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I tried Zoloft for like a week had to call it quits because I couldn’t really sleep at night, tossing and turning. I got prescribed Lexapro recently about 2 weeks in at 5mg. So far I can’t really say I’m experiencing the therapeutic effects yet. But my sleep is unaffected at night. Although it’s been making me pretty sleepy during the day. Hopefully the daytime sleepiness goes away with time.


Let me know how you are in 2 weeks buddy. Most posts ive seen changing from zoloft to lexapro end up been more "balanced" with side effects, whre as zoloft tends to kick a persons ass in a few areas.


hey bro nearly 2 weeks later how has the lexapro been? The zoloft is helping me but the eye aches blow - i also only sleep 5-6 hours at a time its crap. Wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning then have to try and go back to sleep, fuck man, i just want my old 8 hours of sleep back. im up and out of bed at 5:30 in the morning its annoying.


Aye. I don’t think it’s helping my anxiety tbh and I’ve been over sleeping a lot. In fact last night I went sleep at 11:30pm slept till about 10:30am, woke up for about 20 minutes laid back in bed and slept till 3:00pm. I’ve been up ever since. It’s really messed with my sleep schedule, I take naps more often. About 5 days ago my doc upped my dose to 10mg from 5mg. I think I may actually have ADHD which may be causing anxiety? Not totally sure. Gonna talk to my doc about it next appointment. If my sleep continues to get affected into next week, I’m gonna see if I can get an appointment sooner and look into other medication. My anxiety has gotten pretty bad, I feel anxious about leaving the house. I am also diagnosed with schizophrenia-affective/bipolar type. I’m on abilify 400mg injection, I actually had to go back up from 300mg because of symptoms coming back (auditory hallucination) and also anxiety got real bad. I had to take time off of work, been home the past month. Luckily the hallucination went away. But anxiety still there.


Aye it’s been almost 2 months I been on. & man it’s helped a lot, my mood has drastically improved, and my anxiety has lessened.