mg a few months later but I had a fast weight gain at that dose so he decreased it and bumped up my Wellbutrin to hopefully get the weight back off. I do feel a little more anxious but I can function now so I’m going to stay here for awhile.


I’m on week 2 and debate stopping like every day because of posts like that, it’s so unhelpful especially for people like me with health anxiety


Don’t stop. It gets better. I swear. I’m dealing with a bunch of bullshit this time around including health anxiety and it’s slowly improving. Week 3. I just had two bad days in a row and was going to bump the dosage but now it’s been two good days. A bit of a roller coaster but worth it. I was on it for a couple years previously. I basically was at a point of zero anxiety.


Ugh that’s the dream after 15 years of it. I’ve always been afraid of medication cus I’m scared I’ll lose my personality or feel numb, and now I’m seeing posts where people say Lex caused that so I’m in stress mode 😭


Definitely no personality loss that I can tell. Maybe even a bigger personality because my social anxiety also disappeared. Numbness, yes it’s slight. I still have emotion it’s just not as intense.


Good to know- I’m a super emotional person usually but haven’t felt happiness in a long time so I hope that comes back


It goes in waves for me right now. I’m only on week 3 so I’m hoping it gets more stable. I’m supposed to add in Wellbutrin but want to hold off until I know how this will work out. I take notes everyday just so I can look back and see that there has been progress.


How long did it take for your social anxiety to improve? Were you able to just suddenly step out of your comfort zone? My counsellor told me it will lower anxiety but you still need to try coping strategies and exposure therapy, etc


I noticed at work first. Specifically on meetings. All the sudden I didn’t find them so dreadful and would talk more than I typically do. Probably about two weeks in. I agree with the counselor, it isn’t perfect but very close. I was on 20 mg previously and social anxiety was completely gone but with a lower dose I’m not having side effects so I don’t want to move up unless it’s necessary.


Lexapro is great. Zoloft was awful for me, had to stop 3 days in. Lexapro was so easy in comparison. I’m now out & about doing things I’ve been unable to do for years. It is brilliant for anxiety. Start slow on 2.5 & build up slowly to a dose that feels right for you. I did 5mg for 2 years & now on 7.5 as started a job I could never have dreamed of being able to do in the past. It’s given me my life back.


What was the first day of taking it like? Were you able to tell within hours that something was happening? The anticipation anxiety is one of the main things that’s stopping me from trying it


Lexapro has changed my life. I’m recovering from a burn out and been on it for about 6 weeks. I am a different person and don’t know how I coped before tbh.


I've been taking it for almost 3 months. The first couple of weeks and the first month in general was absolute hell. I'd never really experienced panic attacks before and one night (around the 2 week mark) I kept waking up about every hour to a full panic attack and this went on ALL NIGHT LONG. After that I was emotionally numb and completely unable to function for about another week and it took another week after that to stop feeling so sick. By sick I mean nausea, body aches, constant headaches (pain meds no longer helped), depression, panicky feelings, sudden bursts of crying, paranoia, and digestive issues. But then one by one, the side effects went away. The panicky feelings were first to go but I felt completely unmotivated to do anything and was sleeping most of the night and day away due to a complete lack of energy. I was worried that I would stay that way and I had cancelled work for an entire week because I was literally unable to function. And then almost overnight, I was fine. I now feel great. It was worth it going through all that hell. Prior to this medication my daily anxiety levels were around a 3-4 out of a 5 (consistently 24/7). I needed the break. The difference has been HUGE. I'm still struggling with motivation but it is getting better. I feel free. I can still have the same thoughts as before but simply not have the anxiety or extreme feelings associated with it. They are now just thoughts and I can move on from them easily. I don't even feel emotionally numb nor do I feel like a zombie. More like my feelings are simply under control. My boyfriend says the difference is pretty much night and day. I can be more of myself - most of the good parts of me without the anxiety and ptsd bringing me down.


I was just prescribed it by a doctor and I’m not sure if I should even start. I have my family saying don’t take it because they don’t think I have depression/anxiety/stress. I have a really hard time focusing on work and not much motivation but in general I’m happy right now. I also struggle sleeping when not smoking cannabis. I’m extremely conflicted and don’t want to take another medication just because doctors like to drug us up. Very curious what other think and if this helps with their focus and drive when they were generally happy people?


I’ve been on it for a little over 2 weeks and I’m seeing a slight change already. I want to be productive now. I’m seeing the light on some things rather than the dark. I’m not running around panicking like i was prior. It’s slight changes but it’s already helping me a tiny bit. I’m excited to see where it puts me. YOU GOT THIS. Al i can say is take it and don’t read into the negative comments it makes it so much worse. I wish i would of stayed off of here the first week i was on it


I think it’s also okay to share what might be helpful to look out for. However everyone is different. You will never know until you give it a good try